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November 06, 1927 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-06

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I~Rhflf: ~HSTGOVERNOR BFIGH/ TSI Bertrand 'Russell Declares Against Idea
9 HIS IMPEACHMENT That1- Acqui sition Of Knowledge Is Bore
IP IO f R U N D S - -iLh ~ u ) h t s r e t n c o s u ~ 2 '~
lIise [kow n hr n 1v "ist dati vehkn
STAT"TMOROWI nie,)V "a1ece1 Iiw;i l WIei o e Newct(I)i lftl) ;
WRIV luL i'%A~~ I'N hve Cme o reard1 her tearler'
l <' (,EO tANIATIN th ir l irl(71nem3i}1and instd }(( ew knowt . lde ndfr ldkowed(
om o1 thi.tht learning tl i acce(s- athe same : timef" every ava1!i 'ia le im
UAV: 1,,F[ kC TES SETlti'l ATi $58,985lt li1Oll~ki'11)?1
-TA aStSrTrA uiring9a5greatcdealof1skl)lpuil( shonoldtlernwtsothigno;
C' w1l'opndtei-seent a-i!' co bintio o knwldelnd fe-h esould, ab efughtto fme(l i con-
r5mpegntomorSrow with r oolf01 n ( i i U(;Cof ipostion e ct('sioe nstw it on orumoreiof is Cvtl'
But whereTit exist it produces a gil dires odthtce, nay co wll
Fided intedie(;tct aewihodnr co l dare)1ti1 em-S fo''Yrdven w (it hebst ethods, much121 ll(
oyf te;ev;mraiatos ly n he crflIaet il"t }i huintertng sODIto learned.
yro Scothmunty(restcivicn me llil1( ~lves wh eithld i 10or eetnt i n t ~l ~~u
rs Faily Wpen ae reaunthen-c O }ers told,; ,'i g et d .ifficult ie s OhIold Ab e rugtNIto iSITY Si,-;c -
!aie oiey thmoro ih gan Ci-oa.HiySJ~~ol toranyiwayto ipro og educa(tio in deints wiupplyon12 7mer centos
uded in the drive allisotmghtng arethe11 ii t )1(ian 1which ?)} it hs le ben.'' th enstofrnite}eng a u iverit. n
Aid society, the ~ cOld ad 1ies Of 1.klahomau 1 who - <, 1 e - - _ th cot f unin a _v__i_-





Sunday matinees'
off~er prompt seats
® Prorams Unmatched iiliuYaiig
Doors openl at 1 p.m.

A Keith AlbeeVauadvilf , :tclof hti ept.Ia(,, ddd he 'nig - 9 l1)renle j~azzists
cailed Te $oileuers"I thiIt. 'Prey wvill uffet' YOU'a speedy
AilliFa'.'; 4 111M 1 a in 1@ it.


3cnian serer or oey ric u 1

.Mninurr x..El£

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