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September 21, 1927 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-09-21

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DAY, SEPiTEMBER r 21, 1927.

II 11.:.c 1v11%_.1.

1 !70.41'°"!1 1 /1 u021011stuent

T7 fi -


Al)h N W YO&K Paul a1hk Pitt teITHI
CO Nti t.w DETSN'A
4 PrWI I T.( AC'EJ7 ;'F sIT!..P "' ('

W "N ' 1;1)


tifor l!il S> w ' '31 3 7,1o.11


) I


/3 hvNf '~ ~r t4fhl oil
(IIICAI2, ". P)I
shil) restii pun 1the 1lIles(th
nc~v~n~r ij co C103 ''1110(C.hii
rankls, icha;d11.1 I^: anly,;1 ol Noel h ,-
Mei er 111111 W 171T ! yem arn,-iI:1)iitl ...3
of his sound O(1 tbi Yar, a V sity- if
with :ril training ,in ii ei oos
colfq is ti 03111 eW3
clli e y nwbfo ht up on t oeoW a ener sy At n13 3
his ow n a playing dys At W as ngi m on c t MI ' .
the HselIdas
11oth1th1111;1 (1db and the ,hltar
will b 7 1)0 issin , too.
player i'f 1the tona. I I]lflh,,115 (333l
of the 1!)2(1 backf1(id, wt eig ~v
ison land VWalt homer, (h, last year'
letter w'InerS, to 1round (31 Mo(h V.4
sting cackild
11n the 1line, hlaney Ls ost:his
greates't tackle, 1111 iJOil.11 ;who was;
Anu every minute for tfii'eO eal , oil
11nn nfrecehonor,,. 111i . ISmi)'
wHilbeWhRAcatloft ta,}CklepindI laney
plans to SwichArnold1: arstn mand
tions for th1e tcke1hice. Wma
lauley's prnlcipa 1 ine pole
-WaldIo Fisherc, fthe lrpl' 1et'f
Sta, nd 1one of telgts ige
in the, conici-01ClCe, iS ga i ita egiln
at end. Half azlzll likely('udae
with one year's cl,-xpei'iecewill battl1.e
for the other flank~.

!?ramulll' 'a l ti111 '(; 3, oo lO>s to \l ill"183
IIyeair for 13ili-t iewt
a rid an nst 3(')1' and d irect or dof11-
ton State, idol 1 .I ' I(31 ,.3
the Army antil! a tion his ( j113 I
team. For 1.1tlii,, . tfive y('1 r Il
Is C (ii.1hill'5C he' tallt I.'lI si a 115
(ation11l 3(1 0c1ached all shor1t.5 a

II V. L. ~ i fLiOh, ~1ic~ 1>3(1 ~ '.,.~i -A .- ut 3313 -3''03)33 00,
I~ 1? ('333 33' ,3 ,\~ ))3~j 311' 0 38 '3 4 -~0'2t3 '' too~ho3 11.3 '1
I ~ I Al> I'. \3 3 0351 1 ~3O 3. '1'131i1' >330)1. 1-2 2
I 3 ( p42.1 'Va at e~. I )ol"il' 00' 0
133833333'' 31; ->. Quiet 13133.1' ioi' it P LNi Cit; 3) ' 1(33' ra3it 1,Vo 5.
138'. 3 1 ''l,'~a .A li (313 833V 1'3.( 815. 1130 Lv. 13.31 AlUl. 1-2-8
(''21'.'. 5w'. (t380'I(' .2. l'rivate Vt 11 IiVNT 1,333 0 >>3i,( 1133' 1W0 or
~' 31 2 333413 , $1 .>~t.t 8333' $.. (3031113.. 1 I31'e( -I 33'13':lt 5. 0333- 8i33'll0 roolli.
33' .0)33 33)' 1233831103''' 11.3331 -3 1'003311t1313 0.

1,313 't 11

1030 133; 13.'-1 i 1i
Z4(T. Ii. Y 2 12
y -

1"t) 11 SAl 12--- Sell ii)1133 1 llllokease. 8ev-'
I'll 313 'Irt s, glaSs 31001'S, Ilearly 310W,
V;3 It 31' ~ t\, ~ h'il. 0 82d. AlOX3lldOr,
:hi:t N'. I livision. 1-3
I"{) 11 SAl A2 Mahoaauv dresser 'arul


VI'~ ~~~~~~l' .\'' 1--Pre an l 'work 3il
1331 er h ]). hu ed Ciar (Y{/
5;].1 12. A~)e't V I


10 11' !1)05,,10 bll, ('rl;)111ete ith i l I
5p3'llg 31'lI1138 trss,351. Il'tt ross
15 1 Wel l t. Phone 811. 1-2-3
Y01S ' 1)'SOI cl 3 l


3'ti liie 01' 0111, 425-
3 -'111

" W 1 t, iE


0'I'1('12 P.333 308 1' co 133.3' ('ro.~:, I t'a.li-.
('1' 331 ]ti81113 813(1 I~'3 Q-'3t'(4111, 13)1111(1-3
lv 1)31 fbI' laos I V (11 5e133)0] (11 AIlI.-(i('.
I'.. >J3. 13>3 Vt' St 313 ly 311311331(1. C; hi I>
1-2-2-i -5-15-7-8 13-10

1'1031 5.721-
fill Ill l!ei


aotzt~l 1ba sse1~_ for ('haonschoir. Call i-lrs.
lha,96521. 1-2
f0~ NII--tuet or Short 1 1110
very wl A Call 212 Wes t Mdisoli. 1-2->
ollis . 1,111' t t)- a 'd l \ l ie, 0'X13e1irln3.'01,

or-a siiigon1 ihSkIjo,!pnd'
1tCiifao ll ,1 t t,\X rlekl o ilon S avN r
In 1925 lie? bee:,tnie, 1)0 1)to (3'o
I Physical 121, 1 L3i'M for l'11i371 ",
Wash3., high11 chiools. Iii 1 2(; 113{
traveled to Alaska.a pno1 13
' Admt- lirec(t or of boys' wv(lr i tt1,1131) -
i' n d at ya W1 rt il0
113 s' e '.ate Teacher' 1Cleg a Xtlt'az

j{ O 2'()(


1L.R -uGCI

OP1 LI ut .1 il hull sleeoig
l(( 3tli 21 1. lforo .4-
0() IT! hIl N ,3 ) 13 1 1 11l3 1 (1

110113' 333( 1111 38.l3t(, 0 (llY (3'r (1
13 0l( ')3 ~ e;A'l t
) : :1-2-2r

I1:trt tinge r(estau~ranlt work. Must be
oltneat and fast. Apply 1108 S.
4 7,iversit y. 1-?-3

(.1101. l elc11(a0,2524 121litreetills
s Goodit cicw,-M_:S'S.fhone(Ilnstree8,558.
' ~1-2-i'

F )It :\ [, ll . _e._ t _ '1?t ( i101 13 i
breed ' o sell. I3ia we-Call
rQI .L- I3(1V33)25Iigo
51131 pe. ('al :12 venlg; xask for
LOST-Bl'c(k billlfold1 with namelI T.
Maxwell Collier. Valuable receipts.
Liberal reward 50)' Monroe. 1-2
LOST-Small arke(r pen, h1earing ini-
tials J. A. G. lReturn to Jl. A. Gill-
xman. helen Ne-wberry Residlence. 1
L)ST---strin#.;of lpearls, onl State St.,
near11' iberty. Lost ThurIisday, about
5 1P. All, C l 68411;. 2
L.OS TI--eire y slill1--ri mmedi glasses in
11081t13 Service (5150. Call 3881.
Adele 1'JwlI.ell' .ry Ices. 2-3

c a1

I !

« . .

blocl s froill Ell" . Plfk, Call

i ..ii't its 11th! _./ o..33_3t

-" ANTEDFI+ l til1me secretary and

rd "'I of 1,)

-~1 11(> I 01 i 11110 10 eg~ls'e08sonl.
rf~;j~ yar I108150;313-011510d'II.,,~
h315 )0011 (1(3111.01 11Y 51 .1_.(itiO- 8
lit~~ -,-b0 , lO.SI 'i ov13,313310Mha ase-e

Wil i(I ' P13 '!1rIs 1for
Shari ey-DI-mpsey
'7Ap}ply ot aI Btrsley First
?4 _1l AP. -1 I{RAY inl
"Altars of Desire"

fey t e,,..l- _ .31 tryt 1'ft 113' i o St.( 11113;1 313t (''sn l
A17. I----
".t~VP>i l. r1 T INT' A 3.331i«1' :331(1 1T (1(11 1113>3
31. .t.033t11. 2 11(31' 011)j 1

, wai out(f Pysiolog y. A knowledgei
of shorthmid not r'equiredl. Apply
at roon 4021. East M~edical building.
WVANTED-A llloge 1N111( to play at
Island Lake lhotel, Ibrig;ton Altich.
('all Roy Dowtingil. 1-2-8
ISATl-tdn unlscle o


SubscrIh JFor tiheX f,cekly

1'((3~h1831. 1 1 V. Ironl. Dial
4: 13. 1-2
;; lu stee. 1i
1't tat112T I31t31'1 531( 5ii13g'js
r 1)0115, 11 V1III bl 31)1' ewly fur'-
Apt ,,. W3liltl111(iiI5 1--
13(11 ? 2N''--82 1. 3('10153h11 131133-

1.1I1G IN!'--A.51, C 311)3 rOME.
1I 3 t1 2 ''-S 3)'3(O)IN0 1101

,311(i313.'liVere(t. Call between 7-li1 a.
111. 1-4 p. 11n. Dial 430.7. 1-2-3
1m1n13or graduanlte studen~its,101'r room
3133.3 boardI. No othuer boarders. Olix i
qjuiet11men 1in15thlouse. IBoard (;x-
('e1l0nt. XMeats, vegeltables, :fruits anid
sa111(15. rrw,\el.e (dollars per week'
(3110 1)100k from campus. Address G.
W. care' Michigan :Daily. 2-3
WANT'!EIfI-I 1.(3.)lllllite, mu1.st he white
and13. gentle. Call Fared. at 5424, -eve-
nings. Fraternity man preferred.

+FOUND-iii-!i g 1'efi stitriflllchange
purse) colth1llillg 53113.1 aount.
Own-er mnay clarimi by payilig ad«. Dial
3881. AMiss I lumug arner. -1-2
GAlItl-'P'UIj ,Y planieid mieals, p)lenty or
salads and vegetables, honic-inado
pies, g(,'I('1'ous re-ord('r privileges.
L1113(3h. 44)3.';dinner, '.((0c; Sunday,
75c,;ibreaku~f a << Ia (3-,t. $6.00 a
week; 3)00(1 until l 5:(.11"Phone 6928.
.311 SC.E [LAN [OUI{)IS
L OCKSMI.TIJ--Keeler 113111(05 trunk
mid3( door keys; un~locksa:1fest.. 7325.



Collegiate Boys
y'e's, sir, we sure can make a peppy Collegiate
odlout of that double-breasted coat you have.
Geec Specialize in Repairing and Remodeling
( 'q TUX1 EDO0ES
"t it Iy('eme dPx- 1

i ;

State and William Streets

MAR,"",KS, The Tailor

133311 . I1I leWly t1(ec'0'33t (311 (33.1 OR 111NT--At 27Thopon 1(3
c< d " ' o at1 '51-..:1-i (' :7.0011, s('33, 11 s;heal, 0l lI .ht
FOR i iiNT82 PO1.-wood lAve. One1.>01.RNTLre tb T itvo nor
51)330331( 011 (1)11.'. Nicely flit- 1kI-tu ens. Oil- ' :;Jogle )'(on"1.
h'lo t 219.32 1-2-L 2-3-4

high Sho-Plyounime aork foraseior9
WANTI']1 -- Student to 1'o()133withI
Juiorh1. Bloc(k from ('3111lpu.See53. Mos
Bllao'ss or John1131Irving. 912 Mom'oe.
STUIDENTiS-Two hour's evening work
five 'niights a, week. 529 Walnut. 2
WANDElI13001K.rl_ PIER-St udenit or
imulstructor; must be stenographer
and1( experience3d in openzing hooks-

Daily 'Want ,Ads

105 ~S.P11tLAvenuel

Ovijosite Allenel Hotel

}V'~..4 .f N4 A '171.116.~1A C S.AA l~-' '....r... .assaa . .ai.xaa s ara.

Two hours daily. Phone 43061.


.. -



fir.. t i.T
Yt I '..: hs (
Y..': ,Sit , r ,

F aris


r < kfl :,
.i' u;r k

i ': } k °x titer Dt-,
S.' d .
i il ',,. "e r... -.': .' tst. rte . -




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