Candidate"s lophy FVhi'lieg of (oI~W~i
By Herbert F. Tedder. 11)0 ,
A touchdtown that was not a touch- 4 <p.
dlown featured the first. realsri lbho;
mage of the. Michigan football team
yesterday afternoon on the south prac a~1 w ~
Vece gridiron of Ferry Field, and 0lea;:. ,d
ly showed that more time is neded i
to accustom the players to the w v'lr
rules code:
With the goal posts moved from ,,
the goal line to the end zone IN,aN(l)~
certain amount of confusion hosT 'I'1, . ,
arisen and men receiving pse
have been running back of 1the goal Nce )
posts to catch passes. Balls caught i li n )_,I
this way are not comzpleted pa ssc's, tuin tiel
but count as ordinary touchbacks. pla~'('(''
This was the situation yesterday when II '
-H eston w as on the receiving end " 01,wh t wa ho g t Cartefth Iied 1 " , '
several hundred spectators to be aNickerson;o
touchdown. It, (ac"( t (
The only score of the game, how- hu ir nI
ever, was made by the opposition !W~
when Geistert made a place kick from! feM vte
the 20-yard line, with Mcllride holding (;1 >L~1
the ball. Because of the new location tii (( _ 1>'(:t
of the posts this is the eqluivalent of a Ls t1;l.\\' .<.
30-yard boot last year. 1'aitlriWI
Tiggediiess Nt lUjc pecteul. Fr ~
On the whole, the squad slid as well
as could be expected with the limited torow anl -
amount of practice and poor footballj
weather that has prevailed upI to ye,,'
terday, which however, was perfect. ! ~ti~-
At best, though, the offensive of both a r Nr ,
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pLB[ Bil II EN 1 in aci. Inuk le ih (toa.ithe oa ld Iroute, ending Bear the St i T Q Tlrl~ l
S (pheuJIii J . 1 Iii i i"ed as Stree t roeadon the Ann \Arhor go~tlfB1L.TIISKR UO IUIIIU
' Cach 1'diiin, 1t Mduper Expects'tS'hief
Squad lllIiw iireaise by Eudi
All Ii omigh Coach Edwin . 1 lather' ;
ireslimaan football squlad i~nmberei
only 60t at Icast night's practice, the
v e oriuo mniior exp)Lets his charge
to worn her more t han 80 by the end
oft'h le week . 'Tle size of the squad is
grduall il ~i caseaigas a, few aaddi-
i timial mieni report: for pracitice eachi
_e or'ding to Coach iiaother this,
~ ' ''freshman squad is the sina llest
to repoirt since he has beeni coaching,
y a lim, teams. Inl addition to this1
l tat, lhe m inrity of the candidatesI
are iot iceahily saller in size than
illOe moers~i of yearling squads in
previ ous years. Of the 80 men whoi
;hae applied for eq'uipmuenit thus far,
Coach Mather stated that not more
j than 15 weight over 180 pounds. The
largest Haan on the squad at the
'iresient lime is Patten, a 200 hpoudl
center, while the average weight off
the freshman candidates is about 155.
r1bl15present; squad shows, a large
i niun er off canditdates for the end and
backfield positions, but a noticeablej
lacl, of promising material fo rthe
center, ga r, and tackle piositi ous.
T'1uesday night's turnouit boasted only
three candidates for centerc position.
('cach nthmer is esp~ecial ly anxious to
uncover some11 promising tackles as
the present squad is lacking in nien
br lbhis lpositioni.
a Coach Mother is unable to take j
very active part in instructinig 11
Y ieshnien at the present time idue to
the serious, illness which he s~ffered
l.} ast; spring,.lie is being assist edl iy
t Ci ffom d Keen, Varsity wrestling
coach, Capt. Louselle, an officer in
rthe R. 0. T. C., Jack Lovette and Wil-
* liau Flora, m iembers of last year's
f v ai ttearn.
Coach K'een and F'(lora are takiingj
ccharge of the line candidates. thlIat-
being "plenty hard enough,'' the Wol- I
yerne ci ross countiry candIidates wventl
thlrough a regular workout yest erdlay
with thte first mueet of thme year just a
little more thaii five weeks off.rfThis
meet will see Mlichigani running with
the Purdue harriers, October 29, at
} Lafayet te.
Then, following a race with lichi-
gan State, the Wolverines will engage
in t heir annual triangular contest with
Illinois and Ohio State. This meet is
to take place at Illinois this year. The
I llini are expiected to put up a strong
f ront ill the( Conference this fall as
they are fortified with a number of'
g'oodl distaunce men. Ohio, however, is
not e'xpeted to bie too1 stroiig follow-
ing the loss of Ke..nnedy and Wyckoff.
IThe seas5on finale will be the Con-
ference meet whicthi will b~e held here
'November 19 for the third time in four
years.IBoth of the two years prior to
last fall, when the Big Ten hairriers
assembled at M~inelapolis, Ainn Arbor
was the site of the nieet. Incidentally,4
all three of time last Big Ten contests
have been woii by Wisconsin.
Coach Farrell is planning to change
thle A\ichigan (course slightly before
the Big Ten teams come here which
will result in lengtheninig the course
to the regulation five miles. East sea-
( on it was a tenth of a nmile short.
It is planned to have the new start-
ing point at the wnest end of the south
stanids of Ferry field from which' placeI
lie men will run east before the stands
then south to the south wall of the
field. Frome here the course mill run ,
west to Mai street, theii south along
A new map of the course will lie *When JacklDempsey enters, the ring
priepiared also, Coach Farrell state~d, toniorrow night at Soldier-, Fiel, Chi-
011(1 will be (quite conmplete in its (IC- sago, r his returtn bot wiih (;(no
scriptiou since it will be sent to the tiTenney, world's hayegteai
other schools in the Conference., 1pon lie will be faced with a taskt; hat
The complete 'Wolverine schedule never hias been accomplished before-
follows: a form ci' hiea vyweight champion re-
Oct. 29.-Purdue at Lafayette. gaining his lost throne.
Nov. 5.-Michigan State College at At the eve, of the ainnual "batA
Ann Arbor. of the century" both figh;lters ;~ in
Nov. 12.--Tiangular meet with 1111 I the be(st of condIition accOrthin to ye-
nois and Ohio at 'Urbana. porlts from Chlicago, and though Tlun-
Nov. 19.-Western Conference meet j 'ey still rules as favorite in the,
at Ann Arbor.l betting, a rush of D~empsey imney
from New York in the last fewv days
_______________________________________has shorltenedl the odds considerably.
The champion woundil up his boxing,
_RlAGEhIAI TRYOUTS last Mondoy and gave a 'very inresc,-
All second semester freshmen and sive exhibition. Ieo bl.ockedl all
sophomores desiring to try-out for hunchieles aimed at, his injured eye aimd
varsity football manager report at his blows w~ere harder and fast;er
the field house at 3 o'clock any day thanm at anmy tinue since lie first start-
this week.t ed training for the fight.
SJames U. H'ughey, Jr. Some of Tunney's admirers were
4 Manager. worried about the condition of his
I___________________________- eye which was cut in sparring souse
°-time ago. H~owever, Tunney has stat-
rC ed time injury will not trouble him in
ChIETAILEAI)IN G SQUADl) any way, andI will not affect his plan
I : of battle.
-~~~~~~ Al{ebr ftecer Dempsey spent Monday in loafing
Ileaders' squadl and any second aroundI andl bulblig over with pent
semester freshmen or soliho- ill) energy. Wlmeui asked about his
mores who wish to try out are 'odiion by newspiaper' men, l)emnp-
Irequested to report to me ait 5 sey replhied: "I know I am in the best
o'lc thsateno o ~rry o coniditioni, I felt it when I fought
o'clocdh.afen o o er Tunney a year ago, but I slid not
field.:~nt~~i; have a fight in three years. It took
PaulIV.Eliris, Ithat bout andI the one, I hand with
Cheerleader. Sharkej~y to bring nie back. I'll re-
I__________________________________gain the title, I feel sure of it."
teams was ragged and ineffectual
though Sam Babcock got off for one
run of 20 yards. This is accounted for
by the fact that Monday was the first
day that plays' were givven out. E venth u h he ca esgv nf r
plays. the men got mixed on their
signals frequently.
In spots, however, there was evi-
dence of good blocking and other dle-l
fensive play. The raggedness tif the
team at this time is not a serious mat-
ter as the scrimmages are only for I
the purpose of selecting men for an
opening lineup, the key men seeming"
ly sure of places, being left out of
the work, naturally hurting team
Captain Oosterbaan, 13ae r,
and Gilbert are apparentlyt assured
positions and worked out with those
on the "crippled list." Puckelwart ,I
Greenwald, and Miller are unable to
scrimmage on account of sore legs,,
and Hoffman is still bothered by boils
on his leg and cannot scrimmage yet
so the quarterbacks were scarce andl
WVi ith0 v('r 0 t' .dI
be issuedIilii~lI1
the mlerev' j- ,II
usual. A' i'>1
tighlIi. (>ecI) '
3'e7.n1inl IiT'om'mi ;'I
smore by tod': r.
twoicdays {ooC a 1
are ready fr'Il 5.
that lie wst-
TLhe yea uing% i
getting nuer Wc.! -
whether they wvl15'
Iage Is rom! 1
seven Jyeau', . P.
wa's too smallto -1
years ago it rob .1,
mark wttii1 fity oIII
the squd ut'uKl''
- ' ' Prince !ay
;a'"! :i~'- oo>tia llie (iu~-
..3 1 i t1>i {) Tl'nI Ili y t j 11'Em
I iv
I 'I -
' ii-'I
C 11
hr : s 'aiiu~aetem' giving special atteuntion to the
prospective ends. Capt. Louselle and
5~tt 1> l-ite h'~ til, iovtte are coachuig the hbaoks.
01 I' :1 o 'Vi~o t -it' ourtik penlCit the attention o,ftlio
I ' 1' t>'01?ts~ t I ( noy tw ;ch)ao'es will be dir'ect ed toward drill-
i,,. t 5 1'>hj iii> lug thue men in (tie funldamentals (if
'v o~ s t Ilg b I P t ieii game. Tlis esive work in kiching,
1 t~'sh ,~p ~ psing, 1)1ockding, tacklinug, failing on
S r Kati 1" i the bll, and lother irudiments of the
1~,~,)l1) ot ' :tguiiui't a _m,-t eaefOor'e the squall part icipiates ini I
111 i' I'ifII-i (oca'tusceloi' scrimmages.
:.ri ,lIi! ir anIn about. ten lays conch M athier ex-
pe(cts to hold time initial secrinunage
and s(1inilar Contests will lie held atj
- ~~~-dl ~ 5~Quoyna intervals thereate.
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