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September 21, 1927 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-09-21

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mowh)ers of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m.. Saturday.)
Volume 8 WEIDNESDAY, SEPIT'EMHERI 21, 1921. Number 2

peech ( ormerly P'nulk Speakinig) : .
Ne sctiois in Speech 31 have been forme(l as follows:
-AF a t", Room 4208 A. If., Mr. Eich.
\l \\ F it 10, Room 4003 A. II., Mr. Eich.
Al t W at 1, Room 3208 A. HT., Mr. Crocker.
M"'at2, ooma 4006 A. -I., Mr. H lannal.
Sti lonis should enroll for these sections in 3211 A. II., and come to class
J. 3. O'Neill.
Enliu h 71 (hirod iseion (o Mediev'a Literalure):
; tor > meets in A i 1035 instead of A I T2219

All Big Ten Grid Elevens Will Swing
Into Action AgainstFoes On October 1

No Reverses Expected For Conference;
Schools As Date For Opening
Conflict Nears

pionship. The Wolverines have always
been noted for scheduling the strong-
est teams in the Conference and this
year is no exception. Illinois, Navy,

. l s C a t Il - 1 1 1 . I . 1 <# 1 L. t (L J . 1 , L j,.
}reshmen: . . . H.anfrd.
All entering students who have not yet hadl their pictures taken in . 1.IIford.
the Office of the Dean of Students, Room 2, University Hall, are requested ghsh Seinar:
to report immediately. Those students whose names appear below will The Englisyras n
TheI? lile h Stuiinary meets for organizationi and the selection of a. r
also report to have their pictures retaken: ular lor, Mondy 8 P. M., Library 407.
Dorothye Atran, Marguerite P. Barr, Francis IL Bebee. Davis Beer J.lu. ;,PMray0
Keith Bennett, Herbert Bernstein, Charles M. Bobecan, Kenneth Taoy;d,J . It. lanford.
Eleanor Cooke, DeMarious Cornell, Phyllis Diehl, Edna Mae Fisher, John The EnI li Pro-%mina
Hosmer, George J. Huebner, Norma Joffe, Robert R. ?Jobnson, Marion ll. My i l tion -elm ia 4
My section meets inl A. H. 2214 Saturday at 9:30 A. M.
Kemp, Alice C. Kimball, ,Jack Kursteiner, Bernice J. Lefkowitz, Arthur i J. II. Hanford.
Lenox, Philip Olmstead, Theodore Oppenheim, Horace M. Reed, Louise A.E
Ringmoan, Jane O. Robinson, Donald W. Scofield, Harry I. Simkins, Ihugh Philsohy151 :
Sizemore,. Kathleen Thomsen.
J. A. Hursley, Dean. The class m Political Philosophy will meet henceforth in Library 407.
1. W. Sellars.

All football teams in the Western, Ohio State, and Minnesota will battle'
Conference will see action on October Coach Wieman's charges during the
1 xw hen the lid will be officially pried next two months.
off the 1927 grid season. None of the This year's schedule seems to slight-
Big Ten schools should be extended in ly favor Minnesota. Aside from games
their opening games, although Ken- with Michigan and Notre Dame the
Lucky may provide a battle for Pat Northmen should have a rather easy



To Members of the Faculty:
Kindly fill out cards for the Michigan Daily at the Office of the Secretary,
Room 3, University Hall, rather than at the Michigan Daily office.
Herbert C.. Watkins, Asaistan t Secretary.

I -

Freshman Advisory Committee:
Members of the faculty who assisted as Advisers during Freshman
week are asked to return to the Registrar's Ofice the folder containing
the credentials, together. with the Attendance Register, at the earliest time
Ira J. Snithi, Registrar.
Twilight Organ Recital, September 28:
Beginning Wednesday, September 28, Organ recitals, free of charge,
will be given in Hill Auditorium at 4:15 o'clock each Wednesday afternoon
unless otherwise announced, by Palmer Christian.
Charles A. Sink.
Concert Tickets:
Mail orders for concert tickets for both the Choral Union Concert Series
and the Extra Concert Series are being received and filled in sequence.
On Monday morning, September 26, at 8:30 o'clock all remaining tickets
Will be placed on public sale, at the University School of Music, Maynard
Charles A. Sink.
Pharmacy Students:
All students of the College of Pharmacy are requested to be present at
a general pharmacy assembly Wednesday afternoon in Room 152 Chemistry
Building from 4:10 to 5:00. This engagement takes precedence over all others
at this time. Important announcements will be made by faculty members.
C. C. C(lover, Secretary.
Predental Students:
Predental students are advised to have their schedule of work checked
by Miss Wallington in the School of Dentistry. Others interested are invited
to ask for information at the same place.
Marcus L. WVard, Dean. I
School of Education-Changes of Sections:
Unavoidable Changes of Sections or of Instructors should be reported at
the office of the School of Education, Room 105, Tappan Hall, as soon as they
have been made.

Psychology 11 (Mlemory):
lle:ts in Room 2203 Angell Hall instead of Room 2116 N. S. as announced.
IV. B. Pillsbury.
Philosophy 31A1:
All stu~e lts enrolled in Philosophy 31A will be assigned to discussion
s ict ins on Friday, Sept. 23, in 106!Mason hall from 9-12 and 2-5. Those
who do not appear will be dropped from the seating list.
John kuiper.
Philosophy 18, English Inipiricismi:
There will be a meeting sto re-arrange hours in Phil. 180 at 3 p. m.,
Wednesday, Sept. 21, in 106 A. 11.
John Kuiper.
Course iS3, Egy p1 in Arf :
rThe class will meet in 2003 Angell Hall (instead of 2023 as announced).
Next meeting Thursday at 1 P. M. The course will be illustrated with lantern
Caroline 1ansom Williams.
The preliminary meeting for the Course 207 "Atomic Theories of Dielec-
tric and Magnetic Phenomena" will be held on Wednesday at 4:30 p. m. in
Room 1035.
G. Laporte.
E..1 Experimlental 1}ynamlics :
Hours will be arranged Thursday, Sept. 22, 5 P. M., Room 402.
L. I. Donnell.

Page's Indiana eleven.
Chicago, Indiana, Iowa and Michi-
gan seem to have the hardest sched-
ules on paper, but early season re-
verses and injuries may put all
pre-season predictions to nought.
Teams that look to be of only medi-
ocre ability may develop into strong
Alonzo Stagg's Maroons face a par-
ticularly hard autumn on the gridiron,
and from last yeay's showing their
prospects are none too hopeful. On
successive S'aturdays the Chicago
eleven will meet Pennsylvania, Ohio
State, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Even
Knute Rockne would appreciate the
difficulties in such a schedule.
Although Indiana is not counted
upon to furnish any serious opposi-
tion to the Big Ten leaders, the Boiler-
makers have a football card that even
the best teams would not relish. Min-
nesota, Harvard, Notre Dame, and
Northwestern will all meet the Hoos-
iers on the gridiron.
Iowa's prospects are not especially
promising considering the teams they
must face this fall. The Hawkeye
will have to defeat Ohio State, Minne-
sota, Illinois, Wisconsin, and North-
western, before they can lay claim to
an unblemished record.
As usual Michigan's team will meet
some stiff opposition when they en-
deavor to retain the Big Ten chain-

time of it. While Northwestern, Ohio
State, Illinois, and Michigan are
"cutting each others' throats," the
Gophers will be meeting relatively
weaker opposition in Wisconsin, Iowa,
and Indiana.
Several important intersectional
games are on the Big Ten's 1927 foot-
ball program. The Navy-Michigan
game at Ann Arbor November 5 and
the Ohio State-Princeton contest at
Princeton on the same date top the
list. Another feature game will be
the Chicago-Pennsylvania combat on
October 22.
A new Big Three consisting of Har-
vard, Purdue, and Indiana has been
created by the schedule makers this
fall. All these schools will meet each
other on the gridiron. As is usual the
western teams will journey east to
play the Crimson at Cambridge.
The Far West will furnish the op-
position for several Conference memn-
bers. Denver will meet Iowa, and
Utah engages Northwestern.

(Its-Asoci;tted l'res)
Py Edward J. Neil
LAKE VILLA, Ill., Sept. 20.-Tho
self-same strategy that carried Gene
Tunney to the heavyweight throne in
the battle of the- scsqui-centenial at
Philadelphia last 1ail will guide the
big Marine in defense of his heavy-
weight crown against the former
champion, Jack Iempsey. in Soldiers'
field Thursday night.
While about 150,000 spectators
watch from the blackness of the huge.
stadium at tvo gladiators battling for
a purse of$ .,1,50,000, Tunney believes
he will stab l) impscy off balance con-
tinually with a cutting lefthand and
hammer out just as (lecisie a victory
with solid right crosses as he did in
their first encounter a year ago.
Analyzing the situation calmly at
the close of iv& montIts of training
for the record shattering battle, Tun-
ney can see ahead only the oppor-
tunity to complete the job he left ii-
finished in the driving_ rain at Phila-
dephia. Although the champion shies
at predicting a knockout victory, ho
believes that such an ending alone
can establish the supremacy he feels
over Dempsey.
ltttllltlllllllttllllllltt lttltttlillli
1Il1IIII 11111h11I1IhI DEMPSEY11111 1111
Sept. 20.- -Jack D'mpsey, curled up
under the blankets tonight for his
sleep at his wind-swept training camp
confident that when he meets Gene
Tunney in Soldiers' field Thursday
night that he will win by a knockout
within seven rounds.
The former heavyweight champion
appeared to Ile in wonderful shape to-
day as he loafed around the camp,
passing the time with his father and
other relatives who came on from Salt
Lak City to see him. j
The former titleholder did four
miles of road work this morning with
Joie Ray, the miiler, and Jerry the
Greek as his companions. Late in the
afternoon Dempsey sharpened up his
punch on both the light and heavy
With Manager Leo P. Flynn in Chi-
cago to meet with official of the State
Athletic commission, Dempsey said he
expected to break camp just before
or after dinner tomorrow evening.
He will do nothing but road work to-
morrow and loaf all day Thursday.

Second semester freshmen and
jsophomores, desiring to try out for
varsity cross country managership
will please report to the Field
House any afternoon at 3 o'clock.
W. G. EKLUND, Manager.


Architlecttire 13:1
Until further notice the lectures will be given in R. 203 Eng. Annex.
E. Lorch.
Mecllanical Enuthieerhign
All students taking Mechanical Engineering 9 will meet in Room 445,
West Engineering Building, Wednesday and Friday at 11 o'clock.J
R. S. hawley.
:adhemiiat ics '11, Selected Topics in xnalysis:
Meeting to am range hours, Friday, Sept. 23, at 3 P. M., in Room 319 West
Engineering Bldg.
J. A. Shohat.
Enigineering College; Courses in 3latheniatics:
Course Z, Solid Geometry (R. H. Marquis) : Students enrolled will meet
in Room .217 West Eng. Building on Wednesday at 7:30 P. Al., to arrange
hours of meeting. In case a student should find it impossible to be present
at the above place and time, it is requested that a complete copy of his
schedule be turned in at Room 315 West Eng. Building or sent to the meeting.
ivicti,,,1 s-. oe. f r. nrL~niuI hri' ILOLizi-l lxV

Try-Outs for Women's Debate League:
The tryouts for the Women's Debating teams will be held in Room
4203 A. H., from 4 to 6 on Tuesday, October 11.
Tryouts will consist of a five-minute talk on either side of the following
Resolved, That the direct primary system of nominating candidates for
public office in the United States should be abolished.
All students participating in this tryout must register in Room 3211, A.
H., on or before October 4. The registration will be conducted in the above
office from 9 to 12 on Tuesday and Thursday.
J. M. O'Neill.
Members of the Student Council:
There will be a meeting of the Student Council at 7:30 tonight in the
Council offices in the Union.
Courtland C. Smith. President.

Gretchen rug, Recorder. 4
University health Service:
The University supplies practically all necessary medical attention to
regularly enrolled students whose tuition includes health service free. This is
supplied only under the auspices of the University Health Service, locatedE
east of the gymnasium. Students in the University High School, the School
of Music, and some graduate students are not included.
Office hours-The offices are open during regular class hours and from I
11 to 12 on Sundays and holidays.
Infirmary-The building is open at all times to admit students in need
of, bed care. Such students are urged to come to the infirmary rather than
remain in their rooms.
Ioom Calls-When a health service physician is desired for attention to a
student in the city, day or night, the health Service should be called through
the campus telephone exchange. A small charge is made by the University for
such service.
Fiacal Responsiblity-The Health Service will not be financially re-
sponsible for medical attention given at the University Hospital or elsewhere
unless previously authorization is given. Such expense will not be authorized
if the attention can be supplied by the Health Service directly.
Warren E. Forsythe, Directing Physician.

Mee~f'tings to
Coilrse 105;
clay in Room 21
Course 137 ;
in Room 5 East
Course 143;
P. M., ill Room
Course 145;
Room 340 West

arrange hours as fouows:
Differential Equations (C. E. Love): 12 o'clock noon, Thurs-
East Hall.
Projective Geometry (D. Kazarinoff): Wednesday at 5 P. M.,
Elements of Mechanics (W. W. Denton); Wednesday at 5:15
319 West Eng. Building.
Celestial Mechanics (L. A. Hopkins): Wednesday at 12 noon,
Eng. Building.

return, $1.35, via Electric Lines.
Tickets sold Friday, Saturday
and S'unday. Good returning
Sunday and Monday of WEEK-
END purchased.
20! and 30-RIDE, 90-DAY
at 73 cents per ride.

:.11IIH t111111111 H1U tlll Htllllt ll 1 l1 I 11[B II B1111lil lilliltllill Illltllilll U 11x;
We welcome all Michigan Students back. =
If you have any PRINTING, don't forget
to consult
PHONE 8805
i 711 N. University Avenue -:- Over Arcade Theatre
ililllillllllilllllllillllll UIllllillllill ll11111111 It0lfllill111 1#1111l

Course 203; Theory of Functions of Real Variables, Advanced Course
(T. H. Hildebrandt): Wednesday at 12 noon, Room 319 West. Eng. Building.
Course 210; Fourier's Series and Harmonic Analysis (Louis J. Rouse):
Wednesday at 5 P. M., Room 21 East Hall. I
Course 233; Theory of the Potential (Peter Field): Wednesday at 12

Changes of Eections-Sc-ool of Education: noon, Room 315 West Eng. Building.
Unavoidable changes of elections may be made Thursday anmd Friday, Course 235; Theory of Elasticity and Hydrodynamics (Vincent C. Poor):
September 22 and 23. s Wednesday at 5 P. M., Room 20 East Hall.
Septmbe 22and23.The followl'n hours have been arranged:
Changes must be made in the office of the Recorder of the School of Tme o 109 ('I. R. Rhuning): M F at 9, Room 3046 East. Eng. Building.
Education, Room 105, Tappan Hall. Course 109 (T. R. Running): MWF at 9, Room 20 East Eng. Building.
Membership in a class does not cease nor does membership in a class . Course 169 ('. R. Rining) : TuTh at 3, Room 2201 East Eng. Building.
begin until all changes have been officially registered in the office of the W.NYVW.Denton.
Recorder of the School of Education.
Arrangements made with the instructor ONLY are not official changes. Directed ObsernDation ad Teaching:
After September 23, changes should still be made imn Room 105, Tappan' The course in D~irected Teaching (1D100) is ani elective but senior-, in the
all, but only ater payment of a fee of one dollar.m , School of Education and iii the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
,retchen Rrug, Recorder. who are expecting to take this course are urged to do so this semester. Op-
iportunities for this type of experience are excellent this semester but the

Thompson s


Choral Union:
Choral Union try outs will take place Wednesday, September 21, fromj
2:00 to 5:00, in Room 223 of the School of Music. Former members must
fill out applications at the School of Music this week..
1Earl V. Moore.
Assignments of Desks in %xeneral Chemistry; (hemistry 2, and 5E:
Each student must obtain two $5 Chemistry Laboratory Coupoms at the
office of the University Treasurer, and them report at the first. possible abora-
tory period assigned to his section after the opening of the University. No
desk can be given out without the coupons-W r
P. F. Weallterill.

later registration may make election at that time less desirable.
Raleigh Schorling.
Fore-:try Club:
There will be a meeting in Room 2039 Natural Science Bldg. on Wednes-
day evening at 7:30 o'clock. Arrangements will be made for the Annual
Forester's Campfire at Saginaw Forest along with a short business meeting.
All Foresters anid all men who contemplate entering the School of Forestry
amid Conservation are urgently requested to be present.
F. P. Siruhsaker, Pres.
ETry-0ul s for Central League Debates:
The try-outs for the Central League debates will be held in Room 4203
A. I'. from 4 to f on Tuesday, October 25. The statement of the question to
be used in the try-outs will be announced later in this bulletin.
J.. 1. O'Neill.
Cernian 1:
Mr. Bez ten o'clock section in German 1 will meet in Room 206 University
hall instead of Room 304.
- P. G. Bez.

Saddle Stables
We have High
Class Saddle Horses
and all kinds of
- Also -
Horses and Buggies
PHONE 7418

I , "

Rhetoric 1, Mr. Bouwsla's Sections:
8 o'clock section, M.W.F. will meet in Room 2003 N. S.
9 o'clock section, M.W.F. will meet in Room 3056 N. S.
RIhetorie 31, lMr. Conrad's Section:
10 o'clock section will meet today im 207 U. IH.

Suits for
1107 South U~niversity

L. II. Conrad.












11:0-0 A M

All equipment has just been put in first class condition.
New Cloth, Cushions, Cues and Ivory.

I W- - m w rotl - -- 0 _-

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