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September 21, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-09-21

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:very morning excep t Monday
niversity year by the Board in
Western Conference Editorial

Associated Press is exclusively eni
to tilz s for republication of all news
clis dedte4 to it or not otherwise
d in-'i paper and the local news pub>-
ered at the postoffice at Airn Arbor,
an, as second class matter. Special rate
tae.granted by Third Assistant Post-
ription *by carrier, $4,00; by mail,
es : Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
., 1%ditor ia. 10, Busincs 212-14.
T~elephione 4925i
. .... llis 13. Merry
Editor............Philip C. Brooks
E io . .. . . . .Co irtland C. Smith
M1ichigan Weekly.;. Charles F. Behymer
n's I ritor...... ,.. ,..Marian L. Welles
Fditor........... Heribert E. Ved'lcr
r, Books and Music. Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
ap~h Editor..............Ross, W. Roass
nt City Ed&itor........ 1ichard Kurvinkc
Night Editors
V. F'inch G. Thomas Meclean
.var HJooker Klineli (G. Patrick
fKern Nelson J. Smith,. Jr.
ret Arthur Donald 3. Kline
ier N. Sally Knox
c'hnowski Jack Ir.Lbait, Jr..

s A. Bo
D. Bu
M1. C Off

onlfield Richard IH. Milroy
.ck Charles S. Mlonroe
Catherine Price
Mar21y E. Ptolemy
an Harold L. Passman
Morris W. Quinn
vs Picrce Roscnberg
vs David Scheyer
rgne Robert G. Silbar
zer HIoward V. Simon
nid George E. Siimons
'er Sylvia :Stone
nalln Mary Lou Taylor
>ner George _Tilley
stein Edward L. Warner,
er George Wohlgemuth
ll Leo j.:Yoedicke
ian Joseph Zwerdling


Telephone 21214
Manager.... George H. Amiable,


Adiertitisng.........Richard A. Meyer
..... ..Arthur M. Ilinckley
wdertisg........Edward L. Ifulse
Advertisng.... ....John W. Rusminckel
Accounts...... .. . ...... Raymond Wachter
Circulation.......George B. Ahn, Jr.
Publication...... ....Harvey Talcott
Fred Babcock ,B.ay Hofelich
George' Bradleyi Marsdn . Hubbard
'James T3 lr n Tal A. Jelm
aeB.CooAPe James Jordan
Charles lK.,t ,rrel Thales .Lenington ,
Bessie U. lg~aa. W5 A.' Maaffy
;Bin FisHmnazi . George M.~ Perret~
Douglass FUler - Al 7. Scherer
Herbert Get 1ler r .William L. Schloss
'Ca H.wGo'444 p~rert B. Vrnumn
Cal W. Haniler -
W EDNESDAY, SEPTEM BER 21, 1927... ih - '4 L H I .
with inc more favorable 1%'on-
lJtiois for ' bcupants, the cheering
' W604which last year added greatly
l r the ,pitorial and 1sir~tional fea-'
~t#ir'f°'thle 1home fotiall 'games is
owbajg or eduz for tthe coming
F"r each of the 20 male students
:who are yet eeded to fill it, this sec-
tion offers a~be opportunity to secure
orne of the f bgt seats available for each
ofth tli re j4or home games as well
As to supp .r the Varsity team in the,
best vehicle of organized cheering. Ar-
ajaneenta,"' have been made whereby
'all members of the section may obtain
the regulairl 'allotted nuamber of extra
tick~ets, an ay exchange their tickets
to the section for 'one outside if they
eo "dei>e,
with suich a... hoice opportunity fac-
ing them, ptudents who have not yet
sent fr tir tickets may well enter
the block ,x11' section which alone
anerita thel& support.
Following' the tremendous acclaim
acorded to Col. Charles Lindbergh it
is quite natural that there should be
a '°spasm of trans-oceanic flying by
those who ire willing to lap up the
overflow from the cup of 'victory.
~Sone° of the flights following his were
Blnere attempts to establish scientific
4Iia1 ,such .a the one made by Com-
'3ander Richard Byrd, but as the
mo~nths passed, and every expanse of
ocean from the Miway islands to Rio
ddeJ xfiro was essayed by the flyers
mnany of the 'attempts assumed the pro-
Peyrtion of ,tere circus stunts, and at
times 'some' of them savored strongly
of the urge to play to~ the grandstand.
We hailed,,the first successful flyers
hs "Argonautis of the Air," and ban-
4lelted and feted them to the etent of
our~ enthusiastic dispositions. Other
,,uvtators, aiitauo~s o taste the homage
iof millnus; took off aln flights still
,More haz ", in diliapidated planes,
with Inadequate ,navigating. facilities,
and as the weeks passed the toll of
deed qt~ mii'ng ,grew, and a pall of
tragedy was g~as over the whole glori-
oti bsiness 'bf trans-oceanic aviation
Then came the James Dole flight
from San Francisco to Hadwaii. 'Three
tuen were killed before the first plane
F. . r oB x<. -......-------odint

ping off from Brunswick, Georgia, for
heard from only .once again, when 'he
1passed over a steamer. Net in line:
were Colonel Minchin and Captain Get
d Hamllton, with the Princess Lowen- ITut I~
-stein-Wertheim, who took off from Permru it~~
London, England, and were never***
eheard from again, Latest in the record r The University enrollment has
of tragedies is that which befell the fallen, according to the report. But
Hearst monoplane, "Old Glory," whose that didn't help a bit when we tried1
wreckage was found a week ago, to enroll late in Professor Wenley'sc
*minus all traces of its three passen- course in phlosophy.t
gers. * * * t
Such attempts at stunt flying are a We signed up for Taylor's economiesl
hindrance to the progress of aviation, last year in order to live up to the
The publicity seeking passenger, male traditions expressed in Michigan's
or female, who goes along without any farewell song. But unless we have bet-i
ability to contribute to the success of ter luck next semester, all our of-c
the navigation or piloting of the plane forts may have been for naught
is a dead weight on the 'shoulders of a
aviation which deserves neither sym- THE STlJP1NT' LA1ET I
pathy or pity., The pilot who delib-t
erately sets out in a one-motored I bought it on a wintry day, r
plane for a 2,000 mile flight, with While busy snowflakes were at play
rweather conditions against him" and My buddies cried out in dismay.
the motor fa.iling is in about the same. "The crazy fool,' each one did say.r
Ecategory as those who gain their liv-' They never thought 'twould last till
ing by hanging precariously in the may.
tops of circus tents, except that the My Ford.I
professional showmen have learned to
keep their ropes strong and theirsur- But then it passed the winter's toil, c
.roundings favorable. sympathy for And on into the summer boil.t
such failures should be impossible, for It climbed, to Pike's Peak's highecsta
they have not contributed to the cause soil;t
of science or aviation, but they have. I drove it then with' manner royal. 1
retarded a growing public confidence My Ford.
in air transportation.a
Perhaps in the near future some I grew to love the rattly thing. i
wise government restriction on such It's praise ever did I sing.d
flights,' as proposedt by Secretary of I loved the squeak in every spring.e
the Navy Wilbur, will 'be enacted, and My Ford.
the epoch of insane flying will be over -
Until that times arrives, however, the
public opinion of the country must not .I gazed into the dean'' hard ey,t
tolerate the further expenditure of The while I raised my morin cry.«
human ife and materials in hopeless A fishy "stare was my reply.s
attempts to achieve fame through ong And so I sold my Ford.
distance flying. * * c
/The elements came to our aid yes-
RETURN OF 'TE "LEGION terday in our efforts to introduce our
History in the maing-a history of latest arrivals to the finer pboints of
"Frano-Amrica reltionhipswas niversty 'life. A little snow' was all [
ofr osancoAmnrarelationships-as that' was lacking to make it a perfect3
of oasati arsMna steday-in Ann Arbor. i
'1927 national convention of the Ameni-***
can Legion heard its first speakers of A STRONG decrease in Sophomore) I
'International fame. y 'operations was noted yesterday. The
- tiwardP. Svage ofwriter of the editorial on hain ap-
Coe meriane in bifl pig earing yesterday morning lost a «
theAmeica Leion brefl brngsgreat deal of his jubilance when in- i
out thes fullest meaning of the gigantic ftormed that school also opened on that
,event when he says, "We know that day for the engineers.
our° visit will strengthen the historic***
'bonds of friendship which have so MAYBE SO!
long endured between our two gra' Not so long ago, when thie automo-r
repubics"bile ban was first proposed, we seem
Sisterto~remeinber the promise of its spo-
S'ich phrases applied to the conven- or that there would be no need of
tion as "A "message from President such action if student cooperation with
C~oolidge . . ='was greeted with thun- the existing regulations could be se-
.derou applause";,"'The Marsellaise' ° cured. Within the next few days some
a4i% '',fh - Star Spangled Banner' 600o students appeared before the cor-a
Shared "honors";'aiid "It is evident mittee and expressed their desire to
that the "old1 frieniship of the'French enforce the regulations. o
pbopie 'sill ' 'les for the dashing * * *Y
youths of 'tite American expeditionary With that memory, what can one
Jbrdes "who came to their aid in the say when he hears that .same sponsor c
hour of need," need no interpretation. explain to the incoming freshmen that ti
President Doumergue, head if the the regulations failed because 500 stu- w
French Republic,' Marshal Foch, dents had defied the regulations dr-i
French war leader, and' General Persh- :ing the past year.P
ing, of the American expeditionary * * e:
forces, sitting 'side' by side, ' were Perhaps our president didn't expect -J
greeted alike by "spontaneous' out- that part of his speech to be reported tl
bursts of applause~" -to the rest of the camus-
The 20,000 odd delegates to the***
American Legion convention in Paris'
are knotting the ties 'that Colonel ' RLSFEHA VE
Lindbergh left already quite secure. ROl'EhMNWE
4___________ Today's Programl1.
THE ISSUE.7 8:00-12 :00-Inspection1 tour.h
Nie easag adeete ntin 1:00-4: 00-Informal mixr for all i
was dealt with by a punitive treaty. (I Freshmen0inFrontsos thelray.
The great nations of the world' ,coop- ' 4t00-6:00-Freeion, showns.a lca

orated in this treaty, and one of the I tears. AdmssionPre5icent.tte.
' prov8si0-Addhessofbyasresiteforiitle
proisins herof as hatforf i-an the subject, "Ideals or Bust:'"
teen years the territory of the Rhine, c
possessed by the defeated nation, *s
might be, patrolled by the troops of ATTENDANCE is not required at
",the victors.'RolFrs an eetpgam.W
Now conditions have changed, and attemptrtohmak etem integress.ing
'in place of the powers of the world ateoug to drawe themaripntrstwith-
dealing with -Vanquished Germany we out compulsion.
have the powers of the world dealing' * x x
'as an equal with a fellow member ofI
,the J eague of Nations. Since that time Two of the major events of: Mollst
the Locarno treaty, guaranteeing 'the Freshman week are scheduled for to-
territorial' integrity 'of all the signa- day. In the morning the new students
tory powers, has been signed by Ger- will have an opportunity to explore
many, France, and Belgium, and as a the innermost recesses of the campus.
result the" peace of central Europe is And in the evening our own p~rince,
as secure as it ever was. politician and president will impart
An issue has, arisen which must be to them the secret of the perfect un-I
dealt with. Immediately it concerns 'versity.I
'the reduction of the French occu pa-
tional forces by 5,000 or 10,000 men;. The Freshm~en will assemb~le
"but in its large scope it involves the promptly at 8 in front of the library.
"question of maintaining after a nine First they will visit the Economics,
yea peio duin whchevey ffotI building. Guides will lead them
'has been bent toward reconciliation, truhtebte peevdprin
'a hostile force in German territory' of the structure and every precaution
when such maintenance can not help' ilb aknfrteikaey
'bout revive memories repugnant to bothc
' nations. Proceeding on along the diagonal,
To be sure, strict legality justifies the class will be greeted at Engineer'
the action of France; but there is a field by a representative group of the
larger issue, and' one which demands inhabitants of that territory. Various
the removal of the 'forces immediately stunts will be performed.
[,-the issue of universal understanding. Asaperoudrteesnl
The idea that 70,000 or 100,000 French A;aperoudrteproa
troops scattered' along thie distance of direction of Chief of Police 0'Brien, 11-_wspanda h tt tetedo

Since te ia (Iai c program'f tIi ilt'
calling season is la rg'ly boili at : ound
t.1e nelivit its ofl Mimcs 11ta ia hit Mime'
tlheat ci' a conisidei'a tIion of 1-h e pio-
pe(ts ii{i'that field s art with11 fit or-
gnizat ion. Their first prdet aion--
''Tbe lBad fMan,''fly E ''saPorter
Briowne---is in rehen i' al now, and will
openill a liftle over a ix cl.
"The lad Man'' wil he renit-inemei'
as sei'ving Holbrook Blinu. and E'uIim
Hibbard vei'y successfllly mni hfe-
tiv'ely some iiCSx or'eight yea P''' i
played to goodl busircs for sr W,-it
like a season inl Newr York at te'l
Comedy t heiatre anud hater wt on thew
"Tfhe Bead Manl'' is a sOwi, anld a
'such is perfect inl its Way; it holdst
little for the pat ron of the drama. But
as a- moder'n adaptation of the good
old fashiioned me ller- -- withf blood ad
thunder, a motgage (on tle old ;anh,
and all that;---it is perfect forp t he
theater of todayr with if', p" t'icall
problems and furious speed. 'there
isn't even the most neulou's gh;iost 01
a thesis anywher'e inlits Hirt .'eut,,s at
it has enough high poweured actioni amlI
drantatit' machinery to Jim- tany aalit
cince. All the tricks andl hokunmno a
wester'i thriller are used on10 a tter
anothei'~and with good ffect. It is the
kind of play that Anni Abor will t ae
tol its -ct41ous bosom for a rc ord iu.
"The Bad Man'' should sfart' the sea-
son with the proper tihitiuation andi
gldory before it vanishies iDuo the limubo
of Cain's''storehouse.
InI !ttu amIongst i lia supor'id er.
terIiUal tab(iII'Iblooicy Ot, matt la ip
Yesterd'4I3s el t, there shiiu hi halie
bien-it{°Q1'anal oiliera m' u~Iiliii tmenitil of
Polliey. ini hie first- place, Ithis Coaiamn11
liis' II the past hInept.as 1ore or less
dlilhitie a couiirt-altiiougl' it o'casioli-
a:tll' bec'ame 'iIIlleet andinacc urae
--of the mulsic atnd thI'eatre urent: in
Ilerot and Now lor. 'i'i'easoni
for' recAortin.g the )assiiig shows ORrite
ri.ltoisthat New York is Iie Ileatri-
cal autt: musical centier of the worldi;1
alttd. tm''A in Aim Ar'bor cuualiiiscd atl-
rols of tite drama 111 tempt al(14'caa-
sional fight into I)eiroi for a cel'
partylo' a lmatillee,
It is with this in ind flhat we here-
with 61ronicle the pre'set and fnt m'-
ttractions in this city:
"My Maryland"-the new American
peretta which' recently oened in New
Yoric after thirty-one weeks in I lliiia-
ielphtia-is retpesentedl locally by a
oinpany at f lie Shuibeit Laayete
heatre, where it is now inl its thlird
voeek. A genera tion ago ever'yone hnew
il a fmagnentary xiay t.he itoiy o
Jarbara F'ric tchie as shte was lyrically
exalted by John (rocnh'af Wit tie r.
flre is what anl ethusiastic citic
hought of Barbara as a muleal com-
dy, Believe it or not:
"In a thrilling, gr11 ippin, melodic
nainner it tells a stirhmg1 ' s tory of tlw
south (luriiig the Civil War, mand wore1
part iularly of a lienitifutl, clean love'
of a sweet young Soutern irl and al
hani~somle, iashhig Yan kee officer. it
i-a story of romiane and advetit'
based upon one0 of the111(St facus
incidents in the titanic struggle bie- i
tween the North and the South Sand is
emibellished with a war-time atmo-
phlere produced by a reat soldiker

dbm " s o (;U that is so tharilling and
stih ring lihat you want to standi alad
cheder is th-e boys swing across time
stage ai 14 into bat tle."

Rai Waershampoo
Fing-er Waving
?ai Dyeing
O i Tyc atment and


TJ'IE.E is no form. -of entertainmuent that can quite
takce he plae (f a dan11ce at Cranger's. The two-
hour Wednesdaig iht dlance is always peppy. Bill
Watkins' Wolverines are sure hot.
Dancing Every

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at(
._ _-- - - - - - - - - -- - - -' '




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South -

After1 the dtlillartul'('v of I.\ ods
Its Amnem'icat rmir n e 1ti
the Shuet De;',tm'oit, i t i1 t u'ret i h
loca.l ldram ses ot.titr 'on
"The house of 'Wonmn,"-vi' te-
tered tht house AMonay nihtfra
week's rune. This is n t humop-.a
kis lp'oduiction a inI l iO1'rno
amid Naince O'Neill head the;tac;.cTh
story is based onil ouis 7 omil'
novel "Thle Greenm fay Tn'ee-"I eoi
ma'aher like'd Lynn lOveInaim in ''What2
a Mani" andyeerl'sriwsah
nice thlings about ""Phe iIon-meo
Other than tis tihe letroit rnm
conifines itselfi to the opening of the,"
lBonstelle 1Playhou~se wit liceLis
dale colledy, "The Las1-tof,!'h:'
Chaney," which1 ii Caie1hs.ord,
ha e olth o d f Miss Bonstelle's company iii<'lter
review. This really is alexcp lfo
two New 'York shows of!lat SC ; l
advancing- into theprvne.hs'
are "The Ramblers" with('ar ai
McCullough, which opns, extSuila

9, . ".


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