r ..
Winners And Losers Play In A And
B Leagues To Decide Campus
Intramural sports are scheduled as
a heavy feature of this year's activi-
ties. This means. more enthusiasm
on the part of the various houses and
decidedly fewer forfeits. Such is the
program being planned by the Intra-
mural Board, headed by Marion Read-
ing, '29, manager, and Frances Sac-
kett, '30, assistant manager. The
season opens with a major 4port,
hockey, and practices can be held
three nights a week, Monday, Wednes-
day, and Friday- from 4 till 6. Those
interested are asked to watch the bul-
letin notices as ptactices will start
this week.
The championship will be decided
in a league tournament. Four teams
compose a league, each team playing
every other member of its league. The
two winners are placed in Tourna-
ment A, the "big league." From this
Organizations Offer
New Activities For
First Year Women
group, the campus champions are de-
cided. The eliminated teams compose
a consolation "B" tournament.
Throughout the year, a point poster
is kept on the W. A. A. bulletin in Bar-
bour gym, rating the various organi-
zations according to athletic stand-
For each major sport a cup is atj
stake. Three years a winner makes
a house its permanent possessor. Last
year, Betsy Barbour won the hockey
cup for the third successive time, and
the hockey cup now belongs to that
dormitory. Kappa Delta has gone
two-thirds of the way towards being
the permanent possessor of the bas-
ketball cup. The baseball cup is
open for aspiring champions. Betsy
Barbour won it away from Kappa
Delta in the spring.
A fvew plan this year makes every
Freshman woman a member of the
permanentgroup in which she was
listed during Freshman week. Zone
teams will be organized for those in-
dependent women who are living in
leagub houses..
So the intramural department gives
every University woman -an oppor-
tunity to participate in some sport. It,
offers a place "where college women
can simply play for the fun of play-,
ing." Unlike all other sports, whether,
a competent unit wins or loses cham-
pionships, the chief purpose of intra-I
mural sports, "the game for its ownl
sake," has not been defeated. -
Women Find Place
In Lumber Industry
Lumber industries have long been
considered work designed exclusively
for men but Mrs. A. H. Webster who
conducts a retail lumber yard in Bro-
ton, N. Y., recently emphasized the
fact that women may easily become
of great importance in this industry.
At a speech given at the eleventh an-
nual convention of the National Re-
,tail Dealer's association at Tacoma,
Washington, Mrs. Broton told of the
place women are gaining both as cus-
tomers of lumber yards and as sales
people in these yards.
Women come into prominence in
the lumber business through their
sympathetic understanding of how to
solve the problems of women build-
ers. More women are building their
'own homes at the present time than
ever before. A widespread movement
in sample rooms is now going on and
this is said to be the result of the
influence of women in the trade.
It has long "been recognized that
women could sell building materials to
men. This has been proved in the
experimental .stage of the industry.
Women know what they want in their
home and with other women to help
them better "building materials and
satisfactory ones may be obtained.
Since 85 cents of every dollar in the
American household is spent by wom-
en it is important that the lumber
dealers and manufacturers seriously
consider the needs of women.
Mrs. Broton concluded her address
with the words, "The American tend-
ency to spend all available household
money on luxuries can be gradually
turned toward improving homes and
building better ones through the in-
fluence of women in the industry."
French is The Only Language Used
The 1 Students of The
New League House.
'Now That The Cars Are Gone, We Girls
Will Have To Look At Men,' Says Cora
Speaking English is taboo in the
Maison Francaise, the new French
league house which has been organ-
ized for the first time this year. Only
those who have had special opportun-
ities in France or two years of Uni-
versity French and are able to speak
the language quite fluently are priv-
ileged to live in the house. The
Maison Francaise is located on 822
Oakland Ave., and 12 university wom-
en are living there. If there are any
other women interested in it ,they are
'asked to see Miss Alice Lloyd in the
office of Advisors to Women.
M. Rene Talamon 'who has been
spending thepast' sumer inFrance
Is expected to return in a few days
and will be accompanied by Madem-
oiselle Lucette Moulin who will super-
vise the house.
Mile. Moulin is a graduate of Knox
'College. She is very much interested!
in America, .and according to a letter
from M. Talamon is very well qual-
ified for the position of organizing
and directing the French house.
All the women living at the house
will have the advantage of con-
versing with Mlle. Moulin at break-
fast and at dinner, and also a half
hour after dinner every evening will
be devoted to social conversation in
French. After the return of M.
'Talamon and Mlle. Moulin arrange-
ments will be made for French lunch-
eons., the place to be decided later,
where people living outside of the
house may participate.
In the University of Wisconsin and
Chicago the Mason Francaise has<
been very successful, and from all ap-l
pearances, it is thought that it will1
prove equally so -at this university.
S SAYS ( THE C"01-El. a Packard roadster.
I suppose the logical thing to do I used to think the Michigan men
would be to extend a hearty greeting to were positively brutal to be so anti to-
all the misled freshmen who are just ward us girls, but after the first
coming into this educational insti- week of walking with one of these
tution of many activities and some block-heads, I've decided that they
knowledge. But, honestly I am so used a good deal of common sense in
completely fatigued that I am in no jkeeping themselves aloof. At least
condition to think of anything ex- they pulled the wool over the eyes of
cept my pedal extremities! Honest, the girls cm-cerning their real per-
girls, did you ever see anything like sonality. If I had a character like
it with all the cars gone I never some of these bozos who pose as,
realized what a bunch of dumb soaks human frigidaires. I bet I'd keep
there were among the masculine popu- myself aloof, too, unless I had a
lation on this campus until I had Cadillac to redeem my reputation. It'ss,
to start walking with them. Some- a cinch, a man doesn't have to 'talk,
one said: "A good car can cover when you're going sixty, lounging
a multitude of sins," and any imper- against the mohair of a Lincoln
fection in a man's intellect can so ; coupe, but it takes a lot of clever
easily be overlooked when he has a talking to make a girl forget that she
Pierce Arrow for a foot-weary co-ed bought her shoes two sizes too small
to recline in. And a homely man and has a blister on both heels.
somehow makes such a diferent ap- But,+ folderol, and other expressions
pearance when he gives you the once of boredom! That's giving the boys
over from behind the steering gear of too much the take down. Being of
Enrollment in the physical
tion school shows a slight it
over the past year. Fifteen
class women have transferred
other schools; nine freshmen lia
rolled. The department now in
about sixty women.
Last year's graduating class
bered fourteen, all of whom hav
placed. Mrs. Van Sickle, head
department, announces that th
,eport came in recently which4
'the University of Iowa has s,
Irene Field, '27, in its deupartn
The requirement of a semes
directed teaching in both a high
and an elementary school has
divided by the appointment
following senior women. I
high school, supervised by Mr
Sickle: Sarah Bonine, Florence
,ers, Janet Jones, Marva Hough,
dough, Mildred Hardy, and Ge
Welch. They will teach one I
The **following, under Mis
ormick's 6upervision will tea,
Angell school: Helen Beaumon
iam Hosmer, Julia Mottier, I
Robinson,: Eleanor Treadwell,
Tuthill, Nellie Hoover, and 1
Van Tuyl.
Oxford Man Cho
To Succeed. Vibi
Desire to associate with others o1
the same interests, to do something
worth while in a certain field, has led
to the organization of numerous socie-
ties, and clubs, which cover every in-
terest which women on the campus
have. Dramatics, music, literature, de-
bating, athletics, and the various pro-
fessions are all represented. Some
draw their membership'through try-
outs, some through'scholarships. All
welcome any woman who is eligible
and interested in its activities.
Dramatics off'ers"one of the largest
of the groups. There are several dra-'
matic organizations, which from time
to time produce plays, either for the
other members of the club, or for pub-
lic performance, and give the mem-
bers practice and training in speaking
and acting. These choose new mem-
bers by tryouts. Masques, and Mum-
mers are made up 'of women of the
University. The Junior Girl's play is
given by the junior women, of all col-
leges, every yearB esides the speak-
ing parts, there are dances, both solo'
and in groups, and songs, which, to-
gether with the- rest of the play, are
written by the junior women. The
Comedy Club and Players' Club are,
composed of both men and women, and
choose members by tfryout. These
clubs, however, produce larger plays,
which are usuallygiven several times,
before the public.
Music offers work in the forms of
glee clubs, of which there are two,
the Freshman Girls' Glee Club and the
University Girls' Glee Club, the Choral
Union, the Mandolin Club, and the
Women's League Orches'tra, which
represents singing, as well as instru-
mental work. The Choral Union is
composed of 'both men and women.
There are several literary societies,
Portia, and Athena, which give debates.
during the year, and Chi Delta Phi,
which is purely a writing club. To try
out for the latter, it is necessary to
submit a manuscript.
Women are eligible for the debating
teams, but there are no formal orga-
nizations of the teams.
Michigan Dames is an organization
of the wives of the students. There1
are organized groups -of those of vari-
ous sections of the country, and of
various religious denominations, most
of which notify those whom they as-
sume would be interested.
Among the professions are several
such as Theta Sigma Phi, Sigma Alpha
Iota, and Mu Phi Epsilon, which are
musical, and Chi Phi, which is liter-
The Cosmopolitan Club is an organi-
zation representative of all races and
countries found on the campus. All
students of the University are eligible.
Meetings of these organizations are
announced by their officers, through
Back in the eighteenth century in
France women were the organizers
of social groups which met to discuss
intelligently all current questions.
Meetings were held regularly at the
homes of the most prominent of the
organizers and were called the Salons.
As the political and social turmoil of
the.French nation subsided, so did the
Salons. And now in the twentieth cen-
tury comes another organization with
t a purpose similar to. that of the
French enthusiasts. Only this time it
is American. It is the Fortnightly
Forum organized by Miss Adelaide
Stedman. The Christian Science Moni-
.tor feels that Miss Stedman is decid-
edly a pioneer in a field of activity
very little explored by the modern
woman. The Monitor goes on to say:
"When one sees Miss Stedman with
winning race and ready wit guiding
the discussions of a large group of
men and women, and deftly looking
after 10 or 12 guests of honor, one
realizes that she is entirely mistress
of the situation and is thoroughly en-
joying it. For organizing and 'chair-
ing' a forum is an occupation, very de-
cidedly, and has its bread and butter
side which, if less sparkling, is eqtally
"In developing her forum, Miss Sted-
man has touched a distinctly new
note. There are forums to debate poli-
tics, current events, literature, re-.
ligion, the theatre -and many other
specialized subjects, but Miss Sted-
man's Fortnightly Forum broadens its
scope by having for its function the
discussion of current ideas. Some of
the subjects which she has' chosen in-
clude, "Is Nationalism a Virtue or a
Vice"; "Publicity, Good .or Bad"; "Is
Jaz' Music"; "Modern Social Stand-
ards"'; "The Function of Criticism";
"Skyscrapers and Traffic Congestion."
The Monitor explains how delight-
fully different the new American
forum is from what the average mind
conjures up as an image when the
word forum is mentioned: "Pillars and
pediments, togas and torches, oratory
and arguments, with vague echoes of
'Lend me your ears!' That is why one
has such a delightful surprise if one is
fortunate to be invited to a suppe- dis-
cussion of the Fortnightly Forum.
Here is the gracious atmosphere of the
salon, intimate, understanding, bril-
liant. 'There are no stodgy speeches.
The subject of the evening is pre-
sented from various angles, very
briefly by the guests of honor, who are
authorities on the topic, and the rest
of the evening is devoted to general
discussion in which the members and
the guests enter wholeheartedly. This
plan in operation acts as a safety
valve. It insures for everyone a good
time.. Instead of having to sit and
bling and boiling unexpressed, until
they get home and grumble about it,
5 the members and guests of the Fort-
nightly Forum have an opportunity to
set forth their own opinions and an oc-
casion for the discussion of the sub-
ject with those who perhaps had given
it more thought."
The Monitor says that the chair-
man of the Fortnightly Forum finds
"talk" an indicator. "It is the needle
on the ever-changing barometer of
thought trends. She watches thought
trends as assiduously as a mariner
does his compas and catches ideas be-
fore they crystalize and become
events. This is the secret of the suc-
cess of her forum. This encourages
the accomplishment of useful pur-
poses. Think how many current events
could be avoided by watching thought
trends! Talk is very often the straw
which shows the way the wind blows.
"All through history, great periods
of social change have been preceded
by eras of talk. Miss Stedman, in
amplifying her 'idea of the Forum, 1
points this out. She says: 'Think of
the salons, the inns, the clubs all
crowded with people talking, talking
for years before the French Revolu-
tion. If anyone had asked individuals
the object of that talk, few could have
answered, yet that group discussion
crystalized into the group sentiment
which was no small part of the motive
power of the French Revolution. 'The
same sort of thing took place in
medieval Europe preceding the\ Re-
naissance, and again in the American
colonies before their war 'for 'inde-
pendence. This inherent desire for so-
cial discussion as well as the still
more innate curiosity to see and hear
the important people of the time is
somewhat repressed in the inhabi-
tants of our large cities.
In small communities, the town
halls and even the corner groceries
serve somewhat this purpose. The old
fellows who tilt back their chairs, one
eye on the railroad station and the
other on the hotel, discuss what is
going on. In cities the split-back chairs
have been changed for French gold
ones, and the desire to look at and
hear prominent men and women of to-
day, keener than ever, has become the
.inspiration of the public dinner habit
which has so grown upon Americans."
Because of the belief that the souls
of ancestors are transferred to chil-
dren, Eskimo natives do not punish
their offspring.
The half-cent stamp is the lowest
denomination of all adhesive postage
stamps issued by the United States
"You can always tell a freshman
girl by the way she dresses!" So
spoke the gay young sophomores, the
jolly juniors, and the grand old seniors
of years gone by. And they spoke
the truth. It used to be that the
young women entering the ranks of
"collegiennes" for the first time used
the \occasion to blossom out in all
their verdancy. Going away to col-
lege was a 'bigger event then than
now; and she who was leaving home
'to acquire a higher eduecation spent
'hours in building her wardrobe of
the pretties and daintest of clothes
which every college girl must have.
The result was that the preciously-
cherished dresses being a bit too
pretty and dainty stood out in bas-
relief and formed a target for many a
scornful snicker from passing upper-i
classmen. Then followed hours of
heartbreak as young Miss Verdant I
gradually became conscious that the'
little beaded blue taffeta with gor-
gette sleeves and those cute satin
pumps she had thought 'would be so
nice on the campus just weren't being
An elective 'class for credit has been
organized in natural dancing. It will
meet at 4 o'clock on Tuesday and
Thursday, and is open to all inter-
ested, regardless of class. See Miss
Interclass hockey begins Thursday.
All University women who are at all
interested in hockey, please report on
Palmer field at the following hours
Thursday: Seniors and juniors at 4
p. m. and sophomores and freshmen
at 5 p. m. You do not have to know
how to play to come out for prac-
tices. We are expecting some good
material among the entering women.
Orchesis members are expected to
be at a meeting tonight at 7:30.
that nature, I've simply got to stick
to theuhonest policy, as old G. W.
once quoted, and if lack of cars has
showed up a bunch of goofs, at least
it's given the poor underdog with
no money but a lot of spice a chance
to have his coming out party, and be-
lieve me when the girls start look-
ing for the "MIEN instead ot the
cars,°there are going to be a bunch ofr
'men sadly left out and 'another
worn by her more experienced school-
"You can always tell a freshman
girl by the clothes she wears!" To-
day the upperclassmen can still speak
the same words about her little sisters.
And she speaks the truth. But the
truth is so diferent! She is forced to
admit, (but confidentially) that the
wearing apparel of first-year women
is even more charming than her own,
because for one reason, it is always
brand new in fashion and in material, Proff. 0. H. Lee, a Rhodes s
while in her own wardrobe are the has been chosen to succeed
inevitable left-overs from last year.
How could any senior, junior or Charles Vibbert of the philosop
sophomore resist admiring the smart- partment. Professor Lee is a
ness and suitability exhibited by the uate of the University of Min
freshmen woman in selection of and a Rhodes student of Oxfoi
clothes? Good taste in the person of
a freshman girl abounds on every will teach philosophy during Pr
campus in gay and quiet tones, trig Vibbert's absence. The latt
sports ensembles, pretty and dainty been appointed director of th
en igh, yet in perfect accord with tinental branch of the America
the occasion. versity union in -Paris.
Establisbed 18,i7
Frocks, and Accessori
for the College Girl
When in Doubt Wear
Black Satin
({ r
F , j,. l f.%
ti -(-F ., :.
Mrs. Fiske with an all-star com-
pany including Otis Skinner and Mar-
garet Anglin is touring the'countryz
in a revival of "The 'Merry Wives
of Windsor." Mrs. Fiske has appeared
in Ann Arbor in "Ghosts" and Otis
Skinner in "In Honor of the Family";
during the past year. Margaret Anglin.
played in the revival of "Electra"
which was popular in New York 'last,
Frooks of black satin are very chic for
both fall and winter. They'are softly flared,
tucked and pleated models. Simple tailored
black satin frocks for afternoon and eve-
ning wear are among this group, and the
girl who deeds a practcal dress will find
her fashionable young heart completely
$14.75 up
"The Merry Wives of Windsor" may bunch unexpectedly
come to the Whitney Theater. don't you forget it!
included, and
Shoes for Every Walk in Life
Here's the shoe you'll want to greet the
brisk new season with the right amount of
enthusiasm. .Patent leather slippers con-
tinue to be popular with girls who are
fastidiously chic. Its handsome gleam
makes it an attractive note in any ensemble.
Reopening of the Famous
Parisian School of Dances
$8 $9 $10
Accessories for Your Costume
Director, Mime. Calliope Charisse
We Teach All Kinds of Modern Dances and
Fancy Steps
True smartness forbids your appearing
without a spray or posy on your shoul-
<er-a cluster of gayly colored Autumn
blooms, or maybe a lovely orchid; or
75c and $1.50
Exciting as a skyrocket-and as spark-
ling, too-is our costume jewelry. That
dressing-up instinct is satisfied when
you fasten a lovely choker around your
neck. They are very much in- vogue
with the smart world.
Tralning for Stage; Classical Dances
by the Method of the Opera of Paris
* . -
Beauty and utility are truly combined
in shimmering silk hose. The rare misty
colors that Autumn is bringing into
fashion-the delicate textures that make
feminine ankles visions of grace.
Everyone knows that correct accesso-
ries spell success. You will want to be
well dressed for every occasion, so why
not choose one of these leather belts?
Telephone 7997
325 S. 5th Avenue, Ann Arbor
'listen endlessly, their own idea bub- and the fivedollar stamp the largest.
ab 0 U? L U T A t1 cW1 e"'I I 't'1 TI" Nib A Im --in U
I -- ifts