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September 21, 1927 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-09-21

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Alfonso TCo Throne Abandons Attept_
______ ______ mecial to the artistic, are on dis-orate
>Report For Fist Six Months o 1P227 iC(ohrses Not Reing ftenis Y1% ear; play at the main library. Works iYn With t
S w,}lredImFacuI Idily Seks Fuinds 1o Pla c t pigskin and goatskin, carefully exe- windigv
______Fegh arried S(Isol<owPeuiaeniBais uted, stand in :contrast to the !clth bake s,
LIS (F HOE ECUIN Ll~IL x , scoo o er ae not beingand paper volumes of the modern Hand b
S I1AT% RCR) uAough courses aentbigmachine
SCOATCLCOATC1Et1ISPASSENGERS DOUBLED given this year, the School of Reli- Orgnlybo-idgwsa nd the boo
c ( Apcit(IPc~ ion still exists, according to Prof. cratncssttn unreds o small tecv
x AA1 / L~~~~~~I. A. Hop kins, who is a member of instruments ovaiudegnwhceea
lAN AR -W M NBerlin, Sept. 20.-The amounit attf comiteeo aiosdsgn hc ee
ti~ll! I\ WOM N Ith comiteegoverning the school.I were used to make designs. Today it entui
MANYARE WOM N I reiht arrid, athr thn te m "Thie school was originally founded has become practically machine con-wer
Students of Lteratuare, Engaineecring, ~bro asnesdtrie h c, as a three year experiment, Professor trolled, with little need for the in- Shieep9ki
cess of an ir serviceth (1girdnHopkins si Tefnd rvddgenuity of man. As a handcraft itagsb
endowing the
tdwtonAeInld,.". tics covering_ the first six months of1fr an it was decidd feasible to not hld tans who used large rings to join time. wi
Satistics obtai~ied this summier T7 '1i Th ufasastntsis . clases this semester. The experiment tablets together. old mas
Thow thtLuftnthbaie n l es yansposingincrease insfreig-tha roved a success, however, and When civilization progressed to ;the era of
"A" record if it econd semester of traffic r withinashr while a permanent single sheet books, each sheet was atradn
I>Mtaficdu ring the fist half of thet schiool will be founded. Tle authori- tachedi to cross bars on the back, and
,the last choQpar. The studlets who yer'vrwhcseid27,6 io
obtained the ftr et record in the lit- gaswr ovydbyarlns .. i .s n n o wteprgra eddt te bok form came itobeing. The ID.
Iconduct the schorol properly. Ierma- 'first books were often oona in :old the erec'
erarY college numbered1 4, whie thereI more than five times the amount re - '+' ri t funds are being sought to further manuscripts and pigskin or vellum a seatini
were 10 in the School of Education, 17 : y corded for the corresponding monthss the school's prp se aid courses will oatskein) with metal edges. strutur
ithColgsoEniern anofteprevious year. The 39,043 pas-, be inaugurated as soon as the endow- The French' binders utilized the to cost c
Archecure an to i th Coleg snges wo boke ar pssae dr-1 mnt is high enough to warrant a con- backs and covers for intricate design-
of Pharmacy. :A "ft'of the all-"A" ing the six months constituted dIouble J tnuous existence. The original idea ing and Grolier used geometrical pat- TLOO
students is as fo ~s the number recorded for the same of the school was not to found a sepa- terns which interlaced into a design. tablishe
In te Lterif colege Gu iimonhs i 126.CapainB.. . Mcinosh abveandrate institute, but to supplement the Book binders became famous because'at scho
Amerman, '27;' a M Arnold, '27; + x + Especially on the routes froni Ber- Couuiuaidant James C. 'FtzMaurice,Unvriy"othrsyl. om ha mp sdefcasI
Augusta F.A i 4vsl~; Ruthe E. Ban- fin to Paris, Berlin to London, and who, starting on a flight from Ireland Mr. INapkins explained that tempo- with elaborate back and briga, Colored women
field, 1 '2828,ueG Ko-MarStatane'cnsiutonbe1enreseinfeihttrffcwa' oItiv uise tenannoureurnemaened unofsfndsbsd-'2;iciallyBnet, 28 I sfnnunemuoficalyfrm iarstoDttmndt Astrdmth NewN~ York and Philadelphia, had to rag ud ~r o at~,btta obue h nieo h oe;trl
William W. 2;Se Bn ardta e osiuto e nraei rih rfi a
n~,'7 n~Lc~k 2;Ewr .igwre u a pi le- marked that it has been necessary to -- - - -'anies were being sought. The board _______________________
Cur fa0 4i~r M. iky 3;~W~teNtoa oni o p uplement the service with auxiliary ChaMade in control of the school has some
Besse V. E A1~n '30; Mary C. Em- aside the four sons of King Alfonso airplanes. Ann e -re mneMadewd hih twil ro' 4-PERFORMANCES
er,'7_e~n .Fnlr 3; dslc stekn' er i Foremost 'among the goods trnis- v ably devote to lecture courses at the-'
Marjorie E ' . lne3'0; Moses I+"roh-,nephew', Prince Alfonso de Bourbon, ported through the air-were cutnlow-urse Of rd1Uiest uin h er rfso
lich, '29 abyve. hesns ar'rpotd inbd chiemto i,__ ---IUvrtydinteya.P sr
o: 0.d eor naes, coiefruits, mtinpicture film~ 7 II.A. Waterman, chairman of the
Richard C. r4 '28; Eleanor A. Iplhysical condition. the latest fashions, textiles, sport ing !iiy uental scholO School of Religion, is absent an .sab-
Geiser, '29; Jea. A. Gilinan, '30; - art and leather goods, aunoile batical leave in Bagdad. No classes
Marion M. Kiely, '7 Marion V. Rig- Illinois Establishes motors, jewelry, lace for which loer Clanges worty of nte have been will be held duiing the year, although
gins, '27; Ver'a E. Johnston, '29; Les- insurance rates were charged if made this yai in the course offered3 the School of Rligion movement is
ter P. Kauffmann, x'28; Marjorie R. shipped through the air, andrid e.tin the School aoflDentistry. Instead of still going n:. Some regular Univer- TH-OTO PVl-EI
Kunzie,-'27; Allan lcCUne, '28; Eliza- consignments of bank secuities and3 the combined course of one year of sity courses will be hld in Hlelen H N''O ITR S
beth A. McIntosh, '29; Toml}H. ,Mack ( -bV111 legal and business documents. ( liteary work anid four of work In tie Newberry hall, which is owvned by the They're not just "moies" anlynor
'28; Russell L Malcolm, 28; Morris ih Full Course'- The proportionately smaller in-I intal School, which has prevaile(Id S.C.A.. Th Y.WC.A. which formerly coning attractions will coivneeyou tat
Melnik, '28; Dan W. Myers, '29; Mary crease of the passenger service is at- for anme years last. the cuirricla wl had quarters in the bunilding has gene ha~s this theatre offered suh ntetfillline
K. 0rr, '30; Ilai'old A. Ott,. '27; Rgerl With the unanimous passage; tributed to the present inabilty to iild W y l5iith olg ott of existene OPY T UV
A. Pack, '29; 'William B. Palmer, '29; through the legislature last year of a guarantee to prospective passengers Litraure, Science and the Arts, and !j
Orsamus M. Pearl, '29; Laurence billf authorizing the 'creation of a with any certainty the time when a thiree yars School of 1)ntttry. This IJRE A S ET
Preuss, '27;- Jerome N. Sampson, 130; school of journalism, students desir- seat will be at their disposal. his iaranrgcment will allow the students to INJU IESTC AS EA ip THE ENTIRE TOWXN IS UPS
orothy A, Seebr, '27;- 'rank K. Sig- ing to enter the newspaper field may shortcoming the Lufthansa hope to f copie courses in organic chemistry 4F CHILD- CRASH VICTIMDO N LGH G AT I-
naigo, '29; Paul F. Stekette, '30; Vi- now take a full four-year coarse based remedy soon by holding emrgency iindi !)hzisl while in the literary D W A G IGA H
gnia C. Tice, .'29; George C. Tilley, around journalism as a major. This planes in readiness on the mas~ct fro-1 sclior. A third death was added to -the COMEDIANS
'30; John D. Todd, '27; Royal W. Wal - great expansion in the journalistic cur- fluent routes to carry passengers forl Twoi ireni, Doctoris iHarold Winkler 'toll of Monday night's accients when
tern, '29; Edward L. Warner, '34; iculurn is the work of t ver three hun- whom there is no room on regular l andl harohld iateson have been addeui Robert eck, age 4, who wils e-W A L L A C £
Dris M. Watkins, '27; Benjamin IT. dred Illinois newspaper editors of the planes. h Anty fte chola eni-prtdsriul i Itc sa eut
Wells, '28. Illinois Press Association, which :span- --- -tiy I i y xil be instiuc trs ini clinical of a crash that evening in which his."
P.Bdwr P.os~,'0 Fsauel '3;irleneb ewppr.e nHhEreto o ~R ~FOM EST -I-matemGis Luy C Kek, er
'2;Ewr .Fshr 3;Alnl~this school is held as evidence that ..7 ;r~S~FI~ ~ S AR~ killed died at tle hospital. The auto
FobH $; 'J.1apkea, '29; John newspaper men have begun to favor £~% in wichl they wern driving was
Q.orbse -2, ilimR og, '30;uierit nsrohnninuras. T. Hawley Tapping, secretary of the. FOR A MERICA1 BY struck by an i nterurban car.
Benjamin F. ing, '27; John W. Le fromniacanetned utrip tr nteEATERO T
Matres'i9;W. Miat.naga 29; Mil. , 7 o netne rptruhteE S E N U Wilfred B. Shaw has returned from :e":-_"
Mausitre,'29;iobrt J. a, 2;MeinP , 27 FR YER'RETAINS West ihere he visited many of 11W I - a meeting of the diretors of the'
'27; Harold T. Ross, '28; Wilbumtn C. .ADV~ISOR'Y' rLACE large cities in this country and in O (,h CilinSp.2.-
Shod,'3;HryCWakr'2;Canada. He also attended two reg ion- ('a I. Otto Koennec ke took off in 1 meianAlmi sscatono wic
Warren L. Wetmore, '29; Frank Worel, Prof. William A..Frayer, of the his- at cnetosfalmisoitos,(rettis t onfrAeica &olae 1 niversity, Hamilton . k :
one on August 19 at Manistiqlue and1 via the O~irient Ifs hppeffdfff at 2:221 M Sa i:ls dio o'th,
'27. The one student obtaining all "A" tory departmtent, who for the past r. Sa sas .~tro h
grades in the Amchitectural College week has been officiating as chairman anteMnAgs 62 tPrln.l I j a mbpae h e-iichigan Alumnus and is active in s "
was Mrs. Maia L. Crane. of the committee in charge of resh- ai, Itc opnos fe alumni work here.
Thos obainng il A" rads i ina Wek, s cntiuin hi duiesnew school of journalisnm, over 91 new in his long pepared for flight across/
th olg fPamc eeDnl ungteyear. Prof. rayer will courses are being offered by the Ifni- the Atlatie by unfavorable weather,,
S. Breisch, '30, and Richard C. Bryce. keep in close contact with the mem- vrsity. he now Prop)oses to cheat by atttemipt- ttBN ' . '
.Albert Cook, '29, Cletus J. Fagan, hrs of the different freshman groups igt ec i olfa h te
'28; Anna -C. McCagne, '28; Gertrude and advisers and will continue as the NEBRASKA-Freshmen iw amine n directon. His Plans call for making x
Vint, '28; and Pearl Wenick were active head of these activities,utwa"re utos i is tp tAiaa uky
those who obtaiined all "A" ;a4_es in Ini the pursuance of these duties __________________________________________
the School of Edtcation. Prof. Prayer will utilize the office of ______
___-___.Prof. Wilber R. Hlumphreys, assistant ®/frtswt
GR FF N A M4JED lean of the College of Literature, St-l
GRIFFACTING DEAN once, and the Arts. Dean H-umphreys I /ta'H O J
A A TIN . J~ g isonleaive of absence for the first 1 pt
semester of this year and is spending > ; ~h a5
Professor Clare E. Griffin, of the his ave in travel and study in Europe. e IL R
School of Business Administrat~ion, hasiiv' ~.
been appointed acting dean of that( WASHKE TO SUPERVISE j Owlv%,IO
school durin~ the absence of .Deatnai hr ifslAilA lIE~C
Edmund E WeD:Dean Day, has been IiNTRAM1LTURAIL ATHILET4ICS
ranted a Yeah leave of absence andI
is at present dIoinig research work Patul R. Waske, supervisor of in- L S
ndrte aonlBra of coramxural athletics, comies to Michigran 'L S TIMES TODAY!
nomie. Research in NVew York City this year for thle first .time with an;
Other than the absence of Dean Day, enviable recordl both as an athlete f h
comparativel yfew changes have been and an instructor and director of ath- army andtnayuglm
made. How crer twvo new imen have letics.. - . . . . .aAwreyfundn y ufi n't.

rn wv
x a
sl of
in, a
ut a
in t
1 ds
u t

been added to the faculty: Mr. R. W, After winning letters in football, ity!} seen nothing yet! The
Bradbury, a former graduate student, basketball, and baseball at Washing- Ihr ina hlrou
and Mr. Herbert F. Taggart formnely ton ;tote Normal Colle ge, he entered_ I fighting firemen are
an instructor in economics, who' has.I the Army and played on his company ., ) heird anmofirarings
been appointed instructor in account-p team. For the next five years after tidaamo orn
ing in the School of Business Ad- Ihis discharge he taught Physical Edu-t laughter!
liitain cation and coached all sports at Wash- AlL
ington High School, spending one " -+IAIYI EDWARD SUTHERLAND
RWS RE A L summer as Direcor of Physical" Edu- ,1 P ;j) ,vRODU C T IO N
y + rp+cation a Washington State Normal. 3: 10 Q INE DUNN
ASKED'.BYlV FRANCE In 1925 he became the Director of - 7:00S)0PysclTOMatonfr elinha,1ZfEDY S1
(lAsc Pr )Wash., high schools., In 1926 he tra-hat
PARIS, Sept 20 -Le Matin an- veled to Alaska as sponsor and direc- alaies ~r
flucstafh i nh oe mn om of boys' work in the salmon Indus- / 'z.rNight
has officially Informned the Russian try and last year he gaduated with kyA ITO
Soviet --government of. the recall of an A. B. degree from Western State, VA IA IO
Citia owsky as Soviet ambas Teacher's College at Kalamazoo. ~'
ador to France is an indispensable Ills experience and training fit him AENovlty
condition to any negotiatimons betweent for his present position as supervisor Thursday Night Only!Crtoi S1
the two countries for a inon-aggres of intramural sports, and with Mr. mDT J Cartoon2 lY!
sin at. - Midraw b he tchelld director of kintramural ah .~~I ~ '~~GR
th'codtoslidwibytectcadM.Wskasheads, the TSIPLE FEATURE- "SEAL1IN'
French government, the papeIr"i says, depatment has made plans for a E U-'+-' IIA CKS" ___________
are cessation of initerfern rce in more extensive program than ever be- e Iu ne 1 -ALi V
French internal affairs, by Soviet fare. ___________Fgtl byB wI ON THIS STAGE Til S. Swea Children's After-Schi
agents of the Third Intternatiomnale, FihtReturns, IBlow byOWENS &HUR. . 'AL
and early conclusion of negotiations NEBRASKA-A mastodon tooth Isi Direct from the Ringside KELLEY AL SEATS,
for settlemnent of the question ,of old one of the recent aqqisitionis of the REVUE I TAOh -iis ' Irie Appilies to This "
Russian debts. University museum. Asssted by thle yOS
pA I E Y l IN E 0 1 I~ClS!L A O nly
_i11FI~rfll~iJ400 iu fil l~il111!(E11111n11llniilu~unnili(lealiturinOER g I HT! 1-T n~- oiinndnd
- L 7t(Y NI HTI 'llSTtlTINl omn
.. "TTXT'~Tf1NT ~fhe C(arlrotte Greenwood of
:Ivini OFw11i1leIN Mightiest of the
have been in Anni Arblor twenty years, have been men- Trot- iOMROW --
tione I for the presidency of the U. of M. twice, am known by Non-Professional Tryusqhe Original 0,0 rdhv rte Ggo og,500pes n O N I YB U
E 4,000 proase selections, 15 years in rooms and fraternities. -
Yet w h atall his, I amt oday only a newspaper kid, althpughi I = L W R
have 17 h mraa y legrees rIhe Satturday Evenimng Post gave = - - -m 6" °w-nig'Slie _____ -

D& I, 't

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