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April 30, 1927 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-30

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Undeliverable Mall
11 ld At Pos,-t Office
f(o r MaySudents
..i diV~ h ~I)~vPT~~ -


Prof. Szymozak, Dr. Loonell C. Stronm.
Prof. Tallerand,* Warren S. Thomp-
soii. James E. 1 urney, Doris F.Ti-
course in Pfre:3ent Day Fa !ions' wvi~l
bo gven noxi semester.
0OHIO STATE-Fifteen campupis or-
J i izations have entered intramural

1~ligu ( dlevloP,''!u a tute r(0,
A 1 y ion . I~n~A ;idr.o

in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall .. el ;m n Abrrotf
Next Tuiesdany 1Niglli }.c)i'I dL ver'a id. It Fmay.4'e lalim4.l
. n; y ti t OW (V i ca~lied rtr a. il e
SCENE IS LAID IN ITALY fVf 1 ,tom ~t'' LT, WjI1~' 1iaat:t? 3 i
______ on o(4-Ihlote May' ti. ,d~'ot
f, ^f ~Jobn .a in J, Ea-'] Anderson, La
"The Firebrand,'' a play by Edwin }'"::.k* + . :. % ..; t t h ' '1( I ye o :'r'"l l t}T 11 U2, T Ir.a a rien,
Justus Mayer, will open Tuesday ~('~;-i n;ce,1 s .H afh)gl
night In Sarah Caswell Angell hal as V.C(hardon (a ~igia r. : a}'. Illkn
the 1rst of the spring series of plays $ ':.< (1r'11 , John Coo. It. I3, ('well, esse
to, be given by the Rockford players :. ;;f.>':z t'C. ('Dwvi(C. F. l1)ema r, Dale I)iv ,
of# Rockford, Illinois, for the Ibone- ; .::D::" ;, .?; , 'Fcntid Duham D LanielI?. Plirneytc,
~~~~nfe iu'1fit1 of Vthe Women's League Biliding nPire. ;iai .Pr'ehh
fend: The play is a costume farce xfyid C len, Andrea'ti eCdCG,'? Jot,
inl three acts, with the scene laid in Cwytc ~ i naeMale i ~Ai a
F1ipence, Italy. .; G C'. ilonzl o iin W . .t,]ai
Rbert Henderson, '26, director of ;, 1hnon
th' Rockford players, will take the +« George 1).I Ken,',Pal._Ino
part of Benvenut~o Cellini, and Amy : " Kos~~rter, John Alen 1 oninpna, l Th('5
Lgo'ris, '22, for several years di- \. lan12dis, Hlarold G. Life, Made AMo-
rector of the Junior Girls' plays, Clinchy, Henry B. MCrdy, r rel Ma-'
"vill enact the role of the duchess. k'i' ° nC " (kunateT'car 2-1uhds' Noy ' P
teremesothRokodcr- Ths gF ouT)is makino' thearr'v'rne'ents for the archtects ].th annualVfancy costuime !Tall. '1o)Ote mmesiftenokor om oel .V~ ezie Miss G. Magin, Norman R.
pany include Camille Masline-, Fran- right; Kenneth Michel, '27; Ross T. IBittinger, Spec., Stanley C. Podieliak. 2 R onalK. 3ho z, 2 7a0 Mir im oraCa.H vr
ces Ilorine, Frances Bavier, Franklin( F. Wenzler, '28. Middle row, Hernert P. Watts, '27; Dole F. Thomipson, '27x; Phillip West. 27: Rusel l iordi, heA..PikrDvdotr*J,
Wait, and Reynolds Evans. Several' '27; Harold PhilpotC, Spec.; and Earl iMeyer, '27. Bottom row: Ilel to righ. Alves O'KeffV, '27; W illarid Weni. Dr. Frau L. Raber Harvey I. Ray, Al-
stu'dents will also take parts in the '28" William Preston, 27, (general (1hirman); W alter Thumi, 27; and Louis Jrdan, 28.S.acetJonCSulyHln hr
cast for the play, among them being reduslSedn hm a
Williamn Bishop, '28, Richard '4*oel- T
NT 4.271 and HarlanX 1JJ tycas9.are know Wnd;tleQVe TO tY beSower, P. Stephenson (Comedy Club),
"The Firebrand" will also be given May 7, Luucasavingn rily ives nortoot
FrlaMay 6, Thursday, lMay 12, Ma. 9 171~u7a(iI2 YVub i Is '.c-os yearly. ______________
anid Tuesday, May 17.
n Wednesday night "The Last of MDSN-e icni akt
Mrs. Cheyney" by Frederick Lis Tlrouighot the country a Cam er oefredinict 'heria s lack of Di lbalmnweeaadedmjrltes .LI Lon~r~
dale, will be given, and on Thursday ,Week campaignwil be held be in't iO tle (' in of he falc,(I t a hecas of!n-
, Pigs," by John Golden will be pre- May 9, and vaious movemnts trieIcrci fthe facdtiotFhaet he ues o i Rya and in
rented by the players, TeLatof sponsored by hospitals atdcik n Cv-- d nias -cue uela
Mrs. Cheyney" will be repeated at the an effort to halt the advance of ths COr ..: 'so., .casej cuet
113e Teen e L" ed II at is ost, igi
Saturday matinee, disease. Education of the p)ublic isYfs z.:
Saturday night "The utimate deemed the greatest single fallo i ll item tIes~le, sdi ~erln
~~~nn rnes" ac ey byBohefcigscacuean eimot- impor 10)'tant facts about the (di-;G r en
' t a g r , o e Y b o t fe tn u h a c r ,si h m o4 Trkington, will be offered, and th~e> .j a nce of early treatm ent cannot ie : G a d n
'I st play of the series, "The Green over estimated according to eading n AT TME DETROIT TH-IEATRS
_______________________Four miles south of Monroe,
Goddess," by William Archer, will be thorities on- the subject. - -- - - -__ t
presented for the 'first time on Wed- Observance in Ann Arbor will take SHU E T° LAFAYETTE' .l- < >. 1M'ch., on M-10, on}
nesday night, May 11. the farm of free clinics at the St. Jo-j FI XNTIONAL PLAYERS
are' on sale now at the State street "ing the entire week, while the nwional C 1THE G V 11" Sat. EveningI
%bookstores, and for the individual 'movement is under the auspic e"Nf tim
plays they are priced at 75 cents. Societytlaes-tcs t"is .0 Wl
Coretcesfrteetr eisAmerican Sceyfor the(Geneal(onf- ' ii m '1'tsT eiy
ar e pric e sa th0. Alle ftre sprois tro of an er. The 1practi(_als gnd lat i , la s
arepriedat 3.0, ll f te roftsmeant to come from these clinics i h a at Suay Matnees Thurs and Sat. MatsI
from the series -of 'plays are to bei early recognition of pre-can erc u -
donated to .the Women's LeAgueI conditions. Any suspicious irritation Bo.nstelle Playhouse -
fund, the Rockford players merely or chronic condition is liable to die-°
piigexpenses. The same group of, 111I,BS TISTELLEPLAYS .Sponsored, y th
atas'will also present a 'seres ofIad examination of these this xis eorg:e el's Lit.A Scces Monroe Masonic Glee Club
seven summer plays again inSah well as any other abnornmliuie-; i DAISY MAY LME";
Caswell. Angell hallfor the benefit of urged by the socity in the adveris. We"eorged ellySuLest cces ___________________
the same organization. In g. The fact that the early tg'I iof' eoge "«~ Public Invited
cancer do not bring forth any alarm~x- ;an Sioi 'tnionein~eeted ii attending "a
MICHIGIAN R EPRESENTED lug symptoms is in itself dangerous, ;uirer Camfp for college inen li Dancing 9-2
INT OORTR M ESand is 'held responsible by physicians, eEooaoI olMILes, Ni__Call____________
INT YoOAOYM ESand surgeons for xna ?"'thousands oil -flee fight Club Cla~Sic ( )!(,lI) X111 EIS, ca71

e )

215 South Mlain St.





/o;,r fttste.
"'s Slef.
.co~rx* R v~nan.
Jv, 'J3Si

~L. !:+ll(f isartct
Me A/i aL

e' Lto
oirly larsf

fr Interesting ,Book~let
'ON -I IAC in LITFRiI tj1li


F 'W. 2. -$A)
Wed. N.A. lc4l,),0
sat. mal. 500-$21.00


UIric, Famous

ann .--'~

.. ;


Spra ig Idlle'4ei ! aie -,rady for

"With women in
practicc~ly all the
1 have observed thos
in my own callin--g
gad have foud
their favor ite ciga-
rette is the Lucky
}Strike. I always
kchooset~ ot'y c
casional s *oke b~d-
cause it affords the
greatest relaxation
and pleasure."

I k ' - "i




Phone 3456


You, too, Will find that Lucky Strikes
are mild and mellow-the finest
cigarettes you ever smoked, made of
the finest Turkish and domestic tobac-
cos, properly aged and blended with

We want to tell the 1\fI,,RCIANTs and MXTNUVi ~c-
I'lurs of Ann Arbor of ON I. GOOD I WAY to
1:, I ii a oreal many people for 1Bu-ri'I'r :,r
No IYo x. . JINNVjj~ol'g Si'1 ri is sent wihrotuOr
andi~ Moxmi\'iy ' :cN1 that tell of sonecUr -
usum, it'ElV1c,,or of lBARGAI NS inl~ i~iaSC
often start a customer Towix-A1XO~iC pllrchase's.
\\T11 'ir,. inC ,GLADI)pro'0Hvij' you 110a >eries of


great skill, and there


an extra

process -" It's toasted"-no harsh-
ness, not a bit of bite.

i i _ _ __

II I Ia s W EN u

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