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April 30, 1927 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXVII. No. 150






Rehitions etw en High Schools And
Universties Discussed Before
Schoolmasters' Club
"The educators of the country, as
the overseers of the dispensation' of
the money of tax-payers, have the
right to, and must in the near future,
enter the lives of the students during
their leisure hours as well as school
hours," was the statement of Pres-
ident Clarence Cook Little in his ad-
dress on "The High School From the
Viewpoint of the University" before
the Michigan Schoolmasters' club last
night in Hill auditorium.
"Because of the complexity of ours
civili7ation," he continued, "we cannot
allow students whose 'parents are
bearing only a small part of the cost
of educating them, to be pirates in
their leisure time. It is our right and
duty to know what our students are
going in the time outside of school,
both after hours and during the sum-
mer vacations. We must get away from
the idea that schools are only a con-
Hight School Needs Iowin
President Little then went on to
outline some of the ways in which the
high schools must advance to the
place where they are meeting the re-
quirements that the advance of the
modern universities demand. He
stressed the point that the universities
must interest themselves in, and must
consider more than, the "subject-mat-
ter learning" of the prospective en-
trant. "The ordinary high school," he
said, "has developed no technique of
'measuring the attitude of the student.
And it is this, more than those things
that be has 'learned from booksthat
will determine his achievements and
his conduct in college."
In following this line of thought
the President said, "The high schools
must stop trying to stuff 305 page
chemistry books into the minds of stu-
dents during the course of a single
semester. Ratheiy they must give the
student one or t{ o problems that give
him a real understanding of the sub-
ject and its practice and then spend
the rest of the time teaching him how
he may find out the things that he
wants to know about the subject." Only
through following this method he in-
dicated, would the high schools be
able to send to the universities stu-
dents capable of being oriented.
Ability Is Desired
"The high schools must be able to
send to us," President Little reiterat-
ed, "students whose ability they can
guarantee. And this guarantee they I
will only be able to give us after they
have developed some sound method I
of finding whether or not the student
has a superior attitude and superior
ability." As a way of obtaining this
understanding and this method of
measurement, the President suggested
that experimental high schools be es- I
tabshmed in various parts of the
state and that these experimental
schools have the privilege of sending,
admittedly as an experiment, students
whose ability and attiutde they had
tested to the Universiy.
In attemtning to more evenly dis-
tribute the faults of the present sys-
tem, the President said that some of
the blame for the overcrowding of the
courses in the high schools was due

to the demands of the universities. The I
universities he said, are always cry-
in, for more, more, more material in
the courses. And for this reason the
high schools have been raising their
"From these things." he said in clos-
ing. "it. can be seen that the universi-
tes should have more than a little
finger in the pie-they shouldat least
have a whole hand. And the high1
school and the college must go to-
gether, progressing and regressing to-
gether. and meeting the demands ofI
education for the people."
The other event of the evening wasI
the reading of a paper by Edwin L.
Mill-, superintendent of the schools
of Detroit. The subject of the paper
was "The University from the View-
point of the High School." It dealt
mainly with the faults of the univer-
sities and suggested as a change that
the colleges develop a new democrat-
iration, that the drop the slogan "The
devil take the hindermost" and adopt



More than a mile of specially pre-
pared fireproof crepe paper has been
ordered to cover the ceiling of Bar-
bour gymnasium for the 16th annual
Architect's May Party which will be
held Friday, May 6. Small scale de-
signs of the wall panels are being
done by the committee in charge -of
execution, and when finished will be
transferred to the gymnasium, cover-
ing the entire 3,000 square feet of
wall space with huge colorfulspaint-
ings of unusual flowers, plants, gar-
den bugs and animals, elves, goblins,
toad stools, and spiders.
One of the features of the decora-
tions for this year's May Party is the
entrance to the ballroom. A large
and massive tree trunk, whose sides
are covered with brightly covered
fungi has been devised, and entrancef
to the dance floor will be gained by
walking through a secret passage of
colorful toad stools among the roots
or the tree trunk.

The whole decorative scheme of the
gymnasium will be of such massive
proportions as to make the dancers
seem like small elves frolicking in a
fairy garden.
The ceiling of the gymnasium will
be covered with vari-hued crepe pa-
per, over which will be hung many
streamers to give the effect of a cob--
web. Lights will be placed above the
web, and underneath the large paint-
ed flowers, among which huge spiders
and snails are lprking.
Winstead's colored orchestra which
has been engaged to play for the af-
fair, will have mushrooms for seats,
and will play under a large truncated
surface which will appear to take
root in the floor.3
Seats of toad stools, garden snakes,
spiders, plants, flower pots, and snails
will be scattered throughout the gym-
nasium for the convenience of the
dancers when they wish to rest.

Coolidge, Believing Special Congressr
Sessioit Inexpedient, Appeals
For More Funds

Fdlucatw Mil Addres Convocation
On "The Price Of Happiness"
"The Price of Happiness" is the
topic of the convocation address which
will be given by Dr. Alfred Ernest
Stearns, at 11 o'clock tomorrow in
Hill auditorium. Tomorrow's service
will be the second of the third series
of student convocations.
Dr. Stearns, who is headmaster of
Phillips Andover academy, Andover,
Mass., and a recognized authority in
the education of intermediate school
students, will make his first visit to
Ann Arbor tomorrow. He has ad-
dressed many college audiences
throughout the East during his 241
years at Phillips Andover. i




Cooper, Other Wolverine Entry, Falls
To Qualify In 120 Yard High
Hurdles of Ifrst 'fay's Events
(Special to The Daily)
PHIA, Pa., April 29.-Ted Hornberg-
er, Michigan's star distance man,
took second in the special two mile
race here this afternoon in the first
day of the thirty-third annual Penn-!
sylvania Relays while Cox of Penn:
iState won the event in the good time
of 9 minutes 32 seconds. The two'
mile field was one of the best as-
sembled in'years. k
Don Cooper, other Wolverine entry
in today's events, failed to qualify in.
the 120 yard high hurdle race. This,
was a distinct surprise, as the Michi-
gan star was given an excellent
chance of winning in view of hisF
showing at the Ohio Relays a week
ago. Cooper drew a poor lane, being
forced to run next to a wall.
None of the other Michigan ath-,
letes participated in the games today.
(By Associated Press)
international triumphs for American
college stars and two world's record'
relay performances stood out todayl
as the Pennsylvania relay carnivalj
s Lord David Burleigh, Cambridge,
failed to repeat his 1925 victory in

Wolverines -Feore Six Runs In Last
'wo Innings As Dixon Weakens;
Play Second Game Tomorrow
By Sports Editor, Syracuse
Daily Orange
SYRACUSE, N. Y., April 29-Scor-
ing six runs in the final ;two innings,
the Wolverine baseball team conquer-
ed the Syracuse university nine here
this afternoon in the first of a two!
game series, 8-2. It was the opening
home game for the Orange and a large
crowd witnessed the Michigan victory. I
Until th'e seventh inning the game
was a pitcher's battle, with Dixon of
Syracuse oposing Miller of Michigan.
The count at this round stood 2 to 2. It I
was then that the westerners opened
up. Dixon, beginning to show signs ofI
weakening, walked the first man and
was replaced by Lambert.
The next man went to first onaa
fielder's error. Oosterbaan was then
put out, but the next man hit the ball
for two bases and knocked in a run.
A walk, hit and an error filled the
bags. Davis, midget Michigan catcher,
clouted the ball far out in center for a
home run and four runs. This was:the
downfall of Syracuse as far as that
game was concerned.
In sliding into home plate Davis
twisted Is ankle and was carried from
thli fia.ld Anathor ran fn the vitn:

(By Associated Press)Y
MEMPHIS, April 29.-Flood waters
of the Mississippi and Arkansas rivers
threatened four levees tonight as they
raced to the lower delta where an
artificial crevais was torn in the
levee at Poydras to save New Orleans
from possible inundation. Eleven
thousand square miles in the valley
already are under water.
Near South Bend on the Arkansas
river and at Glasscock levee on theI
vestern side of the Mississippi river,
in northern Louisiana, the situation.
was reported to be critical. Sections !
of the great bulwark were caving into
the river where the water was spill-
ing over the top The South Bend dike
still was holding while the slough-off
occurred on a section o, dikes nearby.
No water poured through the levees
because the cave-in occurred on the
other side and did not cause the whole
sItructure to fall.
South Bend Break Feared .
. A break at or near South Bendj
would virtually complete the flooding
of southeast Arkansas, already large-
ly under water from Tesdleton break
of the Arkansas levee system.
Should the Glasscock levee let go,
most of the lower section of Concor-
dia and Catahoula parishes would be{
flooded. These lands lie between the!
Mississippi and the Olds and Red riv-
ers and already are under consider-
able back waters.'
Meanwhile, acute situations were re-
ported in the sections of flooded south-
eastern Arakansas country and the
great inland sea which covers the fer-
tile Mississippi delta, a few days ago
the scene of preparation for spring
farming operations. Lake Village, i
Ark., reported that from 700 to '1,000
persons still were marooned in the
lowlands near the city which is un-'
der from three to fifteen feet of water.
Most of the citizens remained living!
on the lower floors of dwellings, whilej
the rescue of the country folk was

In a recent magazine article Dr.
Stearns expressed his confidence in
the younger generation. Youth will
respond if properly appealed to, he
"The prevailing instincts of youth!
are animal, which, if properly con-1
trolled, take place in the development
of ragged character and virile man-
hood" lie wrote. "The'0( nfune
of the home, church, and an inherent
belief in the purity of women are
passe and not in force. Hence, ado-
lescent youth is not being given a fair
"Movies, social life, and literature!
are all against the normal develop-{
ment of youth. Their ideals are sneer-,
ed at. And too many educators have
been ignoring their boys and girls."



There exists a community of
thoughts and ideals between
your people and ours. The re-
lations of our two nations are
solidly bound with the ever
increasing interests of trade and
commerce, and these material
ties are strengthened further
by the golden cord of spiritual
and intellectual understanding.
'Thus our relationshi has from
its very beginning been one of
continuous good will and friend-
ship-one which is grounded
upon interests that are both
material and spiritual.


Ifatsudaira Declares That Exclusion
Clause Of Iummigration Act Of
1924 Was Most Unfortunate
Outlining the steps in the develop-
ment of the educational ideals and
system of Japan and mentioning the
prominent part played in that develop-
ment by Michigan graduates, ls Ex-
cellency Tsuneo Matsudiara, Japanese
ambassador to the United States, ad-
dressed students, faculty, and Acad-
emy guests in a convocation yester-
day in Hill auditorium. Prominent in
the address was a criticism of the
Japanese exclusion clause of the Im-
migration Act of 1924.
Mentioning the Japanese students
of the University who have attained
distinction in educational, profession-
al, and industrial fields in Japan, Am-
bassador Matsudiara opened his ad-
dress with an expression of apprecia-
tion for the accomplishments of the

s More 'han 40 Cirs Registered Since
Enforcement By Commnnittee
Staated Last Week

400-meter hurdles, losing to Johnny I t ILe e £i1\z c *.z±I L'J 1I vI~JIAJ. WASHINGTON, April 29.-An ap-
Gibson. He was thrown off his stride in the ninth completed the scoring, peal for additional funds for flood re-t
early in the race when he stumbled, Syracuse will clash with Michigan in lief in the Mississippi river valley, i
but he finished with a rush scarcely the stadium again tomorrow afternoon above the $5,000,000 already asked on
a yard behind the sturdy Gibson as and the locals will be looking for re- behalf of the Red Cross, was made to-i
a crowd of 20,000 cheered the 21- venge. Minor, the star hurler for the day by President Coolidge coincident
year old Briton's gameness. It was !Orange nine, will be on the mound.- I with announcement at the White
Gibson's second straight victory in The line-un follows: I house that a special session of Con-
this event. 3lilan gress would not be called for con-.
The British also lost the 120-yard R. H. E sideration of flood control and relief
high hurdles. T wo Cambridge en- Loos, ss .....................0 0 1 legislation on
tries, Bowler and Richardson, failed Weintraub 3b ................1 1 04 public Gifts Only Source
to qualify in the first trial. The crack Corriden If ..................1 1 0 * Mr. Coolidge sees no method by
Mercersburg Academy quarter set a Puckelwartz cf ..............1 2 0 rhich the treasury can be resorted to
'wol'reodithqure-iein- IKubieek 2b .............2 1 1 Wihth'rasr a b e'relt
world's record in the quarter-mile Kb for funds for relief work.and he wants
terscholastic relay, lowering its own Oosterbaan, lb ................1.4 0 it made clear that the Red Cross must
mark to 42 4-5 seconds, and the Uni- Gilbert, rf ...................1 0 = depend on public contributions for re-
verSity of Pennsylvania's sprint team I Davis, c .........................1 l3 0 ;lief activities.
romped off with the quarter-mile ( Reichman, c .................0 0 0 j Moreover, the President does notI
college champion in 41 3-5 seconds, Miller, p...................0 0 0 consider it expedient to call Congress
equalling the world's record. A - - - f into session. It would take some time,,
timer's mixup caused the interscho- Totals......................8 12 2 he believes, to assemble Congress and
lastic race to be run twice, and Mer- a longer time to have an appropriation
cersburg lead a pack of some 16 1Syracuse authorized amd actually made.
rivals in both races in the same time. aauhrzdadctaymde
Pennsls n Ia's quater-m e tem ,' R. H. E. As for flood control legislation for
Pennsylvania's quarter-mile team, Goldman, ss .................. l 1 1; the Mississippi, it is constantly under
anchored by Folwell Scull, was forced Carr, cf .....................0 1 th Msii, ithis admntratund,
to its record-equaling pace by aCrr f.........0 10 consideration by the administration,
crack Pe Statetamn whch finis- Hanson, 21) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..0 1 1 it was said at the White House, but
crack Penn State team, which finish- Winck 3b ..0 1 1 is complicated by the necessity for
ed a close second, turning in faster iBensin lb ...................0 0 1 j consideration of three elements-flood
time than such rivals as yamI Sibus, rf .....................0 0 0 control, power development and navi- I
Notre Dame, Princeton, Harvard nPeck, If....................0 0 0 gation.
Michigan State. I c.................1 1 0
Ohio State's first PennsylvaniaLmet
Oho tae' frs Pnnyl LnamEean, p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.1 1
carnival relay victory was won in the.L....,p ..................00 1 MICHIGAN ORATOR
distance medley, with Princeton, - '..........'... 0 0 0LOSEIFINALS
Bates and Penn State trailing. The L
tmedley crown went to George- Totals .......................2 6 5
town Score by innings: Michigan's constitutional orator fail-
The Seton Hall track team of1Mich. -0 0 0 0 2 0 5 0 1 -8 ed to place in the state finals held yes-
South Orange, N. J., topped the car-Syra. -0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 -2 terday afternoon in Pease auditorium.
nival record for the interscholastic Two base hits-Corriden, Davis, at Ypsilanti. Bernice Demdel of the
medley relay, 1 7-8 miles, stepping the Wemntraub Lambert. . Ypsilanti State Normal won first lion-
distance in 7 minutes, 52 4-5 seconds. Home runs-Davis, Kubicek. ors with her oration entitled: "We
Bill Cox, Penn sophomore, romped Stolen bases-Puckelwartz.T P .
away with the two-mile run, lead- Sacrifice-Carr. Double plays-Mil- Stanley Beattie of the Detroit Col-
ing his nearest rival, Hornberger of Iler to Oosterbaan. Hanson to Goldman lege of Law won second place with
Michigan, by a hundred yards at the to Benzin. the oration: "The Constitution Today."
finish in 9 minutes, 32 seconds. Base on balls-off Miller 2, Dixon 2, The University representative, Charles
_ILambert_7.__trukout by- Miller7. P.Moyer, '30, the first freshman to rep-,
SELECT PILLSBURYn s I resent Michigan in an intercollegiate
GROUPMPRESIDENTnoratorical meet, placed fourth with hisi
GROUP PRESIDENT in 6 innings 9. Lambert in 3 inningsi subject: "John Marshall and the Con-
13. Winning pitcher--Miller. Losing _stitution."
p .W.B.Psuryy pitcher nn Six institutions of the tt
Prf .B. Pillsbury, of the psy- (ice Lamb~ert.Sxisiuin ftestate were,
Pipt~r m"S-I TUrnirs-Steinhprz n p'is -" ... ,, *

University. "Our relation with this
---Permits to drive automobiles were University is not confined to the train-
"The Spirit And Method Of Legal i issued to a number of students by the
Research" Is Tople Of Address committee in charge of enforcement ing of our students alone," he stated.
At Founder's Day Dinner of the present regulations yesterday, "Of the ambassadors which America
and with an entire afternoon to be has sent to Japan two were Michigan
BATES IS TOASTMASTER d"voted to the applications today, it alumni. Ambassador Thomas J. 0'-
is expected that, with a few excep-
tions, every request will be either Brien,'65, who was in Tokio from 1907
Stressing the need of a scientific granted or denied today ready to re- to 1911, and Ambassador Charles B.
study of human nature, and a stand- turn to the students Monday morning. Warren, '91, who was there from 1921
ard of law which would result from Students who have preferred to Ig- to 1923 contributed a great deal to the
this research, based on the relation- nore the regulations or have been promotion of friendly relations be-
ships of the social order of man, caught by the check-up before their tween our two countries."
Justice Rousseau A. Burch, '85L, of applications have been granted are
the supreme court of Kansas, deliver- being disciplined as rapidly as they Touches On Invp4ection Trips
ed the principal address of the see- can be interviewed. Every student is Outlining the educational develop-
ond annual Founders' Day banquet, given an opportunity to explain his ments in Japan, the speaker touched
honoring William A. Cook, '82L, don- case before action is taken. on the inspection trips made in the
or of the law club, last night. "The Approximately 550 cars were regis- United States in 1872 for the improve-
Spirit and Method of Legal Research" tered by eligible students when the ment of the J'apanese educational sys-
was the topic of Justice Burch's talk. enforcement drive started, and this ten and the great benefits received
The persistance of old values and list has been greatly augmented by from that trip, sponsored by, the gov-
habits of thought has done much to permits granted this week. With the, enment. In speaking of the education-
retard the social sciences in the conclusion of today's work the exact al reform in Japan, the speaker said,
modern scientific awkening, declared number of cars owned and operated "None can help admiring the wise and
Justice Burch, while the rapid ad- by eligible students will be known. farseeing policy adopted by Emperor
vances and discoveries of the phy- i The committee pointed out yesterI Meiji, grandfather of the reigning sov-
sical sciences have astounded the day that students without permits ereign. at the very beginning of his
world. The method of scientific re- cannot drive borrowed or rented cars. reign. He was a leader in the true
search is to get the facts accurately, sense of the word. It was his belief
through observation, to analye, classi- j NOW I PROFESSORS that education and learning were the
fy, and compare these facts with
other data, and to predict effects on j TAKE TO SKATES "t"r "dations of a nation. Soon
the basis of many facts. 1869 the Emperor madea eein
Just this legal research must do, By Timothy hay 11aration of his policy for ew Japan,
Justice Burch continued, accumulat- And now the professors have taken commonly called in our histories the
ing facts through a study of human Ito skates! Maybe it is part of Pres- "Oath of Five Articles". One of these
relations, and building up a method ident Little's plan of .humanizing the articles declared that 'knowledge shall
of law which has been based on hu- professor, but faculty members will'
man nature, and its reactions to life. perform on skates as chaperones at tu th throughout the world, and
The lawyer of today must proceed the rolling tournament to be held thustheEmpire shall be placed upon
with an open mind and with fearless Wednesday night on South University cure found for women has made
determination to find and declare the under the auspices of Martha Cook
truth, Justice Burch concluded. dormitory, according to announce- rapid progress in our country and
Among the other speakers of the ment made by the committee last our girls of today are different in
evening, introduced by Dean Henry niht. . many respects from their sisters of
M. Bates, of the Law school, toast- The following have taken their bygone days. In more recent 'rears
master, were William L. Day, '00,equilibrium in hand and will brave ' they have taken with great enthusiasm
former federal district judge, and the laughs of the student multitude o outdoor sports such as track and
now practicing in Cleveland, Cal A. and the bumps in the pavement: Prof. field games, tennis, swimming, at eh-
Smith, attorney of Detroit, and Hon. Robert C. Angell, of the sociology de- ery,, basket and volley ball. Conse-
Charles B. Collingwood, of East (partment, and Mrs. Angell; Prof. quently the physique of our girls in
Lansing, circuit court judge. Laurence M. Gould, of the geology de- Japan has been greatly improved," he
William Dixon and Leon Jones partment; Dr. Margaret Bell, of the continued.
were the winning pair in the junior health service; and Howard Mc- Criticizes Exclusion
case club argument, held yesterday Clusky, psychology instructor. They Mentioning thn exclusion clause of
4atronithloneroom of the Cukpyhlg ntutr
afternoon in the lounge repreenteI will be Michigan's first skating chap- the Immigration Act of 1924, following
Lawyers' club, this teamrepresentingcrones. hi descrtin fetonal devlopn
the plaintiff. Justice Burch andh whksdescription ofeucational -develop-
Permdsso to rope off two blocks of ment in Japan, Ambassador Matsu-
Judge William L. Day, with Prof. South University from 7 until 10 dai ar at psode as
Edson R. Sunderland, of the Law , 'lco h veigo teb aira declared that, the episode was
school judged the event. The win- oclock on the evening of the big most unfortunate. "Particularly is it
ners of the closely contested argu- siate spree has been granted byrathe regretted that this measure was adop-
ment were presented with an award and fancy skating exhibitions--some ted just when Japan felt sure thather
of $100 by Harold R. Smith, who frank and whole-hearted cooperation
represented the donors, the firm of l scheduled and some impmomptu-and 'with America at the Washington Con-
Campbell, Bulkley and Ledyard, of a musical program. ference had removed all misappresen-
Detroit. The losing team was pre- i We don't see how they can get a sion between our two countries. Na-
sented with $50. Carl Ridderring band loud enough to be heard above turally this discriminatory act was in-
and Lowell Birrell, receiving the the noise of the skates, but they say comprehensible to us. I am glad, how-
award. they can. Incidently, an admission of ever, to assure you that in spite of
twenty-five cents will be charged, and what seems to us an unfortunate in-
refreshments will be -served, the cident, Japan's faith in the traditionaf
Cercle Francais To money to go toward the League build- friendship between our two countries
ing fund---perhaps to provide a skat-s
Give Annual DW ania 1IngrnkfIcoe remains unshaken," he declaredcn
G1eA n a e m ing rink for co-eds. eluding his address with a reference
No faculty race has been scheduled e his ar with a rfence
"La onntte 'Alrme" th twnty as yet, but it ought to be featured on # to the efforts of .Japan andl the Unzited
"La Sonnette D'Alarme," the twenty- aI States to establish' peace through limi-
first annual production of the Cercleu th comedyi parte of the ptrogram.l tation of armament and the cultivation
I racas i t e reene Wdns touhth pliedearmntwilpro- Cto fammn n h utvto
Francais, is to be presented Wednes- . vide adequate protection., it hasn't of ideals of peace throughout thes
4 vMn n hn Mlim th gta Thirwl(
videadeuat prtecion ithas t L A
i wo rld

cday, may4 at tn e rmes Lea er. 1is
play is the last feature in the program
of the Cercle-Francais for this year.

promised to show up on skates. Ambassador Matsudaira and Mme.
IMMatsudaira returned to Detroit last

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