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April 30, 1927 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-30

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OT ); ADA, '91 I1AWE: VE T IN ; iit. shortly, Ithe i fflght l dayscoeucback, and the lint of alumrni i, ce t IFieliiranis ;rath er weak. ,On March {records will be systematized. Class
U VRST on. Life'I, its0 o easy as it has ap- i iohootng ill) withi a speed tt de~lI- sc, t res met in conference in1 interest will be revived
!hewed to be. The, job does not look; lihts the Alumni stcreiai. ertn Arbor, 21 on call of President And so it goes; the spiritual life of
the s!nte inside as it did from tre r'ha is the hitorY 0o lmf t~ tti.' uvrpesne oeta h alumnusisnologertobene
i1/1V K, 1Y U'trIisIpeEiIoutsulo e s Cno t (1ru1 stith henorseeoiltw in?1 ,{JQO i alun ni. Still m ore w ired and lec ed. It w ill in the co ing decade
lat riert. d)lht u t~hs ow to brace that (lpr ssel andi WVoI 'hat they could be depended be put u) to hifm, a airi and again, to
Editor's note: This is the third agaiist the sleeve of the you thful (epre'.sirg 1Pm;: dur~sg " 5:> o; n o
of a series of articles by recog_-p~o5pec to after life's raremet. canness11 )n to (o heir duty. The result is recognize his obligation to alma mater
Thrldcllg if et arhr an e (somnetims never to b rai- ItCoucil of Class Secretaries, to be by some distinct service rendered the
nixed leaders of various profes- Teodcleelf esfrhrad;ed again), that.:is the problemn. asabra ofheAmiUnvstynoreorishnddh
sions and induastr'ies upon theI fartherr away. The nostalgia is over-; terdasabeuofheAmnUivstynoreoeishnrdh
probems he gudute wll met.co, li by nothr arii'more u friemdl1 I low can alumnirt e ret I anad so :i'e vs ocation. There is to be a secre- anniversary- in 1937.
in different fields of endeavor. atrnosure. girt. R 1 ntry, who v.ill take te drudgery out On the other side, the University's
Mr. E. J. Ottoway, President of (Ini fat the gxradute is up agailnt T)r ht i' says one' wa s t>1 t b< in't,.hie life of the class secretary by rlaion to the graduate will not be
th.lmiascaio:nes ieitef i( ti nts ay e-i boutthe sophomore year;11w h loil; h eIi detaC itl wok for him. Classneglected, eithrer. For there will be a
paper publisher of Port Huron, lirli 1altst eeis a young xife and domes-' (OmPtul5r (oar ;ei the 1' oh eri ;: t v______ _______ _______ _________-___
chosen for his subject ''The lIte- ti c dc~lands. Financial problems hap- thiat will teach very ;student Vha; the___________________________
lation of the GIradluate to the j iT~ along witha < frequency undream- UnIiver isity manis to a him simd what his
University." ed of on the campusi., when it was a jobiligatio is to the inst it ute m a .re
great joke to si ng, ''Ohl, father and Ruibbing ih ini att igedr r
BY E. J. Ottowaty, '941 mothier piay al the bills", etc. Life isj freshman, or oitar',i(1 11 es
If some'one would-or could--define now a g~ rim reality, though perhaps: one way to establish h r>;trei- o ol
defin itely, and once for all, the proper o o'cs oe n en.ftionsriip. T AI ee
I l.Not at all with a
relation of gradu~ate and University Anid the line; of graduate itrest; Another way is to i*ovidle uch sot- lgt
he would do both alumnus and insti-I in almai mater starts slowly but surely cioal sunrondtins v,'hle in college tat lih-eight suit and
tution a great service. dlown. At first, hie would not admoit; the graduate goes away with a deep suimer -weiht shoes.
This is a problem that is alwaysl any less interest in Michigan tianl love for the fraternity house, or the Come by. See the new
r'oiu i fr uc atetio, nd o i te ld crefeedas.Bu ~ i drmior. ha mke tatnotaliasu me-wit osor
late, more than usuali consideration lacking, nevertheless. Appealed to more or less acute all his life. Putsu mrwih
h.been given the subject. for so me Michigan activity, his re- comparatively few enjoy the frater- inns. JThere's a style to
Michigan is, perhaps, right now sponse would doubtless be different nity surroundings, and where are tiea please your eye. Cool,
nre jnterested in such a definition, thant he ever thought it would be, butt dormitores-for mei?I comfort, too, in. evey
of tlhe (elationshilp titan ever in her 34 row (dictated by the stern nicesity of Well, that's a fact ; they dor 'ot ex-;pi.Moty$ o$0
years of service. President Little di- (events and circumstances. Tfhe reply t st. But that is aiother step n te;par Moty$ to10
rested Uttention to it acutely, when, to the enthutsiastic campus junior, I University and Alumni poginn=. Tlucy
year or so ago, he spoe so clear at home to raise a little money for the, will, one day, be a reality, amd godu-.
word for "an alumni university." Union or the Swimminig Pool, will uate interest will thereafter fouiI
Aluitnir association (mlicials, following nlow be, "Sorry, old mar, I would like, just that munch more.'
Dr. hitte's first reference to graduate, nothing bttter than to help you out- Still another, ad a novel ides ar;u
relations with Michigan, began to b ut, (if the truth were to be told, been broached among alumni official,
tride n thad sualzdeof ihit if o ,the b arsdo s tincldne, juto dthesa e a l ist,) X bI IiIJoI
about this alumni university the1 got to have a perambulator. The University by ank Alurmn initation r
And that is really, the objective of tihe itemn you speak of, atnd it will to enter, and as he is charged for his ' JJ
th.e alumni program for th~e comning have to wait, so far as I am con- diploma. Mr. J. A. Whit worth, di-4
into "an alumni university", then the Amnd so on and on and on, for a offered this s a solution of Alumni fi.
pr ogramn will have been completed, I period of five, ten, fifteen years, may- financial problems. Treat the grad-
insofar as any set up f that sort be. uate as if hie had a real relationn t0
c'irn be completed. For complet ion in i And then, one, dlay a change comes the University, says M.Witwort.!
uc acaema. bu g Inigagain Foeprseriyand a moderate j lont Ipermit fl o 'lh wyfrom
ganon so mehng eltse equally as Ianonttof easehave come into our Alumni relationships, just as soon as r I
important and equally as vital to gra~Iuates early middle life, and he (ie gets his diploma. Make the ela-: BANTAM,
alumni and university :relations. jagain has time to think of the good ti real enoug h to pay for; just as
If one were to plot a curve of gr od-1 old dlays and of the best institution on li1e esteems his diplonma enough to dig;
iate interest Iii Michigani it worldI earth. I{tip the required fee.
doubtless be found, almost universally, Thus, the line again starts to move Again, the Alumrni association has a r SteI
that ipmediately upon graduation the( upward. And, year after year, it' already undertaken to utiize +thie in-
line would work upwards, quite sharp-l keeps on moving little by little, until trest the graduate has in his c lass;. t 11*w"I iais . . . Arei r servers
ly. Both heart and conscience of the} we find our once lukewarm graduate Often, he is closely attached to hils D Owmntwn 1 8 south Main St.
graduate are at that period open and! again becomimng one of the active class, when his general interest in-
warm. The average alumnus leaves1 alumni friends of his beloved college, ,
the University with a firnt determina- Even football games for a time faied)
io ev rt ke p1lci a ' in e et to b i g o r g a u t fre d b c touppermost in his mind and freshly the campus. It was the pinch of thdeNT
upon his heart. He yearns to returnI pocketbgook. But now he is back to a MANAGER NOT
tthe scenes of his hesocial and rhescho- gam neeeyfl.I nte erhso
lsiepeen ;h missteold or two, he will be!icking likee a vet- So greatha been the praise ou Double Feature Program that we could
colleg~e friends whom he was wont Bran because half of his football)~ quote 300 of Ann Arbor's dignitaries praiing "Alaskan Adventures" as
to meet at every turn on the campus. checks cuo back from the office of th1raetnto itr civmn vrsoni n ro-n
He even finds it often necessary to the Athletic association and he is ableth graetltT3piueacevmneersonnAnAbr- d
overcome an cute camptus nostalgia to attend not more than two or three it's thrilling as well as educational.
that would mfake even the close and games. His tecnique in college yells 3__________________ _____
often duill confines of the class room is now about as good as ever, and if i
welcome again. The professor who the swimming pool needs a final boost I
seemed so dull and unconvincing it is "Sure, old man, why didn't you TODAY ONLY4
seems quite reasonable and inspiring think of that before." The good 01(1l
at this short angle of graduate ex- days of graduate interest in the best
perience. _____-inistitution in the land are coming l7ece

study of the qguestion: TTc-'t!' aL
the 'University incr'easingly useful to,
the graduate?
I ma be s < th na of the mut ual relamiomship are ben
investigated amid policies and(Ip'o-'
grams formnedl.
The comiing ten years will be thI(
"monument age" of Michigan'.
Many .classes, zany bdisof
Alumni will wish toraethils-
ing memorial to the Un:iverit. It
may nott be in stone, or baser mar-
b e o r b i k a d n o ! i . Ii n : 1 ,)in fe llo w sh ip s o r sc h o la rsh ip s, o r i i n ,

g.'ographyi1' 'C . Ths 'ill befor ch uni
Put wl. ' ;c '.: ;. sid. iii 1 N di ng'il
._le Oli ht l . Y I ,i i .U ' . ,. . '
a 3 _ :1n ion o Xlumm ..i to i h . iil,
1l'..t.C le acid .test .o. ..da. e inter

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Slioiv ('air
Pastel 1

'20 Eaist Liberty


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A, 7,~
y~ 1 . 9 u 3 yf ' y 4


" 'AM

ffA roaring comedy of
which every picture
heartily enjoy.



Y }.~I


l o'~~w
PRI Evohi


Last Times


. _ _:


( (-


-r -IEATRe y

Wi11th a Smile
a Mile Xfide!
You don't have to be a baseball fan
iO laugh at this sparkling comedy-
It's Beery at his funniest, and with him
a tea hi of ball players that are funnier
than a circus of clowns.
Presenting our second feature
' on this Program.

f i

w 'W Raw
, y 7 .;


Aapted by ZEWA SEARS
and FRED Sr4NLEY fernle
Story b VEYCMAPI .


V W a
{ s.


Me tited xaxea Ilme ,y -._~e


}i. . ..: ... .
(Pa rmour



tis 61,ruhu'

tf.. ('(I t r;iile andiP

A kil)f il PIl{)U hAM

(iii the stuie-

di, . ' .


CE r
STORY AtqO A.I3AP3"fiTlCN #Y GAi1R'E'" '_FORfi Atj
R 4

t ~ f
Tell Dad or Mom-Then Be Mere

Word' Fail -Utterly to Describe
This Marvelous Picturizatio~n
Art Young
The World's Champion Bow
and Arrow Hunter, Adventurer
and Explorer.
Special Extra
Children's Matinee' Party
Satuday-2 :00 and 3:40
-15 c-
Free-All Parties of Four
Children, One Will Be
Admitted Free.

and C o pa I;y ill
11,11P1 ggy flB nt"I Etil amc

T, ( tL . Il N .Y 1
H~l i ('A fTO Y



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idea, f 1< i whait h.117y a! :[kord('o~i t ~hu ta h cen
Arnd.lie 5hoidd i kuo ,:
Gui' Unoffici IAnml'~&-/Lra
A~ ~ R

INV With Petite

Tills olle Ika" love


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