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April 03, 1927 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-03

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. If

SU'ND)AY, APRIL 3 1927



NOLVERINE O ,A id Brave i'tchers GIVEN111FOLLOWIAIG Two I 'ctters I
n a-S Y n iv i 1 1~la

P nals imn thx ~ e had I ol2 noriowhto
r SoS ps ofthtle iU~nitI ml lAowItnu


LIV iV IL I IIl lFL 1 I --- - wfm m

"Yost IDelivers PrincipalI Address
"Ifieiiign N ight" ig'ui
At Yacht Clb


Michigan coaches andlVrst cap-
tains were guests of honor at thelnoi-
nual "Michigan Night" banqpiet which
was given Friday night at the Detroit
Yacht club. The occasion serves as a
get-together 1f1r the Michigan aluinni
aniong th1e memiber'ship each year, and(
aas aIinformnal testimonil ofappre-
ciation fo~r the wvork of the Wolverine'
The guecsts of honor included Fieldi-
ing NI s, director of in tercolle('iate0
atlltti; IEl'ton la. Wiai, :i ssistanlf
(W-0(e',,o; Varisity coaches, E dwin J.
,Mat her, basket al 1; Ste jhen 3J. V
roll, track; iR"a. . fishICS, ibaseball;
Clifford iKeen:. wi'e.tlit g; iA'-1 I1
swiixl lo<r I-taa r v K.i1>le. .Jaa'l; lottI,
;Id H1arold OII(l 1)1h ll la rry
ITIUOE~l; IS ;it ;Et i) i).tI)Ural(lire£'tt~or
a'n~ld lt0(l Sul I ll . ,1b)(i. ) ]:>4&1u£ l ''
Noth, ()) 1i-j(ek calIt am ; Boennie Os
terl~ian, c t iclccitiut the fry a21 I
team; Wl ~f ic'wrz acx
leader;:IPaul Sam1sofl1, F5vimnI:?1 (;i)-
taiui and Alf:O Vtsion,catielc
of the wrestling team. Benniy Fried-
man, 1926 football4 captalin, was uni-
01)10 to be present sin e hewai ale
borne by the illness of his father.
Mt1ark R. i-i nna. a form( r Ohio S~at",
loobal sarwho is now vice -comaio-
dlore of theolDetroit yacbt club, Nvai

ISeven mien won their class inii-
erals and track jerseys ini the fi nals
of the all-campus track meet con-
ducted by the intramiurail departmfent:I
Friday night in Waterman gyminas-
ium. Grigg, Blanchard. Norrushl,
Henry, Kennedy, Rel wit oh, and C'ro-
go were the men wha. scored the ne-
cessary five points.
Reiwitch was the only double win-
ner of the evening. scoring firs tin
the broad jump and twelve ho,,i-,
shot. Besides Reiwit ch, tiirce atlher
men took points in more tbi o~) c
event, Crego getting first in the Nob,
jump and thir~d in the shot put1 to give
him a total of sixlpoint s. h art took
third in tihe fifty yard dash and ;e
and( in th1e high jnnip to give hinm
four points, and Robin son phi cod
third in the broad jump and ticig
for the third in the high J111111) for a
total of one and r, half"poiis.
Ten of the 21 111011to 5021'o , pints
were fre shmnen. The su.mmiiie s
50) yard ds -weby ig: x-
is, seconid;: I a t, i hii'd, 'im~na: 5.
secondls. 615 yard low lhurdles-W'oci
by Blanchard ; Appleford, second:
1 reye, third. Tinie: 8.6i. 880 yard
run--Won011 by Ko~r,-asli ; tockt~on, i:-
end(; Baxter, third. Time: 2 iimt
13 seconds. 440 yard run--Won 10y
I-lenry; WNarthi n, second l; Kilcoior,
third. Timoe 58.2. seconds. Oiie miler
runmf--Wonm by Kennedy: Posse, se-oncd
Elroff, third. Time: 5 minutes.
12. pound shot lount-Won by l ,e-
witch; Arendt, second:; Crego, thid.
Di st alce: 46* feet 9 inches.
Standing broad jumlp--Woin by Roi-
witch ; Gates, secondl; Robinson, thir~d.
Distance: 9: feet 8 3-4 inches.
Running hiigh .jumpl-'Vonbly Cra;go;
H~art, second(; tie for third betweeni
Baxter and Robinson. Distance~: 5
feet 3 inches.
LOS ANGELES.-With twovitr
vco-ies and one defeat, the University of
i Sonther n California is leading the
-southern branch of the Pacific CCoast
league in baseball.

Notr e Daine t ra(rne ai , lr ~tl oh
2:00 o'cloek h mtheivn I l "i ' ]leg iah,
1)010 vanlt title\Vj 0 n (I fMort;
than 13 :oWn e _ ;rt 0 ui(rs; madle
gi (ct menticiof(Gotheat51.
On 13' l1cw(eit ly, ((" 1 9 1 Cal(Ulvin'
fai 1;bpi ,iy, I _ -, wu all

() li orle 5 .3 1moll)ent ered to st art:
the tour ney all hut two have been Elun+e l h iilsmthS
while twNo t 00111s remainl to fight, for
Ild oubl es title. B. Doyle, '2L, will
meeltt C. A :n klanns, '27, for the Singles
Iioinors, xll the team of S. Lalpp,'27,
iid 1'. Seidler. '27, will face H. Ford-
haml, '2M'0, and D. Resman, '29, in th-e
i doubles.
Is ealrs' 113 hopped a board a rai01-

FOR 1 ElN'I'- 7\he 3larf".,frad
in refined ionme. 98Fr qAe

11IA l

41vT 1 f' }2 } .A) Fead lier , t t1i eilin mooe than 201
brasa. edhl [' 1) .O13T 1108 miestocomp;liete illthe tra<c k c hain-
'0) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 L yad' i'tW)Is1 ~iOii5at Kansw') inl which JIe' I 0(
'ia YftheV -for( *third honors iltl the high 2 jun1) to
ia1:ousW. iIllsi;:ilt toto ill \ogillday.
i a o l t si a n l f . i a ia i t; i1 1 t il i t,.-
lc# j t, fIi 'ill 5 110. 1t II e (31'" :. 2 ~ k~ I L~


L~OSTi' (I m cenSeheafler penicil lie-
Memial. (Call 62'81,. 135-136-17
P"Oldlbanld. Valieil a a keepake.
Rear.Phone ,46241. 135-1363

Nt)' --I heir tli( iw % toponiic
Vitor R ecord of "Jina Litt lc Bit
P eimnsv lvan ia as, at SchaoherlHe&
Son il uc11,,X1SC, I10 So). Ma in. tf
N('PICI1'. AMln ~. Iteacher man-
unliti, hanjos, giachiord lcou-
Structiou. Dial 475,-7.
Wed., Fri., Sun., tf
Trojanfowidh's BIii~r' rS1hol has sat-
isfied Students loo 10 years.
ti w z°1tars :111411 ('tll eePrinting.
Prices and 1Service right.
109-111 E. 'Wash, St. Dial 8132
W FS-tt
All makes of typewriters for sale or
rent.. Excellent. iiiachIne." ttreri-
sonable pirices, for rent, Pr ompit
repli iriiig by experionced worlkmen.'
Conurteo0us5service. A L iii BrIIn(I
rIw C ~n; d(a rbons. Rider's Pen
:;~ "'iteStreet.

it'x(1IZ SAL

-Ford sedana, 1.924, Fordor.



l ive (I lmfount1a1)le
co1)2(. IEngtine in
tlionl. $100 cash.
two hI oekssr
lPo: 17!-.

tiros, newly Dui-
(e:c ltnt co(iili-
1 35-136-137
of c toii ',,1; s it,
1',' --1301-137


FOR 1SAI, ,-1,260~O1 ope ~i.
'2.O, ) ,rl" Fti'v eihxei
12t4 185- 10y
goo'.1 (ondl ion I In' mgh7o11.
1Jcl"A d ''OiTg, 19,24f. 'lre'in e',:cei,-
l ent colzi(iti10?. $S'5.00) cashl
Ili'a' One.. 50.00 cash1. It. V.
A ll;E1t. 514 blasN-Washil~nton 8 !.
Open evenings. 1_z3 -35
tf1T',' '.4XI '-l 121 Ford Tou ring. $40.
Call .3283. tf
£tO 'SALF -For l~iel;OY and10:1!:
firoplne o-. el9534.

II. sterz of ceremonies. Coaaeh Yost wa a
IIe(, spfw aker of the i'vemullg anid oult-
lined the future athletic program, of
;+t1"o 1Joivem sitv, giving special eml-
phasic: to the fact that i.ntramual,1 ath-
l41tic°s will be0 extendedl to every stu-
l';1f1l 1%1ir' 1';' ~1:iIkOu1t liNd
Establishmnt of additional -facili-
ties for th~e eon striuntive (w ceiopmu at
of au intramural program designed
to) reach each individual mian and wo-
wan ;student is Michigan's athletic aim
of the future," saidl Coach Yost. i~e
lpoiteQ out that- by Oct. 1, 1927, ;.ar-
ly $3,000,000 will have beeni expenided
for Wolverine athletics for a five yearx
period, andl of this amount $250,000
will have been1 used for the construc-
tion of _a field looise and athletic field
for 'women.
Following the speeches six Michigan
wrestlers gave a series of exhibition
botuts andl demonstrated the various
holds anid counters. Baker, 1926 Var-
sity captain, gained a slight advan-
tage over Hewitt, State 'A. A. U. chamn-
pion and fr'esimn star in the 115
poundl bout. .
rMakeup Of Southern
Ball Trip Undecided
(Continued From Page Six)
fore the selections are made. Infel
and batting practice were conmbined
early in the afterno~on, with the Coach
pitching, Davis behind the plate, Oos--
terbaan on first, Kubicek on~ second,
Morse at short, and Weintratib at
third to complete the infield. Later
a short gamne was held in -which the
promising candidates were given an
opportunity to play.
The Wolverines will open the sea-,
soni on the southern training trip when
they engage the University. of Ken-
tucky nine 'April 9, Last year the
Michigan team was able to turn in a''
Following this, th6 tnext stop on thle
training tonur will be made for a two()
gamnes series with Vanderbilt, April
11 and 12. Coach Fisher's team won
I wice',\4-0, and 7-2 from Vanderbilt
last year.-
April 13 and 14 are the dates set
for the Mercer games at Macomn, Ga.,
at which time the Wolverines will at-
tempt to repeat the 9-2 win of last
season. University of Georgia will
entertain the Wolverines April 15 and
16, while the game with ,Cincinnati,
April 18, completes the practice trip.
The Conference season will open
April 19, with Purdue coming to Ann
Dine and Dance
Tonightl at
Itlraniling Rhlythim
Delicious Steak Dinniers, $1.001
F. Huron and N. Fourth
6-8 P. X.

f"H 3appy Brave" wvas secured last
v.ijtcr by the Boston Nationals at a
m~ Ui ier price from thle Phillie i. Al-
1j;u(; 1 ti:ht wais i >lt td l C1- ' by
lhilade(lpiiia, lie is cxpetedI to pitchI
so0Il 'rgood ganes and. holster the 305-,
toi st tf .

p'x-cl~l'lase an inlst'imn1ent of
S TOU r',l mae if price is r'igh~t.
aiP101 1(1l plays like" a uike. A
a ' is.t uma or :a very pieasiim
Sone. ('an b0 e llarned(imi a few nun~-
il es. Special, price, $15.00. Fay as
you lary.
University Music House
'iIAMI", them now --your Praternity
ict 11' *a 111(1shi ijg cs. Ann 1A rbor 's
onily priofeCssionmal ictu 1re frami~er.,
30 ; 7. S~a~ic w au-ller "'i
hOu'l-'-henew ftov!I llortables
iir cn(ow o011 (li<h,v it jt(ler's Pea
Shlop). 315 State St". A wonderfulm
macheline. You will he interested.
Call and see tllem.
'you can have a two, pant sumit built
to your nieaiure fhr, 37.50? Spring
styles now ready., T. B. LYONS,
jWilliamis at D-aynnj-d. tt

FOR SALEJ---C levrolpt
$40.00. Phozn",(f)?
m1 evening amid ask

1922 tomring
a or'i t ei'iionn
for McKee or

' . I ca . wrrrim rrassrrrrr arm~a a-.-

Ar~e 3you1huiildimig thmis Spring or Summer? Our archi-
tocts have just turmned out somec very attractive plans
far" city residemnces or Summer H-omeis at the Lake.
A visit to our factory and an inspection of our many
house pilanls places you under no obligation to buy. 'Let
ts show you whalt twe have and quote you prices talt
inter'est you.

Take a Kodak wt o
You may have typical "fisherman's luck" on tihe
Spring's first fishing trip, but you won't mind that
when you see the pictures you made with your Kodak.

FoRg SAtLE--Ford roadster 1924:
five tires, start er, demontabale,
good condition. 1 117 Washtenaw.
Ph~one 9117, Boyer or nhr .
l'PI'ERITETIS-AllI m(as. ol !
ren~ted, exchanged,. cleaned, repair-!~
ed. Lar'gest and best stock to be ob-
tained anywhere.' 0. D. MORILL..
17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal-
er: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith k- Cor-
ona Tpewrite rsu Inc. tH'
I -1

We'll help you select a Kodak and
show you how it works -- drop in9
dutograpii Kodzks $gup


'11'I'EIV I 'R N(~ t nl Minjeogril It h
hgpromptly and nleatly r(lone
by exp6riened 9 plrators at plod-
crate rates. Thesis and ollege
womrk a specialty .for 19 years, 0.
I). Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade.' The
Typ ricer and1 Stationery Store. tt




l2() , Northi Main 1Street

P hone 7 408



IFrancisco-Boyce Photo Company
Lafayette at Wayne
A 'seCadillac 1100
3lil iIuee -Ved.111 Sat0, The to $*I NigItls, $1 to $3
The es 'srs. SD uuelwr resejit thle 31Io,4 G0lorious
11usical Play of the Year
"% IheANightingale"
A : ° . t1'tlituce IBased1 on11theLife 4ofJenniy I. nd


WANTED-Plain sewing, repairing
of amiy kind, or' dressmaking. Rea-
sonable prices. MRS. EMMA BAS-
SO, 909 Sylvan Ave. 134-135-1363
WANTED-A few men who will work
and are willing 1t) learn. Salar'y
and bjonus. Arrange for inutervie w
by calling 3079. Ask for L. U.
Smith. 132-133-134'
XVANTED----Studemits to board ait $6
per week. Private family. Phone
6059. 130-131-132-1 33-134-135
WANTED-Single room, by instruct-
or, prleferably between Hill and
Brooklyn. Phone fteicllatt 4720),
about 6:30.
WANTED STUDENTS to know that
inn pays fromt $5 to $1.5 for oldI
suits and overcoats.
121 E. ANN DIAL 4306
We camn us'e a few saxophones if
in. salable condition. Must bc thor-
oughly cleaned.
University Music Mouse
Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone
6523. daily-tf
NO'TICE-University instructor wants
furni lied house for academic year
1J27-18. Would care for large home
during owner's absence or sabbati-
cal-leave if rent is nominal. Harry
L. Samuel, 320 East Washington St.
TO SEE best of 50 lines clothing drop
card to 11~p3 E. 'Washington. Phone
6365 evenfngs. $22 to $30. tf




Yo °Il .

Ouir entire stack of used cars has
been put into first class running coin-
dition and the prices asked are in
many cases much I~wer than the
value given. A "car for every pum'se
and every car worth the money. Comle
in, pick out your car and drive it
home. We have roadsters, touring,
coupes, Tudors, four doors, $35 to
The very one you want is, here.
Tali to Mr. Gauss, Phone 4229.

With Alison Skipworth,, Sydney Shields
and New York Cast


ci o. it'iNOt
A n d -aYME

Marvelous Cast

A Symjphonice '(rclhe!.,ra and Choi'uis of W
Acclaintits. byPress and P Iubtic as 0110 a# the best,1mo(st iworthiy
and 1eitt' rtaimiiiig,^-miiisicai 1plays to visit Detroit 'tlls' seasol'.

A Hawvaiian Love Story With Its =j
jcNativeMuian and Dancers1

e M

SBe'hmi ding'
.Monday, April 4

Woodward at Eliot

75C ,to si.50
ies., 'ri'i'rs.
Sat. 5c1Vc4

quickly typed
Phone 7345.

thesis neatly and
at popular prices.'

Our rapid turnover insures a fresb
stock and you secure the best qual-
ity at a moderate price. 0. D. MOB.-
RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone
6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona
Typewriters, Inc. #



American Rug
Cleaning Works
There are only a few in
the United States like this
high grade works, and none
other near you.

One of the Most Spectacular Pro-
/ductisons We Have Presepted
A Great Love-A Great Temptation-A Grceat Faith


310-320 E:. Huron St.


The New ]Royal Typewriter has met with
such favor that they can not be!'manuf acturecl.fast enough
to supply the demand.
Come in and see it. There is a good. reason why it



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