. If SU'ND)AY, APRIL 3 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rPAGE SE;- V NOLVERINE O ,A id Brave i'tchers GIVEN111FOLLOWIAIG Two I 'ctters I IM TRACK MEET _ n a-S Y n iv i 1 1~la P nals imn thx ~ e had I ol2 noriowhto r SoS ps ofthtle iU~nitI ml lAowItnu uADVERTrISINGI LIV iV IL I IIl lFL 1 I --- - wfm m "Yost IDelivers PrincipalI Address "Ifieiiign N ight" ig'ui At Yacht Clb Al TEAM CAPTAINS ATTEND Michigan coaches andlVrst cap- tains were guests of honor at thelnoi- nual "Michigan Night" banqpiet which was given Friday night at the Detroit Yacht club. The occasion serves as a get-together 1f1r the Michigan aluinni aniong th1e memiber'ship each year, and( aas aIinformnal testimonil ofappre- ciation fo~r the wvork of the Wolverine' coaches. The guecsts of honor included Fieldi- ing NI s, director of in tercolle('iate0 atlltti; IEl'ton la. Wiai, :i ssistanlf (W-0(e',,o; Varisity coaches, E dwin J. ,Mat her, basket al 1; Ste jhen 3J. V roll, track; iR"a. . fishICS, ibaseball; Clifford iKeen:. wi'e.tlit g; iA'-1 I1 swiixl lole. .Jaa'l; lottI, ;Id H1arold OII(l 1)1h ll la rry ITIUOE~l; IS ;it ;Et i) i).tI)Ural(lire£'tt~or a'n~ld lt0(l Sul I ll . ,1b)(i. ) ]:>4&1u£ l '' Noth, ()) 1i-j(ek calIt am ; Boennie Os terl~ian, c t iclccitiut the fry a21 I team; Wl ~f ic'wrz acx leader;:IPaul Sam1sofl1, F5vimnI:?1 (;i)- taiui and Alf:O Vtsion,catielc of the wrestling team. Benniy Fried- man, 1926 football4 captalin, was uni- 01)10 to be present sin e hewai ale borne by the illness of his father. Mt1ark R. i-i nna. a form( r Ohio S~at", loobal sarwho is now vice -comaio- dlore of theolDetroit yacbt club, Nvai ISeven mien won their class inii- erals and track jerseys ini the fi nals of the all-campus track meet con- ducted by the intramiurail departmfent:I Friday night in Waterman gyminas- ium. Grigg, Blanchard. Norrushl, Henry, Kennedy, Rel wit oh, and C'ro- go were the men wha. scored the ne- cessary five points. Reiwitch was the only double win- ner of the evening. scoring firs tin the broad jump and twelve ho,,i-, shot. Besides Reiwit ch, tiirce atlher men took points in more tbi o~) c event, Crego getting first in the Nob, jump and thir~d in the shot put1 to give him a total of sixlpoint s. h art took third in tihe fifty yard dash and ;e and( in th1e high jnnip to give hinm four points, and Robin son phi cod third in the broad jump and ticig for the third in the high J111111) for a total of one and r, half"poiis. Ten of the 21 111011to 5021'o , pints were fre shmnen. The su.mmiiie s 50) yard ds -weby ig: x- is, seconid;: I a t, i hii'd, 'im~na: 5. secondls. 615 yard low lhurdles-W'oci by Blanchard ; Appleford, second: 1 reye, third. Tinie: 8.6i. 880 yard run--Won011 by Ko~r,-asli ; tockt~on, i:- end(; Baxter, third. Time: 2 iimt 13 seconds. 440 yard run--Won 10y I-lenry; WNarthi n, second l; Kilcoior, third. Timoe 58.2. seconds. Oiie miler runmf--Wonm by Kennedy: Posse, se-oncd Elroff, third. Time: 5 minutes. 12. pound shot lount-Won by l ,e- witch; Arendt, second:; Crego, thid. Di st alce: 46* feet 9 inches. Standing broad jumlp--Woin by Roi- witch ; Gates, secondl; Robinson, thir~d. Distance: 9: feet 8 3-4 inches. Running hiigh .jumpl-'Vonbly Cra;go; H~art, second(; tie for third betweeni Baxter and Robinson. Distance~: 5 feet 3 inches. LOS ANGELES.-With twovitr vco-ies and one defeat, the University of i Sonther n California is leading the -southern branch of the Pacific CCoast league in baseball. Notr e Daine t ra(rne ai , lr ~tl oh 2:00 o'cloek h mtheivn I l "i ' ]leg iah, 1)010 vanlt title\Vj 0 n (I fMort; than 13 :oWn e _ ;rt 0 ui(rs; madle gi (ct menticiof(Gotheat51. On 13' l1cw(eit ly, ((" 1 9 1 Cal(Ulvin' fai 1;bpi ,iy, I _ -, wu all () li orle 5 .3 1moll)ent ered to st art: the tour ney all hut two have been Elun+e l h iilsmthS while twNo t 00111s remainl to fight, for Ild oubl es title. B. Doyle, '2L, will meeltt C. A :n klanns, '27, for the Singles Iioinors, xll the team of S. Lalpp,'27, iid 1'. Seidler. '27, will face H. Ford- haml, '2M'0, and D. Resman, '29, in th-e i doubles. Is ealrs' 113 hopped a board a rai01- FORI REINT FOR 1 ElN'I'- 7\he 3larf".,frad in refined ionme. 98Fr qAe 11IA l 41vT 1 f' }2 } .A) Fead lier , t t1i eilin mooe than 201 brasa. edhl [' 1) .O13T 1108 miestocomp;liete illthe tralt td l C1- ' by lhilade(lpiiia, lie is cxpetedI to pitchI so0Il 'rgood ganes and. holster the 305-, toi st tf . p'x-cl~l'lase an inlst'imn1ent of S TOU r',l mae if price is r'igh~t. aiP101 1(1l plays like" a uike. A a ' is.t uma or :a very pieasiim Sone. ('an b0 e llarned(imi a few nun~- il es. Special, price, $15.00. Fay as you lary. University Music House 'iIAMI", them now --your Praternity ict 11' *a 111(1shi ijg cs. Ann 1A rbor 's onily priofeCssionmal ictu 1re frami~er., 30 ; 7. S~a~ic w au-ller "'i hOu'l-'-henew ftov!I llortables iir cn(ow o011 (li