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April 03, 1927 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-03

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SI'NDAY, AN'. IT, 1' '7


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. . : .: . : :.: : ..
I'ueklewartz, Mller, Daity, Up teraistit':
Are First C'hodices For Places >.:::::
On Sirtig Jaunt :>r<::; ,.:"
SEAS OIN TO O~PEN APIRIL / 9.:% "{}: '?
Although the Michigan team is
scheduled to depart Friday for the'
southern training trip, Coach Ray
Fisher is still uncertain as to whjich
men are to be numbcred among the ;r;'""
15 to be selected. .".
Despite the fact that the team was{ "".
favored by good weather, and was
able to go on the outdoor diamond
early in the season, only a few men;
have been so outstanding as to make:'"
them certain choices for positions on . *.
the Varsity squad.
Captain Pucklewartz, centerfieldler", ;"r{ ..:....
Miller, pitcher, Davis, catcher, and:
Oosterbaan, first base, are the. men
who are almost certain to make thme;
trip. At shortstop, Loos, veteran, is'I~::
having a , hard fight' with Morse, a;
sophomore, with the two showing
about evenly. Weintraub has play-:
ed a stellar. game at third bease, but r
Corriden has also playedl well at this;
position, as well as in the outfield, and.
it is possible that Coach Fisher will
select both of these men for the trip,
although the formner has a slight ad-; ._.
vantage. I. *....
Behind the plate, Rehman and4
Truskowski are fighting it out for the "ub i"Elo
reserve receiving job, both being al-( Pitcher recently acquired from the
ternated behind the plate and in the Seattle Coast league club by the
out field,whren Davis is not used. ; Brooklyn Nationals, is one of the main
Corriden, Gilbert, McCoy, Froemke, resn ly aae Unl i*
and the infielders so named are all raoswyMngr UceWl
attempting to gain outfield positions. bert" Robinson protests against every-
']:here is still, a great deal of uncer- one's "picking" on the Robins.
tainty as to' which mnen will be used. I Most of the baseball experts mnak-
None of the men except Corriden has ig pre-season predictions as to how
displayed good form at bat, and it is1 the National league teams will fin-
probable that the hitting of the play-" ishz, dismiss the Brooklyn club with
ers in the next few practices will de- the poor Dodgers", but Robinson ob-

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h as re u r n d ro.hi"F oria.{a
estate duties and, though getting old,
should turn in many good games.
Clark, a hurler acquired from Terre
H-aute, has shown promise and Guy,
. atrl has returned from Jersey City
"for another trial. Vance and Petty are,
two other stars on the Brooklyn staff
}which is sure to be more than full
with McWeeney, Ehrhardt, Jessei
Barnes, and Norman Plitt, star pitcher
}of outlaw baseball rounding out the
Robinson's catching supply is more
than ab~undant with four big league
receivers available. lEeBarry, f-lenline,
Hargraves, and O'Neill are men who
might well fit in on any ball club. j
Jimmy Partridge, a protege of Nap
Rucker, will contend with Jerry Stan-
daert for regular second base duties;
while Barrett and Marriott, a former'
Brave, are available for third. Babe
Herman, young coast star, will play
first base.



, A B R D .113 A L S ' ti r e n atVit~ Y 1 1 '1 9i a l 1u n o r . FA . L . m dl e y F 8 1 P I J S [ \ S
N9MERALSFiffeen M-i hers Of First Year Sqmlu~lhnaialuioA..'L.m le r
'Awirded (Chiss Niiiiw1rals I championship, a, crawl, backl, and, -'
_________ ii :1sty ilt=" 1 ete!breast stroke event,.lie swtis the :m 1"tehl~s Batn ~Il~~1h
Frseli ariy3It~alBtI "Letter than ain ordinary crop) of; crawl in an unorthodox fasion , rol- Moore els! ,ii Algver i .tealsXE
111111 i Tat On 4111 ndoor Teams
fPst h1e eoigood swimmers" is the concensuls of ling well over with each strok~e, bultI nsmadn hyr
OfPat easOpinion concerning the yearling is a fair stylist in the other etvenrts)
HOYT REC CNIZ~S1 splashers, of whom fifteen were yes-I and turns in excellent times in all.D UBE
HOYT RCOGN~x . 4 terday named to receive* numals, al-1 All three of the sprinters. Hosiner, SEEK I'UA1kF_ s 1,_
{ -- -~ - though strangely, there is not one' Reif', and .Walker', are excellent pros--__I
'iF-i-ty-four' fr2Sihm('fl«were a\Vai'(lJfreshman who can break :54 in the pects and if dIevelopedl a rr'ifle mnore,~I iuemliers of tht e tcni,; em r
100f or :24 in the 50, which feats it 1ou'iit to )lut in a strong h>it rrp-- "i udiyo i
intloor tr cl( iiieai"s in recogniit on - a.bdt ,0tt' 'li g uto ie 'ec'e
appears will be necessary to accomn- sitions on the 21)0 yard Vatrsity relay, ~dal
o their rrk (lurilg the past :sea- plish to makie next season's Varsity I qurttet nextoyeas atIFerrryafleeal
soil, acecoidijig to aim aniounc~neet squad. about the fastest (ot the trio, but 1)th 1to. the app'oaehing('nerine^e
mnade by Coach Chatrles lloyt yester-1I Three sprinters, four distance mcii, I Wall~cr, whon is just a trifle slower, ?son. Captin i' iSehnIi i
dlay. two divers, three breast strokerq, two and Reif', formerly 'of Mercersburg Moore, Atgyer, :tai(edsnt ir~ h
Desp ite ~c ctleV lb tti he Scuard t his Ihack str'okers, and "one medley relay ta cademy ,are -;:lily calpable of swim- oustanlilgslir"t s for the net
year was stronger tl~ i y dlriz-!team in himself', are included in the lung thestemitur''aindar.undru011
he nias> it hr.ee : : i 1L'total of Although Mrarrion cnin no seinse rrt~Cotllltl utand Wal Oinad tl <; '1.fee fy
awards fell short of dhat of 11st y~a,%I b calledl the star of the team, hie is a itis are tihe distance mene rewardl- letter men from latst ye-car's team?.,
T':lie en i w)orce~ti ed the nlumerals. l the most interesting of the swimmer s aed by 'Coach Matt Ma <nn. Only a se-iv'hile Barton, Moore, stnd-!lgerw ev
however, are likely Varsity material to watch. At present he is holder of so,[ites iil? od JOnee Iltnb'' l'teP, rsln~~ or
for next ye: r 'Ifthey develop, ac-1 to convert e Frantfz into a worthy esue- s0quad. C oltlsm it t ist ant xpe ri
The fellowing men received awards: o ak n Ouit, a Canadian p~rep star, and l 'a- beeni eligible: fore arittic l 411
It. Chapman. W. Crego, G. Doiliver, S.I-lT itcIirTo En national prep chlamlpionl last before.
Dan~ner, H. Evans, 11. Evaus, L. Eiehe ,L.) year and named on the interscholastic Coach IHenry C. Zlt chins hasin (I
C. F+ilker, R. Grunowov, H. 1-erbert.1IC r 'an e all-American team, are good swime- experiment ill' with seve ra:l tmh~n-
ilai:bauglhE'. 1 nle. 1. Hayden, I3.j J JI I riers, but have plenty of trouble illtionls inm an attemptit to ulleove a:t m
Ii ulbert. S d.e n-'en. K. Kempf, K. Ken- I I disposing of Goldsmith, whmo has (Ie- ing doubles team. Among those pa)i.;
nedy, L. Marsh, N. Maloney, E. Neune- - (By Associated Press) velop~ed a powerful stroke during tihe ed( together ini practic e ma,,(the have
I y, E. OG iiham, H. Olde, A. Reiwitch, 1? I NEW YORK, April 2-President: season's drill. I 1)e(.flM oore a d ania d on- W .P nd .SAclaegynoriy l r f th at o al! Net er .epheba k tr k rs h snsdmi h M o eandS l v u,
Seymour, Dalton leymour, W. Stev-!league bras taken steps to call a meet-. even a chance to displace Spindle or Barton reportinig rcently, a shakeupu
I enrsoni, .T. Sculley, II. Smith, SiSith,t ing of thre league club owners to con- I ubbell inext year, but both Shiorr andj is probable in time sophomoI1:tre teani wol
G. Tiilley, J. Widnian. Sider the stock tangle of Rogers Horn- 'Warner have reduced their times to Moore and Algyer, as liaro a prcdi
Coach Foot laudedl thle spirit which shy and his right to play with the News near tile two minute mark for 150 with time former most oif las;t yer,
tlee fii'eslai squads has shown all' York Giants while owning an interet l yards, anrd should have placed in the The racquet c ielders, will on1)
during tlreeason. The yearlings plac- 1ini the 'St. Louis Cardinals. rrhe meet- Conference a few years back.I their season May 4. whlen they imeet
eed third in the intdoor Conference tele- muig will be held in Pittsburgh next Walaitis, Lait, and Rosenberg are Michigan State at Ferry fic ld. As re-
granphie ileet, and showed possibili- week unless plans are changed. three fairly capable (divers aiid mnay turn neatesh with tihe Sparta-s will be
ties of deveioo--ing into fine Varsity John McGraw, manager of thuei develop, wvhile Thompson, Post, and played at Lansing later iii the ioiitll.
calibre. The weights were the weakest Gianlts, has said he will use the for- t Fehniener are tihe breast stroklers, During the Conference seasoii -Wol-
evitaccording to tile Coach, anld it ierO Cardinal pilot at second base I named by Coach Mann, Thompson ap- I \'ermne netinen are schedi..ud to mlleet
Shoped thlat many 110Wv candidates from tile start of tile season even piearing to be the class (of tile breast ! six Big Temr schools, Illiinois,, Indiia n,
will turn out for tihe shlot, hammer, though he failed to dispose of 1,167I strokers as evidenced by his winnlingI Mininesota, Ohio, Chicago andu North-
' car:cus. andI javelinl after the Spring shares of stock he holds in the St. I the junior state A. A., U. title at 100 westerin. The Conference ine-1t will be
vacation. There is a good opening in Louis club. yards. held 'May 27 andr 28 at Chicag1-o.
this field, in Coachll Hqyt's opinion.J Hornsby asks $105 a Shaure and as 1_______________________________________
Richam'd 1I. Chapman, i;0, who last yet no buyer has appeared. H-eydler
year won time State high schrool broad has ruled that Hornsby cannot play
jumpj) chamlpionlship, is captain of the with New York while owning part
t earlimg teaml for this season, and is of a rival team. McGraw has threaten- F
sdrdtemsprmsnofaltecniedcutato.dates at the present tinme, bleing con- "If McGraw persists in his decision ! -'I N CO NG R EASS ,IL 4,1-agodptnilm erlasosatHrsbadthlterssil .,"a4
was Hestemr in hlis freshman year.": a stockholder in the Cardinals, I can ""°*,;":;'
.'C a m n s e e t h s b e h n e r v n o n b r m p a i g b n 1from the b~road jum p to the dash, and structing m y um pires not to perm it . "* I
"he hmas shown marked improvement1 him to participate in games," said-. -?
since the' start of the season. Heydler. "t" 0.j a

termine the selections. Ii jects.
The pitching staff has not developed ! As foirtile pitching staff, "Uncle
to expectations. Miller, star veteranI Robbie" has hopes that Elliot, shown
seeins to stand' alone, with little sup- above in the "Ruth-like" pose, will be
port in view, While Neibling, Gilumartin, i noted for more than his big physique
Asbeck, Moffett,' Ruetz, and Gawne I before the season is over. He is sure
compose the' group from whom the -to be the biggest hurler in the senior
other four pitchers will probably be circuit, but he also has the "ear-
chosen. marks" of a very good pitcher accord-
Coach Fisher put his men through iug to baseball critics. If he turns out
a long worla 6ut¢ , yesterday in an at-j well the Robins should have a veryf
tempt to uncover the best men be- capable staff of moundmen.
(Continued on Page Seven) Bill Doak, veteran spitball pitcher,


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