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March 17, 1927 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-17

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llTfII ShAY ,1MARICI i 1, 1'.1'7


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Idea+ Weatier Perits,+Fisher,, Men Ootrba, and 1+ran1kH 1'Karrga, 6
To Work Out On Ferry Field we r ,taiedtIas fo rard a n 'I l ne'1
First Tme This Spring i rc spf'Wveiy by Ired Young ,ig Tensw
l fli( ,on hs;211-tonfe" ncec agg e-
IS EARLIEST IN YEARS at nin gw tv*fI lrIi a
Baseball candidates took the earl- named as the othcr, fortai, while'
lest outdoor practice session any Wo- Peont f oa na n.ofOi
verine squad has had since Coachitl'wrgve ngudpoios,
The 19260 Hawkeyr cata nd rlall- r
Ray Fisher camie to Michigan when . o s aga a'leiio asn n
they worked out at the Southend of redcotan f ar ta.
Ferry field yesterday afternoon. ed cah;taln t'A tl at'sU1L nr and ,: s
The weather was ideal for the first 3^lscked a tein
firs Li iall-Cc r enmce t am. On thec
outdoor practice of the year, and in ctt10(heB:wnr f
commenting on it Coach Fisher said eodcfi ecoe ekc £hr : ,'Inra n
"Ti sbte wahrta eha o daa nrWheler of 7urdue .as j0G (EK/za
"T i sb te w ah rt a eh df r forwards, W ilcox ol Iowa as center, 4" l/
most of the spring games last year. an anmo iC~IlladJar
Due to bad weather last season weigr of Chicago0 as ru is. /SA
had to go south' with hardly any out-: I mkig Jsseecios 'ongdo
dorwrot oget the men in!:.x' r av':]
shape. If the present weather con-!drdtattets wsmr$ifiut:******
than usual this season dlue to the;.<..*
tinues for any length of time the' ' M . . ' '
squad will get in a number of vain- atnmbro1trso:h vros~
able prcie ssin eoe t eams. Young also tated that hie .
southern trip is begun in April. The pichkea thsekb i tretem4::.. ° :'.Xi .
men should be in better shape than wihrgadt ea lyYswl
ththsnal h otentisas individual ability. t
any ta a aeh otentis Oosterbaan, 1.Harrigan, and Daugh-r
of reent yarsYerity ar e ranked far above the other;
Ativities ot~h first outdoor prac-;Big Ten forwards by Young. Con-,x
tice of the year consisted primarily c erning y'ome e'tte:"Os
ef bttin an i~merig upexe te rbaan after a slow start in his soph-
It will take two. or three days for Irmr eri hc h aadl ~ ~ '
the men to becomie adjusted to, play-irte arguacm tho hwth-L
inig outside after their long indoor ratebaguisyar, camedthisoughndterbas-ED /
tannintefedhue Alhuhket work was as fine as I have ever j oo
eeymnothtemnwhshsseen', ISack MAlister reanger o the ed that he will develop into a capable; Baseball experts p edict at high
throwinarm wo elljultmbe redupitng.Wthrgr o rgn wo eCleveland Ini (ans, i ai workifing; performer. place for the McAllistr squad if the
neesr orajs h hoigp laces at the tip-off position, YoungiGere eknwllb usdna
smwat f nroutoorDpayos.says: "Harrigan, in addition to theis outfield materi aoud in o c Gore eikn il e s n oter defense can be bolstered and'
Work n Sotli Da~mod Icontinuous fight that he instilled into!: to fill the vacancy in center field utility role. This season is his first ini the same fight instilled into the tea:
The practice was held on the south the Micigan team was one of the caused 1y 4r i Seakrs l prtlre. ,te big leagues, so lack of experienceI that carried i to the unexpected
diamond and the outfield of the reg- greatest dribblers and scoring men HIomeir Sunu.a, former right fildr, may prove a handicap to him,- heights reached last year.
ular Ferry feld diamond. The tat- in the Conference in years." Concern- is. most likely to play center tis Sea- ------____________________________
ter, where the home games are play- ing ati di hmesYug' Son una batted well1 last year, but i
ed, was not in shape so that Coach gICntbngEdifChmbes oun 50=. sosmewlat 1below that
states: "Chambers is a Splendid deh- felis
Fisher could let his men play on it rense forward, almost a guard as ai of Speaker. s'-
yesterday. Although it was still <a it- nmatter of fact." Charles Jamieson, veteran of many
tie damp and rough yesterday it is!m______________-najor league campaigns will un- ilt
expected that the squad will be able A A PrT I~~ U A doubtdly hold down a berth in left, Good. enough ,~~I
to work onmit this afternoon. ILAFAjTTIL4 I NTRAMURAL I field, his acustomedl position. Jame I-! u1!
When the diamond can be used, FIVES TO PLAY RUTGERS jSon is a dangerous hitter and a clever, l
Coach Fisher will begin the process of fielder. His speed on the bases enah- I
deeoigo nil obnto. Rutgers and Lafayette will esta- ed hit to hold the lead-off Position foraDan
So far, it hasbeen impossible to lish~ what is believed to be an inno- in the Cleveland batting order for;
try out men for nfield positions un- vation in intercollegiate athleticsjmiany years.l
der anything lke real conditions, i when the champions and runn ers-up!' Either Pat McNulty or Fred Eich-! O d e o g
The squad at its present size of 50 in the intramural basketball leagues; rodt will comlete the trio of out-!g o n u h.
men will be retained through the en-, of the two schools play each other fielders for the Tribe, It is probale
tire year, being one of the largest Saturday at Easton and New Bruns- that they will alternate in right field. I for you
Coach Fisher has ever kept for a sea- wick, respectively. McNlty has been with theInis
son. However, some of the men are Rugrwihssadthvecn for several years. J-e is a fairly goodsI
expected to drpp out of' their own ceived the idea, will attempt next hitter, tbut has been rather inconss*
acor ate te:spin vcaio.Edgeworth 1-'
accod aterthesprig vcaton. year to schedule intramural winners tent in heis playing. h iihrodt is a re-
Abudaceof battery men available of other universities in different cruit from last season. Not miuclh i,
for duty is one of the outstandingI sports known of his ability, but it is expect-,
characteristics! of the present squad. -
Four or five catchers report every
day, and 25 pitchers have shown up -
regularly since practice first started . P C IL A IO I T E 1'JII m
in the field~ house.IiB P W L P aaI T E T, k ; I uu at oun n_
To Be in;Good Shape OUR STORE IsHo
Of most concern to Coach Fisher atl
the present time,' is how his team is
going to fare on the annmyal southernL
trip. If the g9od weather lasts his 'XIS C
men will have more actual practice
than any team 'he has lead into the
South since he became the Wolverine -
coach. The southern teams are al-i OF ANN ARBOR z =
ways ready for the invasion.
Michigan has done well in the re- T'caatr of tesis'n
cent southern trips, but always stikes T e carabyrof harsutr House
a snag in some one of its opponents. . overcoats tailored yChrerH us' WHEN YOU
The University of Georgia has been wiler'orm s icr iig'
willear yor mot sncee liing -_
the team of late years which has had _ .I THINK OF
the' advantage over the WolverineJI
teams by winning the series or get- I F. X~erth Co. J - O F UT
ting an eensplit. ______ "rOL UT
w -- Students' Fashion Shop"
mm__ __ _ _ _ YOU THINK OF j
Downtown TWED
____ ___ AND LET US
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Offers a fifteen months' course ( ft ELECTION
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Several'scholarships ai fellow-THE UNITED STATES CAN~' .C BarthI
ships ranging from $250 to $1500 SECURE.
are available for especially qjuali-
fied 14 students. Suits and Topcoats TIO
ftr information, address $40, $45, X50YA CUSTOM TIO
The Director _ 619 East William St. _
The Training School for Ot1ers-$%2:i $34,'.35
Jewish Social W'orff I irJ; F. WUERTH CO.M
210 W. gist St., New York City. Dwtw

Giants, Cards Meet;
A-t Sarasota Today l
(fay A socite~d ,Press)I
ATT AN"TA, March 16-Sam Brea-1
riof, pr(-esitent, of the world championE
St. Louis Cardinals, is going to Sar-'
isota to get a glimpse of Rogers
Hornsby, his former star secondl base-
ian and manager, now wearing the
togs of thme New York Giants. At the
.mme time, John McGraw, who traded
Frankie Frisch, the Fordham flash,
and .im uN Ring, who somne two years
a go pitched~ his way to the top of the
Lad ue standing will observe the two
former New York players with the
C a rdinals.
''hese three performers are expect-
ed to come in for a lot of attention
tomloirrow when the Gianits anid Cardls
hook up at Sarasota in an exhib~ition
I lornsihy is anxious to strut before
the roan who turned him loose after
i inginzg a title to St. Louis. Equally
anxious to shine against former team
mates are Ring and Frisch.
03ty Assoc1ited Press)
C71L1+ARWATER, Fla., March 16-
Brooklyn (Nationals) 1, 5, 6; St. Louis
(Americans)' 12, 14, 1.
LAK LAND, Fla., March 16-Cleve-
land (Americans) 7, 11, 3; St. Louis
(Nationals) 3, 12, 2.
S11REVEIPORT, March 16-Chicago
(Americans) 8, 11, 1; Shreveport
('Poxas League) 9,; 11, 3.


i Fourteen Wolverine natators were
named. yesterdIay by Coach Matt Main
1to compete in the annual Big, Ten
swimming mieet scheduled for Marchi
25 amid 26 at Urbana.
Favored to capture team hmonor:; in
the Western Conference, the iIih
igani squadl composed of Captailn a-.
son, Darnall, Seager, Watson, Bern ant,
I Wagner, .. lalsleadl, R.I.?1ialsead,
HublSide hrDilv ter, and Starritt is starting its;f*Ial
dIrive in preparation for the mnet.
Four of tie first five list ed l ill
startf in the 200 yard straight relay,
the exact lineup being as yetun-
knowh. AlsQ the first four. are slated
to swimi in the 50 yard sprint, al1-
though one or two may be withhel
for later events.
In the 100 yard. free style, Darniall
is alnost sure to start but both Saom-
son and Seager nmay be entered ifl
FCoach Mann decides thuis to be in the
interest of team strength.
Wagner' and Watson, together with
Samson and Seager., form 'the distance
men, although it is a certainty that at
least one will be withheld from these
events, the 220 ajnd 440. Samson and
Wagner, and Watson are easily the
fastest 440 men in the Conference
amnd could probably annex- the first
three places if entered. However, if
Samson swims in the. sprints hie will
not be allowed to compete in both
the 440 and relays.








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