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March 17, 1927 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-17

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n [rtrtsSDA , ATAR.CH 17, 1927


r . ,T . ~ -rti

7'JJURSDAY, MARCh 17, 1927 t'A~E SWYEN




All-campus Wowlin-g climpionsh ip
singles and doujble, wVill be awardedl
the winners of the turnarnents whiel
will be held iu t~w X.Union alleys under
the direction of the intramnural de-
partment. Rcgistrati(,n may he made
inmmediately by any male' student iii
the University. To qualify, the total
score for three Hles must be turned

11;p. Medals Will also be pr'esentedl
to the c:11110.3i) rnit each of the con-
W those who havo', entered ti aod
handd ,lin1 fhcir wqcrs, the IT high-.
est indi1vidu al pia yerr, and thle 8 high-
est tc;, :)xwill th1en he placed in the
clnininatncs - contest. hi this final play-
inthree g a ies -will be 1ht)ldIi

In before Tuesday, :March 22, to the! each in atch. the high total scorer to;
man in charge of the alleys.,lhe do 1 ,rc d winner.
A silver cup will be awarded the --
winner~of the singled and to the team j Shark s~kin is being used in Paris
which takes th~e <oubles champion- to trim hats.
The Representative of the A. Nash Clothing Corm-
panry is now showing samples for men's spring suits and
topcoats, priced at $23.00 for, topcoat or three-piece suit-
$29.00 with extra trousers.
Call 21073 for appointment.
Tweeds-Patterned after imported English patterns
by the Amlerican Woolen Mills.
English Greys, Worsteds, Serges, Cheviots

r Aft Ag
The Sock

Guaranteed Fit.

Phone 21 073.

College Clothes for SPRINGc
t =IIf you arc a telephone subscriber call Jimmie ' UOTICE.
"--I the Ad-Taker, D)ial 21214, and your wvant ad ___l___
--=will be charged. F- -hm o yu Faen
ings and to revie or withold objeli;ll'tidr
d>r°1This column closes at 3 P. M. (late preced3- Il: OtS t untdcrs.
(..,,1ing publication. Nrotic ofanv brror must be-s 3fl
-CASK RATES ;HEAL:ITh Begrins lwhernyo phn
/Ten cents per rcading line (on the b~ass of ~ .~.gibo yCiouprone3
. 84 C.A.(iso , 'lr)1it{r°^' ar.,q five aver ag~e i ds to the line) for one 1r txxnetii c !hA cae 1e-h rs9tt
12 N~~~~~~\ine e-nts per rceding lire for three o nitoi e - --------- -
!_=Inseti~.FOR('n1v eUiC2ILP.iwelt and satisfaic-
.,,, ,. tash Cclassiihedls ,eceived at the I 1dv oticc"
iThe JPress Bldig o ar tret. at(U" i.t roj(bWvls 3 arb3er
I Special standaried rtsgvno apiaINOIE-hncu~ adbokd
- --;All kinds of Mhoc: i ated. d3 'd y~tland
FOR S011 J' repaired. Satt kfntt ii irn,tted.
ANN ARBOR ;S1101".,C.2.3 E, Lllhrty.
-.FOR SALE--Oakland Ave. Larger c-Tues.-Thu rs.-Sat..
lot. Suitable for fraternity or sor-
r0. Stoddard Itair Shot) h.gienell
01iyI~al50 1 120-121-122 lent service for 17 years. Avit
will convince you of our efficiency,
F OIL SXL--i3i11 gloves, regula- I 709 N. University. tues-thur--sat
ion ize loat il53 711 South Division. 120-121-1221 NOTICE-Ilear tare iew Orthloponic
- O ~'--ihgn - --- Victor i~ecord ofQ1i11"ImaLittle Bit
- motorcycles, 1926, models. To be Foer ef You." Jiy WItsang
s~old at give-,-way prices. Orders ileny alaua ealel
._.0So1 Music I hous,. I10, so. MaI'in. tf
r,. f = ! tken now to 4e delivered Mar chI
I l ~25th, John Maier, First-Liberty ;students' Save Money!' Buy a,1usied
2a= Garage. 120-121-122' typewriter and type your own thesis.
-- -*- --- ---Phlonu Landis 3489. ive-thur-sat-tuts
=FOR . SALEi--Five goad desks and _____
E = one double deck bed. Call Mr. Day:, t TYP'EWRIER I> I Ihfl;NS A t I
_Topcoats= 6717. 119-120)ICAIi3S
--FOR SALE-Antique Davenport (165 Our rapid ttiriyover Intsures & fresh
-=$ 50 $29.50- $30.00 = stock and you secure the bea u tstl
fyears old) newly refinished and up- Iya idrt rfe .1.MR
More of these fine topcoats are coming in all the time. holstered. Phone 3084. 118-119-120 RIU', 17 Nickels 'Arcade, Phnes
I Thre s a oodassotmet fr yo tochooe fom. hey= - 6615. Dealcr: L. C. Mluitha & Cortina
- Tereisa godassrtentfo yo t chos frm.The ~All makes of typewriters for sale or 'Typewriters, In(,. -t
1 re extra long and are excellently, styled and tailored. = rent. Excellent machines at rea- -f
-' sonale prices, for rent. Prompt PORT11ABLE I'IIONOG4RAI'l
_ Sut repairing by experienced workmen. Sp.ecial Price of $15 wi it three
Spring Sut Courteous service. Anlta Brand mon01ths to pay.
i Ribbons and Carbons. Rider's Pen UnJiversity Mus1I8 41se.
$4 - 4 -_$ 0Sop, 315 State Street. _ _t f
sun-tues-thturs-tf WYWA RAYMD~"we
'EXTRA PANTS FREE FOR SALE-Small unique tea room. You can have a two pant suit built
- Sit ct ndstle a olyR.& V.an Ale Cl-Just ifo campus. Very reasonably to your measure for $37.50? Spring
cantscutadsye s o atsR W ndAde=Cl priced. Call 9339. 118-119-120 styles now ready. T. B. LYONS,
leincnmake. The shortercot and the wide trousers _ O-AL-ose - oms w Williams at Maynard, tr
2 are very popular and smart looking. The latest grays and = lFOckSALestcamus.Unduermoms, too - A - _ _n -Minegr
~tans are used throughout. == 1342 Volland. Phone 9692. Ing promptly and neatly done
=116-117-118-119-120-121 by experienced operators at mod-
e rate rates. Thesis and college
0 M .o et t .9 S TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold, work a specialty fr ,19 years. O.
.LLA ~ ~ . . ~~rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair- D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcae. The
2 ed. Largest and best stock to be ob-I Typwriter and Stationery Store. tt
2 taned anywhere. 0. D. MORRILL, ----- --___
Collegiate Shop 17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal- GIA PCA
E er:Phone 6615, L. C. Smith & Cor- A good reliable instrument fo-r only
_11 6 EAST L~sE R =Y ona T'ypewriters, Inc. tf I 1100 Just the thing: for music in
_____________________________ your room.
_______________________________111111# llI11IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII.IIrIIityllUn usii# 1 t ouse. te
_______ f

-# =.
* Sw ift's Drug Store
340 South atate St.
_ for°
Rich Sodas
Double MaltedAlFavr
Malted, Milks .~
= =

1113 301
1113S. Univ.

S. State




Tor Refinement In Dress
mHE largest number of custom tailored suits
worn at the Eastern colleges today, bear the
Rosenberg label.
This is no accidental preference-but rather the
logical result of thirty years tailoring to college
men, with strict adherence to the highest standards
of quality and +workmanship.
Inspect our new Spring and Summer importations.
at Hotel .Allenel
Thursday March 17th.-

Ieo"a halfm-nelson
on j immvy-





oof w


WANTED-Student to wash dishes
for board. 1007 Monroe. 120
WANTED-Students who like good
hot BARBECUES to know we de-
liver between 9:30 and 11:30 P. M.
WANTED-By colored cook, position
in fraternity or sorority. Excellent
cook. Experienced. Phone 21530.
119-1.20-12 1
WANTED-Cook and helper for boys'
summer camp. One with fraternity
experience preferred. Apply 1520
Morton Ave. 119-120
WANTED-Student to sell new style,.
fast-selling laundry cases. Call
Mr. Day, 6717. 119-120
chef with references wishes posi-
tion with fraternity. Phone 5468.
WANTED S'TUDENTS to know that
(Sam pays from $5 to $25 for old
suits and overcoats.
j 121 E. ANN NMAL 4306
FOR RENT-Pleasant, sunny room
for graduate women students, two
blocks from campus. Phone 8006.
IFOR RENT-Suite for two girls.
Nice, light rooms, well furnished
and heated. Phone 21241.
LOST 118-119-120
LOST-Large size, cloth-back note
book, containing Hygiene, History,
Fine Arts, Rhetoric and Political
Science notes. Reward. Call Cal
Patterson. Phone 4917.
a 120-121-122
NOTICE-Will person who found D.
Sew's slide rule, please call 7247.
IJust two left to sell at $27.50. Reg-
ular price, $45.00. A fine buying op-
portunity to a musician knowing
Gibson standard.
E University 'MUSiK House.

NOTICE-Typing, thesis n-eatly andl
quickly typed at Popular prices.
Phone 7345. tf
Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone
6513. dally-tt
TO SE best of 50, lanes clothing drop
cardl to 1103 E. Washibgton. Phone
6365 evenings. W2 to $30. t
The following list of-cars has been
p~ut into first class 'runn~ing ondition
and tie prices asked are in many
cases much lower than the value
given. A car for every purse and
every car, worth the money. Read
each ad., come in, pick out your car
and grive it home.
OVERLAND Touring,-;:1925, in exc l-
lent condition. Price, $165.00.
OVERLAND Touring, 1924. This car
is a very good buy = or the price
asked. Has good tires and is in
A-1 shape. Price, $125.00.
FORD Touring, 1924- pikie $10.00.
FORD Coupe, 1925. Price $185.00.
MAXWELL Touring, 1924. Thirs car
is in very fine shape and has bal-
loon tires and manyr extras. Price

*I TOOK P. A. for be~tter or worse ...and
found it better! Better than aniythin I had
ever smoked. That's my story and I'm going
to stick to it. When siren-brands try to flirt, ,l
just give them the Frigidstaire. I know what I
like in a pipe, and what I like is Prince Albert!
The instant you break the seal on the tidy red
tin and get that wonderful fragrance of real
tobacco, you know you- are in for a pipe-treat.
Your mouth fairly waters .for a taste of tobacco
that smells as good as that. Themi you load up
and light up----ah! .
Cool. Sweet. Fragrant. Old words, I'll ad-
mit, but you get a brand-new idea of how much
they can mean in a pipe-bowl packed with P. A.
Maybe you've always thought such pipe-plea-
-' sure was just around the corner." Try a lead
of Prince Albert and turn that corner!


Coupe, 1925., Price $195.00.
Roadsetr, X1924. Price $110.00.
Touring, 1925.. Price $130.00.
Roadster, 1925. Price $125.00.
Roadster, 1924. Price $90.00.
Touring, 1925. Price $150.00.
Coupe, 1925. Price $185.00.
Touring, 1924.. Price $90.00.

P. A. is sold everywhere in
tidy Ted tins~, pound and hall.
pound tin hum idors, and
pound crystal-glass humidors
with spongfemoitenler top.
And always with every bit
of bite an4 parek removed by
he P'rin ac Albert process.

from $335 to $365.
FORD Coupe, 1926. Improved model.
Price $265.
-OAkD Roadster, 1925. Price $125.00.
FORD Truck chassis, 1925. Price
FORD Pickup, 1925. 'Price $120.
FORD Truck, 1923 zbody and cab.
Warford transmission. ]'rice $150.
FORD Truck, 1925, body and cab in,
excellent condition. Price $125.
FORD Truck chassis, 1926. Price
FORD ,Truck, 1926, has body, cab and
Olson frame extension. This is a
real buy. Price $425.
COME in and look these cars over.
The very one you want is here.
Talk to Mr. Gauss. Phone 4229.
310-320 E. Huron St.

NOTICE-The new Royal Portables


wisaffiRma M11,132 I


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