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March 17, 1927 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-17

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TTUi7DAY, MA11CHT17, 192?


MaE ri n

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Mis K.,letcham~, Soclal Service Direct or,
States Work Is 'Ofi Value To
Teacher Anud Pupilj
"Social service work done by worn-
en in the University hospital is of
vsJte not only to the patients but
also to the student herself," stated'
Miss D~orothy Ketcham, director of
social service in- a recent interview,1
urging greater participation by stu-
(lent women in this field. "It gives
the woman. the opportunity to make
to understand the difficulties and feel-i
the gift of service, and it teaches her't
iings of people in general."c
"University woinen'4' .says Missf
]Ketcham, "receive the best that thei
stale has to offer. Money is lavished7
upon their education. Do they in re-j
turn give 'service to others, or are
they too busy to include in their. time-It
budget a few hours for the other fel-
low? Should college women work y

may volunteer their services for as'lteasoehuawek W orker Sympathizes,~[ C~IT[
ITwo things are desired of the wov I PPIf-qnAIT
an who volunteers for work in the W it ith Chin se S ad
hospital. In the first place, her work!
Imust he regular. She is of little F H P N Y C R I
value if she volunteers 'to work oe.*____
afternoon a week andl then comes -f Plans are rapidly taking definite
only once in two or three weeks. omfr h en- aria hc
The number of hours of work is re- I is to be held the afternoon andl eve-
I latively unimportant, provided that I ning of Wednesday, March '30 in Ear-
the service is regular. One hour a! orgmasu.Ti aria hc
week is entirely satisfactory. Theis the1first ofsits k7i n ver towhichl
second requirement is sincerity of on the Miehigan campus is being put
purpose and interest in the work.!" onl undelr the auspices of the W. A. A.
Students who come to the hospital : and the Women's League. The funds.
!merely foir sensation are not desired. which will be derived from the car-
Neither the work of the hospital . nival will be equally divided between
school nor that of occupational the- ~ ~ *.,. these two organizations.
rapy is any longer regardled as merely r" : ;::;>, Committees have lbeen chosen to
ameans for killing time for the pn- care for the numerous details and
tient. Thley have a very definite I the following women have been se-
poe ahpupil in;r:the :;;s:"hool:r::. lected to head each committee. Fran-
ceives full credit in his home school ce<Dniwn, 2, eeia carmn
for the work which hie does while in Mary Allshouse, '27, decoration; Au-
the~~ hofita. le i, herfor, wrk drey Wright, '28, finance; Ellen Grin-
ing to p~ass his grade. Occupational n . ..:::;.:::": ell, '29, pub~licity; Louie Cooley, '29.
therapy, or occupational treatment, is fboh;Foec ihe,'9 lne
oficgizdvalue in aiding the pati- : { :...:::I::,:;"".... " 1 dVeltna Johnson '2Ed,
elit to0 recover health as it puts him ::::>=': ; >:;;::;".';ne t
in the right. frame of mind and pie-. Possibly one of the "rcuest at-
vents his becoming homesick. i tractions of the carnival will be the
I Miss Ruth White lance which is to be fheld in Sarah
Turky ha a omanmagzinecdi After eight years of work with the Caswell Angell hall throughout the
tor and publisher. H-er name is Mmne.i evening.
Sabiha Zecheria, who spent three Young Women's Christian association
years in New York studying. Return- in China, Miss Ruth White, New York f

Praises Results Of ZETA TAU ALPHA WINS ! NO0 T I C E S
Un eca s Drive FATSMIFN L A E Class basketball practices today are
tbe held in preparation forte In-
- ~~~~Zeta, Tau Alpha and Delta Deltatecs g eswih ilbgnaan
Unusalis te wrd pplid t th Delta played the last game in theI next Tuesday. All seniors and juniors
work of the Life Membership commit- semi-finals yesterday afternoon,1come at 4 o'clock, freshmen and soph-
tee of the *Women's League, by Mr's.; which resulted in a victory for Zeta~ omor es at 5 o'clock.
W\. D. Henderson executive secretarylTa Alh byasreo27t1f:!'hrewlbenLieSvgcas
of the alumnae council refering toTnAph ya.soeif2 t on"ightt heewle ncifenSavin.clae
the drives conducted by that commit- Both teams played fast and furiously, tnigtmatitheoMithig asUnin.Te'
tee during the year. "The fact that the: being spurred on by enthusiastic held one week from tonight.
freshman dirive (did not reach the preC-i cheers from their team roofers on the All oirganiized houses are asked to
scribed goal," said Mrs. Henderson side lines. The game was closely con- hand in today at the latest the idea
yesterday, "is not discouraging, foi tested until the end though the win-!which they intend' to carry out i
those women solicited were those; ninig team kept the lead from the be- their booth in the Penny carnival.
upon whom Michigan ideals have not ginning of play. Neither team excell- This should be handed in to Louise'
as yet had an opportunity to fix edl in passing, and there seemed t1 ooey"2.,17
themselves indeliblyr. As sophomores; be no definite system of play. The AlhImco mone h
the women who have not contributed I ineup l-was as follows: pledgng microln 1'i theyu'2e; Jue
to the League may catch the import- '~i ~ ~ ns ;/ea Taal AlphaI I~a elta Dei1 lta lis, 29;il stHer Bo aley, J'28;
ance of the step~ andl applly for their M. Reinie................ F. Foster Fandces Sackett, '30;BaleyKo
memberships. MW. J. Buenting . .1F.. .... K. Frances '; adetyrare, '
As $ 1.000,000 must be reported inl A. Felske................. GoffZladBetrPre, i}
pledges by June, Mrs. Henderson M Knight ......5S. C...... . }lice -___
urges the importance of the fact that C l. (iustine ...... C;.. .Unsworthby A war over contracts is being waged
what is paid is not as important as ; J Mattier............... A. Haney in Hollywood.
what is pledged at this period. Under-
graduates have to date, amassed $51_,- j ____________________________
000 towards the building fund of the
Women's League. This does niot 111 TRY THEI
elude profits from the .Junior Girls'!
[play, or other activities sponsored by ;M R
campus organizations, the profit of! GUISE SHOP
which is presented to the League.
(In Nickels Arcade)



only, for their own good or for the ing to Turkey in 1922 she has been state, declares herself in entire sym-
good of the community? Each stu- publishing three magazines since then path y with the stand fob independence
dent must answer these questions for in collaboration with her husband, ae yteCiee h die
herself." taebyteCiee Shadrs
Two iels o soialsericewor in ime SepleMc~ersn i maingtheir culture and code of ethics and
Two iels o soialsericewor in ime SepleMc~ersn i maingdeclares that the present Nationalist
the hospital are open to University a trip east and converting thousands{ policy was based on principles laid
students, the teaching of children in on the way. f down twvo years ago by Sun Yat Sen
the hospital school and the work of and is not influenced by Russia.
occupational therapy. The latter field Zeta Tau Alpha will play Kappa
of 'work inctudes the teaching of Delta in the final game of League A,I All graduate women are invited to
weaving and other crafts, and stor Iy' ext week.,tedaS.Ptiksbig at
telling for the children. - n __at.Paric'sbrigepatyhehopitlscholtechedil given by the Graduate Women's club
Thre thospitalcholeacdhsdaily Black and White frocks are still in at 8 o'clock tomorrow at the city
mrthn10cideanhafievogue. Y. W. C. A.


Popular Price?
,But It's STYLE That Sells Them!
So jaunty and gay-
For school and sports.

For New and Different' Greeting
Cards for Every Occasion.


teacnxers. in most cases induividual
bedside instruction is required. For
this reason, and because of the wide
variety of subjects which must be
taught, the teaching force is inade-
quate for the needs of the school
and tie assistance of University wom-
en ig greatly,. appreciated. Women

For Your Dinner or Lunch
Then go to the

And so charming-for


Say It With FFlowerda
The' Best of all Kinds
Fresh Daily

afternoon and dancing


Nothing Over $15.00
The Petite Frocke Shop-pe
"Out of the Way, but Less to Pad."





308 Maynard St.


Near the "Maj."



That Give You
Slim Lines
Brassieres that are infinitely
comfortable and most flat-
tering of line. Molded to
retain the natural lines of
the figure-to give the grace
of youth and the smartness
of the slim silhouette. Such
are the new Bien Jolie bras-
sieres and bandeau-in sizes
and styles to please the most
fastidious. Pictured, a' lace
bandeau, $1.50.

- -I
A Limited 'Number :
- $50
Manad t
1 lrllllll1=l11111l1111li1111 11t11111l1111lllillill1

Good Looking Sport Clothes
Are Indispensable
To the Well-balanced Wardrobe



Phonie 7014
G~reenhuouses 1404) Traver

Iickels ArcaAe
One Store

There are times when" even
the most languidly inclined
must wear correctly cut and
tailored Sports Clothes. For
'tis decreed that those who
look on must be just as appro-
pi iately dressed for the part as
those who actually engage in
sports activities.
Women who know what's
what when it comes to clothes
agree that this is the place to
come to if you want apparel
that will make you feel at
home watching a race or on
a horse; chasing a golf ball
or following a champion.



Q 'A 15
'4 i:: :._.




Thne Long Distance Te lephone
is used by this Kalamazoo
Firm to close many order.


Would You Be
Then you will select a Bien
Jolie brassiere to give you
the desired soft firmness, and
to, enable you to wear your
new frocks in a most becom-
ing manner. 'A variety of
new, smart brassieres await
your inspection, at prices
from 59c to $5.

124Bouit}, Main St.

eJX' & ft-'M Deceber 1, 1928.
Viobigan Del lTelphone Comany.
kalamaZJ3, ]ioh.
There is one item, of expense each month that'
meets with the wiers. approval andi that ith .e-
Long Dist~ance Telephone bill.
The major portion of our bills, represet cals
by our Sales Departwent. Mlany of our orders are clooed.4g
by us over the lcng dist~ance teleghone Sn all parts of y
the country, and a great number that we ae unable to
close over the telephone can be held in abeyane until
one of our salesmen can peroonally call on the prospect..
Next to personanl oorbaot, we consider talking,
over the telep~hone the beat sellingconacnt available.
Of course, we have meay other occaions when
a long distae el..l is necesary and sacieootory.


1" i

44-, ib - 146 -!k PH s

r 'k a


3452 Yankee Rose
High, High, High Up in the Hills
Harry Archer and His Orchesirc
3454 Deed I Do
fI Love You But I Don't Know Why
Park Lane OrchestIra
3455 Ev'ry Little While
Never Without You
Ben Selvin and His Orchestra
3434 I Love the Collage Girls
Crazy Words, Crazy Tune
The Six jupingIjack





Oce~ ;~
O' * ~ -S t C
~~ O*

%ourr tilt.
Pres ^sab





11 11

11 11

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