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March 13, 1927 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-13

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Glover, '27, To Lead
University Students
In European Travel

A Butterfield Theater

Look at Today's Great Bill



State Senator States Appropriation Frederic S. Glover, '27, has taken
Bill Is in Line With Ex)pasion charge of the University of Michigan
And 11aintenanice Policy student trip through Europe, spon-
sored by the Open Road and the In-
ASKS GRADUAL INCREASE ternational Student Hospitality asso-
-ciation. He is planning to secure thir.
There are no particularly peculiar teen students frog:, the University.
features about the present University The trip is o)en to all students, in-
appropriation bill now before the state cluding graduates, who are interested I
legislature; it is simply in line with in such a tour.
the University construction and ex- A decided advantage will be given
pansion program adopted in 1921 after !Ato those students who will take the
a survey of conditions, stated Stateo trip in that they will be able to meet
Senator Charles A. Sink of Ann Ar- students of the foreign universities
bor yesterday when interviewed on and take part in the social activities
the proposed appropriation measure.p which would be closed to the ordin-
"The present request of general ary tourist. A.'foreign student will
maintenance and expansion funds is j accompany the group through each
in accordance with the policy formu- country, and lodgings will frequently
lated following an extensive survey I be in private homes.
made of the University's needs int A greater. part of the trip will be
1921 . At that time it was reported spent on the British Isles, with only
that $18,000,000 would be required to three weeks out of the twelve being
place the University in the first rank. spent on the continent. The trip is the
Obviously that sum could not be ap- second that has been undertaken by
propriated in one year, and a general the Open Road and is a non-profitr
construction and gradual expansion I producing proposition. Carleton
policy was adopted. Since 1921 about Wells, of the rhetoric department,
'$9;000,000 has been appropriated of I who originally planned to conduct
the $18,000,000 estimated to be neces- !the group has, consented to take I
sary. The request this year for $4,- I position in the faculty of the Round-
925,000 is in continuation of that the-World University, and for that
policy. reason is unable to carry out his for-
"the removal of the limit for Uni- mer plans. He will, however, continue
versity maintenance funds of $3,700,- to assist in making preparations for
000 will be desirable so that this in- the trip.




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come will be increased to care for
mounting expenses. Each time the
University constructs a building, it
costs more to maintain it. The Uni-
versity is constantly growing and we
must make provision for that growth.
While the mill tax provision of the
legislature was excellent, the limit
of $3,700,000 which was set in 1925
should be removed," Senator Sink con-
General Andrew J'. Hero, Jr., chief$
of the Coast Artillery unit of the
U. S. army will visit, Ann Arbor on
May 16 to inspect the Coast Artillery,
unit of the R. 0. T. C. It is expected
that he will attend several classes
in the department besides inspectingf
the past records.
SOUTH DAKOTA-The revenue de-
rived from the cigarette tax in South
Dakota is used to erect new buildings
at the State university and the State

Movie Company Will
Conduct Tests Here
Comera men, make-up experts and
a director from the First National
Pictures studio at Burbank, Cal., will
visit here in a short time, according
to an announcement by Gerald H.
Hoag, manager of the Majestic Thea-
ter. A nation-wide search for new
personalities for the screen has been
begun, and screen tests will be made
in 33 colleges and universities.
At each of the universities the 10
outstanding male student personali-
ties will be given the tests, which will
follow the rigid rules in effect at the
studios. A studio make-up expert
will prepare each candidate for an
individual registration of facial fea-
tures, and his poise and carriage will
be recorded. Those qualifying will be
given a short term "opportunity con-
tract" with a longer term for those
who are successful when cast -in pic-

Ten entertainers who dazzle your eyes with

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beauty and color, tickle your ear with melody
and arouse your spirit with their pep!

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St. Patrick's Day Greeting Cards
Cards ith clever verses.
Just the thing for your friends.
Also specidl favors, place cards, etc.,
for parties.
1111 South University Phone 4744
Carefully selected stones in distinctive mountings.
Fine stones, flawless and priced right.
Wonderful Assortment of Newest Creations in Jewelcraft.
Oranige Blossom Wedding Rings.
State Street Jewelers
Established 1858
Nights, 40c-'$2.N) Wed. Mat., 50c-$1.50 Sat. Mat., 50c.$2.00
A Limited Return Engagement
Anne Nichols' Laughing Success
"ABl E'S

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