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March 13, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-13

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Watson Remains Undefeated For Year
In LIightweght Class; Saer
Wins At 145 Pounds
CHICAGO, March 12 - Three.
star members of the 1927 Mich-
igan wrestling team, Captain Theron
Donahoe, Alfred Watson, and Russell
Sauer, added more honors to the most
successful season the sport has ever
enjoyed since it has been recognized
at the University by winning Confer-
ence championships in their respec-
tive weights in the final round of the
Big Ten meet which was held yester-
day afternoon in Bartlett gymnasium,
In capturing three individual cham-
pionships the Wolverine wrestlers es-
tablished what is believed to be a rec-
ord for the entrants from one team
in the individual titular meet. Of the
four Big Ten champions, who were
dfending the honors that they won
last year, only two, Captain Donahoe
of Michigan and Whitacre of Ohio
State were successful in retaining
their titles.
Captain Donahoe, Wolverine 158
pound star, defended the title which
he won from Gratton of Iowa last
year at Lafayette by gaining a vic-
tory over-Captain Beers of Iowa. The
Hawkeye leader held the 145 pound
title last season, but was unable to
meet the weight requirements this
year. Donahoe atoned by his defeat
last week at the hands of Geis, Illi-
nois veteran, by defeatin Beers, who
holds decisions over the Ilhini wrest-
Gopher Star Defeated
Alfred Watson, Michigan's stellar
lightweight, increased his string of
successive victories for the season
to 11 in winning the Conference title
from Smith of Wisconsin. Captain
Steve Easter, last year's champion,
upset predictions when he failed to
reach the final round, while Smith,
ai, outsider,worked his way' to the
last bracket before bowing to the un-
defeated Michigan ace.
Russell Sauer garnered the third
individual Big Ten title for Michigan
when he repeated his former vic-
tory over Wahpler of Indiana .in the
final bout in the 145 pound division.
In defeating the Indiana man, who is
rated as one of the leading 145 pound-
ers in the Conference, Sauer increas-
ed his number of consecutive victories
over Big Ten opponents to eight. This
is his first year as a member of the
Varsity team and 1,e has not been de-
feated in a Conference match.
The first upset of the meet was fur-
nished by the failure of Thacker of
Illinois, or Pfeffer of Iowa to reach
the finals in the 115 pound class.
These men, with Baker of Michigan,
were rated as the best 115 pounders
in the Big Ten. They were both elim-
inated, however, and Smitz of Wis-
consin won first honors by defeating
Shanley of Ohio State.
In accordance with the uniform
system of selecting committees for
the supervision of the principal social
functions of the four classes of the
University, the committee in charge
of the Senior Ball has been organized
from 15 representatives of the senior
classes of the nine schools and col-
ueges, and consits of five representa-
tives from the literary college, three

from the engineering college, and one
from each of the other classes.
At a meeting last week, Stuart H.
Sinclair, '27, was elected general
chairman of the Senior Ball committee.
After a general discussion of prelimin-
ary business,the following committee'
chairmen were announced: Music,
Karl Mast; '27; finance, Ernest Hild-
ner, '27Ed; decorations and floor, J.
RussePl Radford, '27A; publicity, Law-!
rence Buell, '27E; invitations, Rich-
ard Westnedge, '27; programs and
favors, Donald Doubleday, '27Ad; re-
coption, L. 1. Hoadley, '27E.
By -action of the committee, the
Union ballroom was decided upon as
the - place where the ball would be
givem, The tentative date, which is
set for Friday, May 20, awaits official
approval by the Student council next
week.. A limit of 325 was placed on
the sale of tickets, and the price set
at $5. A motion was passed prihibit-
ing the wearing of corsages. An-
nouncement concerning ticket appli-
cations will be made in the near fu-j

Cast Of 75 Students Presented First
Annual Union Opera In Spring Of 1908

Editor's Note: This is the fifteenth of a
series of articles by Daily staff members on
various campus institutions and organizations,
published in an effort to make clear their
functions and their particular features of in-
terest to prospective participants.
Michigan's annual Union Opera,
had its inception in the spring of
1908, when "Michigenda," written by
Donal H-amilton Haines, with music
by Roy Welch, was presented at the
then new Whitney theater with atcast
of about 75 students-all men-of the
The first venture into the field of
comic opera proved immediately pop-
ular, both as a success in aiding the
Union financially, and from the point
of University interest. Its plot was
entirely local in atmosphere, the
scenes being laid on the campus, in
Sleepy Hollow, and in the mythical
land of Michigenda, located halfway
between Ann Arbor and (Ypsilanti.
The show was given five times in-
cluding a Saturday matinee, and the
Whitney was crowded at every pres-
entation, special alumni trains being
run from Detroit.
In 1909 the venture was repeated,
this time with "Culture", and its suc-
cess made the Union Opera an estab-
lished institution. The show, written
by the same men who had written
"Michigenda" abounded in local color.
This production was followed dur-
ing the succeeding years by "Koan-
zaland," "The Crimson Chest," and
"The Awakened Rameses," all operas
containing a great deal of local color,
despite their lurid titles.
In 1913, "Contrary Mary," produced
under the supervision of the Mimes
dramatic society which was organized
that year, set a precedent when it
took a short road trip in addition to
the performances at the Whitney. De-
troit witnessed its first Michigan
k .
Last Night's Victory Gives Michigan
Record Of Six Wins In Eight
Conference Contests.
(Special to The Daily)
WINDSOR, Ont., March 12-Mich-
igan's hockey team went into a tie
with Minnesota for the Conference
title by virtue of its brilliant 2 to 1
victory over the strong Gopher invad
ers last night in the Windsor arena
before a crowd of 1,500. This is the
second overtime triumph of the pres-
ent series for the Wolverines, as
they downed the Gophers Friday
night 1-0.
Last night's victory gives the Mich-
igan team a record of six wins and
two defeats in eight Conference
games. The Wolverines captured all
four games of the Wisconsin series
by scores of 1-0, 1-0, 2-1, and 1-0, and
divided four contests with Minnesota,
losing at Minneapolis 3 to 2 and 1 to 0
and winning both games in the re-
turn series 1-0, and 2-0.
Last night's game was marked by
the fastest and best hockey that the
Michigan team has exhibited this sea-
son, and the play was marred by com-
paratively few penalties. The teams
battled through the first period with-
out scoring, but Conway, Minnesota
defense, put his team in the lead by
scoring the first goal of the game
after ten minutes of play in the sec-
ond period.
Michigan opened the last period
with a sweeping attack, and Gabler,
all-Conference defense, tied the score
at one all with a brilliant, unassisted
long shot from near the center of the
rink. In the first overtime session
neither team was able to score, but
Hooper, Michigan center, made the
winning goal on another unassisted
long shot, which equalled Gabler's in

Captain Steve Jones, Michigan goal,
playd a fine game, making 27 stops to
24 for Wilcken of Minnesota. After
the contest Coach Iverson, Gopher
mentor, stated that the Wolverine
Captain is without question the best
goal in the Big Ten. Gabler, Mich-
igan's star defense, played a stellar
game, although he was knocked un-
conscious twice during the-course .of
the game. Hooper also played a con-
sistant game for the Wolverines.,whIle
Captain Scott, Gustafson, Brown, and
Bros played best for the losers.-
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 12 -The
Haitian government has notified Sen-
atr Tin-- .Dnmnrat Ttiah. it will

Opera, an annual event in that city
ever since.
With the expansion of the Opera,
new influences effected an apparent
change in its quality, and "The Model
Daughter," in 1924, clearly showed a
broadened scope, having no allusions
to local Ann Arbor events. A signifi-
cant cosmopolitan atmosphere, which
enabled the Opera to expand as re-
g4rds mechanical production, scen-
c ry, and dialogue, was continued in
the next three shows, "All That Glit-
ters, in 1915, "Tres Rouge," in 1916
and "Fool's Paradise," in 1917. None
of these operas contained any ref-
erence to Ann Arbor and all were
taken on a short road trip during the
spring vacation.
(Continued on Page Six)
Seniors Will Be Guests Of Honor At
First Night Of Twenty-third
Annual Presentation
"Eight 'Till Eight," the twenty-
third annual Junior Girls' play will
open its five-day run Tuesday night
at the Whitney theater. Senior wom-
en will be guests of honor at the
opening performance. Betty Nutt,
'27, general chairmancof the produc-
tion, on behalf of the junior women,
especially invites all seniors to be
present. Tickets will be distributed at
the Senior supper in the Michigan
Union ball room immediately before
the performance.
Tickets may still be obtained by the
public at the box office in the Whitney
theater beginning at 10 o'clock Mon-
day morning and continuing through-
out the week of performances. Ber-
nice Staebler, business manager, re-'
ports that the ticket sale has so far
been very successful. Tickets remain
for all performances, but Saturday's
matinee offers the best opportunity for
good seats. The sale of tickets for
the alumnae section has been espe-
ciarlly successful.
In accordance with tradition, the
cast and choruses are announced the
Sunday before the opening perfor-
ance. Following are the members of
the cast in order of their appearance:
Daisy, Marjorie Chavenelle; Connie,
Lois Porter; Helen, Josephine Mitts;
Frances, Mary Louise Murray; Lucy,
Katherine Ferguson; Prof. Robert W.
Bobbs, Mary White; Henry, Nellie
Hoover; Clark, Margaret Cole; the
Lone Kid, Addison Pelleter; Tom,
Jean McKaig.
The specialties and choruses are as
folows: specialties, Ellen Groff, Sarah
Bonine, Marian Van Tuyl, and Noma
Pieces of Eight chorus: Ruth Ale,
Ruth Beard, Louise Briggs, Margaret
Gillis, Beatrice Greenburg, Audrey
Haney, Margaret Hawkins, Pauline
Hopp, Hilda Horney, Miriam Hosmer,
Evelyn Pratt, Miriam Selker, Isabelle
Stitt, Elois Tygert.
(Continued on Page Six)
(By Associated Press)

Statement Calls Attention To Small
Capacity Of Play Houses And
Violation Of Fire Laws
Free shows in Hill auditorium fol-
lowing the winning of a Conference
championship in any major sport are
promised the studermt body in a state-
ment issued yesterday by Gerald
Hoag and James S. Helsdoen, man-
agers of the Majestic and Arcade
Stating that it is almost impossible
to arrange for free shows on short
notice and expressing a desire to co-
operate with the Student council, the
managers of the local Butterfield1
theaters cite the fact that they have
long given passes to members of Var-
sity teams as evidence of their co-
operation with the student body. Any
picture being shown at the Arcade.
Majestic, or Wuerth theaters will be
presented in Hill auditorium, accord-
ing to the statement. Hill auditorium
is suggested because of the limited
seating capacity of th Majestic and
Arcade theaters.
The statement follows:
"We are ready and willing to have)
free shows whenever Michigan wins
a championship in a major sport.
There are certain circumstances in-
volved In such a plan, however, that
cannot be overlooked. In the first
place, our combined seating capacity
is limited to 2,000, which experience
has shown to be inadequate for free
shows, and the crowding of theaters
has been forbidden by state laws.
It can be seen very readily that an
effort to restrict the attendance to
the limit of the law would be accom-
panied with great difficulties. Fur-
thermore, it must be apparent that
free shows cannot be arranged at a
moment's notice. It would be unfair,
as we think the getieral public will
agree, to ask that we open our doors
to a crowd whenevek it might appear
on the scene to ask &ntertanment. It
would be unfair to the audience al-
ready assembled, as well as to our-
"We wish it understood that we de-
sire to c'ooperate in a plan to pre-
vent a recurrence of past incidents
which are unpleasant to everybody
concerned, and anything but benefi-
cial to the University. We are there-
fore, more than willing to do any-
thing within reason to solve the rush'
problem, and we hereby offer a free
show in Hill auditoriun following
the winning of any major champion-
ship, in addition to the free show that
we have already planned for this
year's Cap Night."
"We will give either the Majestic,
Arcade, or Wuerth film in the audi-
torium, permitting the Student coun-
cil to make the selection, together
with an operator to run it. We sug-
gest Hill auditorium by reason of the
greater seating capacity available
there, enabling more students to at-
tend and permitting us to avoid viola-
tion of the laws that forbid the
crowding of our theaters."{
"With regard to free shows, we
wish to remind the students and the
general public, as well as University
authorities, that we already have a
policy of giving free shows each
year, and furthermore that we have
always recognized members of the
Varsity teams as our guests and have
done so voluntarily because we feel
that they are entitled to such recog-
nition. We have received no request
from any individual, or person,
neither University nor city authority,

on last Monday night or previous te
that time. Our first request was on
Tuesday, some 20 hours after the -in-
cidents, and arrangements could not
be made on such short notice. We;
have never refused cooperation,
whenever possible, with the Student
"Since the question of an increase
in the number of free shows has been
put to us formally, we answer formal-
ly that we will give one, as stated
above, in Hill auditorium following
the winning of any Blg Ten major
championship by a Michigan team, by
prearrangement with the Student
council, and will be glad to, confer
with them at any time on ony prob-
lem that confronts them.'
GRAND RAPIDS,' Mich. March 12-1
Kenyo nL .Bitterfield, nresident ofI

"A great deal more emphasis
has been put on recent under-
graduate activities; than their im-
portance either in the local com-
munity or the State would war-
rant," stated President Clarence
Cook Little yesterday. "No one
not in possession of the facts
should judge the significance of
the actions as they really rep-
resent a small proportion ofrthe
interests of the students. Prob-
ably not more 'than three in
every one hundred students were
involved. It is not fair to judge
the other ninety-seven by the
actions of the minority," lie fur-
ther stated.




Shantung Soldiers Repelled Twice By
British In Attempt To Force
Armed Entrance
(By Associated Press)
SHANGHAI, March 12.-An inci-
dent that for a time threatened trou-
ble between Chinese troops in Shang-
hai and the British defense forces
occurred today when a large body of
armed Shantung soldiers twice tried
to enter the international settlement
without necessary permission and
were turned back by the British
The Shantungese, in attempting to
enter the settlement, were breaking
a British regulation that troops must
be disarmed before being allowed to
Firmness and tact on the part of
British officers averted trouble and
it is believed that the affair was mere-
ly the outcome of a misunderstanding.
Extra precautions, however, were
taken tonight while the British popu-
lation in general took the viewpoint
that the incident was justification for
the presence of a large defense force.
The incident had its genesis in an
application by the Chinese authorities
for permission to march 2,000 troops
through the settlement, but this re-
quest was refused. Later a force of
200 Shantungese sought to mrch
from the northern boundary of the
settlement to the Chinese arsenal.
When permission was refused by the
guards, the Chinese marched off and
then returned later, 100 of them
crossing the boundary. These were
turned back by military police.
The second attempt came when 500
men with machine guns threatened to
cross. Upon being refused permission
they loaded the rifles and machine
guns but eventually retired peacefully.
Hitherto the relations between the
Chinese and Brtitish troops have been
most friendly. It was reported
meanwhile that the Cantonese still
are making progress on their drive on
the northern forces, and that they
may occupy Nanking within the next
few days. This city is an important
strategic place, since it is one of the
main centers of communication for
General Chang Sun Chang, leader of
the Shantungese, between Shanghai
and his base.
Commemoration today of the second
anniversary of the death of Dr. Sun
Yat-Sen, first president-of the Chinese
republic, excited strong feeling among
the dissident faction of the Kuomin-
tang, or Republican revolutionary
party. In one case there was an ex-
change of shots and a man was
The city of Shanghai remains quiet,
as the railway strike which has been
threatened for some time, developed
at only a slow rate.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 12.-Formal
invitations to participate in a naval
arms conference at Genevtl, were
transmitted today to the British and
Japanese governments, both of whom
advised the state department that they
would accept. -
The invitations, transmitted to the
British and Japanese ambassadors
here, by Acting Secretary Grew, pro-
posed that the Geneva naval discus-
sions begin June 1 or soon thereafter,
and expressed regret of the American
government that France and Italy had
seen fit to decline suggestions that
they also participate. Hope was ex-
pressed, however, that both European
governments would be represented in-
1 formally.

Wisconsin .................28 Chcago ...................... 9%
Ohio State ..........:.........18 Northwestern .................9
Iowa .........................143 Minnesota... ......... ....
Mlchigan ..................12 Purdue.. .. ..... . ... ... ... 1
Illinois....................11 Indiana.......................0
(By Wilton A. Simpson)
(Special to The Daily)
EVANSTON, Ill., March 12.-Wisconsili was acclaimed chun-
pion of the seventeenth annual Big Ten indoor track meet by
scoring 28 points in the ten events held in Patten Gymnasium here
tonight. Ohio State took second place honors with 18 points, Iowa
was third with 14 12 and Michigan placed fourth with 12 points to
its credit.
Wisconsin took four first places and four thirds to garner its 28
point total. Charles McGinnis, captain of the Cardinal champion-
ship team, accounted for 1S points and high scoring honors of the
meet. The Badger captain won the pole vault with a leap of 12
feet 10 inches, ran the high hurdles in 7.6 seconds, and set a new
Big Ten indoor record of 6 feet S inches in the high jump.
Michigan scored its 12 points by placing men in five events.
Hester gained three points for the Maize and Blue by taking second
place in the 50 yard' dash, Kriss of
Ohio State beating him out by a nar- By showing a burst of speed on
row margin. Cooper added three more the last lap, Williams of Chicago was
on a second place in the 60 yard high able to beat out Bevan of Ohio State
hurdles. in the half mile race. The Maroon
Northrop gave Michigan two more runner trailed in third place most of
points by tying for second place in the way, but had plenty of reserve
the pole vault. Hornberger made the for the sprint to carry him to an easy
greatest exhibition of running of the victory in 1:59.5. Bevan ran a fast
Michigan team but placed second to race at the finish, coming up from
Hunn of Iowa, in the two mile run. sixth to second place on the last lap.
Ohlheiser added the other point by Erickson, who made the best time in
taking fourth place in the quarter preliminaries Friday night, took third
mile run. place. Sittig, 1lhinois, favorite in
The University of Iowa's crack one this event seemed to be off form, his
mile. relay team won the final event best efforts only netting him fourth
on the program in the fast time of 3 place.
minutes 29.5 seconds coning within Sets New High Jump Record "
five tenths of a second of the Con- Burg and McGinnis, captains of the
ference record. Michigan was beaten Chicago and Wisconsin teams staged
out of fourth, place by a fraction ofathilndu nth igjmM-
a second.a thrilling duel in thre high jump, M4c-
a second. Ginnis finally winning by setting a
McGinnis of Wisconsin cleared the new Big Ten indoor record of 6 feet
bar at 12 feet 10 imfches to win the pole 5 inches.
vault. White of Illinois, Northrop of Lk
Michigan, and Boyles of Iowa went Lyons of Illinois took the shot put
into a deadlock for second place, all with a heave of 47 feet CInches, 15 1-2
failing to clear the bar at the winning ord. Lewis, Northwestern's football
height. Northrop's efforts in the 50 full back placed second and Karsten
yard dash seemed to tell on him. He his teammate took third place. Lo
cleared the bar at 12 feet 6 inches vette of Michigan failed to qualify
easily, but lacked the strength and
speed to get over in his last three Kennedy of Ohio State won the one
trials. Drougemueller, Northwest- mile run, covering the 10 laps in 4
ern's star pole vaulter, who cleared mm., 30 1-5 sec. Captain Rue, of I111-
13 feet earlier in the season, dropped nois, who was considered the favorite
out of the competition at 12 feet 6 placed second, five yards behind the
inches. Buckeye winner. Petaja of Wiscon-
OhhncrFllhesFut sin: made a great sprint around the
Wisconsin added five more points last turn to beat out Little of Purdue
to its total when Dougan won the by a foot.
quarter mile run in 52:2 secs. Kriss aMonroe of Michigan drew the pole
of Ohio State drew the pole and held at the start, but failed to- complet
the lead through the first lap, but re- the race, dropping out after he had
hiquished it when Dougan showed a run eight laps. On the second lap
burst of speed oni the third turn Monroe was knocked off the track
which carried him home in first place. Iskenderian of Michigan was injured
Catlin of Minnesota trailed Kriss un- and left the track early in the race.
til the last turn and then sprinted to Kriss of Ohio State won the 50Yard
win a close decision for second place dash, beating out Hester of Michigat
at the finish. Ohlheser of Michigan by a few inches. Hermansen of
had the outside lane at the start and Northwestern placed third, just ahead
was not able to overcome the disad- of Cuhel of Iowa Hester got off to a
vantage. fast start, but weakened at the finish
McGinnis, Wisconsin's great track Michigan placed three men in the
star, won his second first place by semi-finals of the dash, but Hester
beating out Cooper of Michigan by a was the only Wolverine to reach the
foot in the high hurdles. Iowa had final. Captain Northrop, running it
three men in the final heat, but all the sprint events for the first time i
of them were disqualified for knock- his life, defeated Pepper of Indiana
ing down hurdles. Otterness of one of the best sprinters in the Con-
Minnesota took third place when the ference in the second preliminar3

Hawkeye men were disqualified. heat. In the semi-final heat, Northrop
Cooper, the new Wolverine hurdle placed third, Kriss of Ohio and Hestei
star placed second in his preliminary of Michigan beating him by a scani
heat, but gained a brilliant victory margin. Lasser, of Michigan took a
over Cuhel of Iowa in the semi-finals, first place in the preliminaries but
Cooper got off to a fast start and led lost out in the semi-finals. Lasser
over the first two hurdles. He allow- had the best time of any Michigan
ed the field to catch him on the third mnan, winning his heat in 5.6 seconds
hurdle, but won out in the short 50 yard dash. Won by Kris8, Ohi
sprint at the finish. Jones of Mich- State; Hester, Michigan second; Her.
igan ran against Cuhel of Iowa in monson, Northwestern, third; Cuhel
the first preliminary heat in a fast Iowa, fourth. Time: 5.5 sec.
heat, but the best he could do was to 440 yard run: Won by Dougan, Wis
take a fourth place in the semi-finals, cousin; Cathhin, Minnesota second
' Hornherger Runs Great Race Kriss, Ohio State, third; Ohlheiser
Hunti, Iowa's sensational distance Michigan fourth. Time 52.2 sec.
runner,was forced to the limit tonight 880 yard run: Won by Williams
yto win the two mile race. H-ornber- Chicago; Bevan, Ohio State, second;
geof Mchigan pwomiedraeHawkbeyeErickson, Wisconsin, third; Sittig, Il
ger of Michigan pjushed the Hawkeye linois, fourth. Time: 1 mmn. 59.5 sec
all the way, only losing out at the lnislforT: Wn.by .Keed
finish rby- five yards. One -mile run: Won by Kennedy
finsh~y iveyars.Ohio State; Rue, Illinois, second;
Hornberger ran a great race, being tte R Ilino; second
I amng te leder allthe ay. Petaja, Wisconsin, third; Little, Pur-
among the leaders all the way The due, fourth.sTime: 4 minutes, 30 1-P
Wolverine two miler looked at his sc
best tonight fighting for the lead on! Two mile run: Won by Hunn, Iowa
every lap. He was in second place on Hornberger, Michigan, second; Joh
the third circuit; on the sixth .lap he Zola, Wisconsin, third; Dugan, Chi
was boxed but the Wolverine showed cagn fourth T'ime: 9 min. 442 sec.



Colo., March 12.-The1

Rocky mountain states today were
buried under deep snowdrifts follow-
ing a three-day storm which Friday,
night centered in Colorado to block
railroads and highways..
The storm reached blizzard propor-
tions to isolate several Colorado3
towns. All trains were delayed on!
the Colorado Springs lines south of i
here, while nearly a hundred motor-!
ists deserted their automobiles at Pal-
mer lake.
Passengers were ,rescued from bus-
ses near Greeley, Colo., after work-
men battled drifts for several hours.
Roads in that section were closed by
snow driven by a 50-mile wind. Crip-!
ple Creek was completely isolated.
Snow banks 10 feet in height blocked
streets at Julesburg.
Three inches of snow made travel
difficult in Wyoming. The eastbound
air mail plane was forced down near
From.two to six inches of snow was
reported in northern 'New Mexido.
The storm extended as far south as
Douglas, Ariz., which was, unusual.
A wet snow also interfered with
travel in westernKansas and Nebras-
ka. Rain was general over Missouri,
eastern Kansas, Oklahoma and north-
ern Texas.
Although all passengers on stalled1

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