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December 17, 1926 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-17

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President Addresses Detroit Busin ess
. Men And Wonten On Benefits
Of League Building
lloindng to University women of to-
(ay as the mothers of tomorrow, Dr.
Cla;rence Cook Little addressed "5 De-
troilt business men and women actively
interested in the proposed Women's
league building at a luncheon spon-
sored by the Detroit Board of Comn-
merce, last Monday noon at the Hotel
"Realizing that our women students;.
of -whom we now have 3,256 are poten-
tial, mothers and givers of life, no one
can fail to see the importance of their
contact with so-called higher educa-
t ion, during the most formative part
of t heir lives," said Dr. Little.
"The families of Michigan,"' he con-
tnued', "are its future. We must
have a comin~g generation that we
can trust. Prosperity, in an individual
d;upends on his reactions to conditions,
in which he finds himself. It should
be the aim of education to insure for
roan and woman, sound, courageous
and constructive reactions."
Comparing a big city to a univer-
sity in similarity of problems Dr. Lit-1
Ilie declared that each is a great fac-
tor for natural selection, or survival
of the fittest. "There is a great tend-
ency,""' he assetredl, "to be materially
minded, which is fostered by the ease
with which then can 'beat the system.'
f he same temptation faces the young
person in business. Our common task.
as educator and business man, reduc-
es to the simple proposition set forth
in the parable of the talents.
"We must build for the things that
cannot be put in an annual report.
We must be dissatisfied with the suc-
fess of standing still. The things that
will last are not the University build-
ings in Ann Arbor, not the factory
bildings in Detroit, but that part of
tbe University or that part of your
city which go out over the state in the
hearts of such people as have come
under our influence."
At this same luncheon Miss Claire
M. Sanders who is chairman of the
special gift committee of the Detroit
subscription campaign for the Wom-
en's league, represented the Detroit
alumnae and reported a total of $150
880 already subscribed. which repre-
sents a half of their goal.
The Girls' Glee, club will not meet
Tuesday, Jan. 4.

Consumers' League {~ ~~ f( Declares Prejudices A
General Secretary .LI L1UIUIL Journalism Cause
Retrns To OffceSEA ON S UCC SS In entering the p1 ote~siomll ii
r With the annual hockey banquetEpcal peuiet vroe
i hld ec.7,-oneof he ostsucess Esecillyis this so in the journiiH
;eldDec.:;:ne:o:themos.sucess fld. In regard to the nature of 't.ese
fulclas hcke seson evr hld asprejudices, Prof. J. L. Drumm o; the
closed according to Helen Searighit,' journalismi department made he fol-
::::>:': '27, class hockey manager. Under the lowing Statemnsi eetifr
;:<auspices:of the W. A. A. together withviw
the help of the pyia education S staff whEeyt wmntn
practice games were organized and
~run off. Class managers were atfitsae pvlgsan oprnoic
Iwhich are accorded to mnur i pr o]-
appointed and later replaced by elect-
ed managers to take ebarge of theabyifune moe y rOS(5
teams; captains were elected before sosadchtoa ista
th irtgae son or the evidence afforded by ex2 O!i-
. : :::: ::::::".=, A greater number of women tried ;cc.Tecifopsto snr
out for the seams this year than ever tu Ib h3 snietldeuinta
nature intended women to confine thzem~-
; < >:4 before. Each class when the final cut
<:.;:;::;:::;r. was nmade had two full squads. Prac-'sle otehmweete a
I ties erehel Tusda an Thrs-cultivate their affections as an in -
Iday and the class tournament began 5i~if oiel Ii ut biu
.<><:?: and was marked by close competition,tatmnhentI)i iSO(!s
::::,"{ ::, . =ad w bytrust nature to enforce lier own le-
chiefly between the seniors and jun-
iors. Each class played each of the crees, but have been quick to cxer r, .
other classes twice and at the end ofthi r'gaieingevsasn:
the scheduled number of games once.
pla-off between the juniors and sen- Specificallyhwvr cc igt
io s enwa s b anecessary a d w s w n ~ P o e s r B u m o e r
th eir yascore dof 3-2w , which! ed with being naturalluy too temlyra.-
made them class champions, an honor !mental to accommodate themselves to
which they have held for four years. the exacting routine of a newspaper
After the final game captains and main-'office. He adds, however, "It is to be
agers met with the coaches to select remnarked that temperament is often.
the all-star team, likewise, a serious dlsqtualith Ction to
fIn order to get teams organized nmen, It would seem th: t, .r in's
1more quickly and efficiently next fall disposition or habitu al stat s ofi mindl
Mr.VoeueKle ce.maaeshv leybe l is less a matter of heredity, or of sex,
ece.They are Evelyn Ogborn, '28 than of. education and envii'onmeiit.
At the recent conference of the 'senior; Marie Hartwiga, '29, junior; "Moreover, it is illorta±nt tor-
NatinalConum~rs'leaue t Ceve andHera Gabo~ky '3, spho imembler that women, since the ,eg'-
Natioal Cnsumes legue t Clee- amor erCass standings Gaowkare 3as follows: Clfing of civilization, have been onpl-
land, Mrs. Florence Kelley, of NewAer ed to win advantage and aid)ur ,-A
Yrwsreetdgeneral secretary.,CasI 1 ij through the cultivation of femininei
Yokwa reecedtht aactyevrSenior........7 6 12 .850 chl~arm, which in no small i lire (1-
She has served in ta aaiyee Junior ........7 5 2 .700'
since the organization was founded by1 Sophomore . .. .6 2 4 .275 pends upon the exhibition of temnpera-
her n 189. he lagueis orkig Feshmn ....6 0 6 000ment. Wmen have had o tv,=in their'
her n 199.Theleage i wokin Frshma....6 6 000rewards as women, rather than as
forlegslauretobeter rotct o- Delta Zeta announces the pledging
men and children in industry and to of Frances Vincent, '29, R'uthl Matti- . ---__ -----_=_'-°"==
secure compensation for child workers son, '30, Alma Bretschneider, '30, and I
who are injured. Helen Heiler, '30.

gals t Women In INCREASE LEAGUE FUND Hspital Children
"d ByB aeIOii BY PROCEEDS OF DANCE "e isd O ii n W ill Receive Dolls
1,According to a report given by Miar-
hiuon beings. It isk not surprising 1garet Breer, '28, treasurer of the Pan- D~olls tlressed in all the bright col-
"hi, 1. fe'nlinine wiles find their way into Hellenic ball, shows that more than' ors attractive to little girls wvho must
nii:wsp~aper offices, in view of the fact' $600 was cleared by this ycar's
tlrin en as mien, and not as news-' Pan-Hellenic ball, an increase oftgi h hsia nChita a
1)h!per officials, encourage the prac- $100 over last year's proceeds. are brought to Newberry h;:xl1as a re-
Lice." This was accomplished in spite stilt of the work ati the Christmas
hi concluding Professor IBrumm 1of the fact that more money was speilL xorlhshop. Eda Wei skotten. '28F,'i
"Iat ed, "The properly trained woman1 this season in preparation for the balll, who h:'us charge of the work~shop this
Wxho expiects no advantage merely be- This money has been turned over t
ccause she is a woman, and whose the Women's league building fund and yer, I i' hedlstotehs
(tesandl deportment are not calculat- will be applied on that steadily ;Mitea ltday whee theyv will bete di z~ strli-
cdt elto men' chivalry, isce-rasnamut' Christmals ;morning. The worktshop
lain to break down the artificial re- - hsbe ..i.i fteS.W .A
a rauniss which custmand tradithen ak (. ~ Jon hsuenaiutmlftel.X. .A
have set up. As a matter of fact, the la k~~i.0fI i, l ers il ltecmu
taing these dolls and dre sing them,
jcunals~n1o te ttur lkel INational Frraternitv or the children in the hospital.
xemv rcre and more the quaity oo The committee had unexpected as-
_tii.d nspririt which women are pe! -- sistance this year when several scrap3-
culiarly well qualified to bring to it. Black Quill will be installed as a books were turned in by a group 0
"WYomfenlwill find their greatest chi>- 1chapter of Clhi Delta P'hi, national grammar school children who wished
iluguislnin usefulness in community Ihnrr ie~-- ~nt.Jt hrl!t epteY .C1 .i hi ok
leadership. 9"hey will supplement tEIhuti ieayfaent hrl ohl the Y.( .A n hi ok
hnr~tin iioo ' f'.after the Christnmas vacation. The~

Yest eri;g of social1 forces that mnale
n'Ltteriing, broader sympathies
r cem->rI- undersancling, greater toler-
cur. And to th is task women v.ilb
lovote a competent intelligence, tem-
per(ed with a. sentiment which is het
peculiar >social heritage."
ia fi~rst woman to wi~ the Dewar
X(otor trophy of the Royal Automo-
bile club, of London, is Miss Violette
Cordery, of Cobhnm, Surrey. The
i'trophy is awarded annually for the
imost neritorious performance in a
cortiled trial .
The undergraduates of Connecticut
' Oolge for Women have adopted rifle
wo a competitive literclass, though
ilnor asport.
ROMFE.---The Senate voted confi-
'dcence in Finance Minister Volpi after
hlis report on Italy's financial position.

members of Black Quill have been
considering this proposition since last
spring. Although the society alreadly
has a favorable reputation on the cam-
pus, it will mean much to them to be
backed by a nationail fraternity. In
this way alumnae and studenv." who'
iattend other uriver-sities may blecome

'Owing to the small turnout of wom-
en at the mee :t lg to eloct basketball
m anagers none. wre elected. They
will lbe electe"d at the first practice
after thehoias
Theta Phi Alph~a announces the
pledging of Josephine Collins, '28Ed,
and Thom. Sutton, '29.


A Radiola in the Home
What a pleasure to have one at
(= Christmas time. Come in and
listen to it today.
Eberbach Sa o
j~Itj, BEATS.-- as it Sweeps as it Cleans.

1, _ ! pp"
V r'. " rN
SE. \ 'f
{ '>

Dance- Stte s
. ddes

E$emnperamn ts, the
(," ever-lurin, charm. of the un-
.; f hknown, file eternal cn19A a.
Holdin in its depths cof
frairance ho-Lb. melancholyI
I and delights
II ~ ~ II! - 14:, h AI TO
119. ~ '-22, ~One Oz, t1.0(

Pieces, of Silk Udrii~ are always on the list of
acceptable gifts and 'Lhe~e I nce Settes and Teddies of
delicately intctt cre pcs, lace and ribbon trimmed, are.

Mrs. H. W. Cake is going.
abroad again~ this coming' sum-
mer', and will be glad to meet
any young women interested in a
personally conducted, educational
taur. FIRST CLASS. If you
prefer to travel in Europe inde-
pendently, let her help you 'plan
it. Phone 3597.

especially attractive for C. ritmnas giving.


G '
124 South Main St.



Christmas Gifts
Now is the time to- pick
your electrical Christmas
gifts---the stock is full and
,ve can fill your needs.
Ernst Bros.
11North Fourth Ave.
Phionic 7776

" 2

HE wants time to be happy,
more than trinkets. She
wants precious -moments of
- rest, more than "baubles."
She wants hours that are hers,
rightfully. She wants a relief from
the back-breaking task of never-
ending cleaning. Give her a New
Hoover, and you have helped her
Smore than you'll ever know !... un-
le~s you trade jobs with her for a
Complete with Dusting Tools,
now only $6.25 down:

I ______________________ _____________._______1.. i-11tdQ!!CUSM't IFS~ 1 ge~alp~



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L'.r 'e 1 a... L :....i . } . . . i ,. _!. .~ kW..i .$-i:.,A.l. .vl t I


H-eart, (1 ' 7! he s m
Beautiful Spring Dresses of heavy
flat crcpe and georgette, featuring
the balloon and lantern sleeves, two
piece models, in the following shades
-Rose Tan, os,-e Beige, Powder,
French Blue, Green, Red, Monkey
OSkin1. Sizes 14 to 42.

m ",
, : . ,
_ ".
,' ',,
'' I
-4 f ;

- I


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~' p6
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et-l n vr.oeo ou cusK~tmer an
friends, wes turn to the public prints
.; err EI

Christmas Gifts of most every description at Fischer's
Hardware, iricl ,ding Pocket Knives,' from 50c to $6.00. Skis,
Sled's, $1.50 to $6.50; Skates, $1.25 to $8.00; Toboggans,
$8.50 to $14.00 ; Electric Toasters, from $5.00 to $8.50; Irons,
$3.85 to $7.50; Percolators, Urns, Waffle Irons, Dinner Ware,
Glass Ware and Novelties, Toys for the little folks.





- Hosiery - Slickers
- Handkerchiefs

Gem Safety

PCA-Razor and 50c Tube Shaving Cream
All for 33c




1 11 I-


i FM I


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