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December 08, 1926 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-08

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AVKD)N E S17A^, DEClii MBERT 8, 19 20


9 P-P,

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4 1Auu!#a t{ i°9 #4Giz? t' :~t

Present Cliampions
Numerals at A
Held La
Announcement w,
of the all-star hoc.
Laurie Campbell of
cation departmen at
banquet given byt
held at 6 o'clock at.
following women w
members of this te
Nellie Hoover, '28l
tain of the team;I
I.i; rHelen Searig
lagedorn, '28, r. i.
'28 Ed., r. w.; sub
positions are: Ger
ed., and Mrs. Fred
Other team member
'27 Ed., l.h.; Lucile
Florence Powers, '2
tution for this po
Verdier, '27 Ed. Th
team is composed o
'29, l.f.; Mary Allsh
with Lydia Kahn,
and Stella Sturas,
Marjorie Muffly, '30
More than 100 wo
banquet including t
ond squads of the e]
trniural tournaren
runners up, together
education departmer

umor Play Heads jMary Louise Taylor, Fay Smead, Eliz- OPEN POSTER CONTEST Graduate Students
Elsie Murray, assistant chairman, has TO ALL JUNi9R WOMEN Pl-D
eIe on her rehearsal and try-out commit-
tee Louise Briggs, Jean Dow, Kather- In crder to provide a cover design
Final appointments of committees inc Francis, Ellen Groff, Katherine for Junior Girls' la1y programs, All graduate students, both men and
for thde Jno il'pa aebe Lardner. Theprpriscm tee frJnoGis'llypoan
made by the central committee and with Laura Osgood as chairman, con- o the pay today women, as well as husbands and wives
hIp Cup and lfockey are announced as follows.: Business sists of Marion Anderson, Helen Beau- announced a poster contest in whicth of graduate students are invited to at-
IthlefDinnerm itee, rnice Stabler, manager; mont, Norma Green, Lois Parks, Mar- all j women may ce te A tend a bridge-dance to be sponsoredt
ililtic1)inerand given by the Graduate Women's'
st i'ght I J Ma frl aig, Lois Porter, Florence tha Robinson, Helen House, Laura posters,'in order to receive c rnsidera- (mb on Wecnesday, Dec. 15, from 8 to
~ Wdraier, assistants; dance commit- Soule, Marie Butt, and Helen Blades. tion must be turned in by Saturday, 2 o'clock. An admission of 25 cents
100 ATTEND I tee, Marion Van Tyle, chairman; Nell- Phyllis Richards, chairman of public- Jan. 8, to Margaret hawkins, (hai- will be charged.
ie hoover, Mary VanDeursen, Rhoda ity, is supported by a committee of man of the contest. The designer of Short us the existence of the Grad-
is made last night Tuthill, Marva Hlough, and Margaret five, Gertrude Foster, Evelyn Pratt, the winning poster will be awarded Itpate Women's club has been on the
key team by Miss Breer\ assistants; program committee, Dorothy Morehouse, Virginia MColl prize of $10 toward her life member- Michigan campus, its work of promot-
the Ihysical edu- Margaret Hawkins, chairman; Cletus! aAd Margaret Ricker. The music com! ship in the Women's league, in addi- ing the interests of the graduate stu-
the annual hockey Fagan, Janet Trembly, Katherine mittee under Margaret Cole will be tion to having her design appear oni dents and bringing them together in -a
the W. A. A. and Frohne, Madeline Dankers, - Mary L. announced later. the play programs. Those wishing to social way is already noticeable.
Joe Parker's. The Murray, Josephine Norton and Flor- compete are asked to call Miss Hawk- Weekly dinners have been encourag-1
crc announced as I ence Wertel, assistants. Muffs are slowly making their way ins at 5718. ng friendships among graduate wom-
am for this year: . The costume committee under Mar- into vogue again and most stores Judges in the contest will be J. P. en, and since the club has been organ-
Ed., l.w. and cap- ian Welles, chairman, consists of Ed- ( showing them exhibit alongside small Slisser, instructor of drawing and i:sed one social evening each month
Eunice Childs, '28, wina Hogadone, Dorothy Swartout, hotwater bottles which are inserted painting; Betty Nutt, '28, general has been held when programs have
lht, '28, c.f.; Nell Veta Arbruster. Katherine Patterson, inside. chairman of the play; and Phyllis been furnished by the different groups
Euturia*'oster, Loughton, '28, director of the produc- into which the organization is divided.
stitutes for these ',tion. Dean Alfred H. Lloyd of the Gradu-
trude Gulich, '27 i Tryouts for the play begin today at ate school has taken an active interest
Dreifus, '27 Ed. 3 o'clock and last until 6 o'clock. Thy- in helping the graduate women make
s are: Irene Field, outs will also be held tomorrow and a success of their undertaking. Mrs.
eWalsh, '27, c.h.;/00A p o W0,ht0D, Friday at these hours. SaturdayE Lloyd entertained the, club at tea at
28 Ed., the substi- morning tryouts will occur from 9 to her home last week when the members
sition is Eleanor 12 o'clock. Everyone must pay her had the opportunity to become ac-
e remainder of the on All Diamonds and W atches class dues before she may be allow- quainted with a number of faculty
f:DrtyLyonsd to competefrpas.wm .
house, '27 Ed., r.f.e
'27 as substitute
'27 Ed., g., with. T H Em~NT
Ed. as her s THE WH SHOP
meLin attended the
the first and sec- 1 121 South University Ave. O1 Church rI: 1
lass teams, the in- 5 i 0 6~in
t winnth the physical
nt and the W. A. -

SC T PO ES The point system committee of the
More than 150 pairs of gloves have iWomen's league will meet at 4 o'clock
been sold during the past week by today in Barboifr gymnasium.
members of Mortar Board honor soci- There will be a meeting of the new-
ety for senior women, during a house comers section of the Faculty Women's
to house canvas and sale at the Lea- club at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow at the
gue bazaar. This does not include or- home of Mrs. Peter Field, 904 Olivia
ders taken from residents of Ann Ar- street.
bor who will be visited this week. There is to be a faculty and alum-
Orders will be sent in immediatelyr
and delivery is promised by the be- naesdance at Granger's at 9 o'cilocl
ginning of the Christmas holidays. As Tuesday evening, Dcec. 14. It will e
only part payment has been received' under the auspices of the Faculty Wo-
on most of the orders, members who men's club. The price is $1 per con-
deliver the gloves to the buyers will'ple_
collect the balance. Junior Girls' play tryouts will be
held from 3 to 6 o'clock today i Sarah
Subscribe for the Michigan Daily. Caswell Angell hall.
'ORIGAN-loved hy
women ofexquisite
sophistication and delicate
finished worldly charm-
romance and mystery, the
enchantment of the east.
PARIS-Mchosen Iy
womnen of gay vivacity,
of sparkhing joy in life-
/ o.i~i$.O o-$.75 N.30i$J

A. board. The winning teams of the
intramural and interclass tournament
Sset together and also all class hockey
teams were together being distinguish-
ed by their hockey coats of their class
Dr. Margaret Bell and Miss Laurie
Campbell of the Physical Education
department and Miss Alice Lloyd of
the committee of advisors of women
were the speakers of the banquet. Dr.
Bell presented the class hockey
awards which are diamond shaped
numerals, to the new womei who
have never received them before.
She also awarded the senior class
team with the interclass tournament
championship which has been theirs
since they entered the University as
freshmen. The hockey cup was pre-
sented to Betsy Barbour house which
is f now their permanent possession.
They have won the intramural tourna-
ient championship Ifor three con-
secutive years. A new cup will be
purchased next year by the W. A. A.
board so that the intramural tourna-
ment can continue and a cup can be
awarded each year.
Music for the banquet was furnished
by Joe Parker's orchestra and danc-
ing took place between courses. Each
class team had their own song which
provided the entertainment for the
Masques To Present
Maeterlincks Play
Portraying to the greatest advant-
age the talent of its members, Mas-
ques, the oldes women's dramatic or-
ganization at iichigan, will open its
season this year playing Maurice
Maeterlinck's masterpiece, "Sister
Beatrice." Rehearsals, started early
in November will culminate in the
finished product on Dec. 14 and,15 at
Mimes theater. Picket sales will sta-rt
tomorrow and will be continued each
day from 2 to 5 o'clock till the Ad
of the play at -the Mimes box office.
"Sister Beatrice" is the original
from which Maurice Guest received his
inspiration for his great pantomime
"The Miracle." Its theme is that of
the nun who wanders into the world.
Minna Miller, '27, will carry the 'role
of Sister Beatrice supported by a cast i
of versatile talent. Phyllis Loughton,
'28, director of the Junior Girls' play,
isalso directing the Masques produc-
Elaborate and decorative costumes
will enhance the setting of this con-
vent story, The committee in charge,
under the direction of Helen Hawkins,
'28, have gone to great pains to make
them authentic by studying all ancient
ecclesiastical garments concerned. I
To create a realistic setting, the
Masques production uses, singing off
stage, and carefully planned lighting
to increase the atmosphere of the
great dim cathedral which the stage
represents. Mary White, '29, is chair-
man of properties for the play; and
Laura Kraft chairman of tickets.
Sparkling sequins, which are the
glass of fashion for the moment, give
a shimmering effect on the dance
frocks in London's ballrooms, but aft-
er the dances are over the floor sweep-
ers hove a busy time clearing them up
fromu the floor.I
Make your dates now for
the Soph Prom.-


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