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December 08, 1926 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-08

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PACGI : U, i



a, II
_______________________________________________ I I



versities hi ave rot been slow in seeingI
09 the advantagesr : of the custom and
durinrr =prit; f yer aMich-
3':blishedc:v. y monngexcept Monday iBrta r4Pim-ish",ehols and -was
dIuing Ie 1Unvrsity yearvby teBoard iv
onrlo tletioiarnsfollow.ed closely by r(",-c entative s
Members o WcsternConference :Editorial0 rictn
ts t c - 3 The Idditriol of the University of
Th soitdP-sis exclusively en- Sidney to the Us..t is a velconitt one,y
tile t te -efo roblication of all new particularly since it sets a precedent
diixdh~i Cedte ltoit or not otherwise
c e ,tdi h- pa1:1an theocal news pub- which may expand this comparatively
ji..h~~d trua' nowtradI -io one which would cm-
Enire a te osficea Ann Arbor, brace many foreign schools using the
~ilehiaii assi'mdclas tattr. special rate
of ~ ~ ~ ~ a Ilaer:nd \Trd Assistant Post- Ilnllagua go as a medium1.
by earrier, $3.75: by mail,3-. .RI
$4.00.THE (CAR~
U~es nn Arbor Press Building, May-
xiar Si;retCredit goes where credit is due.
!. 'hones:e-925; isiness 21214. IThe "Slines" issue of The Gargoyle
J _ .)J i. I .9fwhich came out yesterday wvas by far
EmI AItrh.F e bcert Iis NT e, and perhaps sur-
~ ~ passes the "Confesons" num~ber of a
MAN~iG DIORyear ago for wi1t, cleverness, and
Si! r ii, CAl)Y, JR. originality. The staff put cut an un-
usually creditable 's ,Te
City 5ditr-----------------.. Irwin A. OTian _.
NejEior------- rederiek Sibn SPI -LZTIO
e "cs rs.. . , . .... i Philip C- Jlr (k
X~~ensEitr--------aio~KISk~ l~eili<tion the secret whic'h
Spors l ~.r------ltcn A. Snsf p~a~in.ci.~
M~, na;w sn.. ,,. ;. ;cetC Wall, Jr. ;men studelits have lon g ago discover-

L i,1w7 P'i {F1 'An ' IE
ths week n soIc 1barE r terdw
!Old Man Stre. h rcnlymd
rperoasitotheida cifthesowl
flakees, wihamfewf improemetslo
faot,,had betsyes n the white n no
AThen asthe"Ladye of the snow
song and the beautiful background ofl
white-topped mountains and snow

TONIGHT: The 1Mimes present the,
thlirst performance of their tiventy-
first union opera, "Front Page Stuff,"
in the Whitney theater, at 8:15
j A Review by Robert Ramsey.
The twenty-first annual of Mimes
is an impressive production because
it has obvious possibilities, but they
are possibilities which as yet have not
been sexploited and developed to their
full flower. As it was presented last
night, there are crudities in the way

Christmas Gift-
Open Evenings until Christmas At both ends of the zDiagp
.- II IU 1 111111111111i111111ii11111 11111111111111111111111i11116i111111. sd ?6f' ?


1. ..... __ - _._ --_------- , g

l ]ili E itors
Cfan ir 1t by..' i c, rry
To CIs oc :Ln _ rtliiC. Smiith
aamea1+eraliC~a-tmm A.Wilson
A_: i.tarat City Editors
Cart Burger (ii vyl hurnau
ClarnceRid s' u 1 ail urvink.
Ch: tor E. ('ilark G. 'Inolnas Mc kean
Es1,::' l ; a crgne t3 Pah 't rick
i ekl I me 1 oSter j uilm.es Sheeln
Koc inch XttI. Ssith , Jr.
1in 1ej Gunderson A aW Vhes
rm, tI[vooer T.mduaVmaiclewski
Al ~ v omtn1I c s!,he w;o'l \Vinslowr

ed u which women students, to their
detriment, have not yet found, accord-
ing to a University (if Iowa professor.j
Th average college girl, he says,'
flits from one thing to another dur-
ing bher . college eareer and emerges
from her four years with 4 smattering
of several things and no real knowl-
edeof anything; perhaps not even a
On the other hmid, men are said to
definitely prepare themselves for their
life work. The fact as brought out
by the Towa professor "that the weak-
er sex has not yet learned to utilize
university training to its fullest ex-
tent," niay or may .not b)e true. It is
at least worth' thinking about.




PAUL W. ARNOLDj Congress used to legislate; now it!
Adv ertising.............. Williain C. Pusch' extricates itself from the ilass of bills
~~~~~~~ , ii .........Io;;as Sunderland irsnc n oshne~hutd
A(vertisng.... ......eorge II. Annabmle,, Jr.Iprsne-adgs o /xhut,
('i-elaio...........F.iKhletIl Bhri~~n This session, already filed, there are
A c c o u ts . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ..ia n is A . N rin ju ist 1 1 2 0 0 m a u e p r s n d f o a c i .I
Assistants1,0 esrsprsne o cI
C_0-rgeAlin Jr. Hlarold Utley; This is not only remarktable, it isJ
'+;iI.. er L. J. 'Van 'fuyl rdcuos
1) l rw .B. Woodriiuos
M.i kI. Cin tler BoozeI If Congress can act onl a bill every
1lreC (opcr 11 ilda IBinzer
1)anlicl 1inley D)orothy Carpenter jminute and forty seconds from now
B. FIi. Iilev Alaiimon A. Daniel uni
A. 1lFln~e lotrice Greenberg Iuni the end of the session in March
S..lulse S1h1 rJaonnri t will just finish the business in a
. t ;' aiiiK r
R. A. Mee11:rim L. Reading norrml working day. If these bills
IIorze Iocnuluin V 1i mit C. Srauth
Wila .Spence: N ic. Soomon j average 200 words in length, and Many
I +-rtey Talcott i e e Ximar'ier
_________w ill be longer than this, it will just
- ~ be possible to read them all-by fast
- presentation--bef ore Congress must
xadjourn. Still Americanis expect their
______-Congress to accomplish Something.
Nhih J~i~rtJ~l~rON . T >J Of course the greater number of,
L:1 t1:.l~l' -- --j these will never reach the floor of the
TAX pj{ '1Kt t House or Senate. Of tho se.thati do the
Uig-i' anonpatisn atiudeonvast ma~ority wilpa -,s without cle-
Ih eucii t~inUiort r bate.'.Put even so, such anl absurd
C.'el~uli~cn squantity of legislation is askinig too
i ov niigReulc suppor, for
rt ie lcome tazx rate on the much of even a law factory on a
basis of an estimated surplus of $500,-1I quantity production basi. Perhaps
OdQOO t te nd f te ear Thirsome day there will be men running
principal1' argument seems to be that; for Congress who ill l:boast that they1
the Ainric n tx~iver houd b never introduced a bill; and then per-
the eneit f th reucton. haps a wise electorate will choose
riven-~ ltem; and~ when a sufficient majority
No materi_.W lcasant 01' equitable
it n>r sch ationof them take their seats th ey will vote
it ncyl;;, h~emi-e, sch ctin to abandon legislation, which has be-
shiould not be toohatiy In the first .-
plae, hcr isin ssuanc tht acome a farce, and introduce an an-
surlu x~HIbeerc td i ftu'e eas.I ar('ly more recognisable lint no less
1 n ic, wththeknui idg tht bsireal than the present anarchy of law.
iThey canl at blast make tlie plea of;
nei; '(nhliou vry inl cyc'les atndI-.

bank:s.4 But the hit of the show was l of acting and in plot developmnent
the hors ofsnomen.Thee 'which should be ironed out before the
the hors o snwme. Teserely- show is readly for its road trip. Save
poly animated snowballs, looking ex-] for the fact that the chorus work is
actly like the finished product of af far and away the best that has ever
good Saturday morning's work on the been seen in a Michigan opera, the
part of the neighborhood kids, paraded music better than most, and the
and danced their way into a battle{ comedy of a slightly higher order
in which the audience bombarded than one usually finds there, the show
themwit th wamestkin ofap-as it stands now is little more than a
themwit th whmestkin ofap-pleasant evening's entertainment.
plause. Considering the work done by Mimes
'*'b * in the past, this comparatively
ETen a professor 'who had just' mediocre success should not satisfy
fiunishled reading 864 bluebooks oi them.
cci i tarvI ABlsin" n 1o They aehniapdb nex-
"l-SowIABlsi"an-hotremely aehniape ya xslow start, and the worst
had been socked with snowballs from finale that they have ever had, but the
the timea le left homle-where tihe players proceed to the business of the
furnmace had gone out and the water I evening with an enthusiasm which is
pipes had frozen-to the time lie slip- the saving grace of the show. When
lied on thleie in front of the Whit- one remembers the beautiful finale or
ney nd wan prawinginto a snow- last year, the exquisite arrangement
bard{.d wentdhavpraldattng nm of -the groups on the stage, and' the
bant ol aerae tti mm general artistry with which the whole
ber. effect was conceived, one can hardly
* * Vunderstand how Mimes would allow
We could go on listing the front ' the shabbiness of the finale of "Front
page stuff in Front Page Stuff for a Page Stuff." The dirty pink of the
few columns, but we promised to costumes in combination with the
leae sme oo inthi isueof hepinkish hue of the mountains is a
leav soe rom i thi isue o th rfisconception that makes one sigh for
paper for advertisements. ! the glory that might have been.
* * *The story lacks continuity. Writers
of the opera, and producers of the
SIDEWALKS I work should realize that the opera
must be first a play, and without
( ldei ut 3:3:te irfo.s al definite progression is worth little.
I slde i du tim. IOnce more we find Mimes going back
____________________________Ito the days when the plot sers es for
* *I little more than to join the dances to-
WHO SELLS DOG C1IAINS2 gether in some sort of unity.
Subscribers to ROLLS' Stadiunm If I were to pick out the worst fea-
tures of the show, it would be the
Bond Fund are asked to state their J numbers "Style, Style Plus Six" and
desires in the disposition of the funda the comedy rendition of "Just Any
already raised. We would like to buy Kind of a Man," not because they are
a chain for Clippy so that she won't executed badly, for they certainly
break loose and disturb the quiet of ;are not, but they have no place in the
the campus and the constructiveness show. With these exceptions, the
of te Daly ffical ullein.opera had maintained a satisfactory,
of he ail Oficil Blleinand thoroughly laudable aloofness
from that type of chorus which has
Browstark ,apparently b~ecome a distressing fix-
ture in their productions. It is a
hangover from the days before the
CHAPTER 6 opera grew up, and until it is -dropped
After hearing those desperate vil-j permanently, the opera cannot he first
lains plan the kidnaping of Princess rate. Tamibourine was distinctive
Collegia Spiritia, Paul would have because there was a minimum of re-
rushed in and murdered them single- version back to type. "Front Page
handed, but lie didn't want to spoil Stuf" is so far unimpressive, this
chorus is again dragged out of its
this story. : grave, and paraded, a lonely and an
Ile sneakedl back into town and unloved corpse. When occasion is
made his way directly to the palace, taken to make this the opportunity of
where he hid in the usual shadows displaying costumes, which in them-
along the wall. A few hours later he' selves are sufficiently dazzling to
make one forget its crude obviousness,
heard the tramp of approaching men,thrisom psibexcefri.
who crepit quietly along the road until But the devises used last night were
they were alniost opposite dimi. of such poor taste, that it cannot pass
They disappeared into the palace, comment.

Factory Ifat Store

r! 1 1r j


617 Packard St.

Phone ?4151

We are closing out all HATS at,
Reduced Prices to make ready for
"Spring Stock. Every hat is fine in
quality and right up-to-date.
Bring your hat in and have it
Cleaned and Blocked before going
home. We do satisfactory work. No;
odor, no gloss, no burned sweats. I


Schubert LaFayette
Cadillac 8705
Warner Bros.
First Time Wed. Eve., Dec. 8
2 :15-Twice Daily-S :15
Evenings, 50C to $1.50
lMatinees, 50c to $1.00




Tonight, 8-10
and every
Wednesday, 8-10
Friday, 9-1


.-Pzrcozec r-mor-K-100--c-0000. .1


Union Pool

r 1

S atu rd ay, 9--12
.. 4 ,.c
r .e *e . .* ~ .ct- a
Reflects Good Taste
" T will grace a smart reception
hal. It will hang correctly over
:. ~an end table. And for Christ-'
{ ~mas suggests itself readily as a
! gift in taste for one who prefers some-
thing for the home. It may be chosen
in several styles and sizes with rich
frames of ap~tiqued gold.
112 East Libe ty St.f
"Furniture Gif t Head quarlcrs"?



I'l-=C c 000,-cc

i °. /.1. . ' '. . '.


and our hero followed. He saw them

de ntedp oser '_£" c<ording to Sec-
retar ooe,: s ey probable
th'... i ~Icxrtun based on a
givenate wils decrease. t t't
futre lat, wthbusiness conditions
genrshy ooI' . atax inc rease
'w-old barliav yupon l.the Country.
'orelentae in prosperous timesj
and incrzeasinlg them when conditions
are1 oort116 proposed action of the
I )moratswould tenYd to accentuate
ti ceiof the 1business Cycle.
Ifnoreuction metasures are enacted,
the !surplus wouldl automatically go
toadthe reduction of the pubilic
(lEh, Y : T" his appl ication seors quite 3
deale,,ic because it would dispose of
the natibon's liabilities when it is best I
= able to pay them. In effect, it would
also tend to smooth the business cy-
(le.^ ivm. the accephtanice of this
i~ha wul alowour national legiS-,
latos, nw'muh _toublled by this
qusin o osdrthose matters
yhio deandacton rom Congress.=
Ntobeotoeiii atteliphts to
t~"_e.-r.. inte £rnational. amity, the Uni-E
versiv ofSidne, Au'a a is fol-
low ed the cexample set by schools of
I he 4cc or iviill insendinlg epre-
sen<ai sto li Uite0(1States and
Cania ~i 'let thti'universities and
coh en , n d~al. Ateam from the;
isl udcon bint s nw touring the
l nloes ,hs istd Inu et inl
.alIIo 'lisit;y oflIowva, plhus to
I;eet -Nore Damle and Nori;Iwestci'u,
and o t' md Its tour with a qulad-
rayglar heba e with *Oxford, Cam-
bigand an America n college,
1)robably Yale.

Six years ago the International As-
j oeiation e ': _ Itehiiists acquired con-
trol of the Mount Vernon Savings
bank of Washington, d?. C., entered a
1revio u ly uinknown ft'eld, and ushered
in a new phase (of the activity of or-
ganized labor.
At the present time there are thirty-
four labor banks in operation writh
about $122,000,000 in resources and
$105,000,000 in. deposits. Labor banks,
once thought impractical, have grown,j
are prosperous, and performi a definite
service to their members.
Fifteen million marks in cash, two
hundred thousand acres of land, num-
erous castles, anddeother property are
entirely too little for a private gentle--
man to maintain a respectable estab-
lishment,, in the opinion of the former'
Kaiser 'WIilhelm _anad his faniily, nowj
residing at Doori, IHolland. The

enter the Princess' room. Sneaking
in quietly, he was in time to hear the
Prince'tscreain.lie firedl off one
of, the five revoilvers he always car-
ried, and rushed at the dozen of r* en.
'Well, it was soon over, and Paul
of couirse killed them all.
When the news spread, the Brow-
stark citizens began to celebrate.
C They miarched in great crowds
thirough the streets, yelling and sing-
ing. For Princess Collie was popular.
Suddenly out of the mist that mark-
'ed the boundary line between Bir ow-
stark and Arboria, came the flashing
swords of the soldiers of this neigh--
boring courtry. Cruel generals, cap-,
1 tains, sargeants led the privates into
battle. The honor of Arboria must be
preserved at all costs. And anyway
tear gas is pretty cheap.
(Continued In Our Next)
Peggy Green is comning? Fraternitiesj
are requested not to decorate their'
houses, but The Daily, besides a front

H-owever the dancing is the best
that they have ever given us, espe-
cially the full choruses. While the
solo dancing is on a par with what has1
Igone ibefor-e, the choruses, in novelty,
in training, and in conception are
really wonderful. Add -to that, music
which is catchy and often delightful,'
and comedy which is good because the
opera makers have at last realized
that comedy of situation is far su-
perior to the empty comedy of line,
and you have an- opera of very sig-
Inificant possibilities.
There 'will be no organ recital this
afternoon, and in place of this 'enter-
tainment, Palmer Christian, Univer-
sity organist, assisted by a mixed
chorus, will present a special program
of Christmas music Sunday afternoon
at 4:15 o'clock. This has been an an-
nual event for some years and one of j
the most charming 'seasonal pro-
The Ypsilanti Normal Choir, assist-
ed by a choir of children's voices, willj
n ?.ien th fnl u1Iwino j nrJcrdii1 +_



I~ohuzolern' legl reresetati e headline every day from now u- morrow night at 8 o'clock in Pease
h ;as been foyer. to resign after secur- til the event takes pilace, will printauioum'
in hstd u fo h rsinan extra the night of her arrival car- Prelde
ryin a pay-b-pla accunt Old French Noels... Children's Choir
Money is again the root of all the! Tickets are sold for the soph prom, aai't ui
troble Te fmiy crcl ad sr-but the guests will not be allowed to 1 Adoramu's Te........... Palestrina
wants who stood by the Kaiser in dance except around the edge of the Only Begotten Son .... Gretchyaniov j
pomp and power are now finding fault ball room while Peggy and the campus Legend........Tschaikovsky
wit th pesios e gvesthe. I Ipoliticians perform. Any one desiring: Gospodi Pomilui ........... LvovskyI
would appear that Herr von Burg, tihe an ap~pointment as a state officer dury-'AeMn tla.......re
agent, was an exece.llent negotiator in i ig Mr. Green's administration may I Chanson Joyeuse Noel .. .. Old French I
getting for them the amount he dlid meet her for a slight additional cost.j English, 'Hadrigal, Old French
and that the former Kaiser and family alKernel and Irish Folk Songs
should be thankful that they don't*** Ladies, You See Time Fhieth:...
have to work for a living. " Swim meri Plan Christmas Trip".. ................... Thomas Morley
' said a Daily headline. So are we. The Silver Swan.... .Orlando Gibbons
Combination between English and;' * * On the Plains ......Thomas Weelkes

1,0 P - R
on it. This shirt has

' I'
e for AYou'
nd; You forS tp" (



Coca-Cola is the


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