WEDNESDAY, 'N'OVEA11171-1 17,
, , ,,,_,., .z., ,.
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Pfess is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
ished therein.
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6 $4.00.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
bard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor..................W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor.................Irwin A Olian
News Editors.............Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor..............Marion Kubik
Srts Editor............Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Edtor........-Morris Zwerling
Music and Drama.......Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
t Charles Behyrer Ellis Merry
Canton Champe Stanford . Phelps
)o Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
James herald Cssam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Car Burgers Henry Thurnau
- Joseph ]runswick
Maron Anderson Miles Kimball
f Alex 8ochnowski Milton Kirshaum
jean inmpbell Richard Kurvihk.
Clarence Edelson G. Thomas Mehean
William Emery Adeline O'Brien
Alfred Lee Foster Kenneth Patrick
i Robert E. Finch Morris Quinn
John Friend James Seehan
Robert Gessner N. J. Smith
Elaine Gruber Sylvia Stone
Coleman J. Glencer William Thurnau
s Harvey . Gunderson Milford Vanik
Stewrt Hooker Herbert Vedder
Morton B. cve - Marian Wlles
v Paul Kern Thaddeus Wasielewski
Ervin LaRowe Sherwood Winslow
Telephne 21214
Advertising.................Paul W. AI.teid
Advertising...............William C. Pusch
Advertising..............Thomas Sunderland
F Advertising..........George 11. Annable, Jr.
Circulation...............T. Kenneth Haven
t Publication............ ...John Hi. Bobink
Accounts..... .......Francis A. Norquist
George Ahn Jr. L. . Van Tuyl
Melvin HI. Baer J. . Wood
Di,1. Brown sther Booze
t lM. H. Cain Hilda Binzer
Daniel Finley Trothy Carnnter
1. H. Handlley Marion A. Daniel
A. \l. Hinkley Leatrce breenbeng
E. L. Hulse Selna M. Janson
S.Kebw Marion Kerr
R. A. Meyer Marion L.Reading
Harvey Rosenblum Harriet C. Smith
William F. Spencer Nance Solomon
Harvey Talcott Florence Widmaier
Harold Utley
Night Editor-CHAS. E. BEHYMER
Tonight University men will vote
upon the proposed Union constitution-
al amendment regarding life member-
ships. It is difficult to see how men
with the best wishes of the University
at heart can fail to attend the meet-
ing or vote favorably on a sensible
and fair solution of the problem of
Union life merberships. A plan which
will eliminate the annual Union drive
ought to be supported personally by
every Michigan man.
Someone has shot somebody! The
unusual event has electrified the na-
tion. Machines are clicking and
presses rolling and columns and col-
umns on the important event are being
reeled off with dizzy speed and dis-
tributed to the breathless public un-
der flaring headlines.
There have been 5,000,00 words writ-
ten in eleven days on the case, for the
public press. Some idea of the im-
mense amount this denotes may be
gained from the fact that if these
words were laid end to end, printed'
in newspaper type, they would reach
about 240 miles. A person could walk
from here almost to Chicago reading
about the Hall-Mills trial all the way
in a continuous line. If set in a col-
umn the words would run about twen-
ty miles, or about 5,000 full newspaper
columns without an intervening head.
These columns, set in a newspaper,
would completely fill 650 pages, with-#
out advertisements or headlines in be-
This is the sense of proportion thatI
the American newspaper has. This is1
the amount of space that the press
will fill in eleven days about an event
that concerns no more than two
worthless er nearly worthless mem-
bers of our society.r
When the cost of war is reckonedr
and the final balance reached, thereg
are only two things counted as a
rule; first, the actual cost in dollars,
then, the loss in human lives. It is"
rather startling then to find thatd
larger even than the money spent isI
loss in other lines, such as foreignp
trade and commerce.s
force another cost of war.-TwelveS
years, and less progress than in four
months preceding the conflict.
Reports of the "service of toler-
ance" held in Port Huron in which a
flag pole presented by a Jew to a
Methodist church ,was dedicated by a'
priest and in which a flag wat donated
by the Ku Klux Klan come with
pleasant and relieving contrast to ac-;
counts of disputes, strikes, murders,
and gang warfare.
Disappearance of all opposition to;
this unique service, at first demon-
strated in open threats, before the co-
operative efforts of every stratum of
soc-ety is exemplary of the possibili-
ties of human understanding and tol-
erance. Application of these princi-
ples in the consideration of our dis-
putes and disagreements instead of
prejudice and a narrowminded sense
of proof would greatly increase com-
ity between nations and individuals
As a newly elected and politically
sagacious senator from a strongly
agricultural state, Senator Brookhart
acted very naturally in confining his
first post-election stateinent to ,the
necessity of farm relief and especially
in providing natural publicity for his
utterance by advocating consideration
of the farm relief measure at a- special
session of Congress to be called next
With the Republican administration
now fully awakened to the serious de-
mands of the Middle Western states,
however, there is little doubt that the
coming winter session will adjourn
without having given much attention
to this question. In view of the Pres-
ident's recent move in the income tax
situation, which forestalled the in-
tended fight of the Democrats for tax
reduction, this action of the Iowa sen-
ator may prove an added incentive in
this direction.
Not since the. administration of
President James K. Polk has there
been such a hubub about the doctrine
of free will and the high price of
The Oh' State campus is spread
out like an opposing team getting
ready for one of those Benny to Ben-
ny tricks. The buildings are grouped
around a park that stretches about a
mile in one direction and is at least
a quarter mile across. Around the
edge of this runs a road, so that the
students can drive their cars between
*. U e
They even have a bus that takes
the Ag studefts from the campus to
their other building, which is two'
miles away from the center of culture.
* " "
If we went to school down there
we would go from class to class in an
airplane. In the ten minutes they al-
low we ought to be able to make it.
s * *
If you saw a football game this
year, write in to ROLLS describ-
ing It briefly. We are offering a
prize for the best student eye-
witness account of a game on
Ferry Field. This will be one of
the features of the FOOTBALL
FROM AFAR number.
* * *
Queen Marie will be welcomed to.
Ann Arbor Saturday afternoon at 3, it
is announced. And then what of the
gridgraph ? The Tolstoy league might
rent a hall and show it.
* * U
But we suggest that the Queen be
put, on as a special feature between
the halves at the gridgraph. She
would probably enjoy watching the
game anyway.
Another thing about her visit to the
city. Will she be allowed to enter
the front door of the Union, or will
they treat her like a co-ed? We stand
firmly on the position that a queen's
a queen except when she wants to
enter the Union. And she shouldn't'
be allowed in the tap room.
* * *
mus ic GRYLI-A 71
I ~AND_________-
.. .
TIlS AFTlERNOON': Andrew Hlaigli,., '-Travel Poetry - Plays - Fiction - Biographies
pianist, in the secon1d 3Matinee ?5 A-
cas. program in the Union ssembly A Very Complete Stock of the Latest and Best Books.
hall at 4 o'clock.=
Recital in Hill auditorium at 4:15--
oo. At Both Ends of The Diekgone
9llllllllli111111111111111111111111 il llll lll 1 I11U11111111111111111111111111111111i 1111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111E11
Owen B. Winters and Leonard Cline, !
both members of the class of 1914 have
collaborated in a play entitled MAK Beginning Tonight
"Daisies Wont Tell" which Sam Har-
ria and Edgar Selwyn. will present M
this season with Pauline Lord. G ranger'sA dacedClag r
While this is their first play, both ; "-t.rI
men have distinguished themselves i.Style - Quality . Ser-ice
rush and scurry of avidy writers Sae a Dollar or More at Our FactGry.
which eadry innnates yNew Yrk.s Hats Cleaned and Reblocked
which yearly innundates New York. Fine Work Only
Owen Winters is vice-president of Properly Cleaned - No Odor Tonight Wednesday, November 17,
Erwin Wasey and Company; one of the No Gloss x- No Burnett Sweats our advanced class in dancing will meet
country's largest advertising agencios, at the Academs Tuition $5 for term
and is one of the highest salaried ad- Factory flat eStoret t esone. E uron $y foier
vertising writers in the country. Leon- 617 Packard St. Phone 7415
ard Cline, on the other hand having ( (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) the Academy-5822.
had his beginnings in newspaper
work is also the author of two popu-
lar novels, "God Head" and "Listen
Moon," the latter having only recent-
ly been published. While in Ann Ar-Da i Wd syFd ,ary
bor both men were active in literaryPLEA E Dancing Wednesday, FridaySaturday.
and dramatic activities, both con-
tributing to the various campus pu-5
lications. ----- --
* * *
IN HIAFollowing the success of the aboe- aA
of '. ..-:t-.a:. .. ~I 11111 ..
Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
To The Editor:
During the past week I have watch-
ed with increasing interest and
amusement the efforts of one of the
Daily's editors to deride and belittle
Fascism and Mussolini. First, there
was the statement that Mussolini had
taken over the seventh portfolio, that
the Italian people were not support-
ing this "usurpation," and that in all
probability the "tyrant" would soon be
overthrown, since he is not even back-
ed by his own people. This assertion
is obviously absurd, since as pre-
mier he could not have obtained the
necessary majority in parliament if
the representatives of the people had
not approved of his policy. The Fas-
cist party is composed of all male
Italians with the exception of a few
radicals and other undesirable ele-
ments that exist in every country.
Then in Friday's Daily appears the
statement that "the basic principle of
Fascism seems to be suppression and
deceit." Saturday's editorial, con-
demning the Italian policy of expan-
sion, announced that "Mussolini has
been forced to gag the press, suppress
propaganda against himself, take over
the seventh of his cabinet offices him-
self in order to have complete control
of Italy, and face an uncovered in-
trigue which has ruined his hitherto.
poor reputation in France." As a
matter of fact, Mussolini has not been
"forced" to do anything-he isn't the
type that is easily coerced, as the in-
sidiously plotting Freemasons found
out to their own cost. If he sup-
pressed the lingering vestiges of de-
cadent democracy and unified the gov-
ernment by putting down treason and
revolt, that is to his credit. If he has
taken a vigorous stand against schem-
ing French diplomacy and the un-
bounded ambitions of the sons of Mo-
hammed in the Near East, that like-
wise is'to his credit.
The real question is not merely the
suppression of treasonable opposition
and censorship of a verbose press:
rather it has to do with the abolition
of the vague, deceiving shibboleth of
democracy, the establishment of effi-
ciency through centralized govern-
ment, and the natural expansion of a
great race. All these things Mussolini
is accomplishing.
Those who speak of him as a
"tyrant" or a "mad dictator" do but
display their own Lilliputian stature.
It is easy enough to criticize those in
power and to tell how something
should be done :doing that something i
Admiral Ixzo, of the Horse Marines,
discarded his bicycle for an antomo-
bile at Jackson last night, continuing
on his way to Minneapolis after a
brief rest in the State prison. Ixzo
said: "I ana disgusted with the slow
rate of the bike. .It was worse than aI
horse, if that could be possible."
* * *
As we went to press this morning at
' A., M. word was received from the
Aeronautical society that three of
their, members had taken the air in a
Sbalioon Monday night on their way
to Minneapolis and they want to chal-
lenge Ixzo to a race.
* * *-
We are whole-heartedly in favor of
surveys, but being a co-ed cannot as-
sist in the survey of the Union. There-
fore in order to do our bit, we will
submit for your mutilation, a DIREC-
President Little's seemingly un-
founded prejudice against student cars
receives scientific support, as a result
of the discovery of 1 Spooner, 1 Pattie,
and 16 Parkers. Eight Carrs and 7,
Fords are now registered by under-
Finances are not as bad as we fear-
ed :we have received only one Bill and
5 Dunns.
Old Maid, Jr.
* *
One week from yesterday has been
designated as the final day of the
ROLLS Stadium Bond Fund campaign.
It is hoped in this way that we can
avoid conflicting with the Women's
league drive. We have yet to raise
* * *
Dear Mr. Hay:
My roomate and I have had just
oodles of fun following the progress
of your heroic fight to provide two
representative students with 50-yard
line tickets. We would advise you,
if we may, that you get the personalI
co-operation of that dear Mr. Tillot-
soon. He sent us some tickets forI
seats on'the roof of the field house
this year. I am sure that he has lots
of influence.E
Ima Petter and Mary Pickpackard.
* * *
graduates this note taken from a re-
cent number of The Music News from
Chicago proves of interest:
"The phenomenon of the season oc-
curred last Tuesday evening in Kim-
ball hall, when Barre Hill, the excel-
lent young baritone, appeared in hs
first Chicago recital and attracted a
capacity audience....HIlls main work
was Schumann's "Dichterlicbe" and
in this he signally distinguished him-
self. It is the task of a musical giant
and needs must have back of it a rare
personality.... musical feeling and
dramatic emotionalism. Mr. Hill sup-
plied all these in a wholly satisfactory
degree, singing every number with a
fine appreciation of content, inter-
preting the various moods adroitly
and holding unwavering attention
through the sheer force of musical
beauty coupled with perfect tech-
This enthusiastic review is an echo
to the praise accorded the rendition oQ
the "Dichterliebe" when Barre-Hiil
presented the American premiere of
this Schumann cycle last spring in his
graduation recital.
A review by Maxine Shinkmai
For those who enjoy well-trained
dancing choruses,-and what species
of individuals do not?-there is "Cast-
les in the Aft" as it is being pre-
sented at the Schubert-Lafayette the-
ater in Detroit. There is the some-
what stereotyped humor of the mu-
sical comedy, and the seasoned play-
goer will probably check out at times,
as, for example, when Monty Blair
drinksta cocktail, following it with
the trite bit: "Ab, two mrore of thos
and I'll go bear-hunting with a fly-
swatter." The management assures
us, however, that "Canada Dry Gin-
ger Ale is used in this production!"
The musical score is good,-I
should probably have said excellent
had I not heard it on the sae day
with. "The Vagabond King." The
"Lantern of Love" theme which
swings, breezily through the entire
play is "catchy" and no doubt we shall
be fox-trotting to the tune for some
The first and third acts are laid in
fashionable Westchester, but the sec-
ond act attempts to get away from
the more beaten path of musical com-
edy and takes us to the far-off land of
Latavia, which gives the play ro-
mantic color. The Latavian Folk
Song opens the act and has enough
dash to put us in an excellent spirit
for the Charlestoning dolls which are
to follow. Tige ohly grossly discord-
ent note in the act is struck with the
entrance of the Queen in the finale.
She is an austere, forbidding person-
age with clothes which must have
comes from a rummage sale and a
voice which must have been lost at
the Ohio game. She is quite as we
should expect, and as we have known,
Union opera queens to appear.
Tihe cast is for the most part well-
chosen. Miss Virginia O'Brien makes
a most entrancing Evelyn Devine,
Donald Brian a rather lively but
sometimes tiresome Monty Blair, and
Roy Cropper a handsome (if far
enough away) John Brown,tPrince of
Latavia. Need we say that John
Bronv the Princepin rd~ismis.mrie
nal 77-3r.
A larg
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e assortment of designs of Clhristmas ' cards with your
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Personal Greeting Cards and Statione
ratorical Association Course
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Charles Ranr Kennedy
Author of The Servant
Meek, The Winterfeast,
tening, and other plays.
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I' ,
a 4
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Edith J{Wine Matthison
Tuesday, Nov.
Tickets on Sae at later's
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