\VEDESDA, NVI I3ER17, 1926
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APDeleates To Hold
EDiscussion Meeting
TO P . Members of the Michigan delegation
--tothe conference of Christian asso-
Compute Pbrilt:3 League lem. ciations which will be held Dec. 28
tExecutives o Jan. 1 in Milwaukee, will meet at
M A 1 lOf 7:80 o'clock tonight in Lane hall. This
is the first of a series of discussions
[ SATURDAV to be held by local delegates in prep-
aration for the conference. After the
organization of the delegation tonight,
W\V honly four more days in which Chester Bennett, '29, will explain the
to c( il )l ', tIhe P20,()00 goal set as the general plan of the convention. A
undei'r, ;uate pledg e to the Women's discussion of campus problems and
1(~UC l)Uildiing, the executive com- the elements necessary to eliminate
j them will be led by Howard McClusky
n,'e hasre kdits efiorts to put of the School of Education.
a ross the iVC. Charts have been Both the Y. W. C. A. and S. C. A.
."(agcd showing the pledges re- will be represented at the conference.
ceyed rom organized houses on cam- The Y. W. delegation is not yet com-
pus. These have been arranged on a plete but the following women have
'emeutage basis, all past pledges be- already been chosen: Cynthia Smith,
ing i:eluded in the figure. However, '27; Josephine Norton, '28; Gertrude
pledes hwhi) b have been made, but Alexander, '27; Priscilla Choy, Grad;
t von wIhiuh nO dposit has been set- Martha Choy, '28Ed; Frances Wilson,
tied, could not b;e given credit. '29; Laura Osgood, '28Ed; Kumal Ar-
The following is a list of the sor- lick, '28; Achy Iype, Med; Jean Cur-
o ries with their correspondent rie, '29; Mitsu Motoda. Grad; and
pledges: Helen Davis, '28Ed.
OrganIizatlion Percent There will be perhaps six additional
Alpha Chi Omega ..............42.2 delegates chosen within the next
Alpha Epsilon Iota ............15.0 few days. In selecting its represent-
Alpha Epsilon Phi ..............25.0 atives, each local association is asked
Aliha Gamma Dlta.............25.0 to choose those who most adequately
Alpha Omicron Pi........... ...28.0 represent the Christian thought and
Alpha Phi ......................18.0 life of their campus, and who on their
Alpha Xi Delta.................1;.0 return, will be able to contribute to
Chi Omega....................28.0 that thought and life the new values
Collegiate Sorosis...............;0.8 that will emerge from the Milwaukee
~elta 1)elta Delta...............25.8 conference.
Delta Gamma...................88.6
Cela Zeta ...................21.9 ToFeature Harvest
Gamma Phi Beta...............25.0
A lpha Theta..........13.0
KappaDelta..................29.0 Spirit In Tea Room
oppa Kappa Gamma ............25.6 _
li Pea Phi ....................36.0 Working in accordance with the
PhIi(" ii~am . l'[u .......... .... ...i7.'3 W r m n a c rd n e w t h
, m Kanpa ..................3 general idea of the League bazaar, the
The aP lp a .... .. . ... ......15.0 ( tea room, which this year will be in
eta Tah Alpha . ............26.0 charge of Pi Beta Phi, will be ar-
Iirctal e.'. .0. :I'raiiged to resemble harvest fields. The
At a "Pop" luncheon held waitresses will dress in blue gingham
t. <h<ie ommeldyesterday I dresses, wearing white caps in an at-
for the execu~tive commtrittee, Evelve I tempt toginamladefctWo
Murray, '27, president of the Women's mpt gain a milkmaid effect.'Wo-
league, stressed the import aice of nmen are being recruited from sorori-
''eagt inr: s the imp.0 o a nceord fr ties and dormitories for work in the
ch lefiUn the y 20,000 goal in order tea room. They will work on shifts
tha;,t thle University women might keep with definite duties.
ii th i hthe Regents, who have ded- T ste ramrwilar spity
lbuilding is to he erected, teas as well as regular diners and
buildn is o ret r ,anotedr lunches and there will be music dur-
At the beoflhedrsIv nothej lig noon and evening. Reservations
chart will b)e published showing the myb aeb aln rne
improvement in the various houses. may be made by calling Frances
__________O'Brien, '27, 7117.
Second round of the elimination
games of the intramural hockey tourn-
ament will be played Friday, Nov. 19.
The games scheduled are as fol-
lows, 4 o'clock, Delta Gamma vs
Delta Delta Delta, Adelia Cheever vs
Alpha Xi Delta, 4:30 o'clock Betsy
Barbour House vs Phi Gamma Mu,
Martha Cook vs Alpha Phi. There
have also been some games scheduled
for Saturday morning, 10 o'clock,
Kappa Delta vs Pi Beta Phi, and the
winners of the Delta Gamma, Delta
Delta Delta game played Friday will
play the winners of the Adelia Cheev-
er, Alpha Xi Delta game. At 10:30
o'clock Zone 6 will play the winners
of the Betsy Barbour, Phi Gamma Mu
The semi-finals of this tournament
will be played Monday.
Subscribe for the Michigan Daily.
There will be a meeting of the Crop
and Saddle club at 4 o'clock today at
Barbour gymnasium.
The tent committee of the Sopho-
more circus will meet Wednesday at
4 o'clock at the gymnasium.
Chairmen of all sophomore stunts
are requested to call Marion Broehm,
'29, 3718 today.s
Posters for the Sophomore circus
are due Nov. 20. They are to be taken
to the office of Miss Beatrice John-
son at Barbour gymnasium.
All women desiring to sell articles
at the Women's league and Church
bazaar call Margaret Parker at 8817.
All articles for the bazaar will be
called for today shortly after noon.
Each article must be marked with the
cost, the suggested selling price and
the name of the girl sending it. All
the articles should be placed in a
box with the name of the house and
the number and kind of articles en-
There will be an important meeting o'clock at Barbour gymnasium.
>f the World's Fellowship commit' All women who plan to join the
at Newberry hall today at 5 o'clock. Club Leaders course which is being
There will be a meeting of Orchesis sponsored by the University Y. W. C.
at 8 o'clock tonight in Sarah Caswell A. and the city Y. W. C. A. combined,
Angell hall. are invited to a dinner at 6 o'clock
There will be a meeting of the new- tonight at the city organization head-
omer's section of the Faculty Wo- quarters . The price will be 35 cents
[man's club at the club house Thurs- a personn.,
day afternoon. Allunewcomers are -
ordially invited. Miss Lydia P. Grove is the first
There will be a meeting of the Point woman to travel from coast to coast
System committee Wednesday at 4 in an airplane.
111 lilllil l11 lI11lIl 111111111111111111111111111gill lII 111111!!iii lt11lil111li llll:
In -
c Silk Stockinigs=
"c What more need be said-other .than
that they have to satisfy in every respect
-as to Beauty, Quality and Service-
to have won such tremendous applause.
The Red Band at the top is always as
good as a certified check that you'll have
no annoying garter-runs. And because
"Ruby Ring" comes in the correct
weights for every occasion, it has an
unequalled following among the ma-
jority of college girls.
Semi-Chiffon Lisle Top, $1.65
Service-Lisle Top, $1.85
All Silk Service, $2
All Pure Thread Silk Chiffon, $2
11111,111111t111IIIIIIIIIIIU IU11 n11111I n1111111111111111111111i tU1111111111111111i 11r r!!
All of us
at Goodyear's
feel the
finest tribute
you can pay a store is to let it
help you
in your
Christmas shopping.
And you can be mighty sure Goodyear's is doing
its utmost to prove itself worthy of helping you make
Christmas pleasant.
Goodyear s
124 South Main St.
A new corporation has been organ-
ized by Miss Mansell, in Chicago,
cal led The Nancy Mani<sell corporation, I
in w~hi all the mmhers of the firm
and all the employees are women.
Their business is selling co-operative
apartments and homes.
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,; , t : _ .: ;ter
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O is , ^y L~".
4 f r Qr
FT r ,
h t * t.'y
t tid ' iy .
{ f 1: t r C1S'
; f I ' ti, fa a~
t .
Catchy, colorful melodies -
novel, sparkling orchestra ef-
fects. You'll want to start
dancing-and never STOP!
Drop in and let us play them
over for you-TODAY!
i i
i fe to Vel on M y Sweetheart (Fox Trot)
h 'O Iy Je1e ~Crawford with Goldkettes
3Eo'-Cadillac Orchestra
A novely ! 1Iy a famed orchcstra in conjunction with the grand
C!rgan. You'hl wr;:nt it
Rllaif a il ac ( lox T[ret)
NIt ( Iilk ret and Orchestra
Je Lr kS7' (M tley sfx Trot)
Eog'er WVfe K.n and Ilis Orchestra
Lile t he Ycirsi (a DIf' I 3By (Fox Trot)
T: : luole ( Vx Trot).
Boe by Alt Landry and His Orchestra
Tryg~ ts irs'et (Fox Trot)
Iusso and i: ior ito's Oriole Orchestra
; nU I ". eryu' W B U 1 "e (Fox Trot)
C hi\k fe's Book-Cadillac Orchestra
m :r e'i(,-m-TODAY--at
rz3.i'm Diiv Yc Surolas, $95 Up
116 South Main St.
i. y > 'f ? Phone -7312
Materials of
Crepe Back
Colors of
Lovely Furs Profusely Garnish the
Smartest of the New Dress Coats
The color of one's coat; the sort
of fur employed in trimming, and
the manner in which it shall be
used-these depend entirely on the
type of the wearer.
Not a Jiacobson coat is sold without
giving this full consideration. Stocks
have been provided which make allow-
ance for the needs of the small, the
large and the average woman; for the
woman of dark complexion ',and she of
light; and it may be said, due considera-
tion has been given to the purse limi-
tations of all women.
Especial care has been exercised in the
selection of the fur trimming of these
unusual coats. Only the finest furs are
acceptable for a Jacobson coat, and gar-
ments now offered fully conform to the
Jacobson standard as to quality of fur
and fabrics, as well as style and work-
We believe there is now on display at
this store a becoming goat for every
woman, and that the price range will
meet with general approval.
Reductions on All Coats
. .
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