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Poster Contest For JUNIOHSbtIN HONORS
Sophomores Begins
Advertisement for the sophomore IN INTERCLASS IYLL
circus is to be accomplished this year
through a poster contest. A prize of First round of the interclass hockey
$10 will be awarded for the best one has been completed and tomorrow;
submitted. Anything unique in con- marks the beginning of the second
nection with a circus is desirer by round of play. Throughout this first
the publicity committee. Only sopho- round the junior team has come off
more women may participate but there with all the honors having won every
is no limit to the number. of posciers one of their games. They defeated
.ach contestant may submit. the senioreteam in their second game
Any color scheme or design may be w h r ofs -tti- 1
N O T I C E S letic managers at 4:15 o'clock today hall. All members are urgently re- sophomore circus will be held at 5
in tbe parlors of Barbour gymnasium.qluested to conie, o'clock today in Barbour gymnasium.
Plans for the intramural swimming The point system of the Women's -
There will be a mecng of Orchess mc et wvill bed iscussedl. Ai--n M- i league wil rEot meet today. "E IAN T Af
at S o'clock tonight. Ier, W. A. A. swimming marqger will Tryouts for the tumbling act of the IflL W"1THI M®A
There will be a mueeting of all I7111- talk to the group. Any manazers who
versify women who have had ally cannot possibly coic should send a
previous experience in rifle at the representative.
Rifle range 330 Engineering building There will be a joint advisory board
at 4 o'clock today. and cabinet meeting of Y. W. C. A. at I
There will be a meeting of all ath-14 o'clock Wednesday at Newberry
-~ -
Announce Chaperones For Panhj p-
lcnie Rall Which Will be Held
Friday Nov. 26
Plans are rapidly culminating for
one of the most elaborate affairs of
the season, the Panhellenic ball, which
is sponsored by the inter-sorority as-
sociation, for the benefit of the Wom-
en's league and which will be held at
the Mi~enigan Union on Friday Nov.
26. The past three Panhellenic balls
have been held in Grangers and the
change this year is an innovation.
Committees for the affair are doing
everything possible to make it a suc-
cess, and although the decorations
and music have not been announced
they promise to be elaborate and un-
usual, and will place the ball on a,
level higher than that of ordinary
The chaperones for the affair are:
Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Cook Little,
Dean and Mrs. Bursly, Dean and Mrs.
Effinger, Dean Humphreys, Prof. and
Mrs. Vibbert, Prof. and Mrs. Frayer,
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Prof. and Mrs.
Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Abbot,
Dr. and Mrs. Aiton, Dr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Angell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mans-
field, Dr. Everette Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. Klingman, Miss Grace Richards,
Miss Alice Lloyd, and Miss Beatrice
Margaret Funk, '28A, who is gen-
eral chairman, will lead the ball.
Last year a profit of $500 was turn-
cd over to. the league.
In connection with this year's fes-
tivity every woman on campus is be-
ing given' )the opportunity to win a
ticket for the ball, as first prize for
a poster contest open to every Michi-
gan woman, beginning Wednesday,.
November 10, and lasting until Friday,
November 19.
National Secretary
To Lead Bible Study
Students will be given the unusual
opportunity this week to hear Miss
Winnifred Wygal, national student
secretary of the Y. W. C. A. from New
York state, who will visit the Michi-
gan campus from Thursday until Sat-
urday. She will conduct a series of
Bible study hours, dealing especially
with the personality of Jesus. Thurs-
day from 3 until 4 o'clock, Friday
from 3 until 4 o'clock, Friday evening
from 7 until 8 o'clock, and Saturday
morning from 10 until 12 o'clock.
Miss Wygal has had unlimited ex-
perience with students in the United
States, Canada, and Europe, and she
will bring to these Bible hours the
richness of her interesting experi-
ences in these countries. She has de-
voted a great deal of her time to her
work and study, as a year ago she
spent the suauner at Dr. Sharman's
Bible Camp in Canada, and the past
summer she was a delegate to the
World Students Christian Federation
in Denmark. Student movements
from thirty countries are mem-
bers of this Federation, and Miss
Wygal represented the Y. W. C. A.
from this country.
Any one who is interested in hear-
1 - . 4
used on the placards, but they raust
bear the inscription "Sophomore Cir-.
cus, December 3 and 4, Barbour gym-
nasium." The contest closes on Sat-
urday, November 20, and all posters
must be in the hands of Miss Beatrice
Johnson, of the office of advisers ofI
women, by that date. Further inior-1
onation regarding the contest may be
obtained by calling Marian Reading,
'29, chairman of the publicity com-
mittee, at 21857.
Loss of dating privileges to women]
at William and Mary college will fol-
low a scholarship average lower than
"80." The announcement of this rul-
ing caused great excitement on the
campus and the turmoil was heighten-
ed by reports that the rule might be
extended to the men.
wicn mar s te e rst ime tnat tnis
team has been defeated since they en-j
tered the University as they have been
class champions for the past three
years. The second round is expected
to be bitterly contested for the sen-
for team. Standings of the class
Blertine Beauty Shoppe
"Special" 4
Shampoo and Wave, $1.25
For Appointments, Dial 3839
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-a Sheer New
Hose at
98c Pair
teams up to
First Team
Second Team
date is as follows:
Games Won Lost
3 2
3 3
3 1
3 0.
Games Won
3 0
3 2
3 1
3 0
1 .666
0 1.000
2 .333
3 .000
Lost Pet.
3 .000
1 .666
2 .333
0 1.000
1111 South Utniversily
"Over St udents' Supplr Store"
A new gossamer hose 'for'the fastidious! It is
made of georgette crepe fabric and will outwear any
sheer hose three times its price. In seven Fall shades.
Every pair fully guaranteed.
* . ' 1
Mummers Dramatic Society will
hold its fall initiation at 3:30 o'clock
today at the Sigma Kappa house.
Price One Dollar
SNaturel-For blonde or brunette of pink
( toned flesh. Delicatciy youthful-
UBlanc r- Harmonizes with the white
skins, giving a classic pallor.
q Rose No. 1-Enlivens the complexion
J of blonde, golden or red.
q Rose No. 2-Imparts peach-like -warmth
to medium blondes or brunettes
Rachel No. 1-Harmonizes with many
4ae flcsh toles-gives an ivory tint.
P Rachel No. 2- Brings olden warmth
to amber flesh:ones.
SOcre-Enriches the complexion of deep
Ocre-Rose-A glowing tone for brunettes.
Indipensable for outdoor life.
,nyisWgltllo e xem tombeflsh one.-
"N o student is co pe
./ 1
Thurs., Fri. and Sat., Nov. 18, 1920
Matinee Saturday
Mail Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention.
We guarantee the cast, costumes and production to be
equally as good as that seen in New York, at the Republic
Record-Breaking Comedy
THE student who uses a Reming-
ton Portable Typewriter will tell
you he couldn't get along without it,
because it takes the drudgery out of
writing up his lectures and preparing
his reports and theses. Besides the
time it saves, the Portable provides
neater work than could possibly be
turned out by hand. Profs are human,
you know, and they appreciate and
reward neat and legible work.
You'll find Remington Portable the
handiest, fastest, and simplest to oper-
ate of all portables. It is the lightest
(82 pounds, net) and most
compact portable (carrying
case only 4 inches high) with
four-row standard keyboard.
Can be purchased for $10
s rdown and $5 monthly.
The Recognized Leader in
Sales and Popularity
P1, 11.11, Vandis hider Pen Shop
2I3 S. Thayer St. 31) South Ma i St.
Ain Arbor, Mich. Ann Arbor, ill ch.
Mayver 'bi arem' (o.
19:3 stmIl :6 ails Sl.
A nmAi., em', 31(hli.
Saturday 31 atinee-50c, 75e, r$1.10,.$1.65
Eeenngs --$1.10, $1.65, $2.20
ing MissWya tell o her experi ' , *",- " " '"
ences and work in many parts of the
world is invited to be present and is
asked to sign the hours that he will
be able to come.
_________ The Store of Individuality
Leadership Groups
Aid New Students ,
In order to bring new women to-
gether and to acquaint them with =
campus interests, the leadership com-
missiop of Y. W. C. A. has organized -
into groups, each group under the di-
rection of two sophomores. These
directors have prepared an interest-
ing program for this week.
Yesterday the group supervised by
Gertrude Fox and Margaret Dow were
addressed by Phoebe Wong, grad, of ®_-
China. Another group led by Jane -
Sage, June Marshall, Helen Hartman,
Helen Melchers, Elizabeth McIntosh,=
and Josephine Smith met at Newber-
ry Hall ot go through Couzens Hall
and the University Hospital. Thurs-
(lay at 5 o'clock, the group of Nellie
Becker and Oriel Endleman will have -
a supper meeting at the "Y". At 4:15
o'clock Thursday Helen Hartwell and A Happy Pair
Janet Upjohn will meet a group of
women in front of the main library, -Ay pair of ankles in sheer chif-
and will take them through Clemens-A happy pairo nlsi he hf
Library, MarthaCookrbuilding and fon, chiffon of a cobwebby texture,
the subterranean passage, gossamer light and daintily trim, went
strolling down the Avenue. Now why
shouldn't a pair of ankles dressed as=
INTER-HOUR CHAMPIONS beautifully as these be divinely happy,
especially when their color is fashion-
Elimination games of the inter--hour !alne - uv tup to colaf°
hockey tournament will begin today ably new-mauve, taupe, tobacco leaf,
when the winners of the academic --etc.
iockey games will start their second
rl und oiM play
.The schedule for to"orrowvs games Ruby Ring"-The Most Complimented Stocking
.. , ..-.ntA n - -I N - I Anf
200 Dresses at
k r V 7 \ I
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1 I 90 b
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Crepes, Satins, Georgettes, Jer-
sey Twills-All the colors of
Black, Navy, Chanel Red,
Jungle Green, Cocoa. The
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PVCa.Personlal (Aaiu
If you start rigit away you'll have plenty of time to make
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finish dainty luncheon and bridge sets, aprons, children's
dresses and numerous other things. In Goodyear's Art Goods
section are hundreds of pieces, stamped with artistic designs
ready to embroider-Royal Society Package outfits and open
stocks pieces.
latest styles-All sizes.
Values of $18 and $20.
150 Better Dresses
on sale at $25.00
Dress - Sport - Fur
Priced at
$17,95 to $135
Felts, $2.95 to $5.00
Satin and
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Royal Society Package Outfits at 35c
Open Stock Pieces at 45c to $2.00
to $2.50