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Theologist Jlhimes Difficulty Of Lang.
uage and Translation For
Discussion of ideals and footnotes
in the Bible in relation to interpre-
tations was one of the subjects treat-
ed at the Y. W. C. A. and S. C. A. con-
ference held in Detroit recently, ac-
cording to a report given by Cynthia
Smith, 26, chairman of the confer-
ence committee of the University Y.
W. C. A.
Dr. Bruce Curry of the Union Theo-
logical seminar in New York was the
speaker at all the meetings of the
conference and discussed several
points of importance in regard to in-
terpretations. "As time has gone on,"
waid Dr. Curry, "different interpre-
tations have been mnade in regard to
what was meant .by certain passages
in the Bible. If something seemed
particularly hard to live up to, foot-
notes were put in, and as we read
the Bible today we have no way of
telling the original ideal from the
footnotes. The ideal as originally
stated was inspired, and the future
generations trying to interpret it u
inspired do notncatchfthe full sig-
nificance of it."
Dr. Curry went on further to ex-,
plain why the footnotes get away from
the real ideals. "There are chang-
ing conditions," he said, "and the
difficulty of language and translation
has caused confusion in explainingI
the meanings. There are words in
one language which have a particular
meaning, and in translation this is
lost. Persons naturally choose the
footnotes, because they are easier to
live up to, easier for human under-
standing, and are conformative to the
S asses.
"The time is coming when there
will be a great reformation in the
church, and this will be even greater
than the Reformation because teat
left untouched the substratum of me-
dieval thought," said Dr. Curry. lie
then went on to explain what it meant
to be a radical. "It means one who
goes back to the root of things. In
one who is a radical, human need he-
comes the criterion of action and self
is disregarded."
"Man if little in bulk but large it
significance,' said Dr. Curry. "The
fact that so many persons are becom-
ing students of the Bible today is
proof of the fact that they are inter-I
ested in the matter of getting to the
root of things," said Dr. Curry.
Barbour gynniiasium
The following choruses will report
at 9 o'clock today at Barbour gymna-
sium in costume to have their p
tures taken: R, B, D and M and the
Russian specialty. Other pictures
will be taken this afternoon, and the
groups notified this morning.
Monday's rehearsals will be as fol-
lows: choruses H and L at 4 o'clock,
choruses N, R, and M at 5 o'clock
end act 1 with all choruses, A, B, C, D,
4t 7 o'clock.
The girls part of chorus C, of the
Junior Girls' play, will meet at 10
o'clock this morning in Barbour gym-
Dress Rehearsals \NNINGTI Declares College Women Slow "
For Junior Play InConidrin Prfesios'
Will Start Soon FORL19S[ JDOAM isaIn Considerng Professions SPRING
o"There is atendency among college A new field recently open to wo
Activities of the junior omen con- Intramural basketball games play women to wait until their senior year men is the statistical field. It will
nected with the Junior Girls' play ed yesterday at Barbour gymnasium to decide what profesion they are go appeal to women who are fond of
"Becky Behave" grow 'more and more concluded the league tournament, and ing to follow, or what they intendl to nathemiatics. Today it has been found-,*4
complicated as the dates of the final ic winning teams were chosen to make their life work," state Mrs. A ,iprofitable expense for factories, de - 1 H A
performances grow nearer. For the tr h mn n u nS. Hobart, of the ofice of the dean of pa rtment stores, and other lines of
pefrmnesgoonaerurter " uthe elimination tournament 'omn."Ti i anunfotuat st-business topol ther respective in --
past week Amy Loomis, '22, director, starting next week. The teams en- nation, because at the eleventh hourtiests and maintain a research bu
has been combining the cast and tered in the elimination tournament women have to choose hurriedly and reau to supply all members of the bu-
choruses of the two acts. The cast are: Delta Gamma, Alpha Omicron do not give it the proper consider- reau with an statistical information
will the next week and the dress i, Chi Omega, Kappa Gamma, Betsy tion. This leads to schoosing a field they so desire. Women are very sue-1 ,-I.J PAL y
of work for which one is not fitted cessfully filling positions in these bu-
hearsals will start soon. Delta Delta Delta, Alpha Xi Delta, and to which one has a great dislike. freaus. However, a rather broad
Sets for the play are being built at Helen Newberry, Delta Zeta, Alum- At the last minute, women choose a knowledge of mathematics, science,
the Whitney theater, the construction nae house, Alpha Gamma Delta, andAea sin wecs ooseac-ledgeo m athem a ninge s
being done by Fred J. McPherson, and' Zone 7. certain profession because it is ac- language, economics, and banking is I
cessible'' required to obtain these positions. -1
the painting by Otto Schiller. This is Delta Zeta defeated Clhi Omega with Mrs. Hobart said, also, that it would There is always information on fileVALUES
the first time the sets for the Junior a score of 7 to 3 in a game played at be an excellent thing if there was in the office of the dean of women and
Girls' play have been constructed in 4 o'clock yesterday in Barbour gymna- more curiosity about the callings open the School of Business Administration AS RARE AS TH E
Ann Arbor These sets are being slum. Neither team scored in the first to women. They would discover that' about positions and vocations. Also
adapted from sketches submitted to quarter, and the second quarter end- women are succeeding in many new there is a 'Bureau of Vocational In- =STYLES ARE CHARMING
tha central committee of the play by ed with a score of 3 to 2 in favor of lines of work. formation in at 1 west 47th street,
Lydia Kahn, '27, and Doris Sellek; DltaiZeta, the third quarter 6 to 2. "Light on vocational choice is some- New York City, that gives adequate $
'27, who were also the winners of the Mary Howard, '29, scored five points i times secured by undertaking various infoimation on any branch of work
annual poster contest. for the winning team, and Lucille kinds of work in the summer," said open to women.
Widespread publicity is being ac- Groff, '27, two points.Ma
corded to production through the ef- In another game played yesterday rs.=Hobart.u"Itallw a woman t -p hh e nestyir'
1try herself out, and learn howi sue- I Thle trip which the University Girls .riti-
forts of Gertrude Bailey, '27, chair- afternoon at Barbour gymnasium Alcessful she is in adapting herself to Glee club had scheduled to broadcast
man of the publicity committee, and pha Omicron Pi defeated Adelia Chee- the requirements of a certain voca- from station WJR in Detroit today has
Helena Knapp, '27, chairman of the ver house with a score of 42 to 7. -tion."lbeen indefinitely postponed.-32 South M ain
advertising committee. Posters will June Davis, '29, scored 37 of the 42 ___n. _been__ndefnitelypstpned____________
be distributed to local stores as well points for the winning, and Winifred
as in nearby cities. Pictures of the Sample, '26, made the other five pointsI I illlllllllllillllilllillliilll illll
choruses have already been taken, and of the score.
rehearsals will be suspended today in
order that more pictures may be tak- The make-up committee of the Jun-
en of the choruses and cast members, ior Girls' play will meet today at 9D Y
in costume. o'clock, Barbour gymnasium. E
L t
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