ulAiliied etvrv inurning except Monday
l ngihe ti, - pity year by the )hoard in
errol " o, W'= ste CJnlr'e Eiat ions.
-Atn-s..rir atIA to ta
l're'ss is exclusively en-
;-:,~ u repuiblicatison of all newsII
'Ied to it or nbt terw'se
)n t paper and the local Uews pub-,
Licv.red at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
ucim, <a second class matter. Special rate
si p(eFtaiO ganted by Third Assistant Post-
-s<tr Geperal,
liscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
:tees: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
uYrd Street.
Phones- Editorial, 492; ibusiuns, 3$1214.
Telephone 4924
Chairman, Editorial Board....Norman R. Thal
City Editor............Robert S. Mansfield
News )Editor............ Manning Houseworth
asii,.udtor...........Helen S. Ramsay
F ditor...............Joseph Kruger
IdgahEditor.:......William Waithour
1u1 c and Drama.......Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors{
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
"ort T. DeVore Thomas V. Koykka
W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito
than the unprovoked attempt to strike
fear into their hearts .
But even more interesting was the
reception accorded newspaper repre-
sentatives. Men and women, they
were treated alike, nor did the officers
themselves act from a mutual aver
sion for all meddlesome people; the
order to "get all cameramen" came
from the captain in charge. This, at
least, would seem to indicate that
there was something about the pro-
ceedings that officials desired be giv-
en little, if any, publicity.
Perhaps picketing of the sort the
strikers were iii the act of attempting
is legal in New Jersey,-it wouldn't
be the first time a whole police force,
or two of them for that matter, have
been found ignorant of state laws.
The idea is, of course, absurd,-it was
more likely a case of ignoring rather
than being igz orant of the law.
In the best light, demonstrations
of this sort, harbingers of no little
righteous indignation, are as vile,
nauseating, and representative of
American police systems as the bully-
ing tactics of the third degree. And,
of course, there isn't the slightest
chance that business interests would
ever attempt even in a crisis to bribe,
intimidate, or otherwise influence offi-
cials who are responsible for the po-
lice departments of these towns.
"Ma" Ferguson is again seeking the
governorship of Texas to wipe out the
stigma of her husband. , Such wifely
devotion hardly seems possible.
"Rossi To Open Fight on Mussolini
from Paris"-headline.- This Rossi,
who ever he is, is a man of rare judg-
Playing Cards
Bridge Sets
Scoro Cards
I0elow, kind friends, we trust you
will notice a picture of a little boy.
This sad youth has a sorry tale. For
three days now he has been trying to
break into print, It seems we sent'
him down several days ago as an il-
lustration of some of Mipp's men, or
something, we can't recall just what,
and so voluble was our flow. of litera-
ture that we left no room in this
strip of mirth for the poor youngster.
But the gentlemen of the staff took
pity on him and sufficient pressure
has been brought to bear on his be-
half so that we feel it necessary to
give him his place in the sun. We
hope that you will all learn to love
him as much as we do, and we feel
sure that you will take him to your
heart and come to appreciate him as
much as we do. As we write this the
tears fairly stream down our cheeks,
and we are so overcome with emotion
that we can say no more.His name
is Otto.
New cartoon settings have been de-
signed by Frederick Hill, art editor
of The Gargoyle-with pigs and birds
and cows, sofas and horsehair wreaths
all painted on the backdrop-new
costumes have been ordered from
Chess and Checker Sets
At Both Ends of the Diagonil Walk
:. .
-. ctrude} Bailey
Ch!,rles Behymer
\Vliiam Brycr
1 d Brooks
Farmnum Buckingham
S-atton Buck
(earl Burger
l,. dgar Carter
ph Chamberlain
Sy rCohen
SH t. Gutekunst
:I r_ s Goodnman
'[T. erald
1 iKubik
Harriett Levy
Ellis Merry
Dorothy Morehouse
Margaret Parker
tanford N. Phelps
Limon Rosenbaum
Wilton Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtland Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendler
Henry Thurnau
David C. Vokes
M~arion Wells
(assam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter
Marguerite Zilske
{ i,
1 s
Philadelphia, the cast has ,been re-
vised and strengthened, a half of the
proceeds are being donated to the
Women's League building, and a spe-
cial bloc of seats have been reserved
on the opening night for members of I=MAN N'S c
the Cosmopolitan Club : choice bas-
kets of fruit and the softer vegetables
to be furnished at a nominal charge.
Stark Young, at one time dramatic
editor of The New York Times, wrote dam NT I
thus of the piece:
"A boisterous, merry and hilarious Compare the work you get from many
burlesque rewarded the audience at shops with the Clean, Odorless, San- I
the Fifty-Second Street Theatre last itary Finished work you get at the
night, when The Stagers offered W. S. Factory Hat Store.
Gilbert's 'Engaged' as the final pro-
duction of their season. Look at your hat after we have
"The piece-which was written by cleaned it-
Gilbert without Sullivan's assistanceI
-is as amusing and intelligent a I does not have a grimy look!
comedy as the season has seen, a (Due to the proper cleaning
sweeping statement that consciously we accomplish.)
includes the memory of the three
other productions from the establish- It does not shine!
ed firm of Gilbert and Sullivan. (Due to the dull, fine finish
"The plgt is uncomplicated and sub- we always attain.)
stantially burlesque. Cheviot Hill is It does not have an odor!
a young man given to instant declara- (Our deodorizing removes
tions of love and proposals of mar- this repulsive and
riage to any young woman in whose sanitary smell)
company he finds himself. For the s
purposes of the play the number is The sweat band is unblemished
limited to three. At various times- and intact!
and for a scene or two at the same (Our workmen take especial
time-all three have substantial and pains not to burn or crack
documented claims to his sole affec- the hat band in pressing.)
tions. To which a complication is
Paths on snow form ice an kill
all grass roots beneath. Please
don't make or use such paths.
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advertising.................Joseph J. Finn
vertising............rank R. Dentz, Jr.
etismg...............Wm. L. Mullin
n .........Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr.
u r. .. ........ ... Rudnlhh ostelnia-
A, 't .... ................Paul W. Arnoldk
e . .Amiable, Jr. F. A. Norquist
Ca rl auer Loleta G. Parker
"n H..1 Brbink lDavid I'erroit
1jCox Robert Prentiss
ira A Daniel Wm. C. Pusch
arv Flinterman Joseph D. Ryan
lames R. DePuy Stenwart Sinclair
- n (,iflhert, . Mance Solomon
T Kenneth Hlaven Thomas Sunderland
Win.3. Weinman
Frank Mosher Sidney Wilson
Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
Night Editor--THOMAS V. KOYKKA
seemingiy without sufficient provo-
-Mcn, the combined police forces of!
1?fton and Passaic, N. J., charged a
crowd of 3,000 textile strikers and
sympathizers, the second clash be-
-cen them in two days, and succeed-
cd in dispersing the protesting multi-
tude by efficient wielding of the club.
Newspaper reporters anti photogra-
phers found the environs equally un-
inviting when the bluecoats, with ut-
ter disrespect for the sanctity of pri-
vate property, smashed cameras, tore
notes, beat hands and hacks, and in
other ways made the discharge of
duty and unaccustomed hardship.
News of the affair in some way seems
to have leaked out, and several
cameraman are said to have escaped
Sinros intact, although the strik-
ers, 1,000 in number, were prevented
from approaching the several mills'
thei y had intended picketing.
Few will forget the horrible details
of the ill-famed Herrin murders, and
many more examples may 'be found
where the active intervention of state
or local authorities was delayed until
threats against the public safety made
such action expedient.
For people who dote on the unusual,
1ho revolt from the commonplace as
degratory, an account of the New Jer-
se y textile mills strike should prove
't resing. it even has the advantage
of showing the ear marks of scandalj
food, unfortunately only political.?
Here, ordinary conditions have been
reversed, the police this time appear
to have taken the initiative, and they
le plnty to keep themselves well
occupicd for most of an afternoon.
s the 1,000 picketers whom they
clr prevented from working en
>e, te only other possibleannoy-
( mc from the jeers and hoots
he curious crowd. the pranks of
n children, and the incessant
v ' ? of reporters' pencils and
110, ijn of their cameras.
U idirossing were the outside fac-
tor,.h,wever, that the officers dis-
d the displeasure by knocking
down women and children in an at-
tempt to disrierse the crowd by chas-
fin *beo in motorcycles, and success-
The current controversy in your
columns as to methods of teaching is
an interesting and, I think, a profit-
able one. It is a very wholesome
symnptom when college students begin
to take an interest in the educational
process instead of opening their
mouths and shutting their eyes and
trusting to luck. The old saying is
a true one that to teach John Latin
one must know John as well as Latin;
and we cannot know John very well
unless he will let himself and his
wishes be known.!
But certain misconceptions seems
to have crept into the controversy
which should be cleared away lest
they hinder further progress. The
one I particularly wish to hammer
just now is the notion that examina-
tions and oth1er fixed tests are de-
signed to test "memory." A good
memory is a very useful thing, but the
proper place to test it is in the psy-
chological laboratory and not in the
examination room.
What we are trying to test is not
the tensile strength of the student's
memory but his mastery of a certain
field of needed fact, the content or
subject matter of a course. The old
idea that the chief aim of an educa-
tion is "mental discipline" seems to
be discounted by modern psychology.
The value of a subject must therefore
be sought largely within the field of
the subject.
Now, in some subjects stimulation
or inspiration is more important than
information. A man can acquire love
for poetry and ability to write it even
if he thinks that Wordsworth was
born before Milton and that Swin-
burne wrote "Hiawatha." But no one,
under modern conditions, can con-
tribute to tlie advancement of chem-
istry if he thinks that silicon is an
acid and that balloons are inflated
with iodine.
Half way between literature and
the exact sciences come the group of
social sciences: history, politics,
economics and so on. The ability to
think is here more important than the
ability to remember; but if the facts
with which you start are incorrect
your generalizations based on them
are more apt to be startling than
I have a number of heresies, with
which I will not burden your columns
at present, but on the issue of fact
questions and examinations I am or-
thodox to the verge of Fundamental-
ism, and every year's experience
makes me more so. No amount of
training in "historical method" can,
I think, compensate for ignorance of
the main facts of history. Unless, for
example, a student knows quite clear-
lv what is meant by the "parliamen-
tary form of government" his views
on British political life and British
influence in the world are worth
rather less than nothing.
But beyond the irreducible mini-
mum of necessary fact, examinations
Ql iIlo f a ncn nfar,, nnc- hln
Placed in the Sun '
* * * -~
It's just forty-five minutes till eight
We arise and get dressed with a sigh;
We'll light up a fag
As we cross the "diag"
And learn as the hours fly by.
It's just forty-five minutes till dinner
To shave and call up for a date.
No use, she's not there.
Well, what do we care?
So we'll sit up and study till late.
(a la Free Press)
It's just forty-five minutes till ten
We were up late the evening before,
We'll turn over and snooze,
For we've nothing to lose,
If we slumber another hour more.
Just forty-five minutes from Ecorse,
With a pavement all of the way.
We'll come rolling in
With a barrel of gin,
And drink till the break of day.
-N. Ane.
* * *.
Following in proper succession the
next two plays in the Mimes theatre
(Honorary Men's Dramatic Society)
come "Engaged" and then the next
week "Why Marry?" by Jesse Lynch
Williams. Following that we are told,
Miss Bonstelle will do "Why Not?" in
Detroit. Rather neat sequence. As
we said before, it is rather well suited
to this campus. The number of af-
faires d'amore that are going on at
once here is simply shocking, and this
ought to bring them to head.
Here in the two plays to be given
all love sick students of both sexes
may see presented before them the
whole course of such affairs. It sud-
denly struck us that there seems to
be another rather neat significance in
the fact that "Why Marry?" is being
done by Masques, women's dramatic
society, in Mimes, men's dramatic so-
ciety theatre. Not only that, but
Mimes has at last brought one of the
fairer sex upon their boards in one
of their own productions, and Masques
is casting men in the coming produc-
tion. Indeed, "Why Marry?" and
"Why Not?" it would seem that they
are now more or less "Engaged."
Somnth I:g about "love and mar-
riage, etc., etc."
Sir Toby Tiffin.
is there. In the course of experience
I our techniaue will improve and. uite
added in the shape of a Hamlet
Svengali companion who is to lose
his substantial income when the
young man marries and who is him-
self in love with one of the objects
of his inconstant affection.
"There is an endless amount of
hilarious situations and even what
the Broadway stage knows as 'nifties'
to the Gilbert text. 'Engaged' is de-
cidedly a, production that deserves
the hearty support of all theatregoers
interested in civilized amusement."
' s s
The famous Mr. Mansfield in his!
turn wrote a criticism of the per-
formance early this fall that ran as
"As advertised in the handbills
'Engaged' was performed 'exactly as
presented (with great applause) in
1877.' The footlamp lighter of the
early stage was present, and although
his taper served only to light his way
to the modern electrical appliances
which he forwith turned into their
sockets, his part served well to put
the audience in a frame of mind cal-
culated to give the play a good re-
"There is no need to discuss the
play itself. Advertised as a bur-
lesque, it most emphatically meets the
requirements of that type of play.
The comedy is excellent, the lines
clever-the plot-frothy, to be sure,
but none the less interesting in
"Neal Nyland as Cheviot Hill, the
hero of the piece, did splendid work.
So also did Thomas Denton as Mr.
Symperson, Cheviot's uncle. The cast
was selected with noteworthy care,
and the result highly desirable.
"In reviving 'Engaged' the Mimes
have given the campus a very literal
treat. Traditions of the earlier stage
were shown through careful adher-
ence on the part of the director to
those traditions. The effect of per-
sons entering from a distance and
out of doors by bringing them in,
throuagh the audience was one of the
most conspicuous and successful of
these tricks."
Because of its first popularity, the
Mimes are reviving 'this farce on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of
next week in the Mimes theatre. It
is one of the list, which has included
all things from Paul Whiteman, Will
Rogers, Mrs. Richard Mansfield and
"The Admirable Bashville" to "Great
Catherine" and "Beggarman," that
the Music and Drama column has un-
qualifiedly recommended. Unfortu-
nately, with the column's scandalous
reputation for prejudices, the. cast
happens to include Belinda Treherne,I
lady of the Sorrows, lady of the amaz-
ing extravagances: the difficulty, the
hopeless embarrassment of being both
critic (sic!), Vestal Virgin, and actor
all at once . ..
President Coolidge goes to church,
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