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March 06, 1926 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-06

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s 'I RDAY, AAtc , 19

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Scholastic Swim
.,,,.T BEETl Ii[IIIOlII Meet To Be
tAinrn'PTi '"Tf"'l"'I'HotlyContested


Eight events will comprise the pro-
gram for the Interscholastic swim-
Meet This Afternoon To Decide Final ming meet, the preliminaries of which
Ranking Of Two Schools In I will be held this morning at 10 o'clock,
Conference Race the finals this afternoon at 4 o'clockI
in the Union pool. There will be no
STAR 125 POUNDER OUT admittance charge for the prelimi-
____naries, while a charge of 50 cents will
With the Varsity wrestling team be made for the finals.
meeing the Maroon grapplers at The first event on the program=the
o'clock this afternoon at the Yost 4 200 yard relay promises to prove a
field house in the final dual meet of battle royal with eight quartets fight-
teseason, Coach Keen announced ing' it out for first place, with De-
yestersay afternoon that Solomon, troit Northwestern and Ann Arbor
star 125 pounder, will be unable to I have a slight advantage over the other
star125pounerwil be nabe tentries.
compete and that Kailes, a reliable entre
understudy, will wrestle at this y All of the other events will be hot-
weight. ly contested with more than 25 en-
Although Solomon was one of the tries in the 100 yard breast stroke,
most consistent winners on the team, 1 35 in the 50 yard free style, 20 in the
Kailes has showed up well in the past, 220 yard free style, 20 in the 100 yard
and should come through w.ith a vie- lback stroke, 25 in the 100 yard freeI
tory in the 125 pound class. Coach style, ando0 in the fancy diving.
Voores of Chicago is bringing a strong South Bend, Wyandotte, Jackson, Hyde
squad to Ann Arbor, the Maroons hav- ePark, Highland park, Detroit North-
ing previously defeated Wisconsin, western, Ann Arbor, Detroit Northern,
who in turn handed the Illini, the and Pontiac have teams enteredlin
champions of Group B, a severe drub- the medley race.
bing. Chicago and Michigan hold Northwestern is generally conceded
fourth place in Groups B and A re- first place in the meet with Ann Ar-
spectively and today's meet will de- bor, Hyde Park Chicago, John Mar-
cide the proper ranking of the two shall high Chicago, and the South
hn-n a h i Bend teams favored for second place.I

~1Wisconsin Displays Versatile Attack
And Leads From Start
Of Contest
Displaying a versatile attack, both
on defense and on offense the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin hockey team
downed the Michigan sextet Thursday !
night by a score of 2-1. 1
The Badgers led from the start, the
Wolverines only tally coming in the
last few moments of play. The game,
was marred by rough playing on the
part of both teams, Michigan drawing
nine penalties and Wisconsin receiv-
ing seven.
The first score came after twel'e;
minutes of play when Weitzel, McDuffC
and Reynolds were sent from the ice
on penalties and three Wisconsin
players skated down and scored an;
easy goal.
Early in the second period of the
game Jansky, right wing for Wiscon- ,
sin, after a scrimmage in front of!
the Wolverine goal sent the puck in!
for a score. With the game nearly
over Michigan unleased a terrific drive'
that resulted in a counter which was
made by Gabler.
Jansky, was easily the star of the
game the diminutive right wing giv-
ing an excellent exhibition of skating

tied for another year,
ity athletes are nowe
their attentions to the
relay race, which will 1
Tuesday night at W
The contest consists o
of four men, each man
one lan of the track in

SNumerals Giveni
fORMm To 13 Frosh IILIfIhU L~
r Basketball Men
fratern- Coach Ray Fisher's freshmen bas-
directing ; keteers concluded their practice for
annual the year yesterday afternoon at the ,Michigan swimmers competing in
e staged ! field house, and 1: men were reward- the State A. A. U. senior champion-
atermfln ed, by numerals, for their efforts ! ships broke two records last night in
I throughout the season. the Union pool.
f :am 'lcCoy and Daniels at guard per- Paul Samson, Varsity star 40 yard
running formned well enough to insure them- free style man, broke the first mark
Water- selves trials for the Varsity next fall, when he swam to a victory in thite 500

thlon with Miss Losey of the same
club finishing secol, and Miss Sod-
erland third. ,
Walter Grandy of the Detroit Ath-
letic club defeated Ira Benjamin, for-
mer national junior champion, in a
closely contested diving contest, in
which the issue was undecided until
the final dive. Kenneth Oxley of te
Yacht club finished third.
George Van of the Yacht club won
the 50 yard breast~ stroke handicap,
with Al Mayer of Michigan a close
second. Jeanochen of the Yacht club
was third.

man gymnasium. Iec(ause ci and Nyland at forward sunk baskets yard state senior championship in
the large number of entries, with monotonous regularity. MceDon- I minutes, 38 5-10 seconds over Bob
elimination trials will be held, ald and Whittle also had uncanny eyes Wagner also of Michigan. Wagner
and the winners of the trial for the hoop, and stand a good chance also covered the distance in record
heats will compete in the (ham- when Coach Mather sounds the whistle time, eclipsing Trowbridge's mark bya
pionship finals. Trials will be- I next November. four seconds.
g Tue-day proptly at 7 o~ Coach Fisher carried 16 men during Michigan swimmers scored their
the last few weeks of the season, but final record breaking performance ill
three of them were not awarded num- the last event of the evening, when
erals because of failure to re'port for], the 100 yard relay team composed of
practices. Even these men, according i Paul Samson, Clarence Batter, :Jack
rnnftn"hltmIU rn . to the coach's statement, are more or Gow, and Robert Darnall cut 10 sec-
less above the average, and with plen- onds off the record which Michigan
ty of work, could be made into likely set last year, covering the distance in
looking prospects. three minutes, 50 8-10 seconds.
- The 13 numeral winners follow: Mc- Dorothy Colter, national junior pen-
Donald, Whittle, Nyland, McCoy, Mc- tathlon champion, was unable to coin-
With the curi'ent basketball season Afee, 1ilmartin, Squier, Nissen, Rea- I pete in her favorite eve/t, and Jorg-
rapidly nearing end, officials of the Son, Rose, Hadley, Palmer and Algyer, hild Johanson of the Detroit Yacht'
intramural department arc formulat- <club won the state title in the penta-
ing plans for the annual all-ealnpusI
indoor track and field meet, to be held, PISG 9KP9W~


Fulgh an, a freshman. here, swim-
ming unattached won the 50 yard back
stroke event, with Spindle also, a
freshman here placing third.
:Donald McClellan, 1925 junior cham-
pion in the breast stroke, was elimi-
nated in a fast heat which was wou
by Al Mayer of Michigan. McKinnon
of Detroit Eastern high school wo14
the 25 yard race for boys under 10,
while Miss Winifred Smith of the
Yacht club won the race for girls.



Schol 1n onterece cnamnpi-
ship meet will end the season, when
the Big Ten grapplers assemble at
Purdue next Friday and Saturday.
Coach Keen put his men through a
light workout yesterday afternoon and
paid special attention to the men
scheduled to wrestle today. Captain
Rnker will re resent the Wolverines


as usual, in Waterman gymnasium.
No definite announcement of the
date of the meet has been made at
this time, it has been intimated, how-
ever, by those in charge that it willj

PI' Sigma Kappa's howling teamI

au e' witfrlp zlat~e v arc a
in the 115 pound class, with Kailes Finals in the interfraternity foul-
wrestling at 125 pounds; Watson, 135; throwing contest will be held at 8:30
Galsterer, 145; Donahue, 158; Rich, o'clock Tuesday night. Fourteen'
175; and George, heavyweight. By teams have qualified to compete in the
special arrangement Reo-Grams Mov- finals.
ing Picture corporation will take pic- The final round will be conducted
tgres of the various bouts in the after- in the same waq as the qualifying
noos mt. srounds, each fraternity using any
Coach Voores o ' the Windy city number of men they desire and count-
squad has selected his seven repre- ing the five best scores. The scores
sentatives as follows: Shibe, 115 of the qualifying and final rounds will
pounds; Steinfield, 125; Captain Gra- be added together to decide the
ham, 135; Kurtz, 145; Penstone, 158; champion.
Krogh, 175; and Johnson will oppose The teams that qualified and the
George in the heavyweight bout. number of successful shots out of 50
attempts in the qualifying round are
as follows: Theta Chi, 39; Phi Lamb-
TOKIO.-Baseball teams of Stan- da Kappa, 37; Delta Chi, 34; Sigma
ford university and the University of Alpha Mu, 33; Sigma Phi, 32; Beta
Washington will tour Japan this year. Theta Phi, 31; Phi Kappa Sigma, 29;
A schedule of games with several col- Phi Beta Delta, 29; Phi Sigma Delta,
leges already has been arranged. Di- 29; Delta Alpha Epsilon, 28; Phi Kap-
rector I. Abe of Waseda university pa, 28; Phi Chi, 27; Phi Sigma Kap-
said the Stanford team was expected I pa, 26.
to arrive in June and Washington in
e.BOSTON.-Harvard won the annual
MILAN, Italy. - Thirty-six world' triangular track meet against Cornell
records are said to have been broken and Dartmouth in Mechanics hall,
during a non-stop run by an automo- scoring 59 points. Dartmouth was
bile over the Monza track. The car second with 30 1-2 and Cornell had,
covered 14,916 kilometers (9,268.35 26 1-2.
miles) in 144 hours. I
Little investment-big returns, The
PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. Daily Classifieds.-Adv.
- - _ -


For Michigan Gabler, playing left de- be staged immediately after the com- won the interfraternity bowling cham-
fense, displayed the strongest game, pletion of the schedules in the various pionship by defeating the Alpha Chi
Captain Reynolds and Roach also fraternity, class and independent Sigma team 2463-2433 Thursday night.
showed up well. leagues, sponsored by the department This round was exceedingly close and
Michigan showed signs of their two of intramural athletics. it was only after the anchor men hadI
games with Minnesota and effects of With the increase of enrollment in bowled their last frames that the title
their long trip from Miineapolis. I the physical training classes and th. h was decided.
number of men actively engged in Ph awa
ST. PFJTERSBURGH, Fla. - Sam track work, it is expected that there pionship by consistent bowling, never
Jones, pitcher, of the New York AM- will be a corresponding increase in falling below 2400 in any of the five
erican league club, signed a contract the number of entries in -thijs year's rounds of the tournament. In addi-
at a higher salary,- it was announced meet. tion to capturing the campus cham-
by Yankee club officials. pionship from a field of 42 teams, Phi
Walter Holke, a Natinahl league Sigma Kappa placed fourth in the
MILAN, Italy.- Suzanne Lenglen, veteran for many years, has ibeen rg- Western Conference fraternity bowl-
French lawn tennis champion, is ex- leased to Indianapolis by the Cincin- ing tournament with a score of 2555.
pected to arrive here on Thursday, nati Reds, now that they have Wally
proceeding to an Italian Alpine re- Pipp from the Yankees to cover first.
sort for a rest. -
- The oldest record now standing in
Two of Brooklyn's star players last { the Illinoik relay carnival is that of
year, Buck Wheat and Milton Stock, :08 in the lowyhurdles, established by
are holdouts this year. Carl Johnson of Michigan, in 1920.
A- ; !!

Saturday hours.-9:30 A M. to 12.
2 to 5, 7:30 to 10.
Sunday--2 to 5.





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