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March 03, 1926 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-03

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j~Thhitans erfect DIscriination Ini
Admjission n,'ecessary To Protect
Students From D~ism~issal


,Agreeing with the principle ad-
vr4nced at the recent deans convention
'i.Washington, D. C. by Dean Herbert
11 Hawkes of Columbia university
,th~at individual attention should be
gen to each student, William R.
n-imphreys, assistant dean of the lit-
1,ary college, in an interview yester-
y, declared that the dean should
' help the student to discover and over-
coehis difficulties.
tIf universities are to arrive at the
,1 int where they will "see every stu-
i, nt through, whom they admit" Dean
juphreys maintains that the natural
lire-requisite will be much stricter en-
£ trance requirements.. Only when col-
leges foster students with a sincere
.intellectual curiosity can the system of
-protecting them from dismissal be-
' cne efficient.
"The condlition which Dean Hlawkes
escribes is the ideal one," Dean
inphreys commented, "that is, one
inwhich no student is ever required
ktwithdraw from college because of
ow grades; but I believe that ideal
'can be attained only as the result of
_ ttining still another ideal, which' is
the perfect discrimination in the ad-
mnission of students." One of the most
~effective methods of gaining proper
;discrimination the dean pointed out to
'be the reference to the high school
'r ecord of the entry.
SThat Michigan is making an effort
Ito arrive at the ideal state described
by the Columbia dean is indicated by
the program of President Clarence C.
L~ittle in his strict admission policy.
Dean Humph'reys does not concede
that the eastern university has achiev-
ed the height that it is 'possible to
r'each in the practice of such a theory,
but that it is a,'-state that both Michi-
gan and Columbia are working
towards. However, present conditions
do not admit thy, ccorplete adoption
ofDean Hakspai because, ac-
cording to Dean Humphreys, it is use-
l ess to force students through college
'ho are here mainly because of th~ir t
B arents "wish or for social adlvance-
The right of personal inate-view and
advice should be accorded every stu-
dlent in the opjniqn of-the dean who
dleclared the value of personal con-j
sultation before the student under-
takes the colld'ge curriculum is in-


Compare Norway's
Education System
To American Plait
"Although the A ncric41n methods Of
education are mutch t t0loe xt( Oiivc
than these of Norway, thazt count :v
teaches its sub~jects in a inor- de
sive way, the result being a gr'et(l1
of knowledge about a few thlirgs a <nd
not a smattering of a great ,r-any,"
stated Mrs. Lilhi Skonhaft. of Oslo,
Norway, who is visiting_ at Mahrt' a
Cook building for th1reedys iirn
a trip through the middle vvestoril partI
of the UnfitedI States, in which slii
is studying the colleges of this part of
the country.
Mrs. Skonhaft is in America on a
fellowship from the American-,Sean-
dinavian Foundation, and is stuO'ymg
the teaching methods of this country
at the International Instituate, en dow-
ed* by John D. Rockefeller, and in-
tended as a means of exchanging edlu-
cational ideas with the entire wvorldI,
through a mutual exchange of experi-
enced teachers.
"Coeducation is as common a thing
in Norway as it is in the Unlitedl
States according to Mrs. Skonhaft, and
in. proportion there are as many wo-
men attending institutions of higluir
learning as there are here. There is
no dormitory system of taping care 01
the women students, the majority oif
them living at home, of' rooming and
boarding with private families.
Sororities a'nd fraternities are tun-
known there. Except for one orgaui-

MAI OHDRgSLE IP--, rgD ,'e
'motLack Of Singing
[IJ~J ~I~ bu~d IL~iI There is still otie feature popular
nI ,Ironean unlijersities that ha s not
iat ordlersforlie Juniorii,: beenadopted by At- erican colleges.^-
playsholdfe) 11jI1ci n 0 e11 . Thlat is <i syst em of group singing.
'27 bu itssniaiagr,1520 S. hUiv(,--; It is a deplorable fact that so little
<ir'iV~teb arh9 u ])iP i1?g'ing is fo stered in American eAu-
of tickets w ill be as follo ws: 1)oi S at ofla fluutions. True there are
1;3, mnalin floor $2.50, the first fileeclbsbt they comprise a very
row,, ofthe lbalcony $?,lie scnofmalnc en tthe students.
foutr rows of thae balcony $150, aml Womileer on Michigan cam-
thie remaindler of the theatcr ;1. ; ii havefelt this lack of effective
(All chcecks sonlid1be male payabl1e group sing:,,-. The response to a call
to the 3 unior C irls' Play andthe for a collg sonag, especially at wo-
checksc or mlonecy orders s 2r~t accen- me! iin's iaf airs., is pathetic. There is a
pany the order. A ticket sale1 ill lanenfoot now to remedy the situa-l
also takef place in 111l1a1hi m-'I i : tion through organizedl singing at the:
llarcli 19, 20 and 22. aIou womlen's houses and centers.
The Irerforroaance must be SPe riOl it how Ithe league will go about
in the mail order. Ther'me will 1 ig x.rainin the singers has not yet been
in all, March 23, 21, 25,, 2, wit h ,dec ideddlbut it is probab~le that the
a matinee performance 1March, 27. ! WoIk will be put, into the hands of
lie University Girls' Glee club. If the
MaIaCo k A venturve proves sufiiciently successfufl,
A11~1 ~ ~ ' mcid's league song book will be con-
'-lpha O -icron. i sidlered:.
li~in Ball ames During the football season much fa-
vorable comfuil clt was passedread
ingrd the singing (one by the Men's Glee
Scores of the intramural basketball 'clulb at' the gamnes. Singing is one of
gamues played Mdonday afternoon be-_ the best Incethods of fostering group
tweoni M arlhaCook andI Adelia fChee,.- spirit. .11 is a itiilueandl charming
o r andi Alpha Omicron l~i and ZLoneg tradition of European colleges, andI
are as follows-Myartha C'ook I i would be Nvell worth imcitation byj
Adlella CleEver 7, and Alpha Omicron # those of America.I
Pi 23, andgone 7, 3. Mary Allshouse,
'27, star°red for 1lartha Cook nk~n The engagement of Janet Vanden-
five of their baskets and June Davis, 1berg, '23, and ilazoen Hatch, '27L, has
'29, or Apha Oic~r. Pi.MissDa--Iben
'29 fo Alha micon i. issDa-I een recently announced. Miss Van-
vis nip tieall hut two of thle points in denberg is a memnber of Ganmma Phi
thte latter game. Norma Barlow, '2t0,F Beta Ksorority and Mr. Hatch of Delta
ref e2credlie game between Martha jTau Delta and Phi Alpha Delta.

Legegames tort
trainural basketball
being finished this ve+
games of the eliminat
will start next Monday
32 teams wnich signe
mural basketball wer
eight leagues, each tea
scheduled to play cv
in the league. At thee
the two highest teams
Iwill be chosen to ent
tion tournament.I
scheduled for this we(
Today, 4 o'clock-Alph
Alpha Xi Delta; Ka]
vs. Delta Gamma
5 o 'clock--Pi Beta Phi
rma Delta; Kappa7
Phi Alpha
7: 15 o'clock-Zone 5
pa; Zone 7 vs. Zeta'
Tomorrow, 7:15 o'elo
house vs. Couzens1
Friday, 4 o'clock-Adt
IAlpha Omicron Pi
Saturday, . 9:30 o'clo
Beta vs. Phi Sigma

MUH I G lee Club Choses NOTICES
10l U~lLlNew ernbers_.-
Today's rehearsals for thel Junior
!G irls' play will be as follows: Chor-
s a esul of la l chI uses N andl C at 4 o'clock,. chor-
jwere held during the pat t <() ees uses II and D at 5 o'clock, the Cast
the womnen's in-i the followingrcwomen seilisa 'lcadcoue
tournament arej en for membership in-: 1 U .i. rsity j a and the Russian andl Waltz spe;
Lek, and the flrst Girls' Glee club: ni w, '28, cialties also at 7 o'clock..
ion tournament jRose D~efoe, '29; are iavdon-
'28, Alice K'idder,'u .;May n' lac- Athletic managers meet at 4 o'-
y. This year the Roberts, '27, Kaih~cPtesn '28. clock today in Barbour gymnasium. ,
d up for intra-I Marion Thom pson, '2d, eI-
e divided intoj Welch, '28, F lorenice Widna 8,3, Central committee meeting of the
Fum of which was Helen Scryinegour, '2! Junior Girls' play at 3 o'clock today
cry other team ;-- -.-_.nBrbu.ymaim
end of this week, Second semester try outs for theinBrorgmau.
sof each league 'Freshman Girls' Genclu', l be Theta Sigma will meet at 4 b'"
ter the eimina- held from 4 to s(cckrlrtiarei' clock today in reading room of Press
League gamues the School of Music, building.

ek are:I
is Chi Omega vs.
ppa Alpha Theta
ivs. Alpha Gain-
Delta vs. Theta
vs. Sigma Kap-
Tan Alpha
ck -Alumnae
Celia Cheever vs.
)k-Gamma Phi




zation which. is in every universityJ
practically, and whose miembership in-
cludes both men and wYoilen, and
whose main purpose is to allow a coinr-
mnon ground of imeeting socially, as
well as a studly center, the undergrm -
ute body has no organizatioV withi
the significance of the Greek letter,
fraternity. A Graduate 'Union comi-j
posed of the gradluate stude nts> is a
real force at the University at Oslo.
and serves as a. center of social a-
tivities and of real culture.
There are not the numiber of extra
curricular activities which talie up so
much of the time of the Aincrican isin-
dent, in the Norwegian schools. WIleo
the students have their debating ( lubs:
and their various outside interests;.
they are not under the coatrvol of theo
school. Even the athletics tire orga-i
izeci by private people, and although
there is a ui ionihar ii lhanl to the
Mftchig~ktV "one - it Ji:, not nearly so
At the University of Vestheini, ill
Oslo, where Mrs. Skonhaft teachesj'
English and German, there are 40 wo-
men teachers to 8t0 men. liothnw
and women receive the sameu aar
for their work.
Patronize Daily Advertisers.


M'ake your party dis-
tinctive by using our
place cards, nut cups
and tallies.
2 Nickels Arcade
lie Shop for Unique Gifts

3Yao ~



('ook and Adelia Cheevor and Alice
['Xi se, '27, that between Alpha Oiui-
cr on I i and Zone 7.

Delta Zeta sorority announces the I
pleit(-ng or Tbesa T'homnas, '27; Lois l
MarkhT':13am, '28; Mary Howard, '28; andti
i sarahl Goff, '29. a.ce-r

--I l


N oW.


{ Marcelling, 50c
laotOil Treatment, 75c
ManicurinfY, 50c
C'pOjen iday and Saturday
Or{it I n
1 1 '- a a I 1 1 0






Raisin Bead!

We ran out last week so we are again
having a Wednesday special of regular
12c a dozen, Cookies at 9c a-dozen.
Also tr'y a loaf of our delicious Raisin





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Milk Mask
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Important Assessories

- - s %
At H zel'sreade Shop-
° - - Y~lm>1ri clearanc'e of prac. ally all season-
a~e merchandise p~o{ 'des a wonderful
opportunity to repler _ hone s supply of t
t cl.hrty accessories. Because, after all, it's ®
the i little thiings in perfect taste which
a hite co'l nitrdi.a -c perfection in a new-'
F ,~ costume or 'successfully transform an old
costurIrmino a new one. The items noted
Lctoaw will give somel idea of the fine
. values to 1-e c otained in this sale.
milk and Lisle, Values to $2, at ..... 49c
Silk, Values to $2.75, at .......... 95c
~ v~~K2~Sweaters
1 11i;rc Sik, 1 2.50 values ........ $2.95
° ~iLreSlipovc .., values to $5 ...... 95c
Balance of Elizabeth Arden's t --r
l abirL Per fumes, 1-3 Less.-
One iw, _n Hosiery
'. , ne totof discontinue -d numbers and
- colors. BFItJcifon and serviceea _
'VC'eights. -Al1l. j r slippr rheels in Y-
yagood ' a} ieiy of co lors. Values to-
oA A 11 DAl I Hundreds of Other Articles 1,1nA1%

l ura ,- ;I;ty

1 JfII-


Suede Slip-ons
__Smart for Spgrin'
j $3.50
Popular with college il r
the suede slip-onis which Fash-
ion sponsors far Spring. Mlade
of soft French suede that is
I washable and priced $u.50 a



New Shades
in Chiffon Hose
Mauve-nide. tilleul nude,
shadow, sunset, parchment
and woodland rose! These
are spring's newest hosiery
shades. Van Raailte features
these shades in an all silk
chiffon hose that gives excel=.
lent service, $2.00 a pair.


I '

Sheer Ohiffon Hosiery,-
Wayne TKnit Chiffons
are te! Answer
Y OU have often wished that chiffon hose would give
iwear-their shmeer, lustrous beauty has won your
heart as it has the heart of all women. In Wayne Knit
Chiffon hose your wisAh will be gratified.
The six-thread weave insures the wearer of real service
as well as irresistible beauty. The finest silk in the boot
andl best grade lisle is usedl in usually troublesome toes
andl heels-assuring a s Alidl wall of wear.
Distinctive shades that reflect individuality: Ling Beach,
Nude, Flesh., li:luhi. 11arvest, Gun M:etal, White and Black.
And the hrxlce iN L-oium tusually asked
for Vhiff(,ai hosiery


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