. C EDNES1)A , A PL CIf %, V) ;0 X lIG DAILY - -..... . - .. .. . _.-_ _ . - .... . , . .- _ _ - _ _ . . ., -..-- - - -_ .......,. . _ . w _ ... .. -_- _ '4*1w) . !n Pfj rT7.~ . Jf/j W'r Y b JAq 7 HUPRT ISWITH DEAN HAWKES, j~Thhitans erfect DIscriination Ini Admjission n,'ecessary To Protect Students From D~ism~issal INDICATES NEW POLICY ,Agreeing with the principle ad- vr4nced at the recent deans convention 'i.Washington, D. C. by Dean Herbert 11 Hawkes of Columbia university ,th~at individual attention should be gen to each student, William R. n-imphreys, assistant dean of the lit- 1,ary college, in an interview yester- y, declared that the dean should ' help the student to discover and over- coehis difficulties. tIf universities are to arrive at the ,1 int where they will "see every stu- i, nt through, whom they admit" Dean juphreys maintains that the natural lire-requisite will be much stricter en- £ trance requirements.. Only when col- leges foster students with a sincere .intellectual curiosity can the system of -protecting them from dismissal be- ' cne efficient. "The condlition which Dean Hlawkes escribes is the ideal one," Dean inphreys commented, "that is, one inwhich no student is ever required ktwithdraw from college because of ow grades; but I believe that ideal 'can be attained only as the result of _ ttining still another ideal, which' is the perfect discrimination in the ad- mnission of students." One of the most ~effective methods of gaining proper ;discrimination the dean pointed out to 'be the reference to the high school 'r ecord of the entry. SThat Michigan is making an effort Ito arrive at the ideal state described by the Columbia dean is indicated by the program of President Clarence C. L~ittle in his strict admission policy. Dean Humph'reys does not concede that the eastern university has achiev- ed the height that it is 'possible to r'each in the practice of such a theory, but that it is a,'-state that both Michi- gan and Columbia are working towards. However, present conditions do not admit thy, ccorplete adoption ofDean Hakspai because, ac- cording to Dean Humphreys, it is use- l ess to force students through college 'ho are here mainly because of th~ir t B arents "wish or for social adlvance- ment. The right of personal inate-view and advice should be accorded every stu- dlent in the opjniqn of-the dean who dleclared the value of personal con-j sultation before the student under- takes the colld'ge curriculum is in- estimable. I Compare Norway's Education System To American Plait "Although the A ncric41n methods Of education are mutch t t0loe xt( Oiivc than these of Norway, thazt count :v teaches its sub~jects in a inor- de sive way, the result being a gr'et(l1 of knowledge about a few thlirgs a is a real force at the University at Oslo. and serves as a. center of social a- tivities and of real culture. There are not the numiber of extra curricular activities which talie up so much of the time of the Aincrican isin- dent, in the Norwegian schools. WIleo the students have their debating ( lubs: and their various outside interests;. they are not under the coatrvol of theo school. Even the athletics tire orga-i izeci by private people, and although there is a ui ionihar ii lhanl to the Mftchig~ktV "one - it Ji:, not nearly so wealthy. At the University of Vestheini, ill Oslo, where Mrs. Skonhaft teachesj' English and German, there are 40 wo- men teachers to 8t0 men. liothnw and women receive the sameu aar for their work. Patronize Daily Advertisers. I t a M'ake your party dis- tinctive by using our place cards, nut cups and tallies. kPPLIED ARTS 2 Nickels Arcade lie Shop for Unique Gifts RDW&I. 3Yao ~ 11 11 ('ook and Adelia Cheevor and Alice ['Xi se, '27, that between Alpha Oiui- cr on I i and Zone 7. Delta Zeta sorority announces the I pleit(-ng or Tbesa T'homnas, '27; Lois l MarkhT':13am, '28; Mary Howard, '28; andti i sarahl Goff, '29. a.ce-r --I l PAY YOUR SUB~SCRIPTION N oW. - SPECIAL { Marcelling, 50c laotOil Treatment, 75c ManicurinfY, 50c C'pOjen iday and Saturday Evenings. Or{it I n 1 1 '- a a I 1 1 0 I1, 11 ,d I ICookies! Raisin Bead! We ran out last week so we are again having a Wednesday special of regular 12c a dozen, Cookies at 9c a-dozen. Also tr'y a loaf of our delicious Raisin Bread. I a .1 2A SOU TIHIAIN--TELEPHONE 4171. CITY.PASTRY SHOP 716 FEAST LIBE-RTY PHbONE 5501 . I ti -- .. Something New 4 DeMilo Milk Mask Facial Culture- Ask Us About It. THE BLUE BIRD. HAIR SHOP 'Adoeiil*Parisien Modes Formals, Street Dresses, etc. Ethyle M. Dickens MODI) STE mhono 0121.)? 54 E. Eblerly St. Nickels Arcade Phone 9616 iI Important Assessories - - s % At H zel'sreade Shop- ° - - Y~lm>1ri clearanc'e of prac. ally all season- a~e merchandise p~o{ 'des a wonderful opportunity to repler _ hone s supply of t t cl.hrty accessories. Because, after all, it's ® the i little thiings in perfect taste which a hite co'l nitrdi.a -c perfection in a new-' F ,~ costume or 'successfully transform an old costurIrmino a new one. The items noted Lctoaw will give somel idea of the fine . values to 1-e c otained in this sale. Hiosiery milk and Lisle, Values to $2, at ..... 49c Silk, Values to $2.75, at .......... 95c ~ v~~K2~Sweaters 1 11i;rc Sik, 1 2.50 values ........ $2.95 ° ~iLreSlipovc .., values to $5 ...... 95c Perfumes Balance of Elizabeth Arden's t --r l abirL Per fumes, 1-3 Less.- One iw, _n Hosiery '. , ne totof discontinue -d numbers and - colors. BFItJcifon and serviceea _ 'VC'eights. -Al1l. j r slippr rheels in Y- yagood ' a} ieiy of co lors. Values to- Handkerchiefs oA A 11 DAl I Hundreds of Other Articles 1,1nA1% l ura ,- ;I;ty .. 1 JfII- I Suede Slip-ons __Smart for Spgrin' j $3.50 Popular with college il r the suede slip-onis which Fash- ion sponsors far Spring. Mlade of soft French suede that is I washable and priced $u.50 a pair. (MAIN FLOW0R) v W EFA1ERS DEMAND IT IN New Shades in Chiffon Hose $2.00 Mauve-nide. tilleul nude, shadow, sunset, parchment and woodland rose! These are spring's newest hosiery shades. Van Raailte features these shades in an all silk chiffon hose that gives excel=. lent service, $2.00 a pair. (MAIN FLOOR) '4 I ' Sheer Ohiffon Hosiery,- Wayne TKnit Chiffons are te! Answer Y OU have often wished that chiffon hose would give iwear-their shmeer, lustrous beauty has won your heart as it has the heart of all women. In Wayne Knit Chiffon hose your wisAh will be gratified. The six-thread weave insures the wearer of real service as well as irresistible beauty. The finest silk in the boot andl best grade lisle is usedl in usually troublesome toes andl heels-assuring a s Alidl wall of wear. Distinctive shades that reflect individuality: Ling Beach, Nude, Flesh., li:luhi. 11arvest, Gun M:etal, White and Black. And the hrxlce iN L-oium tusually asked for Vhiff(,ai hosiery 11