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$1100 To Be Raised Today In Order
To Reach Quota; Urge
100 Per cent Contribution
Man is still supreme in Japan, and
the majority of women still have not
the faith to believe in their own right,
according to Miss Edna M. Wiser, an
American Y. W. C. A. secretary who;
recently returned to New York from
a five years stay at a Keoto post in a
report to the national board.
"There is just beginning to be some-
what of a social life there for women,"
she said. "Until recently a woman
may have had a few friends whom she
? F
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Pledges for this year's Y. W. C. A.
finance drive are smaller than those
of last year a~ cording to a report giv-
en bythe committees yesterdayrafter-
noon. Very few $5 and. $10 pledgesC
have been received as yet, and today,
which is to be the last day of the
campaign efforts are going to be con-
centrated in an attempt to get larger
In order that the drive attains the
goal that has been set it will be nec-
essary to raise more than $1100 dur-
ing the last day of the campaign, and
it is hoped that this can be accom-
plished and enough extra so that they
can go over the top. In last year's
drive this was accomplished. Today
the committees are issuing a plea for
large/ pledges, and that as far as
possible, the houses contribute 100
per cent. In Saturday mornings pa-
per, a list of all tire houses that do
this will be published.
C visited, but anything in the way of
group meetings or parties was un-
'heard of. There were some parties
of men, but not of men and women
together. Even now mixed groups,
are rare.
"However; the Japanese woman, sol
backward in many respects is so ad-
vanced in others," she continued in
her report. "One is constantly amaz-
ed at the number of married women
who work. Marriage seldom inter-
feres with their careers."
Teaching is the most popular pro-
fession among these women for busi-
ness positions are open to women.
only in the port and capitol cities
In, the meantime all of Japan is
rapidly westernizing. Evidences are
manifested in western food stuffs,
tinned goods, soft drinks, cakes and
ice cream; in the adoption of Euro-
pean clothes and in western styles of
Universal suffrage, recently grantedI
in Japan to all men citizens, is be-
lieved by Miss Wiser to be the great-
est single forward step of the past'
five years.
Miss Wiser was an educational sec-
retary. Her home in this country is
Kansas City, Mo.
n eskz allTeams IgCLFOB AfM[M New Year Frolic School Will Build
lT Be Formed in IUUToday Is Final Campus For Women,
Leagues OfFour [ Dance For:Term
IxD 5ONIfour INI ETD IN O tSDanceFor0T1rm'One of the important features of
- All women students will be given the Greater Northwestern plans for
Gru Tiglv vi ir i rnl Iaslf bll I{eans are t,,Al.oe.tdet0il egvn
NortuessoernGrow) ren ill 13: ont offe a(I For the benefit of those who enjoy a last opportunity, to indulge in an r e University is the con-
features of the 'ma f1l; 1'_iio wllanevery otlditi outdoor sports but who do not par.- afternoon of dancing before finals at struction of a women's campus. Ac-
ythe New Years party which will be cording to the -business office of the
Intsoro:y asotatn (imer w h Thil'ls w 5 00o decision made at the ticipate in them because they prefer partyswhhce et1e1be
(, l ; tici rheld from 4 to 6 oclock tis afternoon! Uiversity th,ic are to be 14 nw
will be held from 6 o 8:10 o' okn(k m etin; of the W. A. A. boardl held company when they skate or sleigh- in Sarah Caswell Angell hal. buildings each to cost more than $75,-
Monday ni;t i ih mai' hia rfm tin Barbour gymna- ride, an outdoor club is to be formed. Besides a regular program of social 000. They are to be arranged in
of the a nion. lsI ca o Lv . ru. er the teams have all met, Margaret Lawlor, '28, hiking manager dancing with music by the Women's qiuadran-gles, as the 'present mens'
one s on 0 f*o i elimination tournament will take of the W. A. A. will oversee its forma- league orchestra, the afternoon's en- quads and will reach about one and
ld t i e h the two best league tion t-ainent offers a special diversion lone third blocks west of the south
the Gamn-ma lPhi cta sorority wil tear1s. 'Practically every conceivable form in the presence of two fortune tellers, campus.
have charge of leaing [lie sings. T Several reports wet made at the of outdoor sport is to be offered to Doris Clines, '26, and Geraldine Buildings on the streets desired are
gro'up will dccupy a central tihie o1 board meeting, Margaret Purdy, '27, those who belong to the club, and Knight, '26. These palmists will cir- already being removed to make room
the dininlg room and will b' respens iHUmger of the tea-room, reported membership will open to all women culate among the guests during the for the new constructions desired.
ble for the star<i ylg of popular cion tflrt lie profit of the tea-room since of the University. Skatiyg, skiing, entire afternoon and answer any ques- Plans are already made and contracts
songs betweeii courses. e;)I~i eliber has amounted to $20. She short hikes and overnight hikes, tions as to the future. will be made in the near future for
The banquet will be attended by] l(!is planning to purchase checker sleighing parties, and steak roasts "A special attempt is being malde the actual construction. This is be-
majority of the entire membersip o j boards for a checker tournament sche- are some of the pleasures which the this afternoon," stated Mary Gussin, lieved to be one of the first attempts
Pan-Hellenic, according to Ruth doled to take place soon after the members will be privileged to enjoy. I in charge of the affair, "to take care made by a co-educational institution
Sorge, '26, chairman of the ticket cininencement of the second semes- At 4 o'clock, Monday afternoon, a I of the receiving of guests. A recep- I to have a wonans' campus of itself
committee. Miss Sorge stated ti tee- meeting will be held in Barbour gym- tion committee will be stationed at thus making the women real intregal
in making the seating 'aarnfmge An 'iiutne for a W. A. A. party was nasium for all women interested in the door and a group of women have; units istead of mere hanger-ons.
the committee would try to p I ce 1 pre(1 nte d at the meeting. The partyj the club. Officers, a president and been engaged to cut-in on dances and
members of one sorority at ,he sme x l be given on the first Friday afterI secretary-treasurer will be elected at be responsible for the introducing of Black Quill picture will be taken
or adjoining tables. I1Jhe new semester starts, with the this time. those un-acquainted." today at 12 o'clock at Dey's studio.
Sororities which have made resr, idoi of bridging all the active mem- ...._.........._......_....._......_.......
tion are requested to sc"d"a rep cc- hii' of the W. A. A. together. Doro-
sentative fromt2 t 5 this 'yt b orn, '26, will have the affair
afternoon to larbour ' GPmnasinti o m i
receive the number of tickets requcst - , W ( dAre M embers of the
ed. I' ,
Extend Time For We are always glad to
Second fryo i s give you the best in
Due to the fact that a large m ft- tie hol-
ber of junior women iw i er naloo' asusua
appear before the conminittee for tle ayl L " elya%.
Junior Girls' play tryoutts, yCeterdl~y"
afternoon, arranmigemt- h v een
waet il a lac tencii 'iim'. , Prom pt D li er a d Satisfaction uaantec
made to extenid tih' second triycouts. e i e y '~
They will take plate btween ,,the hurkinp D li er a a i ac o ra te
of 9 andl 12 o'clock Satur'da y marin g STODDARD-iXI
in Sarah Caswell A mgell hail as th(ae; 1
Women's league party today would F- AIR SHOPi'
make it impossible to continue them
this afternoon. 7
This v;ill be absolutely- the} last o -
portunity to tryout fo t he lay a; I1111t 21212 State at Liberty Choice oFlvOers and Plants Phone 6030
rehearsals will start at the tirst o
next week1.0 ..dgraes'd/.' !'/. ' arera0"0e 1'1O '1'I"22..'!'' .9"'' 1' .., lJ+J +r2. s,,amn *tesas Ama--s ww
U .
According to yesterday's report, the
team bringing in the most money was
Happy Li'l, Sal, with Virginia Hobbs,
227, as captain. This team brought in
$59 and Patsy team, led by Katharine
Pearce, '26, was a very close second
with a total of $57. Katrinka team
is still in the lead as far as the whole
campaign is concerned. This team is
led by Louise Carlisle, '26.
Tomorrow noon the last Y. W. C. A.
luncheon will be given in Newberry
hall and at this time all the pledge
cards must be turned in. If it is seen
that all the territory cannot be cov-
ered tomorrow, the committees will
consider extending the campaign until
Saturday noon. A great amount of
work will have to be done and a large
number of $5 and $10 pledges given
in order to bring the total up to $2000.
A mass meeting of all the campaign
workers will be held tomorrow noon
after the luncheon.
lieved that more effective
cVUUIU Vt h Ulii d.
WOUId be ODaineu.
Junior Girls' play tryouts from 9
to 12 o'clock tomorrow in Sarah Cas-
well Angell hall.
' - a~v... .,®
., _.u.
Plans for the breakfast to be given
for the larger league houses on cam-
pus were completed at a meeting of
the house organization committee of
the league yesterday, The breakfast
which is to be held Sunday, Jan. 17,
at 9 o'clock at Barbour gymnasium
will be participated in by the follow-
ing houses: Westminister, Fox,-Wood,
Reagh, Bannash, Frink, Brummet, and
Witham houses. Personal invitations
will be issued to the houses by mem-
bers of the house organization com-
The breakfast is particularly im-
portant since the possibility of com-
bining the work of the junior advis-
ory committee, the honor council and
the house organization committee is
to be discussed. The present junior
advisory system has been found to be1
decidedly unsatisfactory, since out of
the 800 new women on campus this I
year, it was only possible to reach 300.
The work of the honor council at the
present time is being duplicated by
the house organization committee. By
the combination of the three, it is be-
Beauty Parlor
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New Ideas in Facials
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Have your hair shampooed
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Sunshine way.
Expert Marcelling.
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Cloth Coats
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Sport and Dress Styles
Every desired fashion is repre-
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These are the kind of coats
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$15.00 $19.00 $25.00
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