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January 08, 1926 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-08

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1.iV)A LdA. JANUARY 8- !, 1 12O

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ass Box

Fncorfnl A,4 To
Five Who Will Face lPirple
Tomorrow ight

With more than 45 canidates work-
ing out each 6ay under the careful
tutelage of Coa-d cliford Keen at the
field house, wrestlig auppas destin-
ed to become ole of the mlIu5 Popular
of the minor sports. This iF he 'reat-
est niuber to ever turn ot , for 1 he
mat squad af ;Michigan.

Coach Mather will send the Wol-
verine basketball squad through its (oeach Keen is llyu on
final practice session in the Yost field iex wit hi s s uad in T
house this afternoon in preparation I on ui. Ethe Wneiosrh(mt
for the opening of the Big Ten Con- rN gi (a1.es 44 Flis
ference season with the Northwestern yest each la the yeas be
university five at Evanston tomorrow 1dyhOyl
The Michigan squad will leave Ann Is s the opinion of Coa,h i
Arbor tonight for the Windy City and the officials of the company
will make its headquarters at the Or-. daily consumption of ,eat
rington hotel at Evanston. Coach crease thers ston i the
Mather will take nine members of the thus aid in as hersiaeuding te
Maize and Blue, but who will compose of the wrestling sna agar
the squad is still problematical.,- aons.
Cherry and Molenda are certain to bn.
start at guard, with Dick Doyle at the l rE T r < ,;a ri ef
& aare 'eycr~(~
center position, and Hfarrigan at right , rt , nd (he
forward. The other forward position E Athe imc" toilueos
is still a toss up between three or din down te a ije n 1CI
four members of the squad. Chamb-
ers and Oosterbaan have been altern- C- l
ating in the pire-Conference contests, Coach Keen has 8150 (
but in the recent practi' es Coach sweat box to benade, and p
for' its completion by the tipsi
Mather has not been pleased with the week. The sweat box will b(
showing of the combination in defen- aiding the members of the
sive play. take off weight in a short
There is a possibility that Jim Mar- time, as the rule a covering tlr
tin, formerly of Detroit, making theinte various divisions a
trip in place of Oosterbaan. Maartin stic the. rosdvsosa
has been working at center, but
Mather plans to shift' him to forward T-
to strengthen the Wolverine five.
Schroeder and Petrie, will be taken . up, rig!'(' inm
along to substitute at the guard posi- bed *ni lolpa )i i.
tions..r i be i cri},; E c
Northwestern will send a veteran he a s r y
team against the revamped Michigan I ____r t
team. The Wildcat five is the same The Varsity grapplers wil
aggregation with the exception of their first taste of competitio
Fisher at center that gave Mather s theiramirs tofn mettt
team a 17-16 scare at Evanston last all-campus tournament thati
winter. "Moon" Baker, stellar foot- uled to take place on Fariday
ball and basketball star of the Pur- urday of next week at the fie
ple teasandWh areaMore than 80 entries have
pie teams, and White, are a vetera1 ceived thus far, and the tour
combination at the forwards that are
uncanny at scoring. Christman and rises to e the most succest
Matthews have both had experience in ele Coach Keen to uncov
Big Ten competition and have per- likely mat material.
formed well in the games played this
year. Fisher is the only new comer ' wrestiers I
on the team, but has proved an out- eady reporlEand many
standing star at center, are wor iandIiiyp
_______________________rUI worikug oimf day unin i

'Ilbora -
S Yeast
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will in-
;lnd and
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period of
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is sched-
and Sat-
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been re-
ney pro-
>fml over
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sae title

(0 bui a s a is 2 t tnis not the final cut Ton orroz N ight
o lhien Ibasketball squad fdown tj as1w~rl2norLre to ho dronped as50 0U;.i
--'_________________the season pxroge .ses. The squad has~
now trmasferrd its scene of action Bloomington, Ind., Jan. 7.-With the
',.' 'D: IE('3A',S04 -WLII UYNG A-NA) from W~aternma gynnasium to tlhej last of its non-Conference games play- C
POL) 1QAT CES POSTP0N ) Yost field house. 1ed, Indiana university's basketball hers of the swimming team will leave
So ar this iar the pracriceisei-.an will open th'e Big Ten Confer- tonight for Bloomington where they
Interclass dual5,sw1immin anal sions havleen devoted mainly to ence schedule here. Saturday night will meet Indiana in a dual meet to-
water polo tournaments, schedul- I. against Minnesota. I morrow afternoon. The men who will
ed to take place early this month scrimmages otween picked teans, The game will be the fifth in three make the trip are Capt. Jack Cow,
has been postponed until the be- by which method Coach Fisher was years between the teams 'from the two Clarence Batter, Robert Darnall, Fred'
ginning of next semester, at enabled to trim his material down to universities. The Gophers have won I unakin, John Halsted, Robert Hal-
which time the championship the prosent workable size and at the but one of the four games played. sted, Al Mayer, Paul Samson, Maurice
will be determined by a straight C same time to get a line on the indi- The contest Saturday night marks Shorr, Manifred Whittingham, Gerald
elimination series. Ividual members of the squad. From i the beginning of one of the hardest Harrison, and Paul Starrett.
Class athletic managers have 11now on the yearlings will be drilled schedules ever arranged by Indiana Of this number seven are veterans
been urged to have their men in I university. Following Minnesota's in- while five swimmers will be entering
condition when the meet starts, tion play that is the foundation of the vasion, the "Scrappin' Hoosiers" will Conference competition for the first
a1d to report at once to Coach Varsity system employed by Coach travel to Wisconsin to play "Doc" time. Captain Gow, a veteran of two
Matt Mann at the Union pool i ui Mather, the practices being niostly in Meanwel's quintet Jan. 11 at Madi- seasons and one of the fastest dash
order to have a Varsity swimmer passing, shooting and pivoting. son. Five days later the Hoosiers men in the Big Ten, will swim an-
assigned as coach to their class, Coach Fisher has several men on his f will be pitted against the crack Iowa char man on the relay team besides
and to be instructed upon the I squad this year who have been show- i uiversity team at Iowa City. Then competing in the 40 and 100 yard free
rules that will govern the tour- ing real ability and should make cred- they journey from Iowa to Evanston style races. Paul Samson, another
nament. itable bids for next year's varsity to face Northwestern Jan. 18. Purdue veteran, will swim in the 440 yard
! _team. The guards are especially abun- Jan. 23 at Bloomington and Iowa here 1free style, in which he placed second
dant with Daniels and Nisson from. Feb. 1 will be next in line. sides swimming as lead off man on
Chicago and McCoy from Detroit show- With the exception of the center the relay quartet. Fred Dunakin,. an-i
ing up especially well. Walsh has position the lineup of the Crimson ap- other veteran distance man, will be
FRESI fN IESbeen going good at center while Ny- pears to be settle, even though the Samson's team-mate in the 440.
y land of Kalamazoo and McDonald ofI season is young. "Ice Man" Beckner, Manifred Whittingham, a veteran
PoLII O t Muskegon are strong possibilities at and Julius Krueger, have the forward breast stroker who has ranked as one
the forward Positions. jobs will under hand with Sponsler of the best in the Conference last
As hitI h and Winston holding dlown the guard
With the first all-campus wrestling i will be scheduled for thi freshmen positions. Jones, and Robinson, two sopohmore, in the 220 yard breast
tournament only a week away, Coach i this year but the new members of the sophomores, are evenly matched for -_
Botches' freshman grapplers are put- basketball league, inaugurated for the the center berths. I ll litllll IJ[lX lwIlif I
ting in strenuous training in prepar- j first time here by Coach Mather, will
ation. More than 30 first year men afford frequent opportunities of scrim- Ior every article for sale, there is F
are working out daily in an effort to mage for Fisher's proteges. a buyer, Reach him thru Classifieds. Io

'stroke event On the recent training
.trip Whittingham and Shorr divided
honors evenly each one defeating the
other twice; tomorrow's race should
prove a real battle. Jo n Walsted in
the back stroke, Al Mayer as altern-
ate in the free style relay, and Paul
Starrett in the fancy dive. are the
other veterans who will be facing
their second year of Conference com-
O the new men, Darnall in the dash-
es and relay is undoubtedly the find
of the year, while Batter in the back
stroke and Shorr in the breast also
have to be considered as being above
the average in ability. Robert Hal-
sted in the back stroke and Gerald
Harrison in the fancy dive have also
shown promise of developing into high
calibre performers.
The water polo team will line up
with Captain Gow, Fred Dunakin, and
Al Mayer as backs, and with Paul
Samson, Robert Darnall, and. Clarence
Batter as forwards. Whittingham
will tend goal.



make a credible showing in their in-
itial public appearance.
Miller, who looks the hest in the 116I
pound class, is expected to give Cap-
tain baker a real battle for first ion-
ors in that weight.
In the 145 pound weight, Shoemaker
has made the most progress and is ex-
pected to finish well towards the top.
Durant and Donavan at 145 pounds,
both look good. Durant is consideredI
the probable winner in the event.
Parker -and Waoor are the cream
of the 158 pounders with Parker hold-
ing the edge. Among the light-heavy-
weights, Rich, Smith, and Meese have
been most consistent. Rich was a
freshman football star this fall. As-
beck and Gimbus top the list of heav-
ies, both men should figure well in the
exhibitlions that promises much for
the f ture.

A Necktie

Two blocks from city b
from noont
Special attention given
En llttltlltltlFgtllltttiFlFtitgity

Myles Thomas, Toronto pitcher, has
signeda contract with the New York
nd Steak Dinners
ed at
us line on Jackson Road,
till midnight.
to parties. Phone 6534.



ii I


<By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Jan. 7.- Entrance of
the Boston Braves into the profes-
sional football field, as announced
yesterday, may forecast a gridiron
circuit on the very lines of the Na-
tional baseball league.
Several cities in the National lea-
gue have professional football clubs
although not under baseball manage-
ment. Among them are New York,
Chicago, Pittsbugh, St. Louis and Phil-
adelphia. Four of these are American
league fities as well.
The New York Giants, operating at
the Polo grounds but owned outside
the baseball organization, had a suc-
cussful year in their first appearance,.
all things considered. The team paid
for itself. Every seat in the stands
was filled and many persons stood
throughout the game in which Red
Grange performed with the Chicago
Brooklyn has sozght a franchise for
next season. Two are held by the New
York football promoters, one of which
is not in use and the 1926 situation is
somewhat vague. The Braves an-
nounced that they are making the
move as an economic venture design-
ed to fill the great stadium after base-
ball ceases and baseball promoters in
other cities soon may become imbued
with the same desire for economy.
There were 18 teams in the Nation- I
al football league the past season and
there were rumors that another year
would see 10 elevens in the East and
10 in the West, the division winners to
play a "world series."
Entries for the all-campus handball
tournament, singles and doubles, close
Wednesday, Jan. 13. Indivdual loving
cups will be awarded to the winners,
while medals will be given to the
runners up.
NEW YORK.-The central and north
Atlantic seacoast has had a real taste
of a London "pea soup" fog.

Oity Squa2d. )myOf tiley
aldi.dates have given ,,(;n

uxfords fr pringf
Acomplete showing
of new models is
now ope for your
inspectio. $10-135-0
feaGltu rin g
the Jhston& urphyshoe
,for 1men cS, Aince 149 a

Start a New
Wardrobe Right



Fashioned by Scheyer & Co. of
Philadelphia out of the finest ma-
terial obtainable. Similar to tux-
edos worn by the chorus in the
Michigan Union Opera. Aper-
manent investment in fine appear-

. '.


A Hat





Specially priced at


Regularly priced at $100-$125

All sophomores and second se-
mester freshman who wish to
try out for assistant manager of
track team should report at 3
to 5 o'clock any day this week at
the field house.





11 1



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