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February 18, 1925 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-18

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it 4nNESDAY FEB~RUTARY 18. 1925i



'[[LFilaF.tJVFl AY .lt !'LLitrV iYA4a nuts avrv ! 1 ll.J tY 114.x! lAYl "l M/. a r -
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Dorothy McFarlen, '25, was appoint-
ed vice-president of the Women's
League at the League 'meeting held
Monday in Barbour gymnasium. She
will assume the duties formerly held
by Margaret Dixon, '25, who is act-
ing as president of the League during
the illness of Charlotte Blagdon, '25.
The condition of Miss Blagdon is re-
ported to be unchanged. Dr. Margar-
et Bell stated yesterday that although
Miss Blagdon was, making every ef-
fort to recover, her condition remains
the same.
Tickets are now on sale in Barbour
gymnasium for the folk dance insti-
tute for men and women which will
be held for five days. beginning Feb.
24. The price is $2.50 for the course
of 10 lessons, of one hour each: 50
cents will be chared for single admis-
sions. The course will be conducted
by Miss Elizabeth Burchenal, of New
York City, who is the organizer and,
chairman of the American Folk Dance
society, and the author of several
books of folk dances as well as the
originator of a number of lectures and
demonstrations on that subject.
"Miss Burchenal can get doors to
dance; she fairly burns with person-
ality," according to Miss B. Louise
Patterson, of the department of physi-
cal education, who attended a similar
institute conducted by Miss Burchenal
tf f]th Univ rif ofC Olifni las

Local Four Year Old Artist'sl
Work Hangs In Detroit Exhibit

Although they did not know that the rounded by admirers at the exhibit,
sketch "Water" was the work of a all eager to praise her little daughter's
four year old child, judges at the work. Mrs. Johnson states that Nancy
Michigan Artists exhibit at the De- is independent about her work and
troit Institute of Arts chose this pic- will take no suggestions from her.
ure by Nancy P. Johnson, aged four, "If she wants leaves blue she mkes
to hang in the exhibition. The sketch them blue," says her mother. iMtrs.
was sent in with the contributions of Johnson, herself a painter of several
older artists and judged as the work accepted pictures, regrets that the
of an adult on its own merit. judges did not hang Nancy's "Night"
Little Nancy is the daughter of Mary which she considers superior to
Lee Johnson, who is assistant in- "Water."
structor of Free hand drawing. Her Critics and artists alike concede
father is Oakley C. Johnson, an in- the sketch "Water" to be a marvel of
Stntor in h th rhetoric. department.



\ernlon t (dfeated lichigan by a
score of 483-476 in the first intercol-
legiate match of the women's rifle
teamn this season for which scores
were mailed Saturday and return
scores received yesterday. The Ver.
mtont total consisted of three scores
of 9)7 and two of 96.
The Michigan team entered the
competition after only one week of
practice, since they were unable to ob-
tain rufles earlier.
During this coming week the scores
will be shot; for competition with the
Universities of Syracuse, George
Wasli(gton, Cincinnati, and Missouri.

Outlaxs vs. Altpha, Chi Omega; 5o'- ou(Pr sde t from 12' to 14, making' nno exceptions,
clok m sapavs Dea amHouse PresidentsI
clock, Sigma Kappa vs. Delta Gain- e eve rwias accepted by the Board of Direc-
ma, and MNeClinton vs. Delta Deltal T oCeceiv Charts t of te Women's I'ague. The
Delta.orofte tcrz ' icage e
----lint ation of 15 pot uts durizng a suts-
Ciharts, revised b3y the point ystem t(U' was removed. It will now be pos-
JIunior play cast rehearsals u ill betconlunit tee, will be mailed to t, pr es sib o ec mnttceku
held in Sarah Caswell Angell hall as nt ll e h ti le for each woman to check up
t fllos: oda, frsthal ofact11 tlents of all the houses this week. her activities according to the new
follos: today, first half of act II at 'ie recoimnendatI ion made by the Ju-t
o',clock, second half of act 11 at 7 diciary Council and the Point System chart and know whether she is ex-
o'clock; tomorrow, act 1 at 7 o'clock; Committee that the number of points ceeding the 14 points permitted for ac-
Friday, act 11 at 7 o'clock. a woman might carry le changed tivities on campus.
Chorus rehearsals will be held today
as follows: A and 4 at 4 o'clock, 3 and
6 at 5 o'clock, 2 at 7:15, and F at 8.
t S INGLE breasted spring
The executive board of the W. A. A. 5J aL bragted siig
will meet at 5 o'clock today, in Bar-'!coat of diagonal Shag-
lour gymnasium, moor. Raglan shoulders. Trim
I slashed pockets. A smart,
All women working on the Life s p
Membership drive who have not. re- serviceable coat in the newest
ported should do so between 2 and 4 colorings. $45.
o'clock today at Barbour gynnas-N)


1 0Ll UULVl JAI UJJU 11lk; VA 1%, l.{Gf/0.i Llklvlx4. 1

Do Students Buy
Clothes For Next
Winter At Sales?
"Girls are much too fussy and fond
of new styles to buy clothes now for,
use next winter," said the buyer at
Mack's department store when ques-
tioned on whether or not college wo-
men are prone to economize. "Of
course a few girls, trying to save, do
buy some things now at reduced prices
for next winter, but the girls who de-
pend on "Dad" for their new coats
and frocks will wait for the ultra
modes of the coming fall."
But Mr. Fredman at Jacobson's be-
lieves that university women do buy
late in the season. "We seldom have
any stock to hold over," Mr. Fredman
said. "We sell winter things at a
reduction and the girls buy them, es-
pecially do they buy fur trimmed coats
at this time of year, wear them awhile,
then save them for the coming fall.
Styles change in minor detail, but not
noticeably from season to season, and
often prospective styles for the coi-
ing year are tried out on the late win-
ter models. Occasionally we even
even buy cheaper garments for the


( t

impressionistic art. Several older ar-
tists who were present at the exhibi-
tion have praised the skill displayed
by so young snid talented a child.
Clyde E. Burroughs, curator of tie
Arts Institute, classifies "Water" as a1-
most post-impressionistic.'
"how did she do it?" exclaims one
gray-haired , maturer artist. ''bc
critics at the Arts exhibit were un-
animous in acclaiming little Nancy's
work, and predicting great things for
the future of her art.
Critics agree that "Water" is al-
most perfection in balance and color-
ing, "The sketch is perfectly balan acci
from every angle," says one artist,
"You could turn it upside down or
sideways and it would still be baianc-
ed. What will be the liiit to her'
achievment at the age of 40?" An-
other critic stated that Nancy John-
son was the 'Jeanne d'Arc' of the mod-
ern world of art, introducing a new
era of impressionism.
"Night" and "Sto/m," other sketclies
of the youthful artist may be seen at
the new Bunbury tea room, which has
just recently opened at Darling and
Malleuux, 221 State street. A feature
of the new tea room i9 the gayly col-
ored pieces of cardboard patehwork
which constitute covers for the small
square menu cards.
The Bunbury tea room will alsor
have Nancy's sketch "Water" on dis-
play as soon as it is recciveld from.
the exhibit at Detroit.

Senior won elm should have their
mcasu reients taken and place their]
orders for caps and gowns at once.
leasurements are being taken
now on tho second floor of Mack's.
All mea::iurements must be taken by
F'c1). 21.
Si ma lela Phi will meet at 4:15
o'clo k 1ri(:ay at the Sigma Kappa
El ctLive classes in beginning swim-
ming mill .;( held at 4 o'clock Mon-
uiavs and W dncsdays and 4 o'clock.
Tuesdays and Thursdays, in Barbour
gymnasium. Anyone interested should
rupu t today or tomorrow.

Archery and hockey awards mrust be
called for by the end of this week.,
at the W. A. A. desk in Barbourl
I gymnasium.
All material for the examination
which is to be given for the women
who have completed the Y. W. C. A.
club leaders course will be found in
the reading room of the Y. W. C. A.
at Newberry hall. The examination
will be given any time on Friday or
Saturday morning.


\ n
_ _..-


Phi Lambda Theta wil meet at 7:3
o'clock Wednesday in Martha Cook
iibrary. There will be a short busi-
mess meeting followed by a social
Madrid, Feb. 16.-The American so-
ciety of Madrid has. passed a resolu-
tion denying that there is unrest in



Au organize hike for which athletic
honor pOiint s will le given will start
at 4 o'clock Vriday, from Barbour
gym nasium. Further information is
postefl o tihe W. A. A. bulletin board
in Barloutr gymnasuim.
mNterhoune bisketball games will be
played today as follows: 4 o'clock,
Weod-Caughey vs. Chi Omega, and


4 "

at te univers ty o aU aLiorna lastj
April. Miss Patterson reports that purpose of selling them reduced in
the institute proved highly success- late winter."
ful there, doubling its registration At futzel's the buyer called my at-
after the opening day and having an tention to a rack of smart brown satin
enrollment of approximately 300. dresses in response to my query. "We
The material given will be suitable do not want to hold these dresses over
for the use of directors of summer until next year," she said, "but theyI
camps, prospective teachers who may will sell easily because the girls will
be called upon to direct social activi-'always buy good looking inexpensive
ties, and any social workers who are gowns like these even though the sea-
inerested in direc*ting recre tional son is advanced."
groups. Mr. Zwerdling at Zwerdling's Fur
No previous experience is required Shop told me that he sells a nuinber
for this course and -no regulation cos- of fur coats late in winter, but most
tume. Street clothes may be worn. of them to towns-women. "College
girls like the latest styles," he said,
"they wait until they get home and
Leagoue Announces "Dad" pays the check for the latest,
Z31 Istyle racoon.''
P lns For Warty, Ili regard to women's winter foot- I
- wear, reports from local shoe stores
The Dutch Tree party, the next in show that this year's sale of galoshes
the series of Women's League parties is greater than it was last year. Thatr
will be held Friday afternoon, Feb. the clumsy galosh is still popular
27, =in Barbour gymnasium. Esther among Michigan women is evidenced
Tuttle, '27, is in charge of the party ! by the fact that ti Walk-Over Boot
and plans are now under way for an Shop, Wahr's and Kinney's all show
unusual program. Catherine Kelder,; an increased percentage of sales. In
'27, is chairman of the refreshment spite of its awkward qualities, the
committee, and Alice Allen, '25, of the 1 galosh, it seems, still holds its own
decorations. and it probably will continue to do so
until somre inventive genius produces
Toronto, Canada, has more than an 4rticle of footwear that will be
8,000 women employed in the needle I more graceful and yet Just as warm
trades at an average weekly wage of' and snow-proof as the galosh, shoe
$14.80. men believe.

The demand for competent 1oo
coaches has becom one of time inost
interesting indications of the grow-
ing $opularity of the game.
20%" y SALE 20 %
Pre-inventory sale on
i entire stock

' f
$ ,Ei t 6a % - r

Is 11(51 onue hoor too soon to
slt one's Sprintg sewing If
ogle w c id fin~ish Lef'ore the epi-
(1cmic of spring fev er.

Pictures Plaques
Mottoes Prints
Leather Goods
Desk Sets Incense
Incense Burners

Cottinultmg Costumer
22" Nickels Arcade
1,11(m 3059-W

Ask abcut Card Special
2 Nickels Arcade


v --


: 1tllllt11lltlltlill ili!llllitldtttit10H1lillittilt lt1 fllH| lltttlz!!!l t 1111f1t1U
N N the Spring all feminine
fancy quickly turns to
thoughts of clothes. Even be-
fore the first tantalizing hints
of balmy breezes are wafted-
northward, even before trees
put forth their tiny buds, the
feminine world is eagerly await-.
ing Fashion's newest secrets.
And it's in our Spring Opening
that Fashion now divulges.
them. Fascinating, indeed, are
her Spring styles. All femin-
inity will be thrilled anew at
their loveliness.
r M-
t -I

YouM Can't Kep Your



If Your'Pen 'Demands
Your Attention
YOU cannot compose your thoughts-can-
.not note the points of a lecture, if you are
writing with a pen that loses step as you go
along. That pen is a mental drag.
The sooner you replace it wlthhhe never
failing, never ailing Parker Duofold, the
quicker you will hit your stride in college
work and social correspondence.
Duofold not only gives the mind full play
and the hand full swing- its fit and balanced

Spring .s



Are Found in the $25 Frock Shoppe


Spring Frocks are so buoyant of
college women don them eagerly!

demeanor and so charming in manner
Their vivid hues and youthful ways

symmetry and jewel-smooth point
inspire and stimulate. They tens
to develop a hand of speed ani
And we guarantee the point,
if not mistreated, for 25 years'
WEAR. So Duofold at $5 and
$7 is the most economical pen
-less costly than short-lived
pens priced lower.
Any good pen counter will
sell you Parker Duofold-flash-
ing plain black; or black-tipped
lacquer-red, a color that makes
it handsome to own and hard
to lose.
Manufacturers a"-)of Parker D"ofold Pencils
to match the pen, $3.50
Factory and General Offices



Press -Button 2 Prow; thw Bnt 3 nner Sleeve of 4 Rich Gold
Fillercapped in- ton, release and Duo-Sleeve Cap Girdle re
side the barrel- count Id, while formsIn4-Tight inforces
out of harm's Duofold drinks seal with nozzle Gap-was
way. its ,Jgfill of ink. so pen, can't.- 1extra-
eak. no- free


make. them unusually fitting for class and campus wear and they appear in
so many delightful guises, portrayed at their best in the-$25 Frock Shoppe.
Debonair Flannels 0
Fashionable Kashas
Siep Ben galirics
Soft Canton Crepes
Clever Print Silkes
- . -. .N

I 1101'r



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