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February 18, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-18

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postaie granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices:Ann Arbor Press Building, May
nard Street.
Phones : Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
ness, g6o.
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
Editor ..............John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor.............Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor..........Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
George W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Fredk. S parrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Sports Editor......... William H-. Stoneman
Sunday Editor.......... ooert S. Mansfield
Women's ditor............Vernea Moran
Music andE rama..Robert B. Henderson
Telegraph Editor. William J. Walthour
Louise Barley Relen S. Ramsay
Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann
Leslie SBennets Marie Reed
Smith Cady ;Jr. Edmarie Schrauder
Willard B. Crosby' Frederick H. Shillito
Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens
Lames W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet
3oseph 0. Gartner Herman Wise
ManningHousewortk Eugene H. Gutekunst
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Robert T. DeVore
Elizabeth Liebermann tanley C. Crighton
Winfield H. Line Leonard C. Hall
Carl E. Ohimacher Thomas V. Koykk e
Wiiliam C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner
Telephone 960
Advertising.................E. L. Dunne
Advertising................J...JJ. Finn
Advertising.. .... . .1'... A. Marks
Advertising...:............HI. M. Rockwell
Accounts ....................Byron Parker
Circulation................... .R. C. Winter
Publication.................John Conlin
P. W. Arnold W L. Mullins
W. F. Ardussi K: F. Mast
Gordon Burris H. L. Newmnannl
F. Dentz I Thomas OlmsteW
Philip Deitz D. Ryan
David Fox N. Rosenzweig
Dorman Freehling Margaret Sandburg
W. E. Hamaker F.K. Schoenfeld
F. Jobinson S. H. Sinclair
L. H. Kramer F. Taylor'
Louis W. Kramer


Intelligent consideration of a world
institution of such major importance
as the League of Nations should be a
part of the mental activity of every
man or woman with any semblance ofj
intelligence. Whatever opinion an in-
dividual may have of the function of
the organization as a factor in world
peace he should realize that it has al-
ready done enough to warrant a per-
manent place in international life. InI
view of this, the efforts of the League
of. Nations Non-Partisan association
to provide discussion by competent
speakers is noteworthy. Especially
significant was the address of Ray-j
mond B. Fosdick, eminent jurist of
New York City, here Monday night.
Those who have taken an hostile
attitude toward anything that the,
League sponsors and have scorned the
principle which 'underlies all its ac-
tivities must have squirmed either
mentally or physically as Mr. Fosdick!
successfully refuted all the stock
arguments, which have been raised at
intervals by strident politicians. And
not only did he quite successfully
down the opposition, but he expound-
ed at length the benefits which have
accrued to the world since its in-
ception. It hardly seems possible that
any of the League's opponents present
could have gone away unconvinced
that United States should have a part
in so great an undertaking.
An there is no one of the critics
who can answer Mr. Fosdick's final
challenge: "What is a more feasible
scheme for preserving the peace of
the world?" They can only refer us
to the time-worn phrase, prepared-
ness, which being interpreted means
a new international race in arma-
ments. The League idea of confer-
ence, of bringing nations continually
together to talk things over is the only
one which can possibly protect the
peace of the world. No number oft
defensive alliances or preparatory
measures will produce a tenth of the
good will which has already been en-
gendered by the League assemblies.
Indeed one is forced to the conclu-
sion that those who oppose United'
States' entrance into this body, as
well as- active participation in the
World court look blindly forward to
war, failing to discern the end of
westerr civilization which is almost
certair to result. While many per-1
sons, nearly everyone in fact, can re-
alize the manifest imperfections of
the League of Nations, no one has' yet
come forward with a better plan. t
Like a bolt of lightning, the recent
nrontet of ThP ew Yn Vrkr Wn14


of the campaign against filth on the
American stage.
Whileythese twotagencies are un- .wII)TU
doubtedly two of the most powerful l I ED ® LAND!
ones in the country, the most signifi- TER{ D R ARA M A
cant action taken by any group andT"A T"
the one which is the most convincing A) _ __ ___T_
argument against the objectionable ISA TFCII( AL
plays is the refusal of the actress, The statement above will not mean THIS AFTERNOON: The Organ
Helen MacKellar, to take the leading much to the average reader, but if it Recital by Palmer Christian at 4:15
part in Brady's "A Good Bad Woman" falls into the right hands it will be o'clock in Rill auditorium.
because of the obscenity of her lines. interpreted at once.**
This declaration followed by an off- _THE YPSILANTI PLAYERS
cial protest by Frank Gilimore, ex- ROLLS WANT ADS PAY j A review by Valentine Davies.
ecutive secretary of the Actor's Equity A couple of weeks ago the For many seasons the Ypsilanti
association, who stated that the "ma- Martha Cook building was arous- Players have been producing unusual
chinery capable of cleaning the the- ed by a drunken fellow at three plays in a thorough and convincing
atre from within had been allowed to o'clock in the morning. One of manner. But for the most part they
rust in the hands of Commissioner of the young ladies inserted an ad have done plays which were prosaic i
Licenses William F. Quigley" ought in this department, and right in form, if not in presentation; which
to satisfy almost everyone that the away a flood of answers came in. called for sensitive directing but lit-
conditions are extremely bad. I After sorting them and examining tle original conception. It remained
As Miss MacKellar indicated in stat- the various applicants, we are for them to achieve something of real
ing that she did not object to the pleased to announce to the young significance, an original conception,
character which she was to portray ladies that we have found Poor I frankly experimental, in order to re-
but rather to the "vile words" in her Will- unmistakably. We are alize the fullest purpose of such an
lines, the only real protest which can holding him pending their deci- organization as theirs.
be made is against the abuse of real- sion as to ways and means of "The Ancient Mariner" was a cour-
ism which certain theatrical managers handling his case. ageous undertaking. It required an
insist on including in their produc- ROLLS WANT ADS PAY entirely new form of conception. It
tions. There is no point in getting t* **called for remarkable acting; and
prudish about the unsavory side of above all it demanded an appreciative,
life, of purging the drama from all Entirely by chance, we find this in an understanding audience . It cannot
"naughtiness," but there is cause for the Quarterly Review of Verse: be called a play; it is a dramatic
objecting to the crude presentation of Bird, that in the twilight criest, presentation of Coleridge's poem, to
such elements. If the theatre is no - Criest, oh so sad, so shrill, quote the program note, "A fantastics
longer able to keep itself decent from Tell me, o'er what grief thou, sigh- illusion for those who abandon them-
within, as Mr. Gillmore charges, the- est, selves to its spell." It aimed to bring'
atrical managers should have no Solitary Whip-Poor-Will? life by means of lighting. music, and
comeback if the power of censorship -Francis Ryan. pantomime a famous rime, which in
is taken away from them and turned * * * itself has much drama,
over to the city police departments Inspecting the dour little review of The result was decidedly successful.
and courts._Verse, we are reminded inevitably of It was not flawless; it could not be.
the magazine soon to be started un- j But it created a definite illusion and
DILETTANTES der the auspices of the Carmagnole. carrid much power. The result was
de te usics f heCaman (e.;le in a largepatothwrk0
The end of each semester brings its According to the proprietors a "com-ph
delinquents to light. Every year the petent editor" has been (or will be) Richard Forsyth, who, as the Mariner,
succeeded in achieving remarkable
educational career of some 200 men i secured.s
and women is brought to an untimely The appointment of a person en- variety of voice and action and ex-
close by the action of University au- dowed with the great gift of selection ceedingly convincing moments with
thorities. This is not to be regretted and arrangement that will be neces. a part that offered countless dificul-
in most cases. The action comes ( sary to sift and publish the products tis.Alhough his re was pr:t
usually as the inevitable result of of such literary talent as we have at alla mngedoind ahpaenwich
carelessness and indicates that the the University is, it seems to us, a y
University will tolerate very few grave matter. There is in addition carried him along without apparent
dilettantes in its student body. the competition of The Inlander to be haste and yet never dragged.
In the number of those who remain considered. Will the Great Ones, The groupin g and lighting were
there are many who barely got under bound fast to a publication already extremely well done and were adroitly
the proverbial rope, and who will have firmly rooted in the academic soil, *b blended with the mtsic to bring a re-
l suit that was strikingly effective.
another chance to demonstrate theirl lured away at the mere prospect of
ability as students. Included in this having their stuff accepted by some- "The Ancient Mariner" is an achieve-
class are many who are just finding body else? In other words will they ment which is decidedly praiseworthy'
out that a university is different from withstand the temptation to see their and is one of the few things of real
a high school and that such things as i names in two journals at once? merit to the Drama that such little
cars, dances, and out-of-town football Well, it's a pretty idle speculation theatres can give.
= j The other piece ons the program
games are menaces to good scholar- anyway. ;whichlreddth "Min"wa
ship. If they have found this out, the- *yy.erede e r r
Pirandello's "The Man with a Flower
first semester has been for them a The Circus in his Mouth." It is the psychological
success, even though they may have A Review by Valentine. study of a man in whose mouth Death
received "E"or D" grades. Theirs There was a circus in town last has placed a flower-cancer. His
Stweek. They kept pretty quiet about striving to obliterate the overpower-
found knowledge to P, practical use. } it, 'but it was there anyway. At the ing thought of the future from his
id Armory. Let us have a few statistics mind by riveting his attention upon
Shortly after the death of President to begin with. The program announc- the people who pass him; upon shop
Harding, Senator Edge proposed a ed that they had a trained elephant; windows; upon anything which may
bill to lighten the duties of the chief a comedy giraffe (why the adjective?) join him to life, even momentarily,
executive which he has recently with- an animal act with a dog, a monkey is as gripping a piece as has reached
drawn. Another effect of "Cal's" and a horse; also a troupe of trained the stage in several years. Robert
economy program, no doubt. horses. The actual equipment con- Henderson, under the guiding hand
sisted of two (2) ponies; a mule, a of Paul Stephenson, did extremely
The past week-end was reported to horse (blind in one eye) three (3) well in the difficult role of the strick-
be the most active of the year for the stray' mongrels, and a banana. en one. His was an extremely finish-
extension department of the S. C. A. The last was by far the most im- ed performance, convincing because
"from the viewpoint of student speak- portant. A man named "Billy Senior," of the unusual restraint which he
ing." Well talk always has been lie was also called "Reno-body Reno." maintained throughout.
cheap. I "Ryan and Reilly" and other such If the Ypsilanti Players continue to
names in subsequent acts, appeared do experimental work tf this kind
The janitor of the St. Marks Meth- in a bathing suit, entered a glass with as much success they will have
odist Episcopal church of Detroit was tank of water which actually reached contributed something of very definite
caught with some liquor in his car the a little above his knees ,believe it or merit to the theatre of today ;they
other night. Apparently he has be- not; stuck his head under the surface will have fulfilled the aims of an or-
com'e immune to "Bill" Stidger's and ate the banana. When the police ganization which has opportnities
thunder. had calmed the crowd again, another such as, theirs; and they will have
man came out dressed like a fellow presented many memorable evenings.
"Pussyfoot" Johnson may be blind about to play Shakespeare and climb- * * *
Sd b
In one eye but the other one must be eup to a trapeze by means of a step TEOGNRCTL

in good shape to enable him to see ladder and three assistants. When he Palmer Christian, University organ-
visions of the world "squeezed dry." reached this exalted position a chair ist, will resume his weekly organ re-
Iwas handed to him from the ground Icitals at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in
below. For five minutes he attempted Hill auditorium. The program will in-
With ninety new women already;in
registered for the second semester Ito balancethe chair on the trapeze elude the following numbers:
Michigan men's chances may go up a and then sit in it. After the chair had Fantasia and Fugue in 'C
little. Then again, they may not. fallen to the ground the third time, he minor .................... Bach
Idescended from the trapeze and bowed Air in D...................Bach
" G elaborately amid the thundering ap- : Minuet.. Boccherini
The Gargoyle Hang-Over" is al- plause of the assembled multitude. Grand Chot (Tempo di
most pleasing, a decided innovation in Another astounding feat was that Minuetto)............Giilmant
the field of "the morning after" sen- of a man who fooled around with a Nocturne (Midsummer Night's
sat-ons 'bullet for a Big Bertha. The finale Dream)............ Mendelssohn
If the ps ofceofiilsfndale-came when some one threw the thing Spring Song...............Hollins
post office officials find a let- and the hero caught it on the back of
ter in a man's laundry box it will be his eck. Much applause, but hours Ave Maria.............Bach-Gounod
hismek. uchappaus, bt hursAllegro (Symphony 6)........ Wider
a case of "Clothes break the man. of rgsearci failed to disclose whether * * *
Ui ----C- nthis was done accidentally or was pre- "THE RIVALS"
United States Congressmen should meditated. It has been necessar to 'postpone
be good aviators as most of them are T1 ( t a ee ecsaY t otpone
always up the air about something The honor of presenting this show the production of Richard Brinsley
at a o goes to Mr. Royal Rockwell, who is a Sheridan's "The Rivals" with Mrs.
very distinguished looking person. At Fiske in the role of Mrs. Malaprop,
CAMPUS OPINION least we assume that he was the man which was to have been presented in
Anonymous communications will be who loudly blew a whistle on the Hill auditorium Tuesday evening
disregarded. The names of communi- slightest provocation thruout the en- March 3, under the auspices of the
rants will, however, he regarded as tire evening
confidientialo*n request. tine evening. Michigan Theatre League. Instead
the company will be brought to Ann
OUR SPIRITS RISE Robert Gaylor Ramsay enters the Arbor later in the season, probably a
To the Editor: office at this point, and upon our ask- few weeks after the May Festival.
The Michigan Daily has been doing ing him for an epigram to fill the rest * * *
such excellent work this year in its of the col with a discussion of, he WALKER WHITESIDE
sane and intelligent discussion of says: "Chicago is the smallest Big Mr. McIntyre has recently complet-
public questions both national and in- City in the country; Detroit is the big- ed arrangements for the appearance
ternational that it is disheartening to gest Small Town in the country." of Walker Whiteside, the distinguish-
those of us who make our bread by He assures us that his epigram is I ed character actor, in his new play
teaching that there should be students entirely original. j of .Japanese diplomacy, "Sakura,"


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like J. W. M. who complain that such * * *
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htnalnoeea nd the nninn nf rhn ra I lthnhr.,,o4, +hvr, n,',,,hohl, h n4

Tuesday evening, March 3, at the
Whitney theatre. Mr. Whiteside first
attracted national attention for his
hvilliant nrfovoman in T Ira1 Zn-


- i

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