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February 18, 1925 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-18

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_Pre s id e n t of ?ttiIw a y A sso c iti m i
To Fight Dlaekys
. SUMMONS 43,000000
Washington, Feb. 17.-A call to th
43,000,000) daily electric railway rider
of the united States to rise u an
demand traffic congestion relicf wa
sounded toay by J. N. Shannaa,
president of th American Electri
Railway association in conventio
"Traffic congest11iois unslienabe,
h le declared. "Riesite the best effort'
of local transportation comlanis t(
p'lrovide service, it is vitually impossi
~'ble nowaays, by reason of traffic con
- gestion, to miaintain any respectabl
schedules in our city streets. Tie
average running time of an electi
carorus sholl be from 1 0 to 12
mil's n hour, and yet in some citie
it is impossible, iI the downtown se-
tions, to move at 'a greater rate o
speed than two miles an hour in an
sort of vehicle.
~"TIhe majority des not rule in te
~se :of traffic conjstion. Often-
times one person in a single vehilek
, Will get in front of a car and delay
°"06 persons in it merely by occupying~
.,-the track. Again, an unoccupied ve-
. dricl will. be parked in such a posi
'nthat it willstop or slow ill)a e-
~liclecontaining t0 persons.
a, "'hetraffic problem is not imposM-
1 ble of solution, though it admittedl
i rs difficult. For example, there are
r two major steps which, if taken, would
° Maid very much.
$ ' "First: case using the streets for
estorage hey were built to be used
azpasageways, and not as garages.
s~ Second: Unscramble traffic. Es
g tablish regular lanes of travel for th;
isparate lines of traffic anl compel
k the different conveyances to stick t
'latheir lanes."
I Americans Spend
H 400 Million For
101European Visit
Hlambu g Feb. 17-More'tan 200
p000 Americans visitd lurope during
tthe year 1924, it is estimated by t he
s lilotcl Proprietors' federation, and each
j 11raveler spent, on an average, the su
' tlfr $2,000. This means that a golden
st~'rai of sonie $400,000,000 was left be-
-diJby thiese visitors from across the
~t Atlanti, and mostly in England,
"VSwitzerlando and Italy.
i Swiss tourist business around the
' OLake of the Four Cantons has almost
"t cchedpre-wa dimensions, accord-
Ac1aclto a circular issued by the Lur-
1 Lernc canton al bank. There was an
i f ncreae of 22 porent in 1924 over
t #1 he number of guests registered in
.592. IThe, bulk of the business was
r fuTrished by tourists from England.
4"Awards to winners of the all-campus
r~gycXteipore contests which are lucd
11Pach semester will be il the fori of
Iplaque with the Oratorical associa-
/tion seal lmountedl upon it.P . I
~'loor, '25, winner of last soeeter'
11pontcest, speaking on the subject.
irtxNational Issues and the Poltical"
I amip aign," was the first to receive the
,l ilaqu.
it 4 C. W. Angell, of the nechnical
,ara wing depar ment, is the d signr
'5 jtbfthe :sal which Iboar',3tie i115(O'il)
raions, 'Universty of MIcliegan,. and
11 'Oratorical Asocia' iofl Seal." T1he

j ijentral figure, represenlted on the cir-
;°cular seal is Daemosthelies, tihe (reek
~v FS ilowardl Y. iMCClushy, of the lisycliol-f
(lwarthment , i;; to be the lprirlcil)al
N ~iipea I .rat theIli-Y clubhodinnier whhIic~
:. to be0 given thisE: Y1i ug at the V.
SC. A. butildiing. Rtobert Brown, 2i
c ~aptain of neOxt year's Varsity tl
i tTl1 team, will also be Jpre!se'Iit ,an([
~' 4111 give a brief tails. Tprin1)1ilw!r
-4 tilcl coac i of t he Ann A3rlior huigl
;;chool are to lace inaa l endlance awd
' will prolbably dceli vr a few reaaiks.
_Efforts are being made to sx'car e
Go~orge S, Haggerty, '25, ciilttmna of
a1thne Varsity b)asketball teasn, for t he oe
cl asion.
Each nicinl)er of the club hias le
',tskedi to bring with hima some other,
Snhigh school studlen-t who is p1)1 iea
inathletics or other activities so d~
!lite various school leaders will b)e r~y:p-
S3panish Society
To Meet Tonight
KLa Sociedlad H-ipaniea will meet at
:30 tonight at room 320 of the Union.
' It is urged that "as many as possible



Defends His Name RYAIJT 1T.I[EC* EHIY

Judge 'nder'Fire
t 4A

Swedis.h lProies, or\'IRill dive
Lictares DI~amig' ('hlig

'I' li

I 0'. M1ansiie 'St"isin , plte.soi of
lihysics at I La Univers=iiy of Upsala,{n
swedi.'n, iia ri ving today for a six,(lay W
v s t , wvill nakm~ w alieXI iddresses on X-
rally specto ;copy diuringI lie coming
week,^,i. 'The extott imeinof thme tallis will
be announced later. y,
Dr. Sioglms lii, c on,,--l(red one( of thle
l!"ost I) Ioiu i'iI ntpiysic-ists, is ai roted
a it 0'I (il in ItheiiWON(Iof X -ray sped -
V('5(oD = andmleas codfliited imuany re-;X=
search'les on that, 1subject . BesideOs per-
f'orm inlg 1151-my research (experiments
Ini spe'-1 roscimpy lidhs also dlevisedlz
sjwetroseopes for ha borat ory use and '
has written books on the subject.His - _______________
lajt, boo1)0k, "The S pect ros-opy of the
.X-ra y,''e wh ichi Wasre(ently trarnslated Authority 1islbeing sought by Ilhe
intoinY liaedtsby P3"rot. C eorge A. I And-'house ,hidi(cinry commn~itteee to(I ma tie
y : vofi : phyusices deoparIi ent . it. at aninvestigaf ion of c lia gesagainst
p ,m cmi rn n g vain +ed by the Cliairendon Fedleral1 Judge Ceorege 1'. English of'
lpre,",,,illV i an(I, and will be ready j thle eastern Illinois di strict. IeI is ac-

As one of a 6orles of0 centenary lec-
l iries of the Brooklyn Institute of
Ails andc Sciences, Prof. Carl D. La-I
hl~me of the botany dlepartmnent will
speak on April 3 on the subject of
44rhlm, Para Rlbber Tree in the Amla-
zon 'Valley." lieI will base his talk
on investig,,at ions which lie made when
ie Beaded an expedoition Tfrom the
limited States dlepartment of agricul-
turie toI the Amazon region in the win-
ter' of 1923-24.
The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and
Sciences is celebrating its one hund-
redth anuniversary this year and has
planned a series of fifty lectures last-'
luig throughout t he year.
While i mNew York Professor Lai ue
will visit the o0hces of the Unif edE
States Rtubber company for which lie
workted a nuimer of years.
.1 xi, Fell. 17, -C&arclital Mundelein,
ofI C hicago, anad the members of the;
lx rt y which accomupanied him from the
Uniitcd Sttes,; leave today for Rtome.
j~ O ~ 4 BM AN


. _

'flit Rev. . I(,ep1 ... , ,of (Chlicago,
having' Just, le'! ied 0.I3i1. hle was mlanicol
ccrE 31?171111^it in tahe Sit whiilI voii
Jcll1 1'. intlteel :z3 iv ic('a Yeart
ago, has Ii-lltught sit. to havo thle If -
cree :set asle anad a new I i eai ii gheld,
so L.t a bedil l earit hiis name.

fxII (ii trihu lion at anl early dlale.
Dir. Seghlalian. who is at present maIk-
ing hIi,, i,°. t visit, to America, coiies to
Ann Arbor at the special invitationI

(5150(1 otf(discr'im)ination in hoax ing of
suits. Thle judge denies the accusa-,
t ious.


v , of Proi'e'ssor lAII(lSay, Who st udied
r P O it fI I Vali lli S e e two years ago. I
Offered, Charit

' 0 9.d G i>; 7 s k{'V~erilI ('otmpiete
in I I ) ,-:i} . ; t adea1 Builimg
*Worki; golig for waridmrapindly onl
time UtS v cE>rs hiosiital buildin~g, ai:
('cor(ling i 1I ie laest repot of timj
Riiit mcotiii aitt cE, Bade 1)1ubli c yes-
c driay.
"Sb1)ii i rogress 1has4 beeni
mode ii. all [iades,'' the report says,
aznd. oimit s out hat: 95 pecent of the
rough ig iil(of pul mliug is coliplete,
whIile 20 pe u-se it oi thre tiuniig fix-
tui-esarem already in plIace. Roughing
ill o' the Iligt migand 11111ses' sikgnal
syst em (circu it is ecoillilete in t omeiniu
building, a nd more than 75 pecicmit
coimpleteHi the3,adiniist ration wing.

II.~ ~ ~~~le ,X ih i;s rl. ~hman, yester1-
day inti induced a Lill wh ich would au-
thorize (list riliultioa to four organi-
zati,)-,, of $30t0,000 )inmmroyalties Ifor
aerial 1b0mb1)invenitions, wh ichm, lieI
says, is dlue Lester 11. 1Barlow, of
Cle.Veland, trom the W\arm Departmzent.
One t hird of t he sum, under the bill,
wouhlld be gi vcniihe St one Mount am
ieniorlkal association in Georgia; a
like .anmuount ,to) the Mvoumnt Ilarney
Memorial A ,sociationi in South Ilakota,
when orga nrizced ;andlone sixth. ("el
to t he ("I eveland Museui of Arts and
to t~iim ern it y H ospital of Cleveland.
In a st atement, tihe Michigan repre-
seltihtve said that although Mir. Bar-
low is not1 yet 40) years old "'practically
all orf ouraerial 1)0511), iii ii'ahictl mred
amid mused during;IOlie war avid singce,f

'' O O ZOn im m g~' w ill le t e Slit) ec t ot, I 1l.e
recGond lectiuie) to blivel yenI ,-l rabick
B*~ ~~~~dv o XiliusIe8Ia of time (it ,'
:;f Newv Yor'k and re >a'-aded a'.; one of-
raie lea ding autlhe 1.i I ies oiul 'i Iy plamn-
ning, all 4:15 o'clock ini Natuoral tSci-
ence auihito~ i, am. Ai-r. ;Willilooms opeim-
A( his s eries of talks on "''Gilv Plamn-
; aing fronm tie 'aw~ers Poinmt of
View''Yesterta y xM ien ih(di,, scm
Ibis thirdl leciuma xwiii deal withi
"Planning tr~Som-" an~'amd will be Div--
en at 110'('i 0"i(toinmom'iowi in Na Iii iem
Science auditoriimi. Air. Williamis wtil
(cone11u(de his -eries with a dlisc'ussion
(If' "'RegionalI Planning with Especial
Ileference ,to t he RegiomnalI tiann lug o°
Newv York'' at. '4:15 o'c lock in the sammenc
Read the Want Ads

,.. ,
,- --
i l {
+ , q


(T'wo and three button)
demand, and tailored in ap-
propriate, rich patterns
that stamp them as dis'.
$3:p250 to $4250
$ Next showitni- Campu9s Booeyl
P3(M4 i. Mace street
l rcz,,1.. avid 13
Our style mcnxo. hook sent free on request


After College-mW1,a4
A STEADY RISE to a position in
E 1 the business world-or a long Cousi~ & tmli nItir
period of training before you are r 1.0ha"t tI
fitted for an executive role? _ -h
In addition to your undergraduate ryli y tnbmi oi hos
work, which should serve as a solid tif( hti...-'{ns ottn
foundation, it will be well to con-
sider the advisability of special
-training which will help to cut off.
years of apprenticeship in the
business world.
Babson Institute offers an intensive AESI
training course of one or two years f *
--which teaches the fundamental VViriti?~t4K;A
principles of business and how to 1i "'
apply them in the daily conduct. of ~
commercial affairs.
By laboratory methods the student V .
is shown and taught the principles
of Executive Management which
E have built many of America's' Send for
leading concerns. this Booklet
Babson Institute is conducted for It explains the urnusual methodspeculia?
the purpose of aiding young men, to this institution by which men are
who are to occupy positions of fittedi at a minimum expenditure of
responsibility and trust to fill such time for executive positums. Fali if
positions ably and with credit to atce opn
thems~elves. 4sIugunuuugj~ahuulIu~ShUlIi,
iBabson Institute
318 Wellesley Avenue
Babson Park, Mass.:6
Send me, without obligation,
,B ab k-a 1, IL Training for Business Leader- r
ship" and complete Particulars
-about B~abson Institute.
Ins itu e Nme..................~ j
A sceifi c Institution organized, not for profit, under -w
thie educational laws of Massachusetts.
318 Wellesley Ave., Babson Park, Mass. ' iy"...............""""'.......

Tile epal i t oOS 1a-m set ltlm i'oghoit 118 x-a fe elmm 0110cr the iarlow pIt ilLS.
the butilding. tlseeBlasten' erilvnocisi's lioehaffc 1ot Igt1 iswor1{c ~ ya -eoh:,js lan f$0,0t ie ye ,been VPro.i".i.l«O f, m.,veJ."to ,m' is .orem"/.itrstim"~~ng"Ione! /ii,®alt6
now o ( l IIa fri i t loor. I teat jug and ii .,' emoe ir' elca i ii?,it fr-omifolrth ci
~tfeldilat imig ('qiil'is('iil is hiractic'ally roy alty m)~ 10111sami d (istribul lag
all installed. tie $30t),000) rcmuamiimmg to the organiii-1
IZ thme mwain biuiling, fromllthe Sec-,' zatiou' -, the " ttellsemitcontinud
1mmi time stirgicli i wing- fi't(.li e base- .7~~~~n -
uncult to 1 hethird flomom, wood t:Irimilmmmimmg' At arToSp ak
is all ii 1pitc. Accouistic-al wor'k is Befor-Botanist .S BOYef el e gt e tu e
roili Oil 0 to0si. Yore thanm7:31m-~~ ~f~~. X~ 4.L yo
cnt c of I hmc 121 ,0100 squ ie feeat of ter'- 11f lfo£ .Uoes 'ayo O-F l e g h ti e
i'azzo;floor ha s lteenilai i. tie 'oll ee of(11 'ii lali(y, will 0(1d1es'-,
I?:ltii pmum ('HI for I ,hoe ita81 1,'he-thme regii Ia mI ea tiny;of' the 1b(t1icl d
12g l aeist(I,81an Im r chwam,:)are-c ei m cini a:r at. 4~01)o'clock today imn Roosts 7
mad ~: wdalwv itk H ('5('ulttill , 11, ~:Iiet i11on'Im'ci11(5Iidm-
t ust a 4iS il'aile bytin he ti n'' ,the build - ' ~ o iueh 'asfclom'
ing l( 'ell '(11 oitmlce.
- om , *if 'V . At .11 1'30 1) ( 111-w
Iiith lmii('4'x ;ledi(5ul biillin,im:5 jihuiu - l' iVSi~I,811i emg05 u
el".) are l'~il:luig ; tIn'i ' 11''. 'th ,w l i i ftt .3It is3n.,
s'tpr<t t mmmi'xxiiii thito 'el' ,,to a- l)c Sr t<'E tlh r<td tt e l'c w ith Glen Tryon.
ft'ctal f;1't , ,' <zrc amsmt vet iiin ac. j th' X X a ' d
lacti pun ja'ms i^' MiiiAd ll tll'iium+ JXA*t. I
_______ ________________________ 'I1- l ~a.>'~. !V VQ/ f4
r ! FT. FT
71w Famlou~s
ISIso nI:iii
IF :3'4av Itmi yet lmwat4 preparie to s.lit er i amo'V!If ~ your funnly. ~
% omm abe Iii aJt'i vi'lchd aw- inl 1ml iil's 111k; roiciug romanice
o r c h'S IV15 Irt11oim oldth ie -'wi'idkes of worry, 4-iaimmiptto t11grouch anad give
Syour tistliositioam I he oylsh bob.
---- i thm cr'cnl- -
"i Tt IIHANDI lS" "Veix t Aesop Iih4111?railisN
A wo1reel (comedy 1 fanble tCirtooni amdiestra - -TUD


SereeiSumpreumacy S-gniflcaud ]n its m!eaulu~


,, , .
., F i
. . h.
. a il; t 1.

f laude Gillingwa er
auid All Star (Cast
In Additloo
'The Popimimr
Van 1Bibbuer St ories

Rturn iE ngagement-.-r-'io. my)s Only
RA. FAEL SA ATINT' World's Grat

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