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February 17, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-17

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1" ,




., ,:


ndirectly W iih the class ;r)oom in ac-
I OT "I To 11 Hold a
Hannah Tyouts Thursday
r"Ms lna Lagosa, who was t.he!
guest of 'Miss Zelina Clarke at Martha Tr'youts4 for 1new Ui-ibeCV3for Por-
Cook building over the week end. ~ i n i .t ra'y isociclty will 1 e hldll ia.
an interview yesterday toldI of the i pei lnicetialg of that organization
method of conducting the University ti 7:1 5 o'clock Thursday niht in the
of Chicago high school library, of 1j lIis clubI)roo1ms of Angell hall. All
which she is in charge. There is an w~omenO in1terestedl ii public speakingj
enrollment of 550 students in the highi are invited to ary out ait this~ time.
school and the faculty consists of 38 mTryouts must Le in nueetenprnothecofa. two
.a~ 40 members.
"Visitors from all over the countryi, Thelrglar meeting of the society
f~ome to see how wV~ conduct the which will beC held at 7 :15 o'clock to-
library," said Miss Lagosa, "It ,- a I night will be given over to the elee-
~laboratory school in which we con- t ion of officer's.
duct experiments in the best methods
oftahnadtemtosta r.found suitable are taken over by other
rhigh schools in the country. The It-O S"t
Sbrary of the school is adapted to the N OTI 7E
teaching and is a laboratory for every
department. They get the essentials
In the class room and the, hack ground lI
material in tihe library. Every stu-j Senior women sh ould have their'
denut is assigned at least one hour a measurements taken and place their
Sday in the library and while they arej orders for caps and gowns at once.
there, supervised study is conducted "Measurements are being taken
When asked how they conductedthis nowv on tihe second floor of Mack's.
supervised1 study, Miss Lagosa said, All measurements must be taken by
"The students comell to the desk and Feb. 21.
ask for help when they need. it. of i-
course we (10 not (10 their work for Alichig~an D~amnes will meet at 81
.themn, but we tell them tile principles o'clock today ill Wesley hall rather
S-u'pon which a. solution may be obtain- j than in B3arbouzr gymnasiun as it was
ed. ipreviously annfouniced.
Miss Lagosa further stated that
there was no such a thing a~s credits Miumers society will hold its Feb-
and discipline in the school. The stu-I ruary meeting at 3:15 o'clock today
dents have what are called ininimumx at the Alpha Epsilon. Phi house.
r~quiremehts and they are never grad-
ed in anything. Regarding discipline,; All women who worked on tile Wo-
Miss Lagosa said1 that 'the students men's League Life membership coni -
Were concerned withI the standlards of1 mittee are reqluestedl to report to tile
the schlool and there was no need for! chairman, Constance Clark, between
stile. 13and 5 :3)( today in B~arbour gyninas-
"Tile school is based on the prolblem Win.
of creating an intellectual, interest.
a~Mong the students and stinmulating Sigma Delta Phi will mleet at 4:15
tileintellectualI curiosity," concludied 1 o'clock Friday at the Sigma Kappa
Miss Lagosa, "and thle library works house.

Award Priz s AtWOMAN'S CLUB MEETS than a. foot. in diameter. It Inhabits a ed Brazil with a circus. Sonme one"
MUTT COOKWINSH E 1__-a stout trunk of large size, and i'd is prei;ent ed to her a young constrictor
MATH COKWIS AMFA ardy P ress aA V Prof. LJ. Young of the P'hiloophy Cecil keps the reptile carefully wrap- two week old and she accepted the
FancNDrss Prty deparmlent; will adre s the memlbersEIE lieod wu leat fr brdos o g t atheulsnaker hoeandgraise
Fac rs ~rywhich jwasehelad a iecldwahr of the woans' club on conservation Sixbrought theMsn.ke bonletand'-aite.
Mrlsrtlua Cook (leateci Zeta Tau 1 80oclock Si turdlay night at the Nur- measures at their meeting this :after-
Alpha i~n the interh'ouse basketball se's dormitory. A grand march led noon at. Lane hall. Professor YoungI
series played off yesterday afternoon by\ li ilda B3elle Case. '27. and Gwen- has just returned from the national j
by a 7 to 4 victory. Marion lhi'sch d lyn AlicAl~ster, '27. preceded the forestry conference at Chicago and[I
'25, forw~ard, and Marion Wlker, '26, evening of dancing. A prize for thel will speak concerning conservation4
jumping center, starred oni the d(10 _ 11) tt lest costume was awarded to mea~sumres which are now before both!
toytGe. rtrude Grankie, '28 while Kather- Itile national andi state legislatures. (. UPINE, a soft blue shade,
Pi Beta Phli defeated Alpha Gammn 1110c Brewingi~on, '28, received the prize Mrs. J. J. Cox of the Conservation s new in hsey oare+
( Delta. 6 to 2. Tile players who wo for the most original one. This con- committee Is in charge of tihe pro jth creamy hue o niery. Io
disincionon the Pi Beta, Phli teainm sistedl of large decoratedl newspaper; gramn.
include Olive McKay,'2,, who p)1ayd (heits. Miss Grankie s costumeecon- Ia--1Pien litypurtreadsl
int thaosto ofleft guard, and Hel- ssted of an attractive combination of Mrs. Margaret Cecil of CincinnatiI hose. Amazing values at $ 1.50
en Searigil,'7 sletfrad red paper and cioth. has a _strange taste in pets. In aiapir
Alpha Xi Delta was victorious over ! amcre fhr os ie o
I Zone 8 by a score of 10 to 8. READ THE XI1CfrUAN DAILY constrictor. 18 feet long, and more' MAIN FLOOR
Tomorrow basketball gamies are
vs. Delta Kappa at 5 o'clock, Woodsceue sflos im ap ~-mU- U - ~ mGO E '
Caughey house vs. Chi Omlega at 4, ," 124 SOUT11 MAIN
(OutiaWk6 vs. Alpha Chi Omega at 4,
Delta Delta Delta vs. -McCinton house ®UI~0p fn f o o 'b u t
-t5 No games wil be held net week.
Phi Lambda Theta will meet at 7 :30 1 let oa ts i '
o'clock Wednesday in Martha Cook '
library. There will be a short busi-®f
ness meeting followed by a social I
meeting. ____
Athena will meet at 7:15 o'clock to-A
Snight in tihe Athena club r'oomis onl the Cb r fIp o
fourth floor of Angell hail. thC at pe s o
PATRONIZE DAILY ADVERTI[SERS ® Ov er Moe's Sport Shop Phone 2066-R I
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