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February 17, 1925 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-17

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.Y..6 y. 4

organization. Nothing definite is ever
done in the United States wbithout

'" Sti,.. '1', ub-,-. .t~ e'£1n e ltf? ? t !nh .-- in
- -I - _ --r', 9 X'ctcrt(onlrex e c!1il h f B 'i-r c~t
TheA'ointd Pes i~c~njvey tP ont in the university, they are in-}
ci I n t r therw,e ieVitable in some form in every ins'ii-u-_
:vliet it~i~ppt in twloa nw ipb tion. Where there are no national
ii,hcd thein.I
fraternities, there are local ones, and
tt cth ost( ice at Ann Arbor, where there are no fraternities at all.
sec iiigna? c icas: miattes Special rate
ri pnta ,tc d by fi'iitd Assistant Post - there are societies, all of whom re-
ro ~~~at gten~-li~I ure a certain allegiance of their
~ )lii: n Aib i i~ii~ {i~ S i ta - ;t tie'rs and expect the frlfillment of
mu b~. -very fdelnite obligations. -
~ z i *>liido-a,24and 31S Ti-'ccriticism of n M r neumn Ian
T I1] l .WAGN~ER t t }iX. f 'vf ' t} ! oon c,2
- -----lxB. ;u~Ii lw+ hoohz. 'The Goose Step'''
-\~n~ot,,.h hI if.t~in and is w.orthy of considerable atten-
V dn , .inn 17 S th tion. His objections are based on the
Ccn~e XA, Dai-, arol ~ namre principles which prompt pro-
nao1.Liy --I pr,"; . gressive educators to decry the in~
N~i~iiO~ I.IS it1~r N ji i~n( ~ f onsistencies in the teachings of vari-
5ipIi li~tit,. . ti~i{ \I~O~ild: usnations on history and other in-
P - b ~ ~ .17 ,,~ t B Bn~'- nher i 1atedsu lbjects. As a 5oliution for
Te-tz ~iin,. . ,.jlin ii ~il x nrolemrtlNeiumriann a drocalecs the
4 r 1is l-ry ijm -n i-i a'nTa y ;jnuoi , ' ',) of creator fre'-'dons ,nd
.,, ~Lc--.t'inflt k ~eiec- na y rsip-rF for th,- future
t rnih'd ~r Fdnxai [-o' luandr ~~jilfi h7 the offer of a chair
MaCatnr l i-.=h)iI(to Ihr, same.n pr "f r wbo
_S-, n ";-fl f' . --ber t in-.'aU i ' I t ' T. i tt x1. .s 111i f .Oi 1 v ,n c m h 1ation.
-iriti-hi pp in3 g, % r, t l t 1R , e


:ls'tr tlh-1tErind ri:tnce of 'two

y tv' SwIi( QiIbt I utieT ii gali! n, thr' so et '"livinlg
-- -TNS M AER:oureb," which depended almost ent-
, . U. mOECSE timely, upon Amrerican funds secured
Avr, >.............11.. i> nT hytwo deluded Methodist bishops who
......------------3.. .. 1 1"''' hoodwinkied into beli'-ving that
, d r--------------t. F<<,;'tii 1 orei-dnd fonnertunit, for Method--
t aAiit . B':' I:ni1
i-- - - , 1<. t'-!inter I I i ,14 in iiflthe ground floor in
......... fiw ~3nnL ln~no- B I do-ivoye pnas5e'd away,
',V w 7- hiw i'iltins A Nntlr dtf, I B re, it is being prepar-
W. . ' s K F i ast e oi 115an elaborate fuineral service
r,. ;,tzTomas Oitn18tead Etnder thle direction of Rev. John-
. 'hip l e,, itx fED. Psan ,
Dv~vd F~ \-c-nnzweg ' i" oea. former Methodist preacher
Norm T nFrr -hng Mr s t Sandburg ?of .-i-,v Y orlk City and the apr~oint~ed
of' lii'on5 iSnlarI a,,i h new church. if "enoulgh
L.I.Kamr V ayo aevw'an money arrives in time to
T ~ - ay for the expenses.
f There are at least two observations
S------ wicl-h might well be made ina-regard;
Ti-v-IA TTIARY 11t 1 90r 7ito ho 1" l!!1-e of the venture. For one
- ---=---- jthin ,thi1l-wMr. Reeke.,r and his
Nik'. V-it ii U I YAP N 1O, Il. o(-'agu Cpis, Pisbops Edgar Blake
aind John L. Niielson, whom he per-
Ily :XlVI h ,ION wanded to visit Moscow on several oc-
1w tt" nsot insl'cion of O he Uni casions, are rather presumptuous in
~'om-suiv h-1)oeihrs of the state legis-j their efforts to make the communist
lamn s hia: ~)h ind loth the munifi7 church a tool for Methodist propa-
e ci. A le(ommonwealth of Mich- I anda. Since the whole affair has
(brinlol-lg the past few years and!'been more political than religious,
A e-sty for continued expansion.,A numerous churchpapers in the ;United
Whi,- igol~t ?gt as halted, for fthe States were entirely warranted in ad-'
I~~~~~~r foioi~ 1I o ts adlong up- 1 -oatin, that the Bishops be recalled
\i.:1(1 :01(SO alit offli is cmust for promiscuous meddling in Eur-
O'Bii, tltetlclntthe cequipment,; oeae. politics.
hot h gi em--Anitiellectual, has; A 1110-0 significant phase of the de-
115 lii", - Iqute'. Though easie of fihe bolshevist church is the
h--itl' o ~r~ue ;ooils and stair- r ' usal of the Russian people to sup-
!a nI niversity hall, Tappan hail, port it, becoming so violent that some
nd the Economics building are past, of the communist priests wereatck
thtck architects still work in the oil-! ed and beat because they urged the
1i-'rimnod rooms of the old engineering Soviet government to imprison Patri-
+-lno',th priceless zoological~collec-;-arch Tikhon of the Russion Orthodox.
- in n hused in a veritable firetrap,j church. This orthodoxy is too firmly
and~~V' oen stupid classes are a imbedded in the consciousness of the
Ito >1 ~ -01:B-of the lack of in-;great masses of the people to allow
A 1 t on -'the bolcbevilm to rile rough shod over
Via m, ~' '88 ll~iI'(.)iii1e' 1he anct-iot faiths in the-ir ot cipt to
fI 1(7 /i3>. 11)' tW 1 f fOfti 03r ;1 I dii- i'stoty <811 el icsi'mn ii, sn t\s long

attitude of thppresiding students,P
some of them, 1! understand, promi- I
Iwrni on the, "Daily." creates an atmo- NI U S I C 1
lti12 ~i' trtx.7 7 7 lt3n,;."r ,t.."_I_ ((10R AM A I
L.,r n ''f-v intelli.-ent ideas. One rcan _________________________
r( idlv understand how university
nen wrold be heartily bored with the 'THlE NEW MEMBERS OF MIMES
pro-cedng s of K. L P. A. meetings.! Mimes of the University of Mich-I
However, that, is no plausibla reason igan Union at a recent meeting elect-
for exibiting such poverty of intel-; ed the fllowing persons to member-
et as is evidenced at some of the ship: Dan S. Warner, '27; Russel A.
meetings. Ghring, '27; Joseph C. Ellis, '2A;
-E. M. and G. S. 'Richard G. Elliot, '27; Donald E. John-
_I son, '25; Robert B.1-enderson, '26 ;
VE IDIE OUR FACES Charles H. Heinz, '26; Carl W..
To the Editor: Trempf, '26; Lyman H. Bright, 25;
Then writer has an idea that you Walker G. Everett, '26; and Ernest W.'
t c~ yu've gt ljivt about the most Prownbridge, '25. The date for thet
onid" f-,z,-1-wn< Liet in ^exitenc. The i initiation of these new members has 1
vtl- laI r of the editorials indicate not yet been definitely decided upon.
that you and the editorial hoard con- ***
yider that The Daily is as a spring THlE FACULTY CONCERT
of flowing water in a desert of ignor-II A review, by Robert Henderson.
ante and vice. I The Scriabine Sonata Fantasic,
Your unwarranted publicity and played, I believe, in a local recital for
'stand concerning the question of 'the first time at the Faculty Concert
women smoking made the paper re-' Sunday afternoon by Mrs. Rhead, is a !
semble in humor a comic sheet. Your peculiarly lyric composition, rarely
continual "League of Nations" propo- dissonant and very beautiful, much
gatnda is becoming most monotonous, like Debussy, especially in the Ain-
' Your effort for Christian unity would4 dante wtih its Maeterlinck muists nadI
he vwlcomed if it had in it a single chromlatic wraiths. This first move-
i~gw idea. It is merely a plea to break ment calls for all the technical and
(Ioti n the igh standards that certain' artistic expertness the performer can
denominations have set up. It is a command to hold the melody through
plc-i for unity that is not natural' and ' the strange, murmuring acompani-
therefors nt desirable. ! ment; and when, in the Presto, the
I-our campaigns against wickedness background becomes the melody itself
inm igh places are many and varied. the difficulties become even more ap- I
IT is only a question of time before parent: their execution becomes
thea 0arg'. quits and gives The Daily something of a triumph.
full sway as the humor publication of I Naturally, the Scriabine was the
the Campus. I most interesting number on the pr1o-
If it were not for the daily bulletin' gram-as are all modern comnpos i-
we would have little excuse for buy- tions, saving the classic triumvirat''-
imtg The Daily except in order to get and presented Mrs. Rhead in her mostI)
a re od laugh. ' grateful manner. Her pedalling esp e-
(Signed) J. W. M. cially, was most adroit, at once creat-
ing the half-haze of the background
so necessary to the mood of the pieceI
EDIORIL C MME T!,and forcing the actual theme into
striking relief.
Unfortunately, however, the IHaydn
A WAXRNING TO BROADWAY D minor Concerto played by Miss Lar-
- -The New York World. thard only served to further approve'
There is a fairly distinct boundary j the brilliance of the Fantasi. Such
between realism and obscenity,- a rea- Gau dPrasmCer-55mt
sonably clear distinction between a a 'cello sound hollow and rasping,
frank portrayal of human life andafetdwhasriladutco.
'pornography. Under the sensible le-' Practically all of Haydn, anyway, is
- gal1 system of this country juries de- toogl niu n nneetfg
cide ofissues so raised after a review of iitTe isal fgrupMaiered"to yawfu.
all the facts. Thus the public is pro- Th fiagru ofee byMs
tetdf~ it ae ntecmlRhead, four of the more effective
mercial instincts of authors, produc- Chopin Etudes, were given excellent
-es and publishers; and the sincere interpretations. The Opus 10,0N. 3,
- authors, producers, and publishers are (which depends " so vitally on its in
protcte frm te prriet zal f (sistent rhythm, was the most beauti-
~inotetedfro - he rurentzea offul of the four, even discounting the
busybodies and medllers.' Censorship rahrinsalubt h loe
is renilgred a unnoces~ary asAit9i111- href hletepet=Ou 0 o
desirable and uncivilized. heslwietepet ps.0 o
S;These boundaries and these -correc-1 7, light and wind-wise, became a log--
tive processes are 'well understood by' cal contrast to the majestic temper of
thoe rsposibe fr Aerian itea-the first number. The familiar Opus
'toerspnil orAeianltr- 25, No. 3, with its soft, spinning-wheel
tu and drama. But occasionally1 cadence was quite the most difficult-
+somle of those responsible take ad- 1ntigi oeteceosfra
avantage of our legal system and thenohgismr teaeou fra
aspiration for complete liberty that'1 player than a pianissimo allegro-
.is expressed in opoiintocno- and the remaining Opus 10, No. 8,
'ship. A competition then arises shot through with thundering arpeg-
,among unscruplous and mercenary 1 gins, brought her program to a the-
p~lbishrs nd rodcer toseehowatric iclimax: Mrs. Rhead is such a
much. gold can be found in the barrels Ifinished, accurate, pianist, so largely
of literary and dramatic garbage, superior to the average arti st.
Such a competition seems now to "HEAC*NTMRIER*
exist on Broadway. One 'after an- I "H NIN A1E"
e ther, led by David Belasco, producers Because of -the unusual demand for
'have been trying to see how much seats, the Ypsilanti Players ae toj
they could get away with. It would 'present two additional performances
haVe seemed that the climax was of their current February program,

Chrpds Ooeit7N. University Ave. Phone 2652
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Fresh from our ovens sent to
Our bread is wholesome thru
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- i-mitioi ii-t i:I liesofliobr l o e f

tboir:'f i-i ntheir church and their

:0, -i-itsWa- -41 i:ti ;hy~the t=_ ~, r eligion, there is hope for the final reached and then passed by the pro-j which includes an original adlaptation
is tueA=.=rr,' o-ertrowof te Rds.ducer who, amid a clatter of cant I in seven scenes. of Coleridge's "The
i'ii- ' i:tn ncwas harmdly suffi-' and voluble expostulations of a high! Ancient Mariner" and Luigi Pirandel-
'iti):'P.tI > b n-aeot nortatlh An interesting study of Michigan social purpose, brought out his cheap, I b's "The Man With the Flower in His
of hi tht hestudents might be made on the planI false and obscene play about prosti-; Mouth," Monday and Tuesday eve-
I? Iv~e--i I~stdy ery definite that showed France to be the "chain- tiites in general. But now, by the'! ning, February 23 and 24. For the
'ti-do:tt:Iin iil~o t th eat~topion borrower" among nations after u mdgint of most of the, dramatic first time in the history of the Play-
'i n k:m: . I,. kr.- critics of New York City, Messrs. Wil- ers admission will be open to non-
_______1,"iam A. Iradv cand Al Woods have dug subscribers for these two nights. Sin-
Ii a T vId CI'A{ - °~----- - ~°--- ~------- -- -eve'n deeper into the pile of dramatic1 gle tickets are priced at one dollar,
rIl p:m olp nit ni-verst:" .,[YI )I-N) off Aan .d hav.e set on the stage a play % and appli ations should be addressed
mtV--1'B\-tf'i Biltt oe thir ii i ,.ii .towllb ith an odor even more mephitic. The to Daniel L. Quirk,-Jr., First National
-(11 to etlm-i icfe;by unt- r--,i-nIiiic-- -5 o~a-ki ~--Xolfl critics have declared that the ! Bank, Ypsilanti, Michigan.
-Ili h- L btg i 1; ,' aiti rad .ttieily - ',i- 1ii tia' on reqiuest. - ,O io n to wllicim the in s f hi p.
ilit(I Atin ra a andjr bnty at- - ar e suited is vile. There are passage! MISTER MASON AID MISTER
(1-- li'iiitrEhcit'( -- \, jt 0!' 1i '1N"1 AT In this jla y, dily enunciated by a DIXON
j~ti iti I(i-mgtMAner TU t Llz A able actress (whom the disgust of A review, by Mr. Robert Hendersoh.
f''t '~'i 140 nh~idiaii la' - !To hq1>ir:tie pr ess has prompted to desert the A Mason and Dixon orchestra with a
~-ie : OH ~( utu\I~D~tl if( Mfl'e .I-it. -Nis tiokliug its an - - i-nst )}-which contain words so filthy soft-shoe dancer, a patter tenor, and
k. ui "',,ut M- androntt llen--! nual w« 'l-fo.;tR .1.t;L is a tip a efor jtat not <a neriocdical. which containqd [an ingenue director is playing at the
r7, n'1i,,i i liuitt cx Yor'h a f'w 0ofii-~ bin 0.1'. Inmae quasi- ; them comuld pass through the mails. Majestic theatre this= week in next to
i-<li:t:: .~l ,t :h n he Dail IV sttc iml 1>i' vay of introduc tSt-onus- of degradation abound; the the best act the house has billed in
itIilil fllts--nv-pit of Chicago, ; ion : an~o mong theumseljes Eduzlness of gutter orgies - pervades the last two years-"A Carnival in
)ntaI e ~ii- - noric-itti col-'- i-e'o-, te point of a joke;' inI them. All this, under the pretense of Venice," now playing the leading
tBt:lli-" ,.li(I sororities, Neu- slionit to ignore the fact that the; realism, a realism which is mocked Keith houses, was of course the b~est.
IiB't llin :~iein the American -rather dazed representatives of high by the false art that betrays all,art of The reason lies in their Paul White-
U. ijW, C mn the existing tend-! sc-hool newspapers have come to Ann this school, for the mere box~officeI man harmony-Wagner, Verdi, and
~'ii-; i n tmuiersitie8 of the coun- Aror with a certain vague desire to traps they are. As art this play, like)- Chinese counterpoint are jumbled in-
+V ' pA hat only what tradition l,.m- something, not to admire the its prototypes, is a lie;, as drama it( discriminately, fruitily--and in their
1 - ix'>l-mil i taught. ;-tm f'one ries of a group of college men j is dull, as literature it is a sell, as soft, constant rhythm that sometimes
Au- n v lng7Englishman points - v iho l1mofess to he conducting the as-J reality it is a myth. Only as the is a tap on 'wood, sometimes the
ttlA- t:-A'iimle which is -sot-lation meetings.1 vehicle of the language of little boys' plucking of a banjo, and sometimes
,:i ;ni o '--:( urenb ris and noaI I speakliimpersonally but with a! mouths are soaped for using can thisi merely the snish of the leader's voice.
zi -~ 0 I'. t -i i to he de- ic r ~ of authority. It is of. no; play anti those which provoked its The banjo player, incidentally, works n tto m wh he or o
-r -Blti 'ts '~~iUL he ys -lat- ~. ig scoo edtos g aay Themeioare esome nsplays, and should orchestra, and i soo veryeskillfulf that
p:r 7-iindPticratiC institution. ! silgtiened. However, it arouses a h e, which deal searchingly with hu- he is nearly as good as the little
Li in ltinahxe.however, lie= is far;tuually w-ell-controlled ire to see any man .experiences and can not be the hunchback genius, Michael Pingator-e.
1: Il 111.: lt ")' lshe has offered as ,o--called educational conference con- entertainment of the immature. 'There Theme is something about- such mnu-
V<,-.1ltii thE nglish system in 'tiieted in such an obviously asinine -are some playa which deal with fake sicians that is very exciting; good
x; 4.i1;- CI~l life of the university; manner, life and bunk philosophy and false entertainment, of course, but even,
i--n:e-about hundreds of small; "Man, proud man, dressed in a lit- realism which are not entertaining with a long stretch of taste, something
t-~ < clbs, coffee clubs, conrersa- ;tle brief authority--" about dlescribes to decent people of any age. Of these of fine music. After all, mnusic is,
1) ,-,b- and similar groups for' the attitudes of the various presiding Iat least two are on the boards of theI nine-tenths rhythm-ands here you



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