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May 20, 1925 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-20

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WEDNESAY, MAY 20, 1929


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e AJccording to an inveCstigation byh
the Woman's Nat ionial Joiiialist ic
Register, the two traits in women
journalists most desired by their emi-
plovers are adaptability and the abil-
it y to takc all business impersonally.
The, most outstanding faults of wo-
men journalists are found to he the
opposites of these two traits, and a
third-the tendency to mnake special
deman~ds because of their sex.
Stenographic skill was discoveredj
'to be a valuable asset to the womanI
reporter or journalist, as many em-I
ployers combine editorial and secre-
tarial work.j
As to the personality qualification:
for the successful woman* journalist,
accuracy is given as one of the most
7 important. Hlowever, she must have
imagination and sympathy to sec the
full meaning in things and the rela-
tion of events. Tact and patience in
handling all types of people with'
Whom she comes in contact, are other
~% necessary traits, as well as judlge-
nwent in knowing what to print and
what to withhold. She moust have te-
nacity of purpose, and a willingness
to stick to the work in spite of dis-
Sappointment when stories are not
p~r inted because of lack of space.
Mrs. James C. Dibelka, manager of
the,'Register says, "I don't think the
1high school giill has much chance;
too many college girls have made
:goad.' Now and then a high school
graduate can make the grade, butl
,very selIdomi.
Many Of the collcges andl universi-
1ties 'are instituting or have already
instituted schools of .journalism,j

Glen na's Readyv
F or JBritishers


ni M awr Offers Cul tural LANTERN CEREMONY HELD1' --Cu s sT n usra 7eYUIIHIyC g SS; N



The leadership comnmission of the
Y. WV. C. A. will meet for a lunch-
coni and lbusiness mneeting tomorrow
at Newberry hall.
M embers of the old and new execu-
tive boards of the Women's Athletic
as58o1ciatio1 will meet, at 4:301 o'clock
totiay at Barbour gymnasiuim.

Glenna Collett,
champion wolmaI
England awaiting
women's tourney t
in her best form.
arrival there has
a recent. foresonme

* t 'K!
:l y ..

Dr. C'art er L. Goodrich, assistant
p~rofessor' of economics, is to becomeo
a mnember of the faculty of Bryn
Maiwr during the summer session for
industrial women.
"This is clearly not a school for
climbers,", stated D~r. Goodrich yes-
terday, "nor does it attempt to train
the women for higher positions. No
courses in stenography or b~ook~keep-
ing .:re given, anid the experience is
inltendled to broaden the student in a
cultural way."
E±coniomics, english, psychology,
general science, history, music, and
hygiene are includled in the curricu-
lum, under the instruction of pro-
fessors from several of the leading
universities in the country. (Classes
are small, thus making the contact
between the student and the instruc-I
tor far more intimate, and tutor:
assist in almost every course.
An elaborate regional system of
choosing from a niumber of appli-
cants is employed. This year 114
students were acceptedl, 15 returning
for a second summer, 92 for the first
time, and a special group of seven
who are officers and prominent lead-
rs in organized labor. To make a
balance between union and non-union
workers, half of each were chosen.
ThfY jycar there w'ill; be women'
from Canada, New England and the
eastern states, from the South, from
Michxigan, Ohio, and Kentucky, and
from the middle and far 'Vest. An
analysis of trades would include g'ar-

ova x'orkrs.iulhiu'r, fctoy (Continued from l'age One) I.
giiLx d1Ud<I( teplione ")2ils, d , Fied clay ve~cnts of the afternoon1 rort ia Literary

Y societ.y will iueet

fore1 txj :r a ~ t. .i n cl d d archery,
S('1I(ic ofthe X\0lnlei1 refoeinball. In intramui
horvn, 1.~t il Ihasv e asuf ficient know- lDelta Delta defeat
Ic ig e of the v1Thg i ;h language
111,migh hahir 'A'tudies inl night school j nine by a score of
1tHwthy iaro not illitterate. Many Outstanding pla.
Barlow '26,pitch
a nt ria .oi- w 2.1(U )11 ith orig iDelta and Bettyl
1tr iii s. and others are full fledged Lillian Draewell,
tneiai i5'Martha Cook, Adi
Aniong; th-t striking features of the cthr
School aire the d iffereces of exper- cTcher.nircln
jenee rep~resentedl in the studlentfrsmnbase
body. The students range from those line-ulps were as
who have conmpleted the sixth grade
to grad uates fromn high school, and Sno
]Hstofthem have had Sarin erer ia
amounts of night school work. TheirVeeit(Cp)
jworking experIience varies in length edli(Cp.
from five to fifteen years. IMcKay
".apparently it is almost inmpossiblej Ohim achier
to tear them from their studies log K ixn
enough for a good game of tennis," oKini
continued Dr. '.Goodrich, "and this Adams
eagrerliess for learning shows that
they must get a good deal out of it." Substitutions:I
lDr. Goodrich has had experience iniC cis, Tuthill.
teaching at Amherst School for The senior-juu
workers at Springfield and at the made a total of
Washington Trade School for short 1 lhared with the
peridsfreshman 11. I
periods. Normna Clarke, 1
"A similar plan might be workedSmt,'5scr
ouit here," said Dr. Goodrich, "but itSmt,'5scr<
wouild take endless perseverence andhos,'7scr
intelligent planning._ The idea is still ,,.
expernneiltal, and it mlight be wiser
to watch the development at Bryn <<Bau
Mawr f'or a few more years." Ii beautN. 7

tennis, and base-; promptly at 7 o'clock tomorrow night
ra baseball Delta1 to hold the election of officers foin1
ited the Martha Cook next year. A program on "Modlern
,10 to 7 in 5 innings. Wonmen" will be presented at this
yers were Norma time.
her for Delta Delta Kappa. Phi will hold a meeting at 5
Boehm, '25, catcher,, o'clock today at Wesley hall.!
'26, the pitcher for - -
id Ann Nelson, ter Interhouse baseball gamnes have
I been scheduled for 4 o'clock todlay as
ss team defeated the follows: Kappa Kappa Gammag vs.
core of '15 to 13. The Delta Gamma, Mary Allshouse urn-

Bl ack
Iiieetl Ing
10 1ht in

Quill club) will hu;id the last
of the year ait 7 o'clock to-
room 204, South Wig.

Alpha. chanter of S'gma Alpha Iota
national musical sorority, will b)6
hostess at ;a. tea from 3 :30 to 5:30 o'"-
clock tomori'ow at the Faculty Womn-
en's club house, 226 South Ingalls.
Jean I lamnilton, cean of woman, will
entertain the newly elected board of
the Women's League and the senior
rep~resentaltives andl out going officers
of the League at supper on Monday,
at her home, 923 Olivia street.


1 'B
S 1.

Rutherford (C.)
A 1)) (ii
:Tuttle, Fran-

Iota, Margaret Purdy umpire; Out-.
laws vs. Alpha Gammna Delta, Helen1
Rutherford umpire; Kappa Delta vs.
Alpha Omicron Pi, Leon a Wenigert
um pi re.

i e

tior archery team
101 points as coin-
sophomore 75 and
IHigh scorers were
'26, score 51, Evelyn
36 and Mary Ails-
s 5.


former national
golfer, now in
the opening of the
there, apparently is.
em' play since her
been brilliant. In
with Joyce Weth-

Vy is

truth/, truth

wlilch: is, of course an invaluable aidr] erlOlie
In securing a, position. In addition lett had
~ to the training received. in journa- }her' play
"lis i in college, a knowledge of thle elTW'~
-. c6cial sciences such as economics,
~sociology, history, and psychology, is a~l
a great asset.{
Thies is the first of a series of ar- S
ticles to appicar' in the Daily on
"Journalism As a Profession For Wo-{Ntin
- Nation;
~ men. Iganizatio.
sornewli a
Club Will Hold the objec

of hier opp~onents Miss Col-C
no cause to be ashiamed lof
as comparedl to Miss We thi-
>ociety At Miami
ilizaf ion of an lmonomdi y 01r-
)n for sollhonmore NWoiIIC,
it similarm to Mortarboard, is
ct of a conivention to be held



Elections Today thsweatMailivriyOx
ford, Ohio. Thew delegates at the conl-
vention will draw up a constitution
Election of officers for the Wo- and select a name foi' the national
inen's Physical Education club will 1 society.
be held at 5 o'clock, today, in the p~ar- Universities which will be repre-
ior of Barbour gymlnasiumi. rThe can- sentod at the conventionL are: Uniiver-
didates are as follows: president, sity of MNissouri; livem'sity of Illi-
irene Field, '27, and Etruria Doster,' nois ; Ohio State Uniiversity; Miami
'27; vice-president, Gladys Eastcott, University, and University of Pitts-
'2,and Vera Johnson, '28; secretary, bur'gh. Illinois and Pitsbrgh now
Stella Sturos, '27, and Martha Gill, have honorary or'ganlizationms and are
'26; treasurer, Mary Allshouse, '27, inter'estedl in making the movent
andl Sarah Bonine, '28. national.
."eteeseeee e . eee. **w~..e..e.e...e.....# ...... ......... -
A European Tour for irls
Under Mr. Frank C. Clark's manage-
; mnent provides more than a mere
trip. It aims to familiarize the trav-
* eler with the interesting sights
of Europe.
* MRS. H. We CNK E
Representative and Traveling Chaperone
1 145 Washtenaw Phone 3597


$5.50 to $9.0
Ladi8es inShofrEening
-~ a1
1-F -
itsin nwhr, f ret i
ever sha2 fo stret o evcing!
!! wI.
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1 -F
kr Runs
ll not

Consulting Cost umer'
222 NIckels Arcade
Phone 48$,2

_.._....._....._....._..r_......... .. ., .,...._._. .

Ijj'iofl' 0n
:ecd to


Th at is all ye
arth, and all ye

p ,
, /
o -

N EW white hats for sum-
mer. Various smart
shapes of felt, ,staw and silk
are priced moderately from
$5.00 to $15.00.

You Don't Mind Rain


You Have A


and tip





5LAT E --1
COME IN -_--

When you wake up and find it raining you feel much
more inclined to go to that eight o'clock when you know
there's a shiny, protecting Slicker ready _to keep your
frock dry! And the Slicker is really attractive-not at
all like its old utilitarian sister, the raincoat! So here
you find a useful garment that you enjoy wearing!,
Brightest. colors predominate in these slickers at $4.95
and up.


I!~~ ----- -- -' I


11 11

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