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May 20, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-20

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Pubiished every morning except Monday
luring the Universit year by the Board in
Control of Student publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
~Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
ofpsae rne by Third Assistant Post-
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ana Arbor Press Building. May-
nard Street.
Telephone 492 5
Editor.. .......John G. Garllaghouse
'News Editor.......Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor..... .. . .. Manning Hou.seworth
Night Editors
George W. Davis Flarold A. Moore
Thomas P. hlenry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Normian R. Thal
E±dwin C. Mack
Sports Editor........ William II. Stoneman
Sunday Editur..........Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor .............Verena Moran
Telcgraph Editor...William' J. Walthour
Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer
Louise Barley Helen Morrow
Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohlmacher
Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian
Smith H. Cady, Jr. *W. Calvin Patterson
Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker
Willard B. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps
Valentine L.' Davies H-elen S. Ramsay
Robert T. DeVore Marie Reed
Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson
Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum
Geneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal
James W. Fernamberg Frederick 11. Shillito
Iyatherine Ditch Wilton A. Simpson
Joseph 0. Gartner Janet Sinclair
Leonard Hall I)avid C. Vokes
Elizalieth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner
Thomns V. Koykka Marion Walker
Mariod Kubik Chandler Whipple
Elizabeth Licbermann
-- r
Telephone 21214
Advertising .................. EI,. Du~nne
Advertising...................R. C. Winter
Advertising ............... ...H. A. Marks
Advertising ................. B. W. Parker
Accounts..................H. M. Rockwell
Circulation...........John Conlin
Publication...................12. D. Martin
P. W. Arnold K. 11. Mast
W. F. Ardussi F. E. Mosher
1. M. Alving 11. L. Newmann
W. C. Bauer T. I). Olmstead
Irving Berman R. AT. Prentiss
Rudolph Bostelman W. C. Pusch
George P. Bugbee F. J. Raunenr
B. Caplan J 1). Ryan
H. F. Clark'I1 E. Sand ber g
jC. Consroe F. K. Schoenfeld
l R.Det R. A. Sorge
George C. Johnson A. S. Simons
0. A. Jose, Jr. M. M. Smith
K. K. Klein I. J. Wineman,
W. L. Mullins

2. "1 am against the World (Court!rq
because it is merely the legal deptart- I
ment of the League rather than aj O S E
Mu iil bo y"r. Blorahi talks' about thle vague;NO I
terms of "tolerance. lawx anti just ice" 11 AO
as over against the "depotism of AN.- ('1LE
icle 10,'' holding that the L eague in
its present form is not idealistic 1Redulctut
enough, is too political in matuore. I Ad
Surely no one fears the (ii'Tht rous Ahsurdlunl
effects whiich would be inevitahle in D ear Rolls Conductor.--Our maini
the event of another great in erna -raonorsbitighiclmni
ntional onflictpe.andyllAs(tan thihoset hat though we fully appreciate the
natins o Eurpe ad Asa whch (fforts of your candidates (luring the
have already accpt ed botht heflir~ecent roilIs contest yet we have a
League anldIthe World Ciurt . To sort of humor that we fear has been
them, these two instruments are the l Iaelc(ted(. In all your columns and
most powerful agencies whlich theyI those of your cohorts, NWashington,
have been able to devise to avert anyI Valentine ad infinitum. we have never
possible world conflict. found this laugh producer of which
E~ven if Mr. Borah and those who j "t, and our Murderers' Delight club
agree with him could dIraw up betterl are so fond. Hence we offer y'ou as a
and more idealist ic plans for inter- laugh producer:
national cooperation against war, 1WOM1AN lKILLS KIN AND JLOVER1S
these nations would not, in all prob)- (D~etroit Free Press)f
ability. be willing to accept them, be~- "Woman admits slaying brother,
cause they could not insure their I twvo husbands and thirty-one lovers.
backing by public sentimnent. They Case unparalleled says attorneys."
can. promise that back in'g for the Ifljab! ' Iah! Ila. We shriek in fiendish
present League and World Court andj glee~ and know that at last we have
are still waiting for the United States given a choice bit of humor to the
to join them. Mlichigan camp~us andl the readers of
______________ -this column. Yohoo! H~e-I-aw, We
Between the track team, golf team, cannot control ourselves, we even
baseball team and net team, the sport w eep so supreme in this all passionate
page seems to be teeming with news. joy.
- UN(.1111 N 1?1IT
It must be terrible to be an ex- AFTE'It 10) PINTS





Seniors! Order your
Personal Cards Now

'I't)-Irr I'l Te First, May C1'eslva
Conct( N IPI 'lidl iii llitiiat, S
I ii, 1f3) V
.AntisA rbor':, thirty :econd annualI
"music classic, the -May est ival.
which is not only at.trac(t ing unpre-
cedented interest ini Michigan, sur-
rounding slates and in the music cn-
ters of the country generally, hut
whliich is looked upon internationally
as an outstanding event of tremend -
ous importance, will openl hi eve-I
ning in Mill audit orinum, meadames,
cbs racterized by a reversal to the
more conventional literatunre in con-
tra st to thle predlominanc'e of modern
music on last year:'~s lpogra Ill, in-
chuding the usual six concerts in four
days, and presenting thirteen inter-
nationally famous artists, the Chicago
Symphony orchestra undecr Frederick
Stock, the University Chor'al Union.
the Children's Festival.chiorus, tlh'eej
symphonies, Rachman inoff's "Thet
Bells," and JTonchiellis heroic epi-
gramatics in four acts, "lea Giocondla,",
rendered at the' local Chant auqua by
a colossal 'cast of world-beating
vocalists whoopee! Finally gentle-
men, appreciating it. as the most c'om-
p~assionate review of America's out-
standing t ragic succ'ess, we ai'e re-
printing quiJte wit hout permlission
lRobe't _1_a.. - _" "lenchley's unparalleled crit i-,


a. -

[MAN N c A
Strawvs and Patiamas
ait Reas'ouale Prices
We Also do
High ('lass Work in
I-egi~atr Factory Work
No Acids Used
6117 Packard St. Phone 7415
(Where D. U. R. Stops at State)
Afl~ ~ edN.ghs - t - - 50c to S.50
i,, Wed. . - 50c to $ 51.50
Sat. Mat. - - 50c to $2.t0
The Miracle Play 01 AmerIea
!!Aie's Irish Rose"

_ You wvill find cold drlinks and
- dishes thiat are
_ aat1s~1i1
-I1111 111111111111111111II1fl I I IIII IIf lII I I1 111111IIiI-

freshman, and be confronted with the'
problem of buying a new hat. f
Georgia didn't give herself zuch
choice,-whipping posts or stocks. I
,o nymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
ants will. however, be regarded as
confidential unc&n request.
To the Editor:
The Union is at present, in the
throes of a terrific (irive to collect
outstanding funds with which to
meet the plresent (c10t on tice struc-
It is interesting to note the develop-
ments of the case especially the mxeth-
od by which the Un ion mnaigenlent.
is "'taking hold of the proposition
and the wvay in which it hopes 10o''put
itacross." The fi'st. evidence, was.
carefully prepared tabulations, shlow-
ing that the Union's (debtors are r-

(Chicago Tibiune)
"Ten pints of home made synthietic;
gin consumned at one sitting early
yesterday sent four young gunmen in
a vicious moodl out on a rampage of,
indiscriminate slugging and robbery
that ended with the killing of one of
their number a burglar with a r'ec-
What could be more amusing? Ja-
son, Valentine we ask you With tears i1
in our eyes. Concede our lplea give
us some good ole fashioned murders
through your dashing column. We ad-1
mit that this last isn't as thrilling as1
wheni an honest citizen meets his
maker but still it is rathei' nice.
From the D~etrolt News we quote
the following headlines all of which+
would thrill even the dumbest.
(It is the first time wve ever heard
of anyone suffering a fractured skull
from being hit in Just that part of his1.
anatomy bujt we suppose the News is


WEDNESDAY,, MAY 20, 1925 s sponsible for its present critical con- right.) To go on:-
______'-"""____________ dition'.Next they were implored to ("AIlS BIII) ('RO% SIN'G;
Night Editor-WVILLARD B. CROSBY make up back paymenuts on life mem- TWO I IE I), 'IF1 II l'tIT
bershtip pledIges. __
FRIEED)OM OF SPFECII The exhortat ion prioved fru'iitless. IE i IIAN ('AR uITS
Tile statement, made from the plat-''The Union thenr posted a comlecte I AUTO, hKllI1N' FARM FR
for'm of Billi auditorium Monday by list of those whose payments are past'ITese' lack the mnurder- instinct btt
President Lloyd, to the effect that the due, with app~ropriat ely unintelligent nevertheless, soimebody got it. Aren't
University welcomes open discussion ( signs to embellish the list. Whether you tickled gentle reader.!
on questions of national and interna-s these tactics will a vail is beside thime Here1 are sonme more gloom chasers,
tional implortance opens a new era of point. However, they serve as an ex- tak~en verbatim from the Chicago
political thought on the campus. I cellent indication ats to the standingI Tribune:
Only a year and a half ago the Uni- of the linion both on the campus and COUP'LES .KIL Li'I
versity refused George W Wicker-l among alumni. ION RAIL CROiSSING
sham , United States attorney general The first reason that. Ilsynienta arce n e r sd n at e m s i n t l w or n t f r h o i g a l s tl-11 )
speak in a University building on Union itself. Those paynmeutts which j -00 I11"AS HOUSE FALLS
"The League of Nations." This year have been made have in large partI Moscow, Russia. May 17.- (By A.
we have heard the question discussed been made with ill-grace for the same P.) --(It seems damnt funny to us that
p~ro and con by some of the most reason. The n'mans to which the with all her Blolshevists and good Ole
capable mxen in the country. There Union management is forced to resort( masacres, anl knife stabbing and all
are hardly two men better qualifiedf shows clearly that the money is not that, that the A. I'. Russian cors
to bring out all of the points on both, given freely. (poll (ent should SlIeinl ihis tihue filling
sides of the case than Senator Wil- Students at present on the camnpus rot like this,. An outrage we call it.
liam E. Borah and Newton D. Baker. are far froni impressed with the sev- We demand heis job, and intend to
By bringing this type of men to-Anni ice given at the Union, at the scale Of speak to Mr. A. P. about 'it.)
Arbor, anti having them speak before prices there, and other factors of lm- In the New York T['imes we find
the student body, the University iJr, portanuce. For instance, the Union is somethi nmg that demandls immediate
dis charging a great dutty to the in- the only establishmeCnt in the city attention. Time headline reads:--
dividual, the state, and the natipn. It where identification is nece'ssary to 3 Bob' Bank to bbers ('omiietcd
is farcical to maintain that any man is cash a check. The unknown memb~er of 1Murder, Cet Life Terins
truly educated, as we understand the who happe~tns to lhave torgotten lins 1 On Jury's P'leat For 3Mercy~
meaning of tile wor'd in America, if he Union card is unfortunate, andi the Thtestory goes3 on to say that these
has not an actual wvorking knowvledge inat ter (ends there. ['he Ulniont, to ex- I three trustworthy and moray' young
of the national and International plain t his unreasonale attitude, 1 youths have becen let (off with a. life
problems confronting his own coon- p~ointsi to thle amount of money in-I term for thle imur'(er of some hanker.
try. And the average student has no; volved in returned checks. Theliy fail Think of it. 'These three youths who
better way of getting that knowledge to consider, howvever, that the mta- have risked and gave all to please the
other than through compLetent, well- jority of thme money apparently lost American readling publilic ar'e convict-
Informed speakers., in returnedh checks is later repaid by ed. Its (damnable. Were the authors
Whether or not we approve of the the signer of the check; they also fail of this columun judge or juidges we
League of Nations, the Worldl court, to consider that practically every should have awared the playful
or the .recognition of Soviet Russia business eniter'prise in tile city will youngsters a town house and a Flori-
we cannot hell) but welcome the adop- cash cheeks, without idecntification, I dIa villa on thme promiise that they
t ion of this broadminded policy on the and that tile percenitage of returnedl would plerpetuate their practices. It
part of the Utiversity. admrinistration, checks runs just as high, or higher, would be for tile best of all. More
than that of, the Union. Murders, more fun, more po1licemn.
Thus we have an excellent instance more graft. Just think of how life
lT).AL OR IIY~t 1oftime ser'vice rendered at the Union; wvould be enlargedl.
Se'natoi' William la,. IBorah, confirmt- the attempt to please at any cost, a j A Fla- let Whih Is To Be Civets
edl opponet of thle League of Nations secret of many successful enterprises. Be-for'e '1711(. lmrderer's I)eliglt. ('mu .
amid the 'Wor1l('ouirt, may have been ( i totally absent at the Union. heather anmd Soil busily (engagedl iina
very disturbling to those who had pre- A further instance is tile matte:' of chess game their laughter ringing out
viously madee up their minds that the the swxilnniig 1)001. There are few through tihe front room., All seenms t
UntdStat nt'e oho teshauouldbeoeamem t(ntoltieapsthtaentpaeu.Acok tm'esutmc
bo oho h egeand ithe World corresoingly cmelberts ofr the tines-. "To lbed to bed; says sleepy e
Court, at least while they were seated Union. In any case to become a head'' remarks l'a.
in Hill autditom'iunm under the spell of Iember of the Union is merely a mat- "Oil just one more gamre,'' says the
Iris compelling orator'y.j ter of form. C'onsequently, tihe Union v ouing upstamrt. Thle muiirderer enters,I
After p~utting his leading conte'n -. attendants hlave mno basis of their ac- I wearing mustachio and other dlark-
tions side by sidle upon pape1r, how - tion in demnmding Union cards5 as evi- ! enred featured. "Akima, ahha, you
ever their incomnsistencies are i d (ence of mlembmlership. Yet this is snmeakingg snakes, you-''" Ile slays thte
lilediately apparent. Intimte first place, done by form at the swimuning pool, fathier' "And you, you sprung fromz
tme 'Senator tade it very clear that lie" eveni at timnes of the (lay when only !tximn, nw-"hle finishmes time childl by!
is he(ar'tily in favor of world peace, one or two swimmercis are using time wminging his neck. Amnother murder-
stating "it is not in principle that I- natatoritum. The mnemnber who hap-j er e'nteris anid findling his prey gone,
object to the League." His quarrel, pens toC havee lft his cardl at 11om1e is fotiis1upon11t lie fir st murderer. "IOU:
thlen, becomnes omne concerning the best as uufortunsete as lie would be ins try- cut ins, you smnake, what-am'e you dloiing
.... . t...,r .. _. t_, ..;. . . . . t ' a. -'a... *.. - . - . .i, .. ._' . - --


cismn publishe in the M\ay 2I1 ssue of
L ife.
"Ljet us conid~ei,' syas ALIc emmc-
ley, " 'Abie's Irish Rose as it wil 1)e
considered imithe English courses two
hundred year-s from mnow.01r by dra-
mastic clit ics of 2125 when it is re-
vived, ithIi ll tile old-fashiionedc~(ost-
ummes andl sceniery, by some hIiigh-
brmow pr'oduct1ing Or'ganizat ion devoted(
o resusitatinlg Twentiethm Centurmy
"'Abie's Irii sli hIose,' probaibly tlmc
outstanding iplay (ot the Twenmht it
Cei ntry I at we iatxe anyv record of.
was written IIby AniseC' ichols. and
first prwhdu'emd in New Vr (tecor-
ing to lbhe- old pia y iiills)l on May 22,,
1922, at thle ohld Fulton '[Ie-tre Pro-
fessot- B iliIC' ' BI('I i (w8. ii Iis 'Ainne1
Nichmol s: Hler Life and Ti1ihues,' 'says
that thme authtor v tiied tlu=nalec(sstu ly
for imanyimy 1101 is to sell iher play to
le oht uSC 1115iagels of the day, and
was finusally forcd to producec it he'r-
set'f, withl the result that sthe made !
soimith imree lhunmdr:edl and1( cieven tilII-'
liomn dollars (about six m~ill ion reefs in
our mo1d(1ern nionmey) andl bought the
cnt ire harbor01'oo New York.
'A brief s11 missa ry of thei' plot of
A bie'rs Iriish IRose' wxill scm-ve to show
its delightfIul vel ''icon of le 1Twent i-
eth Centur my 5spiit iIinehe Unimted
States and, even todaiy, its wit
sparkles wit h I&tt freshnmess thiat will
not be denmi(ed.
"Solomon Levy has a ,on, Abraham,
a typic'al TwxentIiethii (en try boy. The l
son has, as the 1)1ay opemns, .j u st 'er t y m r i d a r s i l b h
mname of Rosemary Aluphy. Hle
brings lier homle to me(et his father,
b~ut, on confr-ont ing the old gen te-
manm, loses his nerve and1( in touced
eras hisia ti anced -bride, 'Rosie
Muphes.' There is, runmnimg
Ithrough the play, a('omed y c'haracter'I,
at lit tle man na mmedl Isaac Co en. who
is thought b~y 5(omeW(oninltatoms to
have been a stiric thruist at Chlie f
Justice Willia mm:x. Taft, a noted jar--
ist, of the time.
"'On the dayv of tie wedding, thle
br1ide's fathli'r, IPahI -ick ~Mirpihy ar--
rives in ('ommpany with a Catiolic
priest, (Father W ialemi to wit ness what
he thinks is going to he the weddilin g
of his (Iaumghter- to anims1h1 boy. The
mleeting of the two fathers, Jewish'
andi Irish, just as tie kiot has been
tiedl, is highly comic and clashes with
Amemican wit. ~
"As a result of the ill feeling ovter
the deception, It' young folks ari-c(ut
off fronm their fa milies anmd go to live
f()m a yearm by themselves in commpara-
tive p~overty but great Iappiness. On
Christinas eve aieconlciliation- is a f-
fected, liowe'verm, anti the cutain falls
oim Jew and( Irish, priest anid rabbi,
Abiie and~ his lrish Rost, all vermy, very
happ~ly, Undeirneathm the sparkile of its
d ialogume, thlie play Carries a lesson for
each (of us today, the lesson (ofeil--
gious toleranice.
''Technically tie play is a pr'fet
exanmple of ''went iti Centuiy play-
writing. Fast-mmoving, dyma ic, close-
ly kiit. it maiches to its con-
cluisioni withIm the remoseless inm-
evitabilit y (If(Gree(k t ragedly. its
periodls are welt sustained, amd the
conflicnts aid peaks ar-c sillflly.;


L eavye AnnmliA rbor, Chawmber
of (Commmerce, 7.:30 ia. mi., 11 a.
m., 4 1). gyn., +4:34 )p. im. week
d ays. Sunidays, leave Annm
A rbor 7:30 am. m., 1 p. vu., -4 p.
nim,, 7 :30 j16+m. lPhomne 189,for
inf ormaltiomn.


washed by our
new process look
like new.
P. B. Larding

I' "'t

.. __....

Give Here One--

" z~'

218 E. Huron St.

Phone 1 13

She W11n1ts Your 1ph'ture. 6Give
bmer one. And be sure Its a
rv~m aly bite one, too!.
hll cti~~er inelbods produme
1at.i~h'~ ''~' I4Yleitpeof 'ot raltunre- -a
type thaIt year tatter year' winis a
This is it 'kind of a poi'ti'".it
sit"= wasants;One signed Rents eb.
Co noie Io the studio today anid
1TC thbe Iemms(hIlr (disp)Ilays.
TIhere' 3oni'1limfind a type 11t)(1
style ofl portit youl'll Cenjoy
ilam'ent ing her.


$7.00 to $000
The Pozen


Portrait Photographer

3 19 East Hluron

P~hone 5541

----- ---..


Warmer weather again, and
with it a need for foods
different from those that

winter demands.

'The Arcade


Nichoils knew xv 1m tev t r -me.

Shme knew hiei- public. Shme knew hli-
mman imatumre. In 'Ahide's 11i1i11m I ose'
she has given thle ages at conmedly t ha t
stands iby itse'lf, amid the theatre-going
publi h w uay well Ithanik the 'Wimndow-

has them. Prices are low


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