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April 25, 1925 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-25

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PA t i A< - ,IR

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1I'of. H., R. Lvivis and IDr. A. A. Cbli f:s-
until Will Conduct Medical
Physiological Group


Will Pilot Plane

j 4 redo
T~o 3 : 's ile"'till: Doyol thinrk

(our courses in physiological chew- n go :;ir; nlg to ado~pt, is aUIgood one?
hir ilb fee nteMedical ';s.r: :::::<:::::':: .! ' cr-sht "Front of the Library.
is r il b fe e n t e:::::; "school during the Sum m er session, the r~ a s e s
work to be under the supervision of 1)F C::...: ~ l Ah~ li,' b ies
It w ll i. i. neednsanl oh-
Prof. 11. B. Lewis and Dr. A. A. Christ- .-
Iran '4 l ) li y siiieof the ad van-
General introduction to the studya '0;ii:afu'l oa"us''f-
will be given in a series of lecture.s;;::"::. :>-t f i ci 1\ ~i ti r iise the
by Professor Lewis, whichshudeeo]dn]r ee:iapeiden-
(":;~y;:; i , . '111111 1 . Ol h.uiesit y'
accomnpanied by laboratory work in .. adoiialot.I-- ,1 ad ."andvgoeorhy
physiolological chemistry. The lec-
tures will cover electrolytic dissocia- . ii t}:.I r1 i i (a1 isinl organized
totheory of hydrogen ion conceen- ":..~ ru;i;~i(d V~ 11 ~l~
tration, general chemistry of the cell,;;ha caai !;!lue 'et.alittion to t he
tissue chemistry, digestion, bacteria in, .'lei1
the alimentary canal, and similar 4.U.I Trairead
r)jects. In the laboratory, students . . -> - v 1intaa 1:1 no c l idatia ge:; 11) 1th
will study reactions and the more Vim-pl. I do no..t : Ih kthe (advanlt
portant properties of the three great -.t g ;nu;I, , g.l raterinalIor-.
groups of actonodsuf salivatitestsndfor ga I iz at ions sliho<=id be pon tane ou,,
chemcal ctin ofsalva, est fornot forced. i f the iidividual student
blood(, andl quantitative analysis in- l (oes not idenf ify lhinsel f with one' of
volving training In the use of balance tithV~~ . ~ 1le lprv'5C11 orbigaizat ions, lhe xvi 1 b)
and calibration of measuring instru- U.'-1 . forded ilito olw0 o1fItle tour'remin ing
Dents. grinig t r l a on"of ?. 1 , 1 is sta i,= wx il not e li'11111differen t
.Opportunity for advanced work and planles on(S t I i; aAi li a a h.I x i( 2 - titn That of1Hiw l rsent inlidepand eat.
research under direction will also be itionl to the 1rAse! Ttocii. T e tar lS XN . Mller, '2d.-- _"Yes. [Ii lwbevf
offered. Training will be given in the plane will jwep l1101:(l by (it)i' loIi- Ii 01.1 cdbe a part of ouri
methods of blood chemistry to those swain h.a.rl F1+:, eer.Sclaur's bomne cleehuafi.
desiring it. is in JPortIidn, Oi-e.; ebei'(c lacoLlege eduficain 2.' " o o hi;
A course including lectures and Lfrom San I Jiego, 'alif.tha.any. ilnn, 2h.oulIdoenotcthino
demonstrations will be given in the -l ---~ ou~ any ofrganization unile.ss be so dc-
chemistry of food and nutrition. Study PATRONIZE" DAILY ADVI-ThTISiER s irs('gnid therefore I[(1o not think 1thw
will be directed toward the chemistry __________________________ _.__ .
of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates; ________ __________
the digestive processes and the build-
ing of tissues, metabolism, and the An Un i. lSJCjiIO
role of vitamins and inorganic salts.S ar '
ni mnurn ni nnnarrimirn Moderate prcs

,Aids Broadcasting

thiai cot h-ge. P rof'. I. L. ,Sharfman of

F;'YIduates who wi,:,b to incrEaso their

-'--,-~----m--. - - '-~-~---~. -

IhIT~rr Tfl nnrni 1 the, economnics department will head koldeo ujcste iiem
C PM win ILL iv r~~rt he group ,assisted by tip. W.Bihtanupnth ivriybuxvie
h, d i11iaiiaand Piof. Ralph A.
-pp l I T SLxyeir ofthe physics; departmin t . 1)s lyfrpe s
4 M NJIIEAI i C LI S Thiscomlmittee will re are'. ist -IS
cA lliil'0 01 1 hroft~iEe wafs nam~ed er xxili be of iniieet to seuiors ilt+'' R i d 6 St9
recent lby D ean) John IR. Effirger of gra.alion. '1 br'eor four wor!%k-i~ AIl, 'Il 1
ttlie lit Y college tope leea oualit'~i(l ifiraation RA1r AiR(e-i
alum ni 2rea ding list, as authorie>ta l jc wl ead -1dao ea-1fhirpi~s r hp s
a 1. i t Een t iii ng of the facit~vt, f il;. '(hest, li.;s s will be furlli siwd' I 707 Il niver tty Ave'P o 2

E'd iic: at ion co1, i111oiu: i n4 ,


\Vi clIeriIusi, Nill lrw :iii'i' '1 by 3 1cti
l ati) as a ic ;~L of p.ft m i lon
univeisi{', by H(-t ie; . ; ailivani (A
( 'lii(:a. o. '1. i 'its It5 x\ e i latte as a
liiy lli orial to li; fatly{ i", I11e late'
'dopgm' Sullivan, I )"moci 1; Pis'"hon!' ' o
t 'iliea<go.
\14 I artns;('ollep ' 1,-a a od(ale,"1'
S. D. Clayton, '7."I titiiil the,
plroposit ion Pi'olurod at VW iioms
Colliege 15isdlntl a very good one. It
e~'spechl ly gives mnw stu dents a
(V'anc ui te t 1,ic ,rY~PfT fia ct cqnos a l
Iancecs and -haveina a oh a acto paritici-
bep tt' o iii ranips t' sum a. pIat wni
{~ \\cit iOii; Ufi0psu'

17 NickeAs Arcade
Open Een ina

w.. . ,.......,.s__.,, ., -....o.... a

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.rn. a4'tflfl 5,,, .aa ..

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. .,

1iIJ~1~_ I~IiN I ~V[
Regular freshman gymnasium
classes will be discontinued for the
remainder of the semester, according
to an announcement by Dr. George A.
May, of the physical education de-
partment. Although classes will not
be called, every freshman is supposed [
to continue with some form of pysi-
cal exercise for the usual two hor
a week.
Credit will be given to those in-
terested ill tennis, baseball, track, gol
and swimming, and during each af-
ternoon of thre week there will bein-
structors stationed at Ferry field and
to~ Union swimming pool to check
ui on those participating in these
various sports.
Waterman gymnasium will ,also be
open, but Dr. May stated that the
reaison for this new plan is because
oit the inadequate facilities at the
gymnasium, 'thus making it impossi-
Meo for the department to take cae
of such 'a large freshimjan class.
'Permission has been granted1 by the4
fiar department to aeronautical en-
gineering - students dnrolled in the
It. . T. C. to supplemnt cerain
courses in the military department
with electives in the department o
nkronautical engnering prearat oryI
t leceiving a reserve commission in
the army air service.
It is claimed that this will prove
beneiial to both the Air Service and
the reserve officer by providing tie
service with a commissioned person-
nel that is well trained in aeronaics
Trefz Will Speak j
To Luncheon Club,
Edward F. Trefz, former field sec-j
retary of the United States Chamber'
1tcommerce, is to address the meet- I
iig of the Tuesday luncheon club,
April 28, at the Chamber of CommerceI
inn. His subject will be announced ?
'Mr. Trefz is acknowledged as one of
the outstanding modern speakers on
putbic issues throughout the 'United
s;tates and Canada. H-e served as
p rsonal aid to Herbert Hoover in tie
IP'oodt commission, lter becoming one
olf the Entente speakers for the Amer-
ican government In Canada anl Great
Britain. Of late his eforts have bee i
concentrated in Americanization work,
both in the eastern states and in Cali-
Work Started On
Hospital Screens
Measmuements, are being taken and
-Within a few days tie Buildings and
G1rounds department will begin con- i
struction of window screens for the
n ew University hospital. The building1
Ras 4,371 window openings.I
Frames will be built of cypress in
the shops and will be fitted and
screened at the hospital.


TLadies, Misses and Chlildren
)ular Price Hat Shop
333 Slouth MVain St.I


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FE- I -j E;EVI
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tip,: 41 . M-: .
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The comedy sensation of the 'screen. Thomnas Brandl
wrote the play almost forty ;years ag~o and i t has b~een cc
\Julsln- audiences the wvorld over ever stice. I' or tit-. ec y
every comedy producer in the industry has Lieen biddingq
tile scre nn rlints to this farce nhxsterplcce. 'lien finallyt
ht razes, the most capable of all coined y producers, wi
entrUS.Ied with the delicaae undertakin~g.
The results are a revelation. Aided by a brilliant c,
and a thoroughly capable director the producers are n.
Sead; to present to the w~old the finest, funnifiest comedy
screencs 3Sever known.


-And iii ~in diion-



.. . --

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