2 SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1925 THE MICHiGAN\:,- D-AILY PA t i A< - ,IR M . - - ...._,.. ._.._. . .. OFFER CHEMISTRY ;',UOMMER COURSES 1I'of. H., R. Lvivis and IDr. A. A. Cbli f:s- until Will Conduct Medical Physiological Group G V K~ A DV AN I J fi'OFRK I Will Pilot Plane The j 4 redo T~o 3 : 's ile"'till: Doyol thinrk (our courses in physiological chew- n go :;ir; nlg to ado~pt, is aUIgood one? hir ilb fee nteMedical ';s.r: :::::<:::::':: .! ' cr-sht "Front of the Library. is r il b fe e n t e:::::; "school during the Sum m er session, the r~ a s e s work to be under the supervision of 1)F C::...: ~ l Ah~ li,' b ies It w ll i. i. neednsanl oh- Prof. 11. B. Lewis and Dr. A. A. Christ- .- Iran '4 l ) li y siiieof the ad van- General introduction to the studya '0;ii:afu'l oa"us''f- will be given in a series of lecture.s;;::"::. :>-t f i ci 1\ ~i ti r iise the by Professor Lewis, whichshudeeo]dn]r ee:iapeiden- (":;~y;:; i , . '111111 1 . Ol h.uiesit y' accomnpanied by laboratory work in .. adoiialot.I-- ,1 ad ."andvgoeorhy physiolological chemistry. The lec- tures will cover electrolytic dissocia- . ii t}:.I r1 i i (a1 isinl organized totheory of hydrogen ion conceen- ":..~ ru;i;~i(d V~ 11 ~l~ tration, general chemistry of the cell,;;ha caai !;!lue 'et.alittion to t he tissue chemistry, digestion, bacteria in, .'lei1 the alimentary canal, and similar 4.U.I Trairead r)jects. In the laboratory, students . . -> - v 1intaa 1:1 no c l idatia ge:; 11) 1th will study reactions and the more Vim-pl. I do no..t : Ih kthe (advanlt portant properties of the three great -.t g ;nu;I, , g.l raterinalIor-. groups of actonodsuf salivatitestsndfor ga I iz at ions sliho<=id be pon tane ou,, chemcal ctin ofsalva, est fornot forced. i f the iidividual student blood(, andl quantitative analysis in- l (oes not idenf ify lhinsel f with one' of volving training In the use of balance tithV~~ . ~ 1le lprv'5C11 orbigaizat ions, lhe xvi 1 b) and calibration of measuring instru- U.'-1 . forded ilito olw0 o1fItle tour'remin ing Dents. grinig t r l a on"of ?. 1 , 1 is sta i,= wx il not e li'11111differen t .Opportunity for advanced work and planles on(S t I i; aAi li a a h.I x i( 2 - titn That of1Hiw l rsent inlidepand eat. research under direction will also be itionl to the 1rAse! Ttocii. T e tar lS XN . Mller, '2d.-- _"Yes. [Ii lwbevf offered. Training will be given in the plane will jwep l1101:(l by (it)i' loIi- Ii 01.1 cdbe a part of ouri methods of blood chemistry to those swain h.a.rl F1+:, eer.Sclaur's bomne cleehuafi. desiring it. is in JPortIidn, Oi-e.; ebei'(c lacoLlege eduficain 2.' " o o hi; A course including lectures and Lfrom San I Jiego, 'alif.tha.any. ilnn, 2h.oulIdoenotcthino demonstrations will be given in the -l ---~ ou~ any ofrganization unile.ss be so dc- chemistry of food and nutrition. Study PATRONIZE" DAILY ADVI-ThTISiER s irs('gnid therefore I[(1o not think 1thw will be directed toward the chemistry __________________________ _.__ . of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates; ________ __________ the digestive processes and the build- ing of tissues, metabolism, and the An Un i. lSJCjiIO role of vitamins and inorganic salts.S ar ' FRESHMAN GYMNASIUM. ni mnurn ni nnnarrimirn Moderate prcs ,Aids Broadcasting r< >h thiai cot h-ge. P rof'. I. L. ,Sharfman of F;'YIduates who wi,:,b to incrEaso their -'--,-~----m--. - - '-~-~---~. - IhIT~rr Tfl nnrni 1 the, economnics department will head koldeo ujcste iiem C PM win ILL iv r~~rt he group ,assisted by tip. W.Bihtanupnth ivriybuxvie h, d i11iaiiaand Piof. Ralph A. -pp l I T SLxyeir ofthe physics; departmin t . 1)s lyfrpe s 4 M NJIIEAI i C LI S Thiscomlmittee will re are'. ist -IS cA lliil'0 01 1 hroft~iEe wafs nam~ed er xxili be of iniieet to seuiors ilt+'' R i d 6 St9 recent lby D ean) John IR. Effirger of gra.alion. '1 br'eor four wor!%k-i~ AIl, 'Il 1 ttlie lit Y college tope leea oualit'~i(l ifiraation RA1r AiR(e-i alum ni 2rea ding list, as authorie>ta l jc wl ead -1dao ea-1fhirpi~s r hp s a 1. i t Een t iii ng of the facit~vt, f il;. '(hest, li.;s s will be furlli siwd' I 707 Il niver tty Ave'P o 2 E'd iic: at ion co1, i111oiu: i n4 , tidlet; \Vi clIeriIusi, Nill lrw :iii'i' '1 by 3 1cti l ati) as a ic ;~L of p.ft m i lon univeisi{', by H(-t ie; . ; ailivani (A ( 'lii(:a. o. '1. i 'its It5 x\ e i latte as a liiy lli orial to li; fatly{ i", I11e late' 'dopgm' Sullivan, I )"moci 1; Pis'"hon!' ' o t 'ilieak. r tr .. t f ' . a { ". w. Nk d! '. ti. 'a F-. tip,: 41 . M-: . ?i k i ' r ' f , lII .C 1_, y , ; ' 'rt : - . . Mike The comedy sensation of the 'screen. Thomnas Brandl wrote the play almost forty ;years ag~o and i t has b~een cc \Julsln- audiences the wvorld over ever stice. I' or tit-. ec y every comedy producer in the industry has Lieen biddingq tile scre nn rlints to this farce nhxsterplcce. 'lien finallyt ht razes, the most capable of all coined y producers, wi entrUS.Ied with the delicaae undertakin~g. The results are a revelation. Aided by a brilliant c, and a thoroughly capable director the producers are n. Sead; to present to the w~old the finest, funnifiest comedy screencs 3Sever known. icc iei r -And iii ~in diion- PAC l'M PVAKERS" TI.E nq .. . --