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April 25, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-25

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sATURDAY, APRIL'25, 1925


Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Asociated Press is exclusively en-
titied to the use for republicatio of all news
dispaches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub
lihed therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. - Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.bymi
Subsciption by carrier, $350; by mail,
offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-.
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 244 and i76-M; busi-
em ,960.
Telephones 2414 and 176-
Editor .............John G. Garlighouse
News Edto............Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor.-..........Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
George W. Davis Flarold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C Keller Norman R. Tha
Edwin C. Mack
Sports Editor........William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editor.........Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor..... .......Verena Moran
Telegraph Editor......William J. Walthour
Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer
T.ouise Barley helen Morrow
Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohmacher
Leslie S. Bennett Irwin A. Olian
Smith 11. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson
Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker
Wiliard B. Crosby Stanford N.rPhelps
Valentine L. Davies Helcen S. Ramsay
Robert T. DeVore Marie Reed
Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson
raul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum
Geneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal
ames W. Fernambeg Frederick H. Shillito
Katherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson
Joseph O. Gartner Janet Sinclair
Leonard Hall David C. Vokes
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilits K. Wagner
Thomas V. Koykka Marion Walker
Mariod Kubik Chandler Whipple
Elizabeth Liebermann
Telephone 980
Advertising...................E. L. Dune
Advertising.............. R C. Winter
Advertising....................H. A. Marks
Advertising..................B. W. Parker
Accounts ................... H. M. Rockwell
Circulation.....................John Conlin
Publication....................R. D. Martin
P. W. Arnold K. F. Mast
W. F. Ardussi F. E. Mosher '
I. M. Alving H. L,. Newann
W. C. Bauer T. D. Olmstead
Irving Berman R. M. Prentiss
Rudolph Bostelman W C. Push
George P. Bugbee F. J. Rauner
B. Caplan ).D.'Ran
F Clark M E. Sandberg
jH C. Consroe F. K. Schoenfeld
F. R. Dentz R. A. Sorge
George C. Johnson A. S. Simons
0. A. Jose Jr. M. M. Smith
K. K. Klein I..Winenan
W. L. Mullins
Night Editor-HAROLD A. MOORE
120 HOURS OF "A"
One of the many differences between
the American system of education and
those of foreign countries is found in
the means employed for classifying
students. In our universities and col-
leges a student is rated by arbitrary
classifications called marks-across
the seas there is no such gradation.
There students either pass or do not
pass their courses. Usually they are
given no "A's" or "B's" or lowr.
As a result there has grown up a
different conception of scholarship in
the United States --a scholarship
which is closely identified with marks.
Students work for them and feel they
have achieved a triumph if their "rec-
ord" is high. The real aim of educa-
tion-a broader understanding of
life-is lost in the scramble for
There seems to be little doubt that
this condition is largely responsible,

as Dr. Richard Cabot of Harvard
stated in .his lecture at the Honors
convocation; for the disrepute into
which scholarship has fallen in this
country. The scholar has become con-
fused twih the pedant, the student
with the high-mark chaser.'
In seeking to change this emphasis,
universities are confronted with a
peculiar problem. At one extreme
there is scholarship, almost hopelessly
confused with marks and at the other
an equally distorted view of life in the
form df excess extra-curricular activi-
ties. In between there is a mass of
individuals who meander along
through life, following the prevailing
opinions and failing even to be either
consistently scornful or praiseful of{
scholarship. There are also a few who
who really live, who have the right

FLAPPERS AND A PHILOSOPHER I York should have 144 senators for its
There are two general attitudes to 11,000,000,people.
take toward the prevailing evils of the The question raised by Mr. Dawes
day, namely: risque books, naughty is not whether it is desirable for a,
splays, and wicked flappers. They may majority of the people to rule but
be either tolerated and allowed to whether it is desirable for a majority'
carry themselves to ruin in the eyes of the senators to rule. The authors,
of the public or they may be sup- of the Constitution did not think they
pressed and kept quiet for the benefit should, at least in the most vital mat-
of satisfying the curiosity of those ters. They provided that treaties
who cannot partake of their forbidden binding the Nation must have more
joys. than a majority, that to override a
John Farrar, editor of The Book- presidential veto there must be more,
man, brought out the possible results than a majority, that to amend the
of the two viewpoints toward the "im- Constitution there must be more than,
moral aspects" of life today in a a majority. Why in the heart of the>
speech before the Detroit high school Constitution is there embodied this
teachers Thursday night. Of sugges- ( doubt; as to the unlimited virtue of,
tive literature, both- in the form of 1 majority rule?
books and plays, he said: "In the end Fundamentally, because the men
the public will sour, of excess, and who wrote the Constitution understood
we'll have a saccharine Puritanism, if far better than Mr. Dawes does that
that's what we want." a federal system of government can
When he spoke of the modern girl, not be operated by pure majority rule.
however, he did not show that same In order to maintain a Government
spirit of tolerance for her absurdities, over a vast territory containing widely
her lack of taste and chivalry but con- divergent interests, positive legisla-
demned her for having neither of I tion ought to have behind it more
these virtues which he considers to consent than a mere majority can
be "the basis of our entire civiliza- give. Mr. Dawes is quite right in not
tion." It is his opinion that the mod- wanting to allow one Senator to frus-
ern girl could have the desired taste trate the other ninety-five. But these
and chivalry if she would, but that cases are so rare that they are hardly
she apparently does not realize their wotth considering. It is doubhtful
importance. While this point is well whether one senator alone can main-
taken, he might have applied his logic tain a filibuster. The real filibusters
in the case of salacious literature to always have a considerable minority
the problem of the flipper, for just as behind them. Ought that minority to
the excesses will bring about a re- be overridden easily, as Mr. Dawes
action against books and plays, the proposes? That is the question. AndI
extravagant foibles of the flapper if the answer, it seems to The World,{
there be such are bound to cause a is that on the whole it is far better to
similar reaction. The best policy is legislate than to subject the Govern-
to let her go-she will learn, as others ment to the strain of imposing laws on
do, by experience that it is better to an active, unconvinced minority. When
be chivalrous and to exhibit taste. you remember that these minorities
jare usually-states and groups of statesf
THE TYRANNY OF THE MINORITY forming sections of the country, it is
In an adjoining column is printed more than doubtful whether legisla-
an editorial giving the stand of The I tion imposed upon them by the steam-
New York World on Vice-President roller is wise or can be effective.
Dawes's recent utterances concerning Mr. Dawes's plea has an air of
the United States Senate. The article bustling efficiency about it. There are
admits some of General Dawes's ma- more important things than that kind

A review, by Robert Henderson.
Odd Friday evenings, when Mr.
Maier can spare a moment from his
concert engagements, he gathers to-
gether what he calls an Interpretation
Class in the third-floor Recital hall ofI
the School of Music. Sometimes his
pupils play, and then there is agony
to distraction for the students and the
audience, and worst of all, for the Mr.
Maier who must poun'd into their fing-
ers the semblance of dramatic beauty.
Occasionally, however, he and Mrs.
Maier offer a solo recital; then there
are two hours of everything-jazz and
so'natas, impromptus, fugues and
polkas. Last evening the program
was given exclusively to modern mu-
sic, save for an occasional comic re-
lief through Poldini and Schutt.
It was a very pompous occasion:
the faculty was there, fashionably late,
in evening clothes, and the rest of us
sozzling, broiling beneath a radiatingl
tin-roof. Mr. Maier grew lyric in shirt
sleeves, and played all manner of con-
fections from the collosal Saint-Saens
through Ravel with his imagination,
Poulenc grown Dada to the lush
heroics of Anmani's "Orientale": an
old, gold moon splashing over a la-
quer floor as the divine Pola exhibits
her perfected emotions,
And as an added meringue there
was the Debussy ballet, "La Boite a
Joujoux," so silly and charming and
childish, so representative of the so-
phist completing the circle and grow-
ing naive again.
It is all very interesting, all thisl
new music; fascinating because you
can laugh it down and turn superior.
It is the renaissance of measured mer-
riment in art, re-born after the heavy
tyranny of M. Beethoven, music's

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jor premises, but fails to concur in
his opinion that the "tyranny of the
minority" must end.
The rather complicated dissertation
on the purpose of equal representation
of all states, large or small, seems to
The Daily entirely irrelevant. General
Dawes has never said that .he wished
to change the basis of representa-
tion. He realizes as well as The Worldj
that the basis of our federal govern-
[ment lies in equal representation of
all commonwealths in the upper,
What this rather outspoken gentle-
man does insist upon is that the ef-
fectiveness of the body over which he1
presides shall not be dissipated by the
continual stubbornness of a few. And
in this it is safe to say lie has the
backing of the majority of the Ameri-
can people. Perhaps the General at
times goes beyond the bounds of rea-I
son, but he will have accomplished a
great work if he can arouse our citi-
zens from their lethargy and bring
about a reform in the Senate. It isI
time that part of our Congress come
to a realization of its legislative func-I
tions and stop its needless filibuster-j
ing about nothing in particular while,
important projects such as the Muscle
Shoals development are permitted to
lie dormant.
It seems that a number of House
appropriation bills are being rushed
to a vote. They probably are a bit
The season for Union offices opens
April 30 when all applications rustI
be in to the nominating committee.
Come on you fishing politicians,
-The New York Wor.ld.
The campaign of the Vice President
is a plea that a majority of the Sen-
ators should rule in the Senate. Mr..
Dawes talks as if he Chought that a;
majority of the Senators necessarily
represent a majority of the people..
But that, as The World pointed out
yesterday, is not the case. The states
of New York, Pennsylvania, Massa-
chusetts, New Jersey, Illinois, Indiana,
Ohio, Michigan, and Missouri, for ex-
ample, have eighteen ;senators, al-
though they include about half the

of efficiency. What the country suffers twice-gloomy dean.
from the delay in passing contentious * * * I G A R R I C K
laws is nothing to what it suffers from THESE TRYOUTS D ET R O IT
the passing of laws that are deeply Last year, by actual count, there By Popular Demand
objectionable to a section of the cuon- were seven hundred and thirty appli- Egagemeit Extended
try and unenforceable. The necessity cants for cast or chorus positions in Richard Herndon Presents
of convincing the minority and of oh- the Michigan Union Opera; this year, "APPLESAUCE"
taining its consent is too precious a due to the expanded tour, there will With ALLAN DINEHART and
thing to be abandoned suddenly. The probably be something near a thou-~i CLAIBORNE FOSTER
l World knows, as well as Mr. Dawes sand.-
does, how irritating It can be to have Naturally, the Opera requires a tre- IIllllIIlIIIIIIIlllIIIlIIIIIIlllIIIIIIJII:
a good measure blocked by a minority mendous amount of work and leaves
at the end of a session. But irrita- one next to a nervous collapse at the - Underwood Standard
tion is no foundation- for a theory of end of the trip, but it would be worth A
government. The power of the min- it at ten times the effort. The point Portable Typewritrs
ority to block laws it does not want is that it furnishes an experience ab-
puts upon the majority the burden of solutely unique during one's college
convincing the minority. That is not I course-an appearance in the Metro- Th Machine you will Even-
a bad thing. On the contrary, just politan Opera. House, the Academy of tually Carry. Sold on easy
because it is difficult to pass highly Music, the Auditorium in Chicago, the 2= terms to suit every student's
contrpversial laws it is necessary .to parties, the constantly changing sights pocketbook.
obtain consent from all sections of and sights.
the country. That is a good thing. And more than that: the actual
That is a very real protection against training received in the Opera, the A. C. STIMSON
the dictatorship of sectional interests, repitition of a part for some two
a very real guarantee that laws passed dozen performances, the rapid-fire Second Floor
by Congress shall have something like vaudeville technique necessary to in- 8 SOUTH
national consent. terpret a comedy role before an au-ST
In arguing against what seems to it dience of thousands, the entire pro- Phone 301 M
the extravagant and unsound princi- fessional atmosphere develops more
pies Mr. Dawes champions The World sound finesse and assurance than one
does not mean to preclude some im- could acquire in a dozen other campus
provement in the closure rule which productions.
would prevent single-handed obstruc- After all is said and done, after the
Lion. But on the general principle criticisms are sentimentally laid ItM ay B
that the minority shall not easily be aside, there is not a man at Michigan Hot
overridden The World is persuaded interested in dramatics who would not oUide-
that the traditions of the Senate are give his eye-teeth for a part in Mr.
right and that Mr. Dawes is wrong. Shuter's circus. But it's cool in VAN'S.
There are many things The World * * *
would like to see reformed in the MR. ZIEGFELD, GLORIFYING This fact as well as the
Senate. ,But in those reforms one A review, by Valentine Davies. special lunches and dinners
fundamental character of the Senate Florenz Ziegfeld, is P. T. flarnum's
should be protected and maintained. logical successor. But he goes the are caig a general ush
The Senate should continue to be a famous showman, one better. He here for meals.
place where controversial legislation knows better than to try to fool the
is difficult unless consent to the law public. He gives them the genuine
proposed can be obtained from all article, the best that he can enroll V an's Lunch
sections of the country. into his ever changing ranks. And he
gives it to them in just the right doses. 11 16 South University Ave.
WHEN POLITICS MIXES WITH All one needs to enjoy the present,
EDUCATION or any other edition of the "Follies,"
Governor Miriam A. Ferguson of is a sense of humor and a normal -
Texas better known as "Ma" Fergu- amount of visual perception. What
son whose election was probably due is more, you do enjoy it. You may be
to the amount of publicity her can- as high a brow as ypu wish, or so low
didacy was given in newspaper cir- that you enjoyed "The Fool," but you
cles recently put an end to the school will enthuse over the show at the New T3'-
of journalism in the University of Amsterdam.
Texgs by vetoing the entire appropria_ The current edition of the "Follies"
tion for that school thereby justifying is an adroit mixture of the best com-\\/
the comparison of the gratitude of edy, dancing, scenery, and music that
woman governors with the gratitude the management could pay for. The
of republics..., comedy is supplied by W. C. Fields, __
The schools of library science, and the cleverest pantomimist of the pres-
music, and the entire summer session ent decade; Tom Lewis, whose non- ~ n --
of 4,500 enrollment, met the same I sense speech is the funniest single skit
fate, with the cutting of $1,343,000 that we personally have ever wit-
from the $14,000,000 educational bud- nessed; Ray Dooley; and Will Rogers,
get. And the only encouraging feature i whose reputation is more than justi- r
is the fact that she also dismissed the I fled. The dancing is chiefly in the
business manager of the University, hands of Martha Lorber and tie Tiller
and eliminated the pubicity fund of I chorus. The Englishgirls do a rope- RTANUIMRpp1ENT
the Texas A. and MI. college. skipping dance, which shows up any 3I _ RTAK IN REIEN
It may be that the reason for Gov- other chorus that ever did a kick and
ernor Ferguson's action was the ne- , turn. Then there is a Ben-Ali Hagen HE tastiness of our pastries
cessity of meeting a stringent financial tableaux, which as tasteful and color- bespeak their absolute purity.
situation, and it may he that it was ful stage picture that Mr. Hagen has ryththe tht ges io them
situtio, ad i ma betha itwasI akes the most delicious, whole-
considered that the University of ever done. Enough said. some sweet that ever graced your
Texas was adversely politically in- I It is difficult to review the produc- able. Fresh every day.
clined and is now being punished for tion, with so many superlatives and We Deliver. Phone 3310-J

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sort of values, who see something in population of the United States. There
university life except honor societies is, therefore, no necessary relation
and high grades. The trouble is that between a majority of the Senate and
these rare individuals can hardly be I a majority of the people. It is easy to-
separated from the rest of the mob. collect a majority of the Senators whof
It iv clear that a change must be represent only a minority of the peo-
made. Our whole conception must be ple.-
altered if American education is to IHe talks of it as if the Senate were.
progress. Even without changing our just another legislative body, like the
system of marks, this can be done, House, which represents the popula-
providing the faculty take the lead in tion. The Senate is not apportioned
subordinating mere classification to according to population. The Senate;
real scholarly attainment. ( represents states regardless of pop-
The Honors convocation is a step in ulation. Its basis is territorial and
this direction. Though the mode of not numerical. It was so intended'

John Emerson l1a:
James llaiiilton
Jack 11,11
Breen Bro hers

y imecs Ver'i. Ross 1 d~oi~r -Atclson-E lr
'J:inm :oore WillilaipPringle3
Louise -Blalkely '4ack Rie9
Ann 1loivenwvoith .Bob, Gilbert
C~arden (trcl s,1va-"Livi ing C4 hintlclirs"

__ __ _ ,





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