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April 07, 1925 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-07

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TUESDAY, AI's IL., , 1925


... .... . t*a .5w s.A,. .i ... _



Job-holders Who Hire OuC~ is!~5 NTNWL
Government After ReKONORmROOSEVEL
k-:.:HOPS[- -

_ _..

Aeroplanes Safer Than Autos,
Say Aeronautical Professors

Camera Photos
ISun Bands in


Assoc ,Pi ur ; fet its 1 i S ;

td' cfui 1:l

Naionaml -Memorhrnl to
Arraingedl for icy


.- " tudea r7a',ini t Pike up woik
in joirnalish solld jt'~)iirl thorogl-
ly' acquainited with souilrces of knowl-1
edge ili'in ei(al tMetlwee, iiorder it
they may pise;ft te 1trie hi 2 to0Me
public,,' Ir. fienjun in Q'. C runie rg,
managin , d1 (e( iii'ofi 1he Americant
association for AMdc; I 'ugtt
stated recenyin ise:aus:ig melthod
by which the uivel i~rsityj (teld lo -t,
operate i acqullaiinJog lhe pubijii
w~itli ilthe truth in med((icie and eei
increase0 publi]c10 ow ied2 0 aiu ir_'so
lines"''be (contiue, ] ;, 'y t'iiar iy
teiXIithon ithlfw (lreason utfar all i va-
_ions kinds of 'e i b1g
on inithe' laboroie 3cs Vhem. XAd t he
public shoul know liii to gt i
touch'w i h hentheyd s''
ized inoriita in lng :r, V
ines. Suchi Ino wle'g' al ily c
learned through an rh71; it l ndilti
such as a univeitsy. 'Teo mIky ON
ers have somtethingio w0 ilsiandI :eis
statements are bise. rT'he ,uni ver-
sity extenLsion :serv ice is of great be
fit in tlhi work."
The inrpoe or thle assoiatio o
which li l. l-ul)P :r15 isi eto, is to
do awa y with utrue pulic IC jS- II
dices, andiIIto ('o1untract fal1 s props-
ganda.'"Thle (octr' (an1 not (i51)t('
this prejudice and1 propaganda" le
said, "for he will be accusedl of r-
ing to advance his own inte ests. Flatt
the opponents of sciel'0c ifaniand.ido
present their propaganda 1to111e pu-
ie, and the pu bilcoies to t h ati
tude whee it eiher be ivs evry'--
thing 0or it. believes nothilng. Or c
method is to find mens to give ai-t
thentica I information from d isiter-e{,-
ested 5sourIcs. Vi' prieeit.veifiedi
facts, andi show what nmust folow!
from Ithse Iit] IS. Wi' 1op, o c Ia-c
lish a nucleus aionid wh'i Ihou'
who feel the need o puibli, (iliglt.r
eu pent can form a(Idefense,''
Belays in prorairin g books at t he1
circu11ltion d(esk il inte mainijilirarSy 1
will be' pracici(aly eliminiiattd by the
recent:I inst allaton or a I elaulo(grah, :o
a rechniena 1inst rumen: for Ihe in-!I
stantaneos ransilissioll o writen
iesjages Operated from te('corridor -
desk oi he second floor, and(1 onilec-
ed wvih two stations in t he t acks,
the teautograpli will make it pos'ibe
to carry (onunlcaions to the fartb
et parts of the building in haOs than
a second~.
The Mailry has ti ed varius d-
vies in t he past t o olinni "i I calls
for books to te si cs, but the y ha e
all been found mp iiratialI or too ex
pensive. The telatlIograh no11w o0])
orates in many hotls, anks, and
newspaper otees anid ba also lbeen
installed inl tinele V~]un iveity ily'1ib
rary so that, it; 11501 nliets in th
library service is assure.
Don't Teach, But
Educate, Writr
Ures (Cllees
"'Thce greatdfetL o Ameierun col
leges r that tey teachi ratb:r tla'
educate and that the general rni o
them totally fail to cre ate a love of,
learining or anll thlusiasm for te
higher fife\,' declares'5ana edit orial in
a. recent issue 'o tne ( 'omon W'a t
"Ile Ihins" the (co11ntry needs'' tH
asserts5 'is a higlitch ehd culItre
am oig (ollege imen'1 at lr ge, eslhcia.-
ly of' the alstrac(t Itling, the 'spiitualf
thims for thei owi sake and not ioni
the mioeyor';he glory' that is to be'
made out1 of thlem~ as prat~ical pr
sUit5.T It (decars 2that sore of the

eInthusiast it'iminpuilse I oNil dthe Ii gh-
er ranges of thbough)t id study is to!
he found U ilnig those followinjg
Sc.ientIitic po Psmits thian~ in lbhe or-
diln 1i walks of lif'.
'Jli Vlit01 furthe'r indtic'ated lt~i
to till'!1\(I'age 5;111(10,11"a poeinins all
effemine Ii.L' (i fI e.hist i'v is a grindiu
Irat h Niatis is a , iY infW -, pilos-10
Lhy15 at bos a ndl scll ccis Eisoni'.;
job, :lo Ilie iin 1 hK!its iii lHSirep('i
himl';01' orll2his ;iuaih'inic O(Iuil)nl1
.atiI vwVeoi 110 edv ,ily' ron line liv'es hIsL
brain lht' Wisaoly 1the golf' ow ise ori
jazz, tle iot or en r 01'the Ano, to;
liUrt ;isti Pc]i h'ani Il'ecre i o11.''
"i''If tole el1ges'' it WOWt] dS,
when they lett li'i ryoung 11om51in,
I i'c d less to ('ramn tliei r' ed t
mere ut ilities and miore to open t he ir
pyes niid their souls iot leprepW0world
tht5xits1v1'all jusA a l]itle 'wa
U hot' ioliPdIeve, i hey wou Ild
doing l'('1 tt'1Vo'c onlyVto their
crit i a ; a !'ho, anid to th tal('('5(5e
of ;, t ,c'a(y-am lciiioeacy 01' Iholugl '
and lbIutri.''

New York, Apr-il (i.--Tbhe corne-
tition for the national monument to
Theodore Roosevelt in the city of
Washington was launched today, ac-
cording to an annoncmement made b~y
,Tames R. Garfieldl, president of the
Roosevelt Memorial Association. Tit is
being haeldl to selecta. designer rather
than a design, andi the trustees of the
assoc'iation have agreed to commission
the _winner to make the dlefinite plans

One's life is as safe in the cockpit of I prevailing along the coast; lines. Tlhi s
an airplane 5000 feet in the air as it dcanger lhas been aleviatedi to a gr'eat T'uscnAniz ., Api" B C.-Phat ntetneuo natmbl n etn yuigdfeet ae oe gah ftesaorbns oth-
one of our national highways. At least; distance apart for outgoing and1( in- s~un (during the r'ecenit IotalI eclpse',
fthat is the opinion held by Prof. F.XW'. cominng planets. were made sutccessfully in the (f'ast
Pawlowski an(d E. A. Stalker ,of thle; Anot her safety device used in quid-I
aerona utical engineering dleportmnut. =ing ilots10, especially a cross the lng- l wit h ain apparatu1s5 (esignied and built
Bothi meni were outspoken in t heir be- ;lisp channel, is a, Wireless guiding do- I by T)r'. A. M'. D ouria ss, dim'ecto-l' of the
lief t hat aerial transportat ion is asI vice. Wii'es are stretched from 1lo11- Steward Observatory here. The Ari-
safe, if not in some cases safer. than I (don to Paris, andld(licate istru- tunal astrlooerrecet'ly reeiv~edh the
the ordinary modes of transport at ion. mienws in the cockpit of the plane irs rsfo xoue aeb
sContrary to general b~elief accidents rec'ord the degree of variancee from the Brtui sfo 'l0h1tsli](0b
I I ~~~~~~~~his salx'bn aea sda
are relatively few in the conimercial correct route. Ptrofessor P~awlowski Mid~l aetoi, ('nii.came~lrateuservi-
airplane service. 13y far the greatest ('ites5 the rl u-1'unniilg tradie acrosionci'1)r.nCo., uotne te l(l (if h
percentage of acciden'ts occur in stunut! the Mexic'an and Amecrican bordiers
flying, record flying, and experimentalI which has been1 carried on t(I a grteatI ast ronomiical (lpatnnelit at1I larva rd.
work. There are hundreds of planesF extent y planes ,in the last couple of At the time the t±xp)()ut <WC'
in the air night and](lay engaged in1 years as a splendid examlple of tii' 10m(de weathler conditionis were(' er'fecti..
carrying passengers andi freight,i safety of inirpilane transport ation. '1110he emperaiturie was fonerl' elow~ zero.
mainly in Europe. Professor Pawlow-; There are known to be at least 200 A -s the recording of tilere shaiow
ski pointed out that the majority of }lplanes enigage(] in this smuggling and :tiaiid,, a source of iiiystitit'iitioii to
the accidents that (It occur in this there are only two known instances' leadinig authorities. hail ne ver been
service are caused by the heavy fogs: where landings vem'e forced, achievedl successfully in lprevious

~I'm' thin rnr, nuttcu.nt'tt iaf !lt ~t'~ts
1 six sculptors anti four landscape de-
signers, all of prominence in their re- A rG r e , Tia c Los il
slleetive fields, have 1heeii invited to !! o m m r t
comnpete. Week Planned BeCmmmrae
Thle site of the monument is in Po'0-___,
tomac Park, south of the White Hiouse, iX'ashimgton, April 6--A memorial
anti not fain' from the Washington moil- Arbor and Garden week in lower c eremony on the spot wlih're thle Tit.-
ument anti the Lincoln memorial. A Michigan, opening with "Clean-ip ani i niiic was stink by amri iceberg will be!
bill was passed by Congress at the' aitup IDay" and closing with two; observed April 14, the dlate of the dis-
"Teeplanting Days", is to 1)e 01)- aster, by the coast guard ser'vice.
last session giving the association per-"Tre
misin o od . omeitonwihservedl from April 27 to May 2, ac- It is pilannedi 10 hold the ('eremony ,!
thi sie s a bais 'P~e omietti~ Icording to the pmogram preparetd by a wvhiell has become a tradlition ini the
thi steasa ass.Th commettioee headed by- Gov. Alex .I.('oastgulard(, as near gas possible at the'
will close Oct 1, and lthre jury, consist- xc oxto cdteeathu ln
Iing of' thrmee eminent artists to be se C'rosbeck . This week: will affect 2f)'atict~niii i'eX orta
cot1 i ts in It'e lowel' part.of thi' statiietheit'Tit anitc went (lowni, north latitude
1 octed later, will an nouince its find- ' '''4t1 46 and wiest logtude 50.14 west,,
ing Oct. 10. The designs submit 0(1 the observance in the nort her'nm(c(o1n- I' tn~
ties antinim the upper peninsuila. colin-{ in theerl hours of April X14, l91'-
twill be hung for the inspectionm of the on ee atr ull military honors will b paid t
jury in the Corcor'an Gallery of Art ;rg ng wek ltto
1 One of the featumres of the week is! those who lost their lives. The coast
?n Washington. gadvsesMdcadTmawl
# "The determination of the Roosevelt to be "Conservation Day", on which guardonvessnenMtiocnandiTapaowtill
"ibe 011tileoimtrndationhaicehparolbthi
Memorial Association. to create in the' "i srcmeddta hr bear an(d whichever vessel is nearest
city of Washington a monumental me- meetings in every city and village,yer
and seaker secued tohead ars ihe scene of the disaster will perform
iDobb andi morial which shall adequately com-adsekr eue oha i- the servic'e. There will be a muster of
formerly' memncrate the character and signifl-!esos a h tmuain.' cti-;the crew in full d'ress, prayers by the
tppropria- cance of Theodor'e Roosevelt,'' writes sies for the protect~ion (If game, fish, CuIflaihugofcr h onigo
3lemp will; Milton C. Medary, Jr., the association's ad orst"taps, and the firing of three volleys.
ton office . professional adviser, "would of itself ; Tyre flag of thme vessel will be at half
mterest in ! challenge the hest expression of the State College, Pa., April Bi.-Pennsy- mast with the church flag, the only
invited to! arts anti crafts in the United States. Ivania state college has succeetdet in (foit' allowed to fly over the American'
rm at thej The site selected, however, greatly having an $8,000,000 bond issue pass emnblenti. ab~ove it.
Scongress, ! magnifies this challenge and places ' both' the House of Representatives and
stcongres- uponm the designer's of the memnorial -the Senate.,..

eclipstes, the present attainment; is re=
gardetd important to science. - Dr..
[lougiass says tihe experiment, proves
Iw 4yonit dotibt t hat the waves are
cuised by iregularities ill the diensity,
of. at mosphere, a theory lie has heldl
for' tiizliyyearsi'.
Th''.e prints show the shadow-bands
di1stinctly. They were rendered vis-
ile to the camlera lens by the small-
11(55 (If ftue sun's crescent. The pie-
tui'es were taken Blurin; the minute
hirecedilig anti the nlin~ut following:
total ity'of01wli'ectl ipso. Dri. Daugi ass
poilt s out th~t, the salinc effect, is seen1
fi (Jill (i stauit. elect i'ic high t s a nI l o
stai's Oit'v('(l through a s't ong tleb-
Chemistry Store
Reduces Expenses
In orIder' t) gain .wholesale rates,
lie c'hemistry store hias combined
with the St ate Adm linistrativ'e Board
at Lansing ant(I time I)etroit city
cthtols in orderiing -a carload of
glassware f'rom the Pyrex glass :oni-
The chemistry store wvill get half of,
the carloadi and the' other half will be
divided betwveen the other two buty-
ers. The half car load will take care
of the University's need for the comn-

h,in AN; 11I'. ming, JA1'. c I the firm of Good, Childs,
VW sthingioi, April B,--Washington11 Vi'5t'tl , ilthIiGood, who
is ,:, iwralc criicismof: wan s chairuman of the housea
is ie hll etnstlrale i't 01111 t t~iscommnitt ee, as head. R
fo(11 ; , (1'I :.''sn at ta' .Jaminets XW. ( h (10(havmellharge (If th Washingt
oft fowaea "nil (".'. i stm Sleiop, 111ntil There was considerable j
recently: seecmW t'ii t' wpridenilmt , the facthat Mrii. Good wasi
-, on~oi 6ne~terd il v nwm'ctethe hea d oflbhis flr
:an'm'thse t'nit('iici 'Il em'da :110 inn f his i'esigna.tion froml
fi .nm inii Iwlie capiltal, h~l thandilomu m1(it, was assunmeiltiat is.

('C;l pe:- tli t' 'i1'ilI O11t a]ln~ :o, m association wouIlld make him the weighty responsibility of solving a
Vi11 I is ot~i w' liz ii 511 s. howe('it'. J,-(i' i'\ t'ipt iomd 1ly stirong iii seen nin 'busi - m«y-sidied and complex problem of
Olt mc sin 01.i ot I 'ted against t vi:. i 1es I'm ti' the firm. Itheii'first inagnit utle, permanently es-
2(3 1101(1a.. its 5 ± ill1) 1pi5('i ceo o' gov- .._- tathlishing t he only remaining cardi-
r r:liilft'lt0l '5hitluiiicidaitelvsl'torr iiai point of the great central compo-
I ~~~~; gl S[i' Wiiiia~ a i n p llc se iee ~ f~ I I V ~ ~ H sitioln a round whmich the ecapital of thlit
c, .r'ra<7; ill' ,law lPractit' ill11 ' lViIIdlId IJVL! United States is tdeveloping.''
Cood ;11(1tml (1nils hm11p)are 11! ;t. IH BW HICH I1 the Norwegian branch. of the organi-
Iaamtiity ittgs~iol I p IU113 II 0i(l)(.ILIIIIUIa tion. They will make a short toui'
p) I, 'i 111(11 offic'ialt Iwho have done thle- j of eastern Canada before proceeding
'ir Wil'a i iii tP' z11:1 ibbs Mc _-IOslo, Norway, April B-Norwegian itto the United States.
i 10o, it 'lii ''P sect'(Iany itf the t1reas- ;delIegates toI ltie meting of' the Inter- Mrs. S. Ba cker, secretary-general to
ni''; 71 lt h 1 aiusing, ;eclt'-iany ]'fs101151 Cl (ouncil cf' Women, to be hieltI!the International Council, goes by way
",,: n. °11 Yl)e~iI. 't'tiiiiii I, se('lt'titi'y in Washington \hay 4-14, will sail; of England to join the president, the
tit' ueit u ;(Itorgo f-,.Cltainlitr- sb5100 Ily on thle steamier Stavangerijord ! Marchioness of Aberdeen and Temair,
1: ii, lorn'i iI. S. menat or, antd others.1I for I lalif'ax, under the leadership o1'land sails with her on the Mauretania
)mId Sl('in Hemp e no(w ii einlbtrs '.M's, Betty Kiehdsberg, chlairinan of' in April.

Pitroiiize Ti~nly Advert isers - it

( II 1II11 bus, O., April 6.----Nearly 100,
;boo spectators saw the Ohio State
f.'asketball team in action this wint-
er in 16 games.

ing year according to estimates.

Wo" Trk he You Work, Play While You Play


B~wcennow and vacation time, make every minute count. Get your
work '', in sape so that youI may safely leave it for ten days:. Then forget about
i entiirely, goT home and enjoy your vacation to its utmost. That's our vaca-
mum [mit' advice to you.
Tur in ev-ery paiper that is due. Do all of your outside reading. Re-
'iwStifliciently so that those crowded weeks following vacation will not
,swamp) you completely. Get your work in ship-shape condition. Then no
shadlow will hang over yo'ur good times at home. You can forget that you're
gong to school if you want to, You'll come back with new enthusiasm for
Ole last spurt of work, better equipped to get it out of the way, too, for the
relaxationi you have taken.

... .
. .
«... , s
. .. .
.. .

u: ru r u i r : t a i i « i 1 u i

se'IS*IJP14114I*IFfIt R1**I*111



Oar Ne
Puts Society Brand Cl'othes

'Within the reach of every man
.,.and at cash prices
This extraordinary service is inaugurated for the
convenience. of every responsible man in this 'com-
mnunity who finds it inconvenient to pay $40 to
$65 for a suit at one time.
It enables men to wear better clothes, and it is
an assured fact that the best is the least expensive
in the long run.



I I " 1f11 1 1 11l11 11 111 11111111111111 1 1 1 1 l l11 11 I I a E p l tl ll l f1 1 1111111[ 1 111 1 1


Society Brand Suits

Mta this advice has no strictly vacation time application.
beef it all of the time. If you do your affairs will always be

You may well
in shape so that

tnexpected happenings which compel you to lay aside your work for a period,
xvii! hot seriously disorganize them.
Doing the thing you have to do on time is rather a habit men get. It's
a good one to acquire. Work done on time is easier done than when turned
oJut u~nder' the urge of immediate necessity. It's better work too. Once it be-
comes a habit you no longer have to think about it. You simply go ahead and
do the thing you have to do without thought of putting it off until tomorrow.
You become equally accustomed to. habits of laxity., You go from bad
to worse until at last things are in such shape that no amount of work will
siraighten them out satisfactorily. Beware of that predicament, for then you'll
pr'olbaldly [X too lazy to attempt to get things out of the way.
So do the thing you have to do. Get it out of the way. Work hard.
'liern go and play equally hard. When you come back to work', new things
will hamve to be done, new demands will be made upon your time. If you are
[ d ned w-ith a niumbemr of things left undone you will be unfairly handi-
ca pe;ftd.

In the new models and fabrics-Sandtones, Azure
Blues, Piping Rock Broadmnoors and other new
shades in high favor this Sprin g.
Buy One This Way
You pay $8.00 when purchased and $3.00 weekly
You pay $9.00 when purchased and $3.50 weekly
You pay $10.00 when purchased and $4.00 weekly

ti i

B w
- A
=i R


ti -



You pay $11.00 when purchased and $5 weekly
You pay $12.00 when purchased and $.00 weekly
o 'l estritons-No '1ed Tape--Just Tlain 'Business





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