PAGE TEN TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AI's IL., , 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. APRIL 7 19~ ... .... . t*a .5w s.A,. .i ... _ ASKS JOURfNALIST I Job-holders Who Hire OuC~ is!~5 NTNWL Government After ReKONORmROOSEVEL II k-:.:HOPS[- - t. _ _.. Aeroplanes Safer Than Autos, Say Aeronautical Professors Camera Photos ISun Bands in it 4 Assoc ,Pi ur ; fet its 1 i S ; td' cfui 1:l of1 Naionaml -Memorhrnl to Arraingedl for icy C'ongress Ex-President URGES COOP~ERAT1IONj .- " tudea r7a',ini t Pike up woik in joirnalish solld jt'~)iirl thorogl- ly' acquainited with souilrces of knowl-1 edge ili'in ei(al tMetlwee, iiorder it they may pise;ft te 1trie hi 2 to0Me public,,' Ir. fienjun in Q'. C runie rg, managin , d1 (e( iii'ofi 1he Americant association for AMdc; I 'ugtt stated recenyin ise:aus:ig melthod by which the uivel i~rsityj (teld lo -t, operate i acqullaiinJog lhe pubijii w~itli ilthe truth in med((icie and eei ence. increase0 publi]c10 ow ied2 0 aiu ir_'so lines"''be (contiue, ] ;, 'y t'iiar iy teiXIithon ithlfw (lreason utfar all i va- _ions kinds of 'e i b1g on inithe' laboroie 3cs Vhem. XAd t he public shoul know liii to gt i touch'w i h hentheyd s'' ized inoriita in lng :r, V ines. Suchi Ino wle'g' al ily c learned through an rh71; it l ndilti such as a univeitsy. 'Teo mIky ON ers have somtethingio w0 ilsiandI :eis statements are bise. rT'he ,uni ver- sity extenLsion :serv ice is of great be fit in tlhi work." The inrpoe or thle assoiatio o which li l. l-ul)P :r15 isi eto, is to do awa y with utrue pulic IC jS- II dices, andiIIto ('o1untract fal1 s props- ganda.'"Thle (octr' (an1 not (i51)t(' this prejudice and1 propaganda" le said, "for he will be accusedl of r- ing to advance his own inte ests. Flatt the opponents of sciel'0c ifaniand.ido present their propaganda 1to111e pu- ie, and the pu bilcoies to t h ati tude whee it eiher be ivs evry'-- thing 0or it. believes nothilng. Or c method is to find mens to give ai-t thentica I information from d isiter-e{,- ested 5sourIcs. Vi' prieeit.veifiedi facts, andi show what nmust folow! from Ithse Iit] IS. Wi' 1op, o c Ia-c lish a nucleus aionid wh'i Ihou' who feel the need o puibli, (iliglt.r eu pent can form a(Idefense,'' LIBRARY SPEEDS SERVIE WITH NEWL TELATGR PO Belays in prorairin g books at t he1 circu11ltion d(esk il inte mainijilirarSy 1 will be' pracici(aly eliminiiattd by the recent:I inst allaton or a I elaulo(grah, :o a rechniena 1inst rumen: for Ihe in-!I stantaneos ransilissioll o writen iesjages Operated from te('corridor - desk oi he second floor, and(1 onilec- ed wvih two stations in t he t acks, the teautograpli will make it pos'ibe to carry (onunlcaions to the fartb et parts of the building in haOs than a second~. The Mailry has ti ed varius d- vies in t he past t o olinni "i I calls for books to te si cs, but the y ha e all been found mp iiratialI or too ex pensive. The telatlIograh no11w o0]) orates in many hotls, anks, and newspaper otees anid ba also lbeen installed inl tinele V~]un iveity ily'1ib rary so that, it; 11501 nliets in th library service is assure. Don't Teach, But Educate, Writr Ures (Cllees "'Thce greatdfetL o Ameierun col leges r that tey teachi ratb:r tla' educate and that the general rni o them totally fail to cre ate a love of, learining or anll thlusiasm for te higher fife\,' declares'5ana edit orial in a. recent issue 'o tne ( 'omon W'a t magazine. "Ile Ihins" the (co11ntry needs'' tH asserts5 'is a higlitch ehd culItre am oig (ollege imen'1 at lr ge, eslhcia.- ly of' the alstrac(t Itling, the 'spiitualf thims for thei owi sake and not ioni the mioeyor';he glory' that is to be' made out1 of thlem~ as prat~ical pr sUit5.T It (decars 2that sore of the eInthusiast it'iminpuilse I oNil dthe Ii gh- er ranges of thbough)t id study is to! he found U ilnig those followinjg Sc.ientIitic po Psmits thian~ in lbhe or- diln 1i walks of lif'. 'Jli Vlit01 furthe'r indtic'ated lt~i to till'!1\(I'age 5;111(10,11"a poeinins all effemine Ii.L' (i fI e.hist i'v is a grindiu Irat h Niatis is a , iY infW -, pilos-10 Lhy15 at bos a ndl scll ccis Eisoni'.; job, :lo Ilie iin 1 hK!its iii lHSirep('i himl';01' orll2his ;iuaih'inic O(Iuil)nl1 .atiI vwVeoi 110 edv ,ily' ron line liv'es hIsL brain lht' Wisaoly 1the golf' ow ise ori jazz, tle iot or en r 01'the Ano, to; liUrt ;isti Pc]i h'ani Il'ecre i o11.'' "i''If tole el1ges'' it WOWt] dS, when they lett li'i ryoung 11om51in, I i'c d less to ('ramn tliei r' ed t mere ut ilities and miore to open t he ir pyes niid their souls iot leprepW0world tht5xits1v1'all jusA a l]itle 'wa U hot' ioliPdIeve, i hey wou Ild doing l'('1 tt'1Vo'c onlyVto their crit i a ; a !'ho, anid to th tal('('5(5e of ;, t ,c'a(y-am lciiioeacy 01' Iholugl ' and lbIutri.'' 1---'-.a 1 ARCHITECTS COMPE~TE New York, Apr-il (i.--Tbhe corne- tition for the national monument to Theodore Roosevelt in the city of Washington was launched today, ac- cording to an annoncmement made b~y ,Tames R. Garfieldl, president of the Roosevelt Memorial Association. Tit is being haeldl to selecta. designer rather than a design, andi the trustees of the assoc'iation have agreed to commission the _winner to make the dlefinite plans One's life is as safe in the cockpit of I prevailing along the coast; lines. Tlhi s an airplane 5000 feet in the air as it dcanger lhas been aleviatedi to a gr'eat T'uscnAniz ., Api" B C.-Phat ntetneuo natmbl n etn yuigdfeet ae oe gah ftesaorbns oth- one of our national highways. At least; distance apart for outgoing and1( in- s~un (during the r'ecenit IotalI eclpse', fthat is the opinion held by Prof. F.XW'. cominng planets. were made sutccessfully in the (f'ast Pawlowski an(d E. A. Stalker ,of thle; Anot her safety device used in quid-I aerona utical engineering dleportmnut. =ing ilots10, especially a cross the lng- l wit h ain apparatu1s5 (esignied and built Bothi meni were outspoken in t heir be- ;lisp channel, is a, Wireless guiding do- I by T)r'. A. M'. D ouria ss, dim'ecto-l' of the lief t hat aerial transportat ion is asI vice. Wii'es are stretched from 1lo11- Steward Observatory here. The Ari- safe, if not in some cases safer. than I (don to Paris, andld(licate istru- tunal astrlooerrecet'ly reeiv~edh the the ordinary modes of transport at ion. mienws in the cockpit of the plane irs rsfo xoue aeb sContrary to general b~elief accidents rec'ord the degree of variancee from the Brtui sfo 'l0h1tsli](0b I I ~~~~~~~~his salx'bn aea sda are relatively few in the conimercial correct route. Ptrofessor P~awlowski Mid~l aetoi, ('nii.came~lrateuservi- airplane service. 13y far the greatest ('ites5 the rl u-1'unniilg tradie acrosionci'1)r.nCo., uotne te l(l (if h percentage of acciden'ts occur in stunut! the Mexic'an and Amecrican bordiers flying, record flying, and experimentalI which has been1 carried on t(I a grteatI ast ronomiical (lpatnnelit at1I larva rd. work. There are hundreds of planesF extent y planes ,in the last couple of At the time the t±xp)()ut