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April 07, 1925 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-07

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mporiance of Trade to Prosperily
xvill he Theme Discua.e,
By Delegai ions
New York, April 6. \merican bus-
iness bonds with the Orient, where
American foreign trade has increased
by 400 per cent since 1913v, ill 1e
further strengthened this year by the'
coming of delegations from six for-
eign nations bordering on the Pa-
cific to the Twelfth National Foreign
Trade Council. Founded in 1914, the
council is now to hold the first of its
yearly conventions in the Pacific
northwest. The theme will he "For-
eign Trade Essential to Prosperity."
As a practical means of extending
and improving American foreign
trade, which exceeded 92,000,000 tons
in 1924, the forthcoming convention
meets as a board of directors of a
company with an $8,200,000,000 an-
nual business turnover, representing
the 1924 valuation of American for-
eign trade. The sessions of the con-
vention will embrace all markets
where this business may be increas-
ed. Export managers, sales managers,
exporters and importers, foreign de-
partment executives of banks, credit
manlagers, and educators will hold
group sessions within the convention,
and both foreign delegates and
American delegates in active busi-
ness abroad will take special charge
of a series of group conferences de-
voted to better selling methods, credit
and financing, shipping and advertis-
The convention this year will meet
in the center of the most rapidly grow-
ing foreign trade district in the United
States, according to the statement of i
the council, for the Washington cus- 1
toms district, of which Seattle is the
chief port, has increased its foreign
trade during the last four years from
$175,000,000 to $426,000,000. The
Puget Sound region is growing in
popularity at live times the pace of
the United States as a whole; already
Seattle ranks second to New York in
the number of passengers entering;
the United States through seaport
cities. More than 70 per cent of the
raw silk enteriing the United States
and 80 ier cent of all trans-Pacific
mail move through the city, while its
corresponding proportions in other
commodities of foreign trade give the
Washingtons customs district first
rank in total value of imports and ex-
ports of the United States customs
districts on the Pacifis Coast.
Delegates to the convention, includ-
ing the representatives of the six
Pacific countries, China, Japan, India,
Straits Settlements, Dutch East In-
dies and the Philippines, will be in-
vited to view the site of this remark-
able growth at first hand and will be
taken on tour to other cities of the
Pacific northwest, particularly Port-
land, Tacoma and Spokane,,as guests
of the local chambers of commerce.
Washington, April 6.-Congress has
left up to David Lynn, architect of
the capitol, the problem of a survey
for a new building to house the offices
of representatives. It has given him
$2,500 for the job and expects him to
report by the opening of the sixty-
ninth congress next fall.
Senators already have two, three or
four office rooms apiece, but house
members have but one room each, in

which to receive visitors, hold confer-
ences, and house three or four clerks.
To give each representative two
rooms is the object of the survey
which Mr. Lynn is called upon to
Two definie proposals have been
advanced. One is to build within the
court of the present house office
building a structure nine stories high
at an estimated cost of $3,000,000, to
provides 375 rooms. This plan also
contemplates raising the present
building one story. The other pro-
posal would be to construct a new
building nearby.
In the old days only chairmen of

College Man Accused
of Self-Consciousness
That college-bred men are intelli- startled me on different occasions a
gent and open-minded, though prone few years ago and I have never since
to be self-conscious, is the opinion of been able to forget them. The first
r rCollege-was uttered by William Dean Howells,
lres ohen," for the April edition of that man of gentle and perfected cul-
re m a gafoite Ari edition ofture. 1 never find myself in the com-
larperps magazine. any of assembled college graduates,
"I belong to an old and exclusive he said, 'without feeling that I were
club," writes Mr. Johnston. "The I somehow not properly dressed.'
memlbership is generally intelligent "The second was voiced by an Eng-
and open minded, and I take as great lish publisher---a scholarly man, it
pleasure in it as ever I did. It is I know what the phrase means---ripe
not really snobbish; but like other in years, modest. but fired by a real
select societies it has acquired an devotion to the best ideals of his pro-
'aura.' Outsiders peer curiously fession. He was visiting a great Am-
through this mist: sometimes with a erican university and had been sur-
jealous gaze, or with indifference, or rounded by a group of scholars, each
with great respect, but not always expert in a different field. He seemed
discerningly. Because of this our able to meet each one on terms of full
members are prone to a certain self-, understanding, discussing with all of
Sconsciousness and the acceptance of them the bodies of literature on which
inbred notions about themselves. This they based their teaching. As he was
club that I refer to is the ancient and coming away he said wistfully, 'That
honorable company of College Bred was a delightful experience! I never
Men. find myself in such company without
"Two chance remarks," continues regretting that I am not an educated
Mr. Johnston, "about this company { man.' "

Washington, April 6.-The Bible
"still completely overtopj - all otherj
'best sellers'." Dr. Samuel McCrea
Cavert, general secretary of the Fed-

New Scholarships
In Graduate Work
Offered By Tufts
Tufts college, through the bequest
of Henry J. Bracker, offers to holdars
of A.B., or of B.S. degrees who are
qualified to pursue graduate work

eral Council of Churches said today leading to the M. S. degree in coin-
in a statement calling attention to merce and finance, four teaching fel-
the 400th anniversary of the first lowships carrying annual stipends of
translation of the New Testament E $1,000 per fellowship, according to an
from Greek into English, to be oh- announcement received at the grad-
served this year. uate office of the University.
Only one copy of the English Bible, The fellowships are opened without
printed by William Tyndale, its trans- restriction to qualified graduates of
lator, is extant, the statement said, and recognized colleges, both men and
it is at Bristol, England. Tyndale's women, who have evidenced superior
life and work will receive special at- ability in the field of economics and
tention during the observance, which who are preparing to enter teaching
will bring forth exhibits of rare bibli- or business. The Fellows are re-
cal editions by university and public quired to divide their time equally
libraries, between teaching and study in the de-
"Tyndale's work shaped the whole partment of economics and sociology
course of succeeding translations, at Tufts.
Advanced economic courses are of-
from the famous Coverdale Bible to fered in the fields of accounting, busi-
the King James version in 1611," the neslwbuissogiztnad
statement continued. "Pastors and ianagement, business statiatics, cor-
Sunday school workers are being manmna, csretecsc
urged by the council to stress the im- poration finance, current economic
portance of this anniversary through- problems, economic geography, em-
ployment management, industrial man-
out the year.. The translation of the j agenient, international trade and
Bible from the original tongue, Tyn- tariff, labor problems, marketing,
dale's heroism and martyrdom and money and banking, public finance,
the power of the printing press are sales and advertising and transporta-
subjects suggested for discussion." ion.
The International Council of Reli- In addition a graduate seminar is
gious Education, Chicago, is promot- provided through which each Fellow
ing interest in the movement, as are can further pursue subjects in which
the American Bible Society, thelh


ne i arzcuay interested. Graduate
American Library Association, and students or those graduating in June
the National Association of Book Pub- who desire to make application for
lishers. these fellowships should obtain furth-
er information from the graduate
DOMPANY OFFERS,4-DAY ofie ______
Townspeople Beat
A four-day spring vacation to Mus- For Movie Seats
cle Shoals and all the surrounding
points of interest, including the Wil- Estimates received from local
son dam and, the government nitrate theatre managers indicate that the be-
plants, is offered to members of the lief that students attend theatres more
faculty and interested students by the than townspeople is a fallacy. The
Muscle Shoals Land corporation of average number of students attend-
Alabama. The tour will begin at De- .
troit on April 14 and will proceed to to0g each show daily runs around 300
Louisville, Nashville aild Columbia, to 3i0. The percent of each audience
reaching Muscle Shoals on the night ps about 67 percent townspeople and
of April 15. The numerous points of 33 percent students. This percentage
interest in the vicinity will be includ-k1s much lower than is commonly
ed in the itinerary, such as Helen thought. The number of students per
Keller's home, Tuscumia spring, which week in one theatre usually is about
vhich is the largest in the world, andl 2,700 although this number varies ac-
the Wilson dam. cording to the picture that is being
The cost of this tour is $75, which run.
will include all expenses for the en- (len eaneirn er et
fire trip, railroad fare, meals, bus dent attendance runs 60 per cent
fare and numer ous auto rides to higher than ordinarily. This is due to
points of interest. the popular belief that to see a show
Any student or faculty member in- before an examination is more helpful
terested in this trip can secure furthe than an excess of studying. In these
information and application blanks periods of stress the theaters usually
by addressing Mary Boutelle, 508 run pictures that will amuse and ease
Pearl Street, Ypsilanti, or Muscle the mind.
Shoals Land corporation of Alabama,
1010 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Michi-
gan. Band Will Play In
R.O.T.C. Parades
ill Join GroupSpring parades, by several combin-
ed companies of the University R. O.
Of Publications T. C. unit are scheduled to start imi-
mediately following spring vacation.
These reviews, which will be held on
With the announcement by the Re- Wednesday afternoon, will be charac-
serve Officers' Training Corps of the terized by the public appearance of
University that it will publish a year- the R. O. T. C. band, which to date
book, entitled "The Michigan Shield," has had no occasion to play in pub-
one more name is added to the grow- lic.


'committees had offices provided for
them at the capitol. Other members
had their offices scattered all over the
city, in their hotels, and in downtown
business buildings.

', .


ing list of campus publications,
[which is already estimated to b
larger than that of any other univer-
A D JAA SRNsity in the country.
NC~t At present there are The Daily'!
A EROUST Gargoyle, Chimes, 'Ensian, Michigan
jJournalist, Inlander, Michigan Tech- I
Tokio, April 6 (AP).-Undeterred by nic, Student Directory, Michigan Law
his 80 years and the t hardships and Review, and, in the fall and spring,
dangers of the journey, Baron Okura, the athletic programs.
one of Japan's foremost financiers, is Many of the other campus organiza-
inllC 111111lict1 iwir now iinn nnUpe Ir, u

Parades of the military unit were
held several times last spring, but
this year all drill work of the bat-
talion has been done by individual
companies,- drilling at separate hours,
which has made parades of any size
i impossible.
Extend Power To

going into the heart of Mongolia on a
business enterprise. In conjunction
-ith lh Prine of Mo ns:olia the Karon

tIons publishth eir own papers, sucii
as the Student Christian association,
"Frosh Bible" a nd Searchlight, and

V11 t ne 1r nc e gU1V1t L1 01M
contemplates huge scale agricultural the Union Bulletin. Within two weeks, it is expected,
development there, the prince furnish- The Alumnus, published by the current generated at the University
ing the land and Okura the capital. alumni association, claims the largest lpbower plant will be furnished to four
"In spite of his age," the baron's son circulation, issuing more than 12,000 I buildings c-. the campus, the Health
said to reporters, "my father is in such copies weekly. It also has by far I service, the south department of the

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