PA~aE ' fHRS1
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tt ' I~~ew Labor Leader German Napoleon Itprobable' .science MIagazin$ apply or ny positions that are not IConI staUJM H ak it ai
/j - ~not to t
1 s. Ele tArticle On- "Bios" Rome, March 31.-At a secret con- can not
'sistory yesterday Mgr. Vicente Cs- frig
la i Vv 11 is ( ofcl uiona Ifrom ret- othei hand the elion of a Liberal, anova Mroarchbsop of Granada,i
ME IC L rof t Lash8Mllrof Toronto anun It fdilysoaf, cr-bsih
Study in lloneopathic Materiaui ledicaace i uoe n h
an ieiaI~e u ilProf. Prest o) F:. i-klson of tbi hr r*i5 n Ithe chemical anphitheatder, has dinals. ISbscrU
leOerdropean history(eartineht tsees no()French aod regain teijlstct fd-p riee o scienceub-
T GIERESEARCH WORK reasons to fear' the eolution of a nw once in t he purity of Germn repub- rphetina rent idsu tsoe of h e I
____Naoenasarsuto hebloI.-__________________ more important phases of Mr. Miller's.
Th rench government, in partn- ___________________________ work: in hisatep todermn the ____________________________________
nd internalopathicimei 'b lar, was reportedI to be entr ai ing1 - chemical formula of bios, which is a
mi aaditenl edicn ilb such apprehensions regarding t he el- P sulstance necessary to thle growth of
offered by the Medical school in five etion largely because of it, decided! yeast, and is thought to be i'entical_
courses which are planned for the aversion to the selection of the head " 'x h heviaiin B
summer session. of the n aeion by noplar vote. rThe The work which Mr.AMiller and his
in 'laboratory work essentiallysmi III and the ros' ration of the emupire g mines and food(unutrition, when it is s
tar to that offered sophomore medical ccured. ocii~~.Tu a h ol su-P irit
sutdents during the regular year. It "General liseatridcn (io..f th le Fa s-!fnshd as Mr. Miller Ihms only re
may be taken by students wishing; ist champnion r;i thle only erne of the],- _________________ etl eoeitrse ntesb
homeopthi crdittowrd hei de seven candidates for i 1)01residency ject, his ork heretofore having ben
gree, or as an elective by anyone qual- of Germany who boa ts f;1' any milu ob-l~Y''(11 ( *1i.* Do \ u p 1da long the lincs of p sical chemnis- s
ified wishing a knowledge of hoinoeo- itary inclinations," aid Professor!,dahncnim at t . IItlae~ uieoatGn r For Kodak printo
pathic materia medica and the appl- Sssn nrurash r rel YTe'Ionz cmsty edha;
cation of its principles. Special ported] to be trailing the other six 'Il5Fs.aI rod. O theamnps. -co-operated withr several of his' pupils'hv yo rpcue n
courses will also be arranged for candidates, there is no Possibility naow l1'hra iiscr I B Rrret t. '27. and assistants in his reearch work;,I
students desiring to do research work.! of~ a military figure becoming the gov- "I like Grangeisbttrtan the Un-! andl the material which will be pre- LL p er
Lectures and quiz work in the same eniieit's chief cxecutive. iliox+veer,'ion because the musi s perior. If scaled in the lecture here will cover Weue!T
subject will be offered by Prof. H. a mniitant revival could occur at any the t nin wouldpet , d orchestra! om'e of the exprimnts, made by Weue i7eox excli.
M'\. Beebe. The work will cover. grin- time, although th re appear to be no it wOUI(I be an idal place."{ them onthis ubtnceI our dCeejonino'
ciples of hoimoeopathy, the actions of j symptom., of this at the pieseoit." ;S N. lu~iihiiad have never!. -
:rg a d t irtherapeutic pplia-Profeseci Sosson took occasion to Ibeen to either place, uu f 1 ,10]f M lil- T 1:' 1p1111Fi m5 le t ne da
In inte p ernal medicine, Doctors J.cB. emphasize 1;he great importance of itedi knowledge I woud say te Un- fHIIU IUk~ h et
trop COURSE ~~~~~Germranr,1 IIs election which will not be ion was the bettr place. I miht e et
Youmans and W. L. Bettison "wil of-? finally determined until the secondl add that 1 think the idea of patron- mn rmffF rire
fer work in physical diagnosis. Cases ballot is cast Anvril 26 between the ii iiro j thoer hll is terrible." FORlI1LES LI RShLii
will be discussed from the 'point of) two le aJer H of 'Sunda y's plebiscite.! Louise P'ltke.'2. !,n' the pe-;.
view of the student's technique, thie "The ta bilily 01fi'>irope^ rac.ticarl y 'd fothsbe md yteir
diagnosis, and therapy. r...~hnsi h aac, i lca'c.I efr a enm~ yteU-.C lis-F~c e
chagintebane hedlae ion to mrake the hall mo e attracive Oficers i the 37th Eginer r eg- 3-Depondabl Stores-
"Forors insciia eiino-"o .tance, the elect ion of a Ree- andl the mu~ic better, I much preer;m t are soon to biegve an ppor-32S.ttet. Unl
fered by Doctors Youmans and . L. William Green, president of the tionary mright miean the failure of the loin there. the whiole atmosphe ,re to2atteStantem5tiSt duydtrain
Marsh, will be much the same as that uriytatedariact dt-tan-C nrSatad-Pca
oferd o enormeicl'~tde~t IAmerican Federation of Labor and i Dawes plan, or even the keynote of; at Gran,,er'scorn'is cold and formal in o.s t n''ai' em h
successor of the late Samuel Goipers, preparations for another w,.ar. On the in comprson withl the homey sur- n0 are to
(uring their assignment for work in jwho recent conferred with Secre- 'rounding s of the Inion.' ! alit'Init tatthyl%2uing 1d or7anhi
this depairtnment. Patients will bel tary of Labor Davis on matters re- og is not needed to :account for his!I J. .1. Coliso, '25.-"I have niot been .receive at Canp Custer, Aug. 2 to 16,tiloawe-kpmmr
assigned to students in rotation, with lt ttR oG elkp i8D7Y
iac stdn aigacmlt i htng to industry. - actions," le said, "moreover, an art- in either of these places this year but accoaring: to iformation given 01f.t by--
tory', and routine physical and Tabora- itandi.(lIl work would' not exist if I would prefer the Union for no otim Capt. Ion C. 101111, nited t tes can-
tot xmntosto arrive a his J it Ty re riot for the recipient."elr reson than that it is fundamental- 'a'y. lans are also under way to o=- ________________________________
tory xamintionsat ~~0flt~flUC,3r'e imst all occupy tie position ly the home of a Mihigan inarnindl gamie a eerve Ofic rs asocaion,
lianois Te or wil e uied OfOnof recipient if we are to have ani it is there that he should enjoy such 'so t hat all reeve oficera ini Ann Soda s
by daily conferences with instructors,I O Lectures O aesthetcic vale," Professor WIhitiore recreation." Arblor callti,_,IkOld vait'ige of 1t14s pre- ______________________________
uinte etudeof it the rebin oac- se~h te 2al declared. "A recipient. must comply Ethel Stevenson, ' 7.---"I like t he lininam y tIi ainmg. 1111111IIIIHIIHHII~IIIII~IH
iuain the tupen withthprnils.cs.Ie c the artist's dnvind and be i-c-tIUn ion much better. TIhemusic i u hr r tl .fwvcnislf
A practitioners course will also be Prof . Charles M. Whitmore of the spnsv p erior to that of Granger's ud thei in tie reime<nt for. cilt aqfs ~Ind i tI
iferd luin te irt woweksofThe next leture, "The Work of :floor is better. The a.timosp.'er at hiut enans. I hse nte ,.,,,.e1lare.
:heSuim~r sssinJ~n 23toJul Irhetoric departnment yesterday in Art,"will be Tfhursdaly at 4:15 in the Union is mumchi lmore plebasing, urged to ma'e apol~catiofl at o1nc0 as
, under thre directioni of Professors j Angell hall continued his series of. doomii 3208, Agell hall too." offhcers of other units will probably4
L. if. Newb~urgh aid' F. N. Wilson. six lectures on aesthetics with a dis- <®s
Enrollnment will be limited to 25. ! cussion ofl'The Aesthetic 'Triadh" The U' 111N11111111111 11 1Ii111111ii1iiiiU1lil11ii1lill11111_
ntinople, March 31. -r The
government has addressed a
he powers asserting that it
agree to time continuance of
mbassies in Constantinople.
ids that transfer of 'the em-
oAngora, in Asiatic 'turkey,
>eat of government,
)e for The 'i1Tichigani Ifily
f quality
nade on
Jsively 1in
ire ready
lversity Ave.
are essn-
+ andJ
i~lllI~lllll~lllll~t11illtlll -l,.
tradl, m,ae up of the artist, the work
Oslo,l'March 31.-Lincoln Ellsworth, of art and tiei'cipient, helps us' to LN
American engineer and aviator, who separa te tie'aesthetic parts without L
is to participate in' Capt. Roald confusig themi, he stated. -
Amundsen's flying expedition to the Pi'ofessor Whitmore defined an art-IB
North 'Pole, arrived - yesterday. HeIc ist as a mian who conveys an aesthetic
said he expected the entire aerial trip value. "Contrary to popular opinion, .
would be accomplished in seven houmrs.' alm artist is not 5o (diffe'ent from hu- -
a main at the pole 24 hors for o-' MSR E PREMACY SIGNIFICANT IN ITS MVEANING 2
erainand exporationA =
Don't delay-Pay your Subscription-
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LACRA LA P L l ' a. felds iIi "ops y. When te, i ogtto-
"SMOULDERING IRES~'*'~ * ~ ~ ' n"A 1 ag
--Added-- r" i - tr 1yaul ecosler r--Eiece y 1
~ "oiimneiceawn Ih~s:._.::Asopl":ble('aloo :;,:::.. - : lison 11lP a -bes by Joseph Ulrhti--Mutsic
An AOur Gang Comnedy I io grans - by leis 'Taylr.-
Anda it BiTo llotu 111 ' :Sillgprpel
1 {. .t.e~r using-twenty misiehns Iprpely
31, .4 aerih;_ :.".J_...:.1tte e okeot. l ~u
om atefoe:113 I ,. >.?l-:; "' ;...:. {, whch hasnce e t Xo rk sc r; the Aim ; f
Befoe 330 ; :5-S 45 - #~s1i('VI'J)CU Iem~r li an A-
lBalcony, 25c 11 cahetre.
- -
_ W