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April 01, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-01

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I Y YI Y - Y r ! Y rt11A111 Y WIY l1

Pulished every morning except Monday
during the Universityyeari by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Aesociated Press is exclusively en-
tdti d to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwase
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entcred it the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,I
Offices:eAnn Arbor Press Building. May-
tard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and i76-M; busi-
ness, 960.
Telephones 2414 and 1763M
Editor..............John G. Garlighouse
Ndews Editor...........Robert G. Ramsay
Citys ditor.........Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
George W. Davis Hfarold A. Moore
Thomas 1. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth _Keller Norman R. Thal
1Edwin C. Mack
S-ports ditor.......William II. Stoneiman
Sunday Editor.......... Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor..........Verena Moran
Telegraph Editor......William J. Walthour
Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer
Louise Barley Helen Morrow
Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohlmacher
Leslie S. Bennetts" Irwin A. Olian
Smith 11. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson
Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker
Willard 13. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps
Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramsay
Robert T. DeVore Marie Reed
Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson
Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum
Geneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal
James W. Fernamberg Frederick H. Shillito
Katherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson
Joseph 0. Gartner Janet Sinclair
Leonard Hall David C. Vokes
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner
Thomas V. Koykka Marion Walker
Mariod Kubik Chandler Whipple
-lizabeth Liebermnn
Telephone 960*
Advertising.....................F. L. Dunne
Advertising..............,,_R. C. Winter
Advertising......... . .H. A. Marks
Advertising................. .B. W. Parker
Accounts ..................H. M. Rockwell
Circulation................. ...John Conlin
Publication.. ...............R. D. Martin
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Irving Berman T. D. Olmstead
Rudolph Bostelman R. M. Prentis
H. F. Clark W. C. Pusch
C. Cnroe D"Rya
J. R. DeP u M.1B..Sandberg
George C. Johnson M. L. Schiff
0. A. Jose, Jr: F. K. "Schoenfeld {
I. K. Klein I. J. Wineman l


lashing of their lives. And all they share of the legendary college man's
could do was to swallow their pride attention. Mr. Zeigfield may glorifyt
and administer a light 'slap on the M u S I C 1the American girl: Mr. White is sub-
wrist to the one who had so severely AND limating her. Need- more be said-
ruffled their dignity, merely because 'A save that Mr. White has some excel-
the people all over the country cried, D R A M A lent material to glorify.
"Bravo!" and the Senators took the Two or three years ago, when Lou
cue. Holtz's star was in its nefarious !
The second demonstration of the TONIGHT: Comedy Club presents prime, "The Scandals" were hailed as
effectiveness of public opinion was "Outward Bound" by Sutton Vane at "good and smutty." Now they are
staged Monday when Secretary Weeks 8:15 o'clock in the Whitney theatre. smutty-but good.
of the War department backed water*
before the storm of disapproval and "THE GREEN HAT"
handed Brigadier General William A. A review, by Clarice Tapson.
Mitchell the biggest plum in the pud- Katherine Cornell brought "The M U D ROLL
ding in the shape of an appointment Green Hat" to an almost certain suc-
as the head of the Eighth corps area cess Sunday evening before the fullest
with headquarters at Fort Sam Hous- I house the Garrick theatre has sheltered;PRETTY
ton, San Antonio, Texas, which post in its thousand and one nights. Obvi- SOFT
is regarded as the most important field ously the combination was perfect: a
position in the air service. play already famous as a novel, pre- Titans
More evidently recognizing the gen- sented by A. H. Woods, staged by Dark amber on the, splendid fieldj
eral sentiment in favor of the former Guthrie McClintic, and last but not That upset the prince of main.
assistant chief of the Army Air Serv- least, featuring an actress who is And all the boys and girls were
ice, Secretary Weeks evaded the recognized as the finest of the younger there
queries of a reporter, who was trying school and another who is -not far be- And the water dripped again.
to discover whether or not the rumor- hind her; with the author in the audi-
ed courtmartial proceedings would be ence-albeit tortured with a stomach- When through the cloud of azure
carried out, with a statement that ache-Jesse Bonstelle, who trained hue
"this had not been considered and that the stars, in a box, and Jean Eagles There stepped a hose of bronze
he did not wish to discuss it at this in row B, how could such a premier The maces ramped on baize bordels
time." be anything but a triumphant theatric And Heg, the Hun, cried "Zounds."
While it must be admitted that the ovation?
failure of the navy in recent tests to The story, of course, is generally Oh lack a day the maiden wailed
cope with the Air Service planes, thus known by this time. It concerns a As the prince threw up -his macej
proving General Mitchell's declara- girl who is so big that she is willing That I were born on Yuletide eve 1
tions of the supremacy of the airplane to brand herself, even when she knows To suffer-this disgrace!E
forces, probably had something to do that it means turning from the man -Beezlebub.
with his recognition in this new ap- she loves, in order to preserve the * * *
pointment, still, had it not been for ideals of her younger brother. As her Add Bookpagej
public opinion, which demanded that friends leave after her confession, she Jaycowles:
Mitchell be given the opportunity to becomes a new and a baser woman, Now that Mike Arlen has opened
prove his statements, the whole mat- which does not, somehow, seem quite that green hat play of his, we mayt
ter might have been hushed up very so unattractive on the stage. presume that the countless caravan-
easily by the War department head. Ten years later, she returns to Eng- saries of thinkers will pour out of
No doubt-he would have liked to have land because her brother is dying, , Ann Arbor, Detroit bound. Yes, and
been able to handle the case in this only to meet the man she still. loves, more psuedo thinkers will go because
manner, but public opinion forbade it. who, incidentally, also returns her I they hope to see the petite moustache
love, a rising figure in the department there.
of foreign affairs. He is about to Oh yes, and did you know that Don
Lmarry a beautiful young girl; sweet McIntyre has been forced to abandon
to cook at a Battersea school "to show
them how to help themselves and be- Iand good, all the virtues that will sup- his project for bringing the Miracle
coemindependent ofemseesauants)'plement his career. They are married, to Ann Arbor because of the stage
come independent of restaurants." but a year later, after inexpressible hands' strike? But then, labor prob-
Why confine it to the bachelors?
Itorture, physical as well as mental on lems are uninteresting.
Spedding suggests that you give Ithe girl's part, they decide to chuck it Much more interesting, in fact, is
your friend a photograph for Easter. all and go to South Africa. But she is the news that H. G. Wells has taken
That's right, it is the time to give too fine a sport to ruin his life, and up Sinclair Lewis, a fact unusual, in-
away eggs, isn't it? so, wearing the green hat and driving asmuch as the former is the proto-
ysome seventy miles an hour, she de- type of the former. Wouldn't that
The Tennessee legislature has pro- liberately crashes her yellow roadster little squib make a nice 'This and
hibited the teaching ,of evolution in into a tree on the most treacherous That?"
the public schools. No more monkey road in England. MRS. PLUTARCH.
business in Tennessee. The cast is as nearly flawless as is * * *
humanly, technically possible. Kath- Letter With Joke
To read the 1896 "Inlander" ac- erine Cornell, who plays Iris Fenwick, E Dear Jason:
counts of Michigan women, one might was for several seasons the leading I I just thought that the following
seriously doubt the truth of evolution lady in Jessie Bonstelle's stock com- joke might make a good joke for your

j .I." n ~ rrT r

Easter Cards
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These eastern schools do not realize'
their responsibility to mankind. Yale,
the stronghold of all that is masculine,
is slowly falling before the battering
rams of co-education. From now on=
'courses in drama will be open to stu-
dents of both sexes more than 15 years
old." Such a step is only the begin-
ning of the end.
Already the disastrous effects of
such amove are being felt in educa-
tional centers far from New Haven.
Almost coincident with the announce-
ment from Yale, the establishment of
an "150 dates per year" club at Mich-
igan is revealed. Alas, what a fate is.
in store for us! What has become of
the day when men were men, inter-
ested only in football and Ypsi girls?
Is our backbone so far gone that we
must blatantly admit our surrender'
by the formation of a club whose
avowed purpose is promotion of fuss-
Time was when those who cling to
tradition could point to the East and
say: "Look at Yale. There's an ex-
ample for all. They have resisted the
wiles of women in education. They
can devote their time to studies and
manly pursuits." But a gift by Ed-
ward S. Harkness has changed all this.
The next attack on Old Eli, we as-
sume, will be the gift of a dormitory
to house the feminine dramatists.
The future looks drear. There will
be no stopping the women now. It is
only a question of years before men
in all universities will be petitioning
feminine student councils for minority
representation. Mere males will have
no room on campus walks. Soon the
Harkness quadrangle and the Mich-
igan Law club will have sections de-
voted to women's housing. The solu-'
tion for it all is obvious. Let Smith,
Wellesley, Vassar, Bryn Mawr, and
other feminine institutions follow
Yale's suit and open their doors to the
opposite sex. In these days co-educa-
tion is the thing.
Public opinion is a mighty force,
so mighty in fact that Walter Lippman
has written a whole book upon the
subject. Perhaps the most obvious
examples of the power of the views
of an entire people can be seen inI
their responses to the acts of individ-
uals who hold the governmental and
other public positions in the makeup

Telegram~s from~ Alaska report a I
new gold' strike Aear Wrangel. Ieres
a chance for the 'gold-diggers."
A number of the campus leaders
listed in the "B. M. O. C." blue book
wouldn't get by in any other.
Mayor Smith of Detroit would place
a curb on city bonds rather than cityF
bonds on the curb.
Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
.ants will, however, he regarded as
confidential uvon request.
To the Editor:
After reading in Thursday's Daily
such an absurd tale of how "Michgan
Men" are prone to follow the leaders
like a flock of sheep, the writers could
scarcely contain themselves. On read-
ing the Detroit Free Press for Friday
we noticed a column devoted to the
"Flaying of Michigan Men" by our'
"P rfan t Slt " Tn rdt h f
"D.~,-,f ~f,~ihz.,-. " ' r. -A 4, ,;
.L L~.d bJUU~i T dd. ati thJ L f

pany in 'Detroit, but recently she has
been appearing in New York almost'
continuously. Her work in "Candida,"
especially, received the most enthusi-
astic reception.
As Iris she is really superb. She is
not beautiful in the conventional
sense; there is something more, a
vividness and a strange grace that is
fascinating and enchanting. I have
seen many pictures of her, but none
of them do her justice; all this, of
course, in addition to her splendid'
genuis as an artist .
Paul Giulfoyle as Gerald March,
the brother who was almost frantic in
his worship of Iris' husband, literally
brought the -,audience to its feet al-
though he appeared in but one act.
Leslie Howard was in his turn fully
convincing as Napier Harpenden. His
performance, however, was hardly as
convincing as the other featured play-
As for the play, it is full of neces-
sary dramatic moments. The last act
in particular is all that a final act
should be. The audlience waited with
the same bated breath as Venice and
her father-in-law did when they
watched Iris driving into the tree, and
the crash came with the same awful

column in the Daily:
"AB, CD Birds?"
"L,, MNO birds."
To get the point of this, you havej
to read it out loud rather than fast.
If you want any more stuff like this,
just let me know.
C. D. Per
* * * .
Dear Mr. Cowles:
Knowing how you like (?) us guys
who only contribute every once in a
while, I submit the following irre-
gardless of and espite your (ha ha)
'Do you know what the word 'news'
stands for?"
"No, what?"
"It stands for north, east, west, and
south, and covers all points of the
If you don't use this, will you kindly
mark it with my name, and post it cor-
rected on the board?
Sorry to have troubled you, jason.
P.S. if you use this, will you kindly
run the nom de plume after it?
* * *

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re LecL Lu enL. 1 aa Lo Le et-
feet, the photograph of the "Perfect significance as if it had actually been j Letter
presented. It was a collosal moment Dear Jason:
-Student" accompanied the article. in the theatre! Responding to your call for copy-
This would-be-observer of "Mich- * * * you'l remember that you talked tp thed
igan Men" must have had his eyesight "THIT SCANDALS" gang in staff meeting about handing iii
sorely contaminated by a green-eyed A review, by Thomas P. Henry, Jr. stuff for your column-I just thought
prejudice to have been so fortunate as Mr. Georgie White, equally well up the following for a starter:
known as a dancer and a producer of Two big collechers were standing
to have come to the conclusion that musical comedies, has a new revue at in the new lobby of Angell hall, when
"Michigan Men" follow like the pro- I the New Detroit Opera house this a particularly pretty girl stepped
verbial flock of sheep. If the hy-: week. . . That it is coarse and risque past. One of these guys scratched his
pothesis of our "Champion" be well- in spots-decidedly so-makes little chin chi psily, and remarked "Oh,
founded, then why are not all "Mich- difference, for Mr. White has present- j what a "cutie"." Much to his sur-
igan Men" wearing the bat wing collar ed a posing, entertaining performance. prise, the little girl, who looked as
and the polka-dot tie today? Evidently With a unique opening and a more inoffsensive as a mouse, turned around
there is a fallacy in the hypothesis- unique finale, the action moves fur- and took him by surprise. "Cutie,
either "Michigan Men" are non-con- ously through some silly burlesque eh?" She said. "Well I'lli cutie you.'
formists, or they are discriminating humor-in both senses of the word- .Then she spiritedly threw a book
in their choice of leaders. some fine dancing, some finer sing- into his face. If more of us Michigan
Campus politicians also came in for ing, and some magnificent scenes. women wold stand up for their
their share of the "flaying" process. Aside from the inane absurdity of Irights, the situation would be much
Political rings, according to our "Per- I Lester Allen and the prurient Will better.
fect Student," have been organized to j Mahoney, some really clever humor,I
place their candidates in certain cam- even, results from the efforts of a Tom
pus offices. We are frank in our ad- Patricola, the hardest-working ec- UN 1" URES PAIME ET
mittance that a political ring which centric I have ever seen, and the ever- I BEH- U
could land its candidate in such an winsome Winnie Lightner. I If a $50 life membership in
important office on the Oratorical Nevertheless, after watching this the Union is eight years past
Board is indeed a powerful organiza- Allen for the fourth consecutive sea- I due in payment, it has cost the j
tion'. We are equally frank in our son, I wonder somehow, what has I Union in principal and interest,
admittance that we fail to experience blighted the new brood of comedians. postage, printing, and bookkeep-
any sympathy with one who could so Frank Tinney, Al Jolson, Ed Wynne ( ing $104.39. The amount of suchjj
viciously turn upon his benefactors. and Eddie Cantor seem to have eorn- I past due subscriptions is $258.- j

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