SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1925
Curzon's Death
Robs Britain Of
Leader, - Cross
In the death of Lord Curzon Eng-
land loses a tireless and devoted Pub-
lie servant, who was much of a schol-
ar. in the estimation of Prof. Arthur
1. Cross, of the English history de-
partment.Curzon, Professor Cross
said, accomplished a tremendous
amount in his sixty-six years.
"Although he held the title of Mar-
quis," the professor continued, "he
also had inherited the title of Baron
Scarsdale, which had originated in the
eighteenth century, and which had
been passed to him from his father,
who was of the Holy Orders.
"Ile was educated at Eaton, one
of England's most aristocratic schools,
and also attended one of Oxford's
most intellectual schools. le served
his political apprenticeship as pri-
vate secretary to the great Marquis
of Salisbury, who was three times
the conservative prime minister. IHe
was also under-secretary of state as
well as secretary of foreign affairs.
He was Viceroy of India, too, and
twice was president of the British
"From 1919 to 1923 Curzon held the
secretaryship of foreign affairs, and
in the last Baldwin ministry he was
relegated to the dignified but inactive
position of President of the Council."
Professor Cross enumerated "Russia
and Central Asia," "Persia and the Per-
sian Question," and "University Re-
forms" among the books that the
Marquis had written. In an educa-
tional way Curzon was lord-director
of Glasgow university in 1908 and
Chancellor of Oxford in 1907, both
honorary positions, Professor Cross
pointed out.
Among the degrees Curzon held was
that of Fellow of the Royal society.j
"It is interesting to note," Professor
Cross went on, "that both of Curzon's
wives were American, the first being
the daughter of L. Zliter, a finaci-
or. and the second the daughter of J.
M. Hinds, our minister to Brazil."
Professor Cross explained that when
Curzon was Viceroy of India he had
locked horns with Lord Kitchener,
and gave the impression that he had
difficulty in getting along with oth-
ers. This, it was pointed out, may
have only been a mannerism.
"It was natural to expect that Cur-
zon would succeed Bonar Law, but
partly due to his mannerism and to
the fact that he was of the aristo-
cracy, he did not secure the office. Al-
though he continued in an important
place in Baldwin's first ministry
Professor Cross concluded, "Baldwin
p-referred Austin Chamberlain for the
secretary's position in his second min-
istry and Curzon was made president
of the Council"
Faculty Man
Wins Prize
For Research
Publication of his winning book
and a cash prize of $1,500 has been
awarded Dr. John Alexander of the
Medical school by the Philadelphia
Academy of Surgery, under the terms
of a quinquennial prize established
by Samuel D. Gross. Dr. Alexander
is at present residing at Saranac lake,
N. Y., recuperating from an illness
which necessitated a leave of absence
frcm the University.
Dr. Alexander's book will contain 250
octavo pages and 70 nages of illus-
trations. The bibliography will con-
taro more than 600 references.
Former winners of the prize in-
clude Evarts Graham, in 1920; John
Yates, in 1915; and Astley Ashurst,
in 1910. In winning the prize this
year Dr. Alexander was chosen from
among seven competitors.
Nurse Will Talk
To Kiwanis Club
Miss Thorn, of the Public Health
Nurses association, will speak at the
Monday luncheon meeting of the
Kiwanis club at the Chamber of Com-
merce inn. Members are urged to
bring any available old clothing and
shoes for the men at the University
Hospital., The remaining time at the
meeting will be used for open dis-
cussion on methods of raising money
for the organization.
. _._ .
N 0 W k' ,.
Ety ekthe jei mneyp o
a . Qifig vr ai l Iter o ! ib t o e I
V 1 1E Ti H MAN who directed "Scaramouche" "and "The
Vour- liorseimen" and the man who directed "The WVom avi of
alis" take off their hats to another director and acclaim him
the greatest of all," it means generous recognition of supreme achievement.
The supreme achievement is le' Who Gets Slapped," and its 011 aC uf
of this picture that Rex Ingram and Charlie Chaplin ive hailed \,ktoy
Seastrom as the master-director.
ELDOM does the screen echo the heart-beat
of humanity, its tears its joy, its laughter, as
does this magnifcent motion picture. The genius of
the great director Victor Seastrom has nmade of the
J -.
All the while f
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Adults, 50c
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