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March 22, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-22

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SUNDAY, MARCH 22. 112"t

, f

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republicatio'a of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherw,se
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, 1
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
ness, g6o.
Telephones 2414 "nd 176-3[
Editor... ....... .. "John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor............Robert G. Ramsay
City editor...........Manning Houseworth
Might Editors
feorge W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jrn
Kenneth C.iKeller Norman R. Thal
Sports Editor......... William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editor..........Rouert S. Mansfield,
Women's hditor..............Vernea Moran
Telegraph kditor....William . Walthour
Louise Barle~y Ilelen S. Ramsay
Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann
Leslie S. Bonnets Marie Reed
Smith Cady Jr. Edmarie Schrauder
Willard B. Crosby Frederick H. Shillito
Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens
J~ ames W. F ernamberg Marjory Sweet
oseph 0. Gartner Herman Wise
aaninr Houseworth Eugene H. Gutekunst
Elizabe A S. Kennedy Robert T. DeVore

out before reaching the end of such a
lengthy name.I
"UP Y, E Al)1"
1.The story of the relation of Alsace-
Lorraine to France is one of the most
dramatic in the world's history. For
many decades there has been an ar-
dent loyalty to the mother ccuntry,
and nearly lifty years of German
domination failed to stifle tha devotion
to French ideals so characteristic of
the people. Innumerable instancesI
are related of sacrifice to the cause.
of union. A Catholic clergy was un-
tiring in its efforts to kep alive in
the masses the spark of hope for a re-
newal of intimate contact between the
two peoples.
With the conclusion of the Great
War came the realization of all these
hopes and the opening of the golden
chapter in the life of the Alsaciens-
Lorrains. An amalgamation almost
without parallel was brought about.)
In the months immediately following
the reunion, there were unavoidablel
misunderstandings, both because of
the long separation and the lack of
easy means of 'communication with the
French capital, but at no time was
there any serious friction. Mutual
concessions resulted in the passage I
of many laws without preliminary
public discussion. Indeed it is said
by competent judges that the single
parliament of 1919-24 accomplished,
under conditions sometimes extremely

Elizabesh Liebermanu itanley C. Crihton
Winfield R. Line Leonad C.H al difficult, a legislative and administ'ra
Carl E. Ohlmacher Thomas V Koykka tive assimilation of a scolpe probably
Wiliam C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner
without parallel in parliamentary an-
Telephone 960 Into the very vitals of this union,
the Herriot government hurled a min-
BUSINESS MANAGER isterial missive which threatens to
undo all that has been accomplished
Adverting....................1C. . Winter As a mayor, who was among the most
AdvertisigH.................... A. Marks ardent od French patriots during the
Advertising.........B. W. Parker
Accomts... ...1. M. Rockwell war, recently declared: "France is
'iculationJohn Conlin committingSuicide in Alsace!" The
P'ublication .....................R. D. Martin cmitn u(iei lae
Assistants trouble began last June when the
WP. WArdW K . ullint ministry, throwing tact to the winds,
I. M .Alving H. L. Newmann announced the rapid and total linifi-
ruoph Bsteman R. M. Prntesad cation of all laws and institutions.
11.. r. Clark W. C. Pusch
T C. Consroe . D. Ryan The resentment aroused by this
. R. cntre N. Rosezweig declaration has been aggravated, by
.e C.leJhnson IE. a berg the recent suppression of the French
0. A. Jose, Jr. F. K. Schoenfeld embassy to the Vatican, literally di~
K. K. Klein I. J. Winemane
viding the nation into two districts.
The people of Alsace and Lorraine,
reiterrating their loyalty to France,
SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1925 have in enormous public demonstra-
tions announced their firm resolve to
Night lditor-HAROLD A. MOORE resist measures designed to interefere
with their religious and political free-
A INE W 3IUTHPIECEdom as citizens of the Republic. Rep-
It has been announced that the resentative of the feeling against the
Journalism department will publish, present regime and the proposed
for the remainder of the school year, changes is 'a protest issued by the
a weekly devoted to editorials and General Council of that portion of
feature material. The weekly, which Alsace which was occupied by French
is rianed "The Michigan Journalist," soldiers from August. 7, 1914, on:
will be full newspaper size and four "Thousands of French soldiers
pages. fell upon the battlefields of Al-
If the venture is conducted proper- sace. Our people know full well
ly, a permanent place among Mich- that these martyrs did not give lp
igan publications should be found for their lives to permit a hand of
it, because there is a decided need fanatics to violate our loyal and
here at Michigan for a small sheet pious province. To the soldiers
devoted entirely to comment. Its who died in Alsace and who sleep
value to the Journalism students as a their last sleep in our plains and
practical laboratory is undoubted; our mountains, we cry-')Up ye
indeed, the chief drawback of the dead!' ".
school as it is now conducted has been While it is difficult for Americans
the lack of any such practice-ground. to understand completely the reasons
Many doubt the value of a Journal- for M. Herriot's action, it must be ap-
ism school, feeling that there is little parent at least that the step was un-
about the "profession" which merits wise. The fact that Protestans, Jews,
academic instruction; but, whether a and Catholics of the province are
Journalism school is worth its salt or united in their determination and that
not, it is a silly spectacle indeed if religious strife has been renewed
it has no journal wherein to display should be sufficient causp for con-
the results of its labors. It is like a demnation both of the new policy and
horn without any mouthpiece, an or- of the abrupt termination of Papal
gan without bellows, relations. As a general thing, the
The arrival of the first issue of this acts of the present ministry have been
new journalistic endeavor is awaited wise and have tended to promote the
with interest by the campus at large, interests of local and world peac0.
and with a feeling of mingled anxiety The move affecting Ahsace-Lorraine
and eagerness (we suppose) by mem- is in direct contradiction to this. It
bers of the 'journalisn faculty. The bears all the earmarks of an uncalled-
subject which will be stressed in the for tyranny.
first issue is "The University Health
Service." If the Journalism students The real secret of the high scholar-
can find anything stimulating to say ship records made during the summer
about this important but rather color- session is the fact that the student
less accessory to college life, we shall body is made up of two classes: those
extend ourb hertiest congratulations. who have to go to sinlumer school to
get a few credits and the school teach-
IRKSOME AGRARIANIS N ers who are brushing up a bit on their
An established tradition is a prize own initiative.
forever. Especially is this true on We wonder what Dr. Lovell thinks
the avere campus of the middle or of the Chimes effort to determine what
far western college or university the policies of the new president of
where the Coolidge economy program the University should be.
has nothing on the tenacity with
which the students cling to an old
custom. In fact, many of these in- CAMPUS OPINION
stitutions resort to thoroughly arbi A onvmnns enmmnications wil he
Idirgarried. "rhe names of coniuni-
tray mynethods and summarily declare ants will, however, be regarded as
the establishment of some coveted confidential upon reuest.
Not so with otir co-students at xL To the Editor:
A. C. where, instead of being proud lThe Daily of March 21 contains a
of the distinction of being the first letter (Letter No. 2) by Professor F.
agricultural college in the United W. Pawlowski, stating that "the Polish
States, they are clamoring for a new and other European students are not
name which would obliterate the in sympathy with the Friendship Fund
agrarian touch now considered irk- Movement, which they regard as
some cleverly veiled German-lolshevik
Those who have been prophesying propoganda."
its accept a nce failed to reckon with Judging by the tone of the letter,
the state legislature which numbers Professor Pawlowski shares that opin-
on its roll many farm-made men rep-|ion. Now in view of the fact that I.

(' G-
11. G. Wells, in his new book, "A
Year of Prophesying," says that after
writing a series of articles in a year,
and having to turn them out when
they were called for, he has acquired
a great hatred of periodicity-and a
coincident admiration of journalists.
But let me tell you, gentle readers,
that H. G. doesn't know the half of
it. He wrote, I think, about seventeent
articles in his "year of prophesying"-I
and seventeen articles a year look likeI
Heaven to a boy who knocks off threet
columns a -week-or six, as last year.1
The difficulty of writing three col-
umns a week is borne home to us par-
ticnlarly hard this evening, because
we have absolutely no idea where the
next 17 inches are coming from. It
is a good place to try the power of
This Irie Craze
"More mushrooms for moth-eaten
This slogan demands our simoleons.
Why not. have a campaign
For better champaign
For the babies of cross-eyed Tyr-
The Pig.
* * *
We have it from a young fellow
whose honor we believe to be above
reproach that there is a sign in a
sorority house's kitchen giving direc-
tions to the cook, and that the last
direction is this:
* K *
Considering that this is supposedl to
be a modern university, and that
deans of women are paid colossal sal-
aries to see that the ginches do thus
and so, and that a girl gets ten honor
points toward her M by brushing her
teeth in the morning, this rule appears
to us kind of unsanitary. I suppose
they don't get the dishes very dirty
just eating breakfast and they may
not mind eating out of them again at
dinner but Gee! How do they get any
pledges? They must be under an
awful handicap in rushing, hey?
If we had discussed that business in
Light Verse, we would have had to
end by saying that the cook refused
to wash the dishes any oftener than
twice a day,-thus bringing to the
reader's attention the old cook-run-
ning-the-household joke.
But, as you have
Observed, we did it in
* * *
Literary Note
J. C.---Graham's, in their annual sale
of their overstock of Corellis, Georgie
Barr McCutcheons and the four 1924
novels of May Sinclair to the local
Philistina, unwittingly placed a set
l of Conrad on sale last Thursday.
And need I add, that despite the re
mark, "Oh, dear old Joseph Conrad,
he has the cutest Van Dyke!" of one
gynche, that Owen Meredith's 'Lucile'
y and H. Bell Wright continue the best
-or worse-sellers.
* * *
The Boy Henderson, of the Drama

TONIGHT: "Blossom Time" at S:1r
o'clock in the Whitney theatre.
* * *
A reveiw by Robert Henderson.
Some two days before "Castles In
Spain" opened I received the follow-
ing anonymous letter: "I am dying to
see what you will have to say about
the Junior Girls' so-called Play. The
rehearsals shows that it is one of the
poorest performances ever-in every
way-especially the direction." Later
it became obvious that the note had
been sent, not by a jealous girl, but
by a gentleman intimately connected
with the production who should have
been more discreet about his pen-
He was wrong: that should be de~i-
nite and clear. The Junior Girls' Play
is not a poor production, it is much
better than "Thank You, Madame,"
and no doubt fully superior in every
vital point to the Michigan Union
You see, such amateur performances
require abias; there are one hundred
and fifty, two hundred girls, at least
six of whom you know personally.
There you are: six girls you know
personally . . '. what difference if they
are self-conscious or out of step or
weighted down with patch-work make-
Nevertheless. one point is positive.
"Tickled To Death" may have been
heavy, slow and cumbersome, but
from actual experience I know that
the- lines, stupid as they may have
been, drew more laughs from the
audience than those in the production
Saturday afternoon. In all my at-
tendance on the theatre I have never
seen such an appaling quantity of
lines fall so fiat. without even a saving
The actual fact is that the book was
anemic, artificial-with the important
exception of the agent who was gen-
uine and what is called comic-but
the fault does not lie with the three
authors credited on the program. Al-
though it may be telling tales out of
school, "Castles In Spain" in actual
performance is really the work-"the
revision," the. committee politely calls
it-of a prominent member of the
faculty, the creator of a charming
French chef, but not and never a
dramatist. Possibly his plots may be
sallowly ingenious, but his dialogue
with its interminable speeches which
an experienced director would have
ruthlessly pruned is utterly unfit for
a musical comedy.
There was, however, this much
grandly to the play's credit: the
dances in the final half were fast and
without exception very well conceived.
The Syncopated Soldiers were design-
ed to be awkward-a convenient in-
novation--tle principals in "Love
Lives Only a Day" were charming,
and the conventional Spanish dancers
-Boleros, they called themselves--
were patly exotic according to the
requisite musical comedy traditions.
And certain of the actors were more
than excellent: Lucy Domboorajian
Mabel Crotty, Alberta Olsen in a per-
fect bit as the Matador, above all the
girl who played Bob. There must also
be Mary Van Buren and Mary Lou
Miller, Margaret Effinger and the di-
rector. She was worth shooting all
the fire-works for; to her I make a
final, sweeping bow . .
* * *

For their first program of the se-
mester Masques have announced
Christopher Morley's "Rehearsals,"
Ernest Dowson's "Pierrot of the Min-
ute," and Hortense Flexner's "Voices"
for production Wednesday evening in
Sarah Caswell Angell hall. "Re-
hearsal" is a satire on campus dra-
matics-that is sufficient-"The Pier-
rot of the Minute" a poetic fantasy
of an artist, the constant artist and
his legend of eternity, while "Voices"
tells of Jean d'Arc, her visions, and
her modern challenge to . youth-at
least, such an idealistic tendency.
The hill is a difficult one, but cast
with skill and. under coimpetent di-
rectors. The seats are priced at fifty
cents, and will be on sale at the door
Wednesday evening.

Easter Cards
and Narcissus bulbs














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It will be to your advantage to see this property.
J. Karl Malcolm



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department, comes in with a most
gloomy and shocking tale of the dou-
ible-dealing Junior Girls. It was this

IThe Boy Henderson arranged that
the Girls should have the following
publicity: A month and a half of ad-
vance notices, a front page story every
day during the week of the perform-
ance, and a review of every perform-
ance. In return for these. great fa-
vor,. the Junior Girls offered The
Daily Editorial staff eighteen passes.
The Boy Henderson, realizing that the
Junior Girls were not on the same,
fianancial footing as the Opera, gal-
lantly declined three of the passes,
thinking that he would be able to get
along all right on fifteen.
Three days later he discovered that
he would need two more. He asked
the Junior Girls if he could have twoI
m ilrore, and lie was told that he could
have three if lie wanted them. At
one-thirty p. m. yesterday he asked
the Junior Girls once more for the
extra passes, and was told that theyI
would be at the box office whenever
he wanted them.
The Boy Henderson attended the
matinee performance, and stopped
after the show to get the tickets at
the office. He was then told that he
couldn't have them---that the Junior
Girls did not propose to be dictated to
by The Daily..He inquired if the house
was sold out for Saturday night, and
was told that it was "nowhere near."
The hooker is that these jolly girls
changed their minds after The Daily


The University
of Hard Knocks
The good old American institution "The University of
Hard Knocks" is still functioning as it did back in the days
that your father likes to talk about.
Present educational advantages may have tended to
reduce the number and strength of the "knocks" but they
haven't reduced them to zero yet. So if life has been run-
ning along smoothly for you, you may feel certain that just
around the corner, after graduation, you are due for a new
slant on life.
In this school of Hard Knocks you learn things you
never otherwise would learn. Ability to recognize and act
upon, sound advice, a proper sense of values and plenty of
good common sense will in a measure cut down the numler
of bumps you get, but they will never relieve you from then
entirely. You may think you can get through life without
them. Discretion may keep you out of a great deal of
difficulty, but it is just as impossible to get along without
breathing as' to go through life without at least a few good
substantial jolts to make you know you are alive. They are
So when yours comes, as they will come, meet them
bravely. Don't become discouraged and give up the fight.
Remember you are only getting what every other man that
has ever lived has had to take. They are a part of life.
Hold your temper. Keep your mouth closed. Hit things
hard. Eventually you will come out on top. If you do, it
will be your making. Remember, he who gives up is lost.

--E. H. L.
* * *
The Players Club has chosen as its
annual public production Arthur Rich-
man's three-act comedy, "Not So Long
Ago." The piece was a marked suc-
cess on Broadway two seasons ago,
and should be a skilfull choice for theI
present performance. The cast, while
not finally selected, will include Dale
Shafer, Phyllis Loughton, and June
Kinsley Simpson, and the date has
been placed during the first weeks of

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