-- -..
rutiiurrn Tries To Lift
OFFR IbIIIUL St. Paul Road
TECHICALFrom Disaster'
dIie ,urses In Chemical Engineer~ug
Included in Program For I
Sumuler Session.z r;AN
Included in the program of seerical 3 - P E" rOR FI S TG
engineering studies to be offered inz, 4, fg/
th'e Summaer sesson, are five courses,~' TR b, IFR.YUFAO ......
designed chiefly for students of en- w
gineering and architecture and for ., **
engineers and teachers desiring the01 , n..
use of laboratory facilities for ad-
vanced technical work,.k
An elementary study of the manu-f Ann Arbor's Taporices Z
fa~ture and properties of ferrous and
iron-ferrous alloys, cements, clay pro-
ducts, and protective coatings, will be /
offered in course 1, engineering ma-'
terials, Which will be taught by Prof.
G. G'"Brown. 'The course Will carry"
with it three hours of credit.-
Professor Brown will also supervise
the work in course 2a; fuels and 'fur- Appearing_________
eases, which will offer a study of the Eyso eraladwldreUlTme
preparation, measurement, gas analy- BEJ ~rsxfaipalerrodli.o :.o haeChe-iic
sis, calorimetry and computation of l ' yrm prsidntofthayic
heat balances, furnace efficiencies and go Milwaukee and SL Paul ralradMatIinee
relative costs of heating. as hre endeavors to avoidt he financial 2:4
Course 3, a study of structure and disaster which caused himt to ask for 2:28
properties of metals, will analyze the receivers to take over the 6,000 wiles '
effect of composition, and thermal 'of 1ine 'in eleven ytat es. Over-eat en- Iveingr
and mechanical treatment; the rela- s1tun largely -Ii electification11 aross, 7:1r)
tion of structure and thermal and the Rockies, is bl)amedl for tne road's 8:55
mechanical treatment of proper- difficulties.
ties; and the factors that determine
or limit the uses of metals and com- j~ ,api s i1 /l
mon alloys. Prof. Clair Upthegrove y i s W l
will b in charge of the work. Tal Thursday
Only mechanical engineers will be a ktP t
admitted to, the course in gas and O n reat' I w f
fuel analyois which will be tautghrt by lO Lk s ' , N D rfso rw.I H LrCU 61A
Both Professors Brown and Upthe-°
grove Ill diseot Work in special pro- Prof. Lcuis Karpinahi1f te mt0-
blems, oosta~g chiefly of laboratory matical department will give the third
work., From three to eight hours ands final lecture of the comnbinied ser-Es e aly A rn d frY u ~TA l
ies of the Sigma Xi and Junior Ire- Es e ily A r n e
crdtwill be given, depending uponsearch societies on Thursday night,!i1J~W iT
the nature of* the work.
_______________1March 2, in Natural Science audli-1 / ___________Presentation___ Only__See__"__.9-__1_I.
UbS ' °y'" AInounced for his 'subject "Mapping th d.,," t, ,
Robs Sorority reatLae.
O~~tS GePofesorKarinski will IracY o._ O
Ho se OfGe s;through the earlier ima pc of fthis rON T HESCREENJ
V I' 1Sa6 fgion the deepe nt 1~nwe
V leI$60concerning tihe Great Lakes, and will f Hod l LU -TO1ly' Io1®® -F or Fi lly
illustrate his lecture by many exam- A
Jewelry and cash totaling a value pls of early meap making taken from .AndU M ost 01f H olly wTood Is I I t
of nearly $600 was stolen from the Phi the collection in the William L. Cheeu-
Sigma Sigma sorority house- at 814 ents's library and from his own lxi- .
day morning by an unidentified man. In I This lecture will be of interest not/
the ootwerediaondring, wistonly to those who have a special, Iin-'uu'
wacea string of pearls, and sev- teret in cliartosgi aphy hute also to ,ari ~t
eral dollars. those who have an interest in the g~o i;udav'- -
-Miss Padua Murphy, chaperone of the raPhy and history of the lake region Thiiite
house delaredl that she was awakened The general publc is invited to at- f it gp
by a curious noise and found a man 'tend the lecture. 3,
prowling about the room. She im-
mediately attempted to phone the!
police but was stopped by the man WLLI
who :grappled with ber and then ran AILOUI!IIUU iU F[ALIR1 7"'37.
out the back door. nni 9;Rfh~IfflfT :17
Saturday morning after the robbery } II n ___Y_
had occurred, a caling cardt was found B EERIILIU _____"\ _--- ___ y.
on a desk on which was printed, "f;-
will leave yor jewelry alone; cash i New orienal innusueript i n the'.::.::...":,.:
is~ what l want." The note was signed i Jniversity library provioe the feature;it ,- ; ';;
PI. L. K. Contrary to his words, how- (article of the VI rc h 21 edit ion of01 1k All eari5,:0c Z r: ; - ;",
ever, the mnan tooks away "a large; Alurmnuswhic(h will be plalced on(lid'ei'
amiount of Jewelry. jsale tomorrow I Tene w ( (leIotio
tlp to a bate hour last night police consists or 284 vailuable manuscrit',
officers had not located the thief buit I from the library otht~e lah Sultar ":" '"ii -
are working on several clues. 'oT uky Abdul hlianidc
rsIsele Ritz of 714 East Un UdEitoially heAlmn' " tsO
versity also reported that an u nknown the problem now facingthe U Iniver-
man entered her house about 1:00 city, that of selecting a successor 0o
Saturday morning. According to Mrs. I the bate President Burton. ":,,",.,.. ,
Rlitze one of the girls in her rooni fI--
Ing house who was sleeping on the Collect
third floor, heard someone prowling! olc S no
about. She called out and frightened Dues Tw r ow"
the man, who ran down the back
stairs and out the kitchen door. Mrs.iih I!
Rtze and one of the girls heard thre Dues 01 the senior literary (
roan running down the stairs and j will be c ollected fromi 9 to) 12, a
TS{ _
followedl him to the door but were from 2 to 5 o'clock: tomorrow, at the(_ $rtIff
Tunable to identify hime. booth in the corridor of 1lnivoe :itv
shall. > '
New York City, March 21.-Student The dues amount to $3.50. It is imn-
organizations of the City College of portant that the money he paid hi--
New York, not uander faculty control " nmediately, according to a statement
will not be allowed to contract debts yesterday by rank Roberts, '25, class
greater than $20 because of pa st t. asulI.
trouble with creditors.--
Austin,'Tex., March 21.-- Appropria-
Seattle, Wash., March 21.-Fire in tions totaling $3,385,845 have beenl-
a fiaternity house at the University ofI voted to the university by the Legis- -Va iig
Washington recalled the burning of lature. The bill provides an inc(re as5p-F~arn-
Rome when one of the members Iplay- of the president's salary to $1 0,000 a
edl the gryano until the fire was out, year'. SjN
Lansing, Mich., March 21.-A bill re- Champaign, Ill., Marsh 21.-An ai-1
stricting the gross tonnage of motor propriation of $10,500,000 was asked a 6 ! Q
vehicles operating ona the public high- for tile'University of Illinois, when )
ways to 14 tons was introduced in Pros. David Kinley appeared bef ore -'
the Senate yesterday, the state Senate.
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31l:i k SennettII~141I)S~t
Prsnt Presentls Inlez iwa:s Balled ',he ic (kedest 1vmllIIin Holly3wood." Butt as she? tFit~ -u 1
11131,001) AllNi SN iy_ herae's a stoi'y of loe, laughler and srlri'se. rTYIL++ PROS
The Cleveland Playhouse,inelT=I retoragsN'bsACD
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