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March 15, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-15

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Pulished every morning except Monday
during the Universit year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively tn- !
titled to the use for republicatioux of all news
dispatches, credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special ratei
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices:tAnn Arbor Press Building, May-
unard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
ness, 960.
Telephones 2414 and 176-H!
Editor...............JohnG. GarlGighouse
News Editor............. Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor............Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
'7,erge W. IDavis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. 1enry, Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller, Norman R. That
Sports Editor. ;..'j....:W illiam H. Stoneman
Sunday Editot.........Rooert S. Mansfield
Women's Fditor......4.......Vernea Moran
Telegraph ]Lditor.....William J. Walthour
Iouise Barley Relen S. Ramnsay
Marion Barlow Regina Reichmnannl
Leslie S. Bennets Marie Reed
Smith Cady ,Jr. Edmarie Schrauder
Willard B. Crosby . Frederick H. Shillito
Valentine ,L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens
James W. Fernainberg Matjory Sweet
oseph O. Gartner Herman Wise
a enin Housewortk Eugene H. Gutekunst
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Robert T. DeVore
Elizabeth Liebermann tanley C. Crighton
Winfield H. Line Leonard C. H all
Carl E. Ohlmacher Thomas V. Koykka
Wiiliam C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner
Telephone 9860
Advertising.....................E. L. Dunne
Advertising...................R. C. Winter
Advertising...................H. A. Marks
Advertising.................B. W. Parker
Accounts ...................H. M. Rockwell
Circulation.....................-John Conlin
Publication.....................R. D. Martin
P. W. Arnold W. L. Mullins
WV. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast
I. M. Alving H. L. Newmann
Irving Berman T. D. Olmstead
Rudolph Bostelman R. M. Prentiss
IH. F. Clark W. C. Pusch
J. C. Consroe J. D. Ryan
F. R. Dentz N. Rosenz-weig
J. R<. Del'uy M. E. Sandberg
George C. Johnson L. Schiff
0. A. Jose, Jr. F. K. Schoenfeld
K. K. Klein I. J. Wineman

. LS.. .. ..._.___l ,..tl..... ..1 l.. _ 11.. .. 7 .. .. .. ..



with a similar attempt by tne League.
of Nations. O S E
Compulsory military training has
its good features, despite Paul Blan- EARCIA KELLY
shard's statements to the contrary.A I Y
It gives schools like Illinois big bands Received (via the U. S. Mail the
to maneuver at football games-and )
leav "to hndrd moe a hoe,"Mail) from the publicity department
leave "two hundred more at home,"
it provides a lot of poor lads with new of the Congregational church (Herbert1
wooly suits, and it makes universal A. Jump, sec'y), and printed intact:
the strong, manly character develop- "Again the Parson-Poet-Laureaite
ed, for instance by the local R. O. T. at the Congregational church has
C. In short, universities where mil_ busted into verse. This time it is in
itary training is part of the required celebration of Hackley Butler, the
curriculum are the habitat of men retiring president of the Ann Arbor
who are men. Just look at Wiscon- Chamber of Commerce, who incident-

Concert at 4:15 o'clock in1lll audi-
I oriui.

. . . . ... . .. . ..® ..o. .._.,.. ... .... ..s... ..
t 1

Something new added each day


to our bargain tables.

One Week Only.



* * *





law "IV
m m

,a .


As their first production this se-
mester, Masques will present a billE
of one-act plays Wednesday evening,
March 18, in Sarah Caswell Angell
hall. The program will include "The
Pierrot of the Minute" by Ernest Dow-
son, "Rehearsal" by Christopher Mor-
1-~ ~~~ .,., 47;.,'- 11_ - T1- _



f n .r - ewn sr yrr :4 0 V
r rrrir - ®ir r+srr..r.

sin -1

ally looks after the Boy Scouts more
or less, and the Theta Delta Chi fra-
t rity npn lac nml ntnn thn


Atrnzhy Imore orIlesd, inadaUcozenUotherley, and "Voices by Hortense Flexner
"gngbob"il Fett chane HIMheLFthings including the weekly Tuesday and the casts have been selected as
"Fighting Bob" La Follette HIMSELFlunch of the Chamber of Commerce follows:
* HIMSELF-if the Round Table club flos
i Hackley for years has had the prac- "The Pierrot of the Minute"
is successfuCome arlrgunde ts get tice of carrying a pocketful of after- Pierrot............. Vera Johnston
dinner mints around with him. Ho The Moon Lady ...... Phyllis Heahnle
After the workmen get through never leaves his calling card or his "Rehearsal"
rushing the Union pool to completion, business card, but leaves a pile of Freda, the director..Marion Van Tuyle
the University men will begin a rush mints on a fellow's desk, and the fel- Christine .... Mathilda Summerfield
to use up their swim books. low knows that Hackley has been Barbara...............Rena Pavitt
there. Sings the Reverend Mr. Jump: Gertrude ......... Kathleen Chisholm
These freshmen who have foun- "Some men there are who sign their Sonia...........Louise Rittenhouse
tains at their annual frolic are rather name in bold and flowing strokes, "Voices"
"ritzy." What is this younger genera- And others would with dainty script Yvonne ...........Phyllis Loughton
tion coming to, anyway! our admiration coax; The Other ..........Minerva Miller
Still other scribblers merely make * * *
The state legisature is again agitat- some inky dabs and hints; THE FACULTY CON('ERIT
ing the abolition of high school fra- But the one we love is a certain Miss Nell Stockwell, one of the
ternities and sororities. We 've heard man who signs his name with soloists this afteinoon in Hill audi-
that noise before. mints. torium, is to open her program with
Athe Haydn Andante and Variations--
If the Egyptologists keep on dis- A mighty traveler is he, but his most the "dull and uninteresting" Haydn.
covering older and older tombs they familiar beat The piece, however, forall its classic
may find one that is more ancient than Is walking up and down each long complexities is adroit and full of
the world. and short Ann Arbor street; technical flavor, even interesting,
And he pricks our Tuesday consci, Imainly because its themes smack more
j__ences until he makes them wince, of Beethoven than the actual com-
And then he smoothes it over with
CAMPUS OPINIONas go .poser.
Anonymous communications will be a fistful big of mints. The two Chopin Preludes in the next
disregarded. The names of communi- group, the so-called "rain-drop" num-
.ants will, however, be regarded as !"I find my desk some morning brightns
confidential uonall piled with letters high; her 15 and the hopelessly difficult
I al ple wih lttrs igh In..rnh 1 .,i with itfc 4r~mnlrnrln,,,rnezo

Consider merely the lexcellence
o f th e fo o d s , an d Y ot elcl iek
the Arcade. But when you rea1-
ize how low prices are, you re
sure to become a re gular atron

p s t i rs,

1 rck / 0

i c ke Is

A e a d e

To the Editor:

I open them-and somber clouds be-
gin to shroud the sky;
For some are knocks and more are

SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1925
Night Editor-EDWIN C. MACK

From an American point of view the
most important single aspect of the
address of Austen Chamberlain, Brit.
ish secretary for foreign affairs, be-
fore the council of the League of Na-
tions at Geneva, formally rejecting for
the British empire the famous League
protocol of disarmament and arbitra-
tion, was his insistence that the certain
failure of the United States to adhere
to such a pact would ruin definitely
its effectiveness in preserving the
peace of the world.
Ile argued that it would be a great
mistake "to add to the liabilities al-
ready incurred without talking inte
account the weakening of the League
through the non adhesion of some
Powers." While he admitted the
League success, "though the United
States remains in friendly aloofness,"
lie eniphasized throughout the futility
of the protocol provisions for enforc-
ing sanctions when powerful economic
coommunities exist outside the League.
In reply to this, M. Briand, represent.
ing France, declared that he was con-
vinced that the absence of the United
States from the League would not be
permanent because America would be
influenced favorably by the high
ideals of the League and eventually
join it through a desire to protect her
reasonable interests.
Such expressions of opinion are
only natural. Since the protocol first
came into being it has been clear that
the British empire would not accept
it without reservations, especially
after the victory of the Conservatives
in England. France's attitude has
been almost equally in the affirmative,
that nation feeling that the failure off
the United States actively to support
the pact would not be a serious ob.
stacle to its success. France and Great
Britain seem to find it difficult to
Mr. Chamberlain's utterances should
give great impetus to President Cool-I
idge's proposed disarmament confer.
ence. There can be no room for
doubt: that the protocol is dead. The
British empire finds it impossible even1
to amend, and the League will hardly
go any further. It is only logical to
suppose that Great Britain is sincere
in her wish for an international con-
ference on limitation of armaments
which shall include the United States.
Tiere again France is in the opposi-
tion, but there is an even possibility
that she will at least take a passive
Such is the situation. The protocol,
if it has done nothing else, has set thef
stage for another Washington confer-
once. Though rejected, it standsI


Now, all you critics of written ma- bills; these nev
terial, clear your desks for action, dints,
and, while you are perusing this art- But underneath th
ile, formulate some ideas of your! see a dozen mints
own and let us have the gist of your
thoughts. The argument is based on ,Anal then tie sun
the proposed Second Disarmament back; again my j
Conference. . Again I think that
A few days ago I read in The Daily . and human heart
columns 4 statement to the effect that And in my soul a p
I America need not fear a war with s
Japan; that Japan does not harbor in- Friend Hackles
tentions against America. The state- and left his little
ment was backed up by the argument : *
that Japan had alreadyexpressed her A Call to the Colo
desire for a further limitation of (From Clayton's ad
armaments; that she was ready for Free Pr
another conference. Young men who ar
I am heartily in favor of further be in the army of the
limitations,,myself. And, were I Ja- now rushing to the
pan, I likewise should favor the sec- is right" should be
ond conferencecould I only hoodwink motto for spring.
my big American neighbor a second Azure Gray, GothicI
time; force America to agree to terms don Haze are a few
similar to those agreed to in the first new shades that you
conference; that we do not fortify our f* *
Pacific island possessions; that Japan Fron an ad of the F
fortify her own island possessions to Free Pr
whatever extent she wanted to; that 1. PHILIPS
we should not even build docks in our OPPENIEI t
Pacific island harbors-that our fleet, Irlas writte
in case of hostilities with Japan, greatest n
might not have a place to put up for It was a tragic d2
repairs in eastern waters. (A fine game-keeper for the
lookout for America). We can see Honerton, in his mar
Japan's position easily. If she can young Cecil, threw h
get us to agree not to establish avia- floor, killing him.
tion fields in the Far East, Japan is !Heggs was hanged
mistress of the Pacific Ocean. but it was Lord Honer
Now I do not believe that Japan in- purchased his death
daret tr

ver make deep
e letters, ah! I
shine all comes
oy I find;
life's worthwhile
s are kind;
urpose forms to
dropped around
pile of mints."
or for Spring
in the Detroit
re determined to
well dressed are



Antwerp Blue,
Brown and Lon-
of our exclusive
ought to see.
ree Press in the
i3 his
lay when Heggs,
family of Lord
d chatisement of
im to the stone
d for- the crime
ton's money that
, and 30 years

num erit) w 11 s emienuAs u Cp g
gios, she recently played in Mr.
Mainer's interpretation class, care-
fully and with a surprising interpre-
tive skill. As her final work she has
selected the thundering MacDowel
Concert Etude, a highly theatric and
most grateful work.
Doubtless because Miss Stockwell
appears in public recital so infre-
quently, you will be astonished at her
assurance and very excellent tech-
nical facilty. She is really a highly
finished pianist with an unusual con-
, mand of grandoise effects.
Even if the weather forgot itself
and became too awful, the house was
sold out even to the Whitney's impos-
sible boxes for "The Goose Hangs
High," and dozens-amke it hundreds
-were turned away. Not since "The
Emperor Jones" three years ago has
the theatre been so full--and at a
matinee in addition. The entire per-
formance, literally, was a frank suc-
cess, and the audience from its re-
sponsiveness seemed to amuse itself
More importantly, the surrounding
atmosphere was exact and correct-
to the infinite credit of the local com-
mittee; there were curtain-calls,
speeches and flowers, the audience
wept and Mrs. Mansfield, even dis-
counting personal prejudices, was
superb. The afternoon was delight-
ful, grandly theatric: it is of such
stuff that the romance of the stage is
In the evening Miss Bonstelle lec-
tured before the American Association
of University Women, and ;gave as an
adroit a speech as one might ever
hear. Financially and artistically, the
entire experiment was partly satisfy-
ing. Obviously, arrangements are still
incomplete, but Miss Bonstelle is too
clever a business-woman: the Bon-
stelle company will appear in Ann
Arbor again!
(Continued from Page One)
Show girls-Phyllis Haenly, Helen
Morrow, Virginia Spain, Millie Moor-
man, Mabel Crotty, Marjorie Hoppin,
Elizabeth Smith, Elizabeth McDowell.
Signing-out pages-Margaret Men-
'ard, Helen Stair, Marie Reed, Kathryn
Wilson, Eugenia VanKannmen, Marie
Brady, Virginia Hobbs, Catherine
Moriarity, Susan Handen, Helen Laid-
Carmelitas-Helen Hutchins, Wini-
fred Benedict, Dorothy Atkins, Jos-
ephine Clark, Helen Adler, Margaret
Bobson's chorus-Ingrid Alving,
Ruth Rankin, Genevieve Hall, Alice
Campbell, Frances Adams, Marian
Branch, Marcia Putnam, Fadlema
Hoffstetter, Monica O'Brien, Pauline
Soldiers-Caroline Beach, Florence
Griffith, Marie VanOsenbruggen, Mary
Robinson, Frances Gorsline, Ingrid
Jewell, Frances Motz, Margaret Mogk,
Helen Whipple, Dorothy Cline, Pris-
cilla Ford, Doris Slingluff, Maryrose
Spry's chorus-Ruth Lehman, Louise



I ,. a : .


AT T i

ten us to start ostilits It>with America. later was to see this proud family
She does not want a slice of the North brought to naught and worse than
American continent (Nor the south naught.
either, for that matter). America is * * *
too powerful to monkey with. Be- The author of that blurb certainly
sides, the western hemisphere is al- deserves credit for his new one. We
ready becoming crowded with people. have heard of "drinking and worse"
But Japan must have an outlet for her and "death and worse," but "naught
excess population. She might es- and worse" is within easy reach of
tablish birth-control, but, with nation first money. The phrase gives his
as with individual, Japan wants to thought a sort of a mathematical twist
propagate those of her kind. Her that's rather fetching, too.
greatest hope of expansion is in the * * *
east; in Siberia or Australia. Con- So far, the fairly thoughtful reader
sequently, since America likes to med- will comment, there has not been
dIe in foreign affairs (but dislikes for much of the Conductor's work in this
foreigners to meddle in our own at- column-but he will be wrong. The
fairs), if Japan can keep us out of the work so far has been work of an ed-'
far Pacific, she can be free to act in itorial and selective kind, rather than
whatever manner she pleases. creative. It is not often that we have
Hongkong and Singapore are noth- a chance to be selective, and unfor-
I ing to Japan. She can cover them up tunately we get little credit for what
with bombs. Then, with us defense- i selection we do-but it is an import-'
less over there, she can operate ant part of our work, none the less.
against Australia from the Phillipines; If you could see our mail every day
or on Siberia from home. your respect for us would increase,
But it would be against our highest as the Bible says, an hundred fold.
traditions for Japan to seize our pos- You would read all the contributions,
sessions for a base for other opera- and then you would read the column
tions. And it is America's duty, every the next morning, and then you would
American's duty, to see that such dis- (probably) say, "This Cowles is a
grace is not suffered. Bmjt we can't pretty tasty fellow. He deserves a big- I
hold our islands unless they are forti- ger salary than he is getting, what-
fied properly. Therefore, I favor de- ever it is." ($15 a month-J. C.)
fense at all odds. And, then, if Amer- But if you said that to W. D. Roes- I
ica meddles with a Japanese expan- ser, the crass fellow that business-
sion program, that is America's busi- manages The Daily, you would see
ness, not Japan's. only a sneer o'erspread his handsomef
Every sovereign power has an in- features.
herent right 4o protect its territory That's the way with life, isn't it?









ix r i


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